Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:05 pm
She sounded pretty bad, he pondered if he could bring her any relief but he wasn't a doctor of that sort of art. If anything he could give her something for the pain and that was about it, his gaze shifted around to find the answer to what he was looking for. Bringing out a small capsule, he clicked a button and a small amount of smoke came, a large thing of vegetable soup he normally carried in his heat capsule appeared. He got out a storage one, bringing out his bowls now grabbing a bowl of it. He got her a bowl, it wouldn't do much for her, but it may numb the pain somewhat. His mother used to say if one ate this soup it helped them, well he wasn't sure if it would. The pot was simply a kettle that was quite large and appeared to be heavy. He didn't say much just offering nods, he brought the piece paper up showing her he had a phobia of talking and tried to avoid it. He tossed it into a bin and brought her the bowl setting it down in front of her with a clean spoon.

"Here..Eat this it will help." His voice wasn't so much hiss like something was dark and ominous about it, though the hiss that was their was due to his lack of speaking preferring a silent way towards things.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:26 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari didn't get an answer about whether he was sick or not, but she assumed there was a reason for it. She watched him curiously, coughing every once and a while as he was preparing something. She began coughing hysterically, closing her eyes as she grabbed onto her throat, as if that was going to numb the pain. She heard him speak and looked up to see that he was offering her something. She looked down to it and smile weakly. "That's... actually really sweet..." she said, trying her best not to cough, "Th-thanks..." She brought the bowl to her lips and took a small sniff. It did smell pretty good. She pressed it to her lips and slowly took in some of the warm liquid, avoiding eating any of the vegetables. She didn't know how they would be moving down her throat and choking wasn't exactly on her list of things to do. It was obvious that the sound and the tone of his voice was not something that was going to bug her. In truth, she didn't even really acknowledge it as anything strange. She just assumed it was his voice or he wasn't feeling very well. Her own voice was raspy at the moment because she was sick, so he might have been as well.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:33 am
Baz wasn't know for being the best man that was known for things, a man of honor who lived alone and didn't much care for all the drama of the Soul Society. Giving the female a nod, he sat down she didn't really understand that he was a man who had some odd problems. Baz wasn't really up for much more of these games, the bandits would be here shortly and this female was in no shape to deal with it. Baz wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do about all this, but he decided to simply nod and glance outside now as he did so. He wasn't sure how long the girl planned on extending her stay in hell a bit longer.

Baz was tired and well this entire place was tiring, he didn't really know how much more he had left to give in this situation.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:09 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari kept drinking the broth of the soup she had been given. The entire time this man was silent. One would think that after bringing someone into their home that he would ask a few questions. He didn't seem to care about doing any of that. She didn't know whether he was just not friend, whether he was shy, or whether he was just not into talking at the moment. It still gave her the thought that he might have been sick. After drinking a bit more of the brother, she took a few bites of vegetables and then set the bowl off to the side. He was staring out the window now and for some reason she was becoming slightly irritated. She appreciated some sort of conversation from the people that had her in their homes. She had been forced to stay quiet for a long time when she wasn't in control of her own ability, and now she preferred to talk and actually get to know people.

She slid herself off the table and walked over to him. She stared blankly at him for a moment and then brought her face to his level, staring straight into his eyes. She really just wanted to see his reaction to something like this. Something about this man was just strange to her, and she didn't understand what it was. In the past, many had smacked her or pushed her away when she did this. Others just laughed or made it into a staring competition. She was ready for either of those outcomes. It was just a matter of how this man decided to act. If he looked away, she would purposely move in his way once more and block his vision until he said something. "You're really weird to not talk to someone that you bring into your home. It's rare to find someone that just 'wanted' to save someone's life and then leave them be. Usually it's to make a friend, get information, or something like that... Not just to be done with them and let them go... Which one is your reason?"

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:14 am
"Honor, warrior don't let the innocent die..It breaks out code." Baz had explained himself with what he considered the best logic possible, he was after all a warrior. And Honor was the only code he knew, it was a way to bring everything he'd done and all things that had happened into a light that he would be able to understand far better. Perhaps this girl didn't understand, speaking once more. His voice keeping that strange sound to it, he was being rather social today. Perhaps it was because of the damsel in distresses and he desired to keep her comfortable. "What may seem like a lacking reason, is more then enough for me." He said the last part, thinking she'd pry thought him just another nut who'd lost his mind out here. He didn't really care for the most part, perhaps that was part of the reason Baz was the way he was. Silence was a blissful experience he rarely spoke to people unless they were worth speaking too. Strong silent type was a suitable call for him, but he didn't enjoy it at all times.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:22 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari realized that he was just definitely classified as one of those silent types when it comes to men. He didn't like to talk, and that was fine with her, but it still didn't make her feel comfortable. She felt that she was about to cough again, so she stood up straight and took a step back. She began coughing into her hand and once she stopped she shook her head. "Gosh. This really is hopeless. I can't intimidate some strange guy if I am sick... It just doesn't work that way..." she thought to herself and then turned away from him, beginning to walk back towards the table he had her on before. She set her hands on the table's surface, wanting to push herself onto it, but suddenly felt a very strong wave of dizziness come over her. "Uh... oh..." she mumbled under her breath, barely loud enough for anyone to hear her. Out of nowhere, everything went black, her legs went limp beneath her and her body toppled to the side, falling straight for the floor. She fainted. She was breathing heavy, her fever had once again spiked, and she was beginning to sweat even more. Her skin would be warm and red in the cheeks. She was obviously getting worse.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:13 pm
Baz didn't blink, he caught the female's frame now as he listened to her word. Perhaps the medicine he'd given her had taken the ill effect. Baz slowly let his form lift the girl and sit her down in the bed once again. baz hadn't been watching her for nothing, not to mention he was a rather quick man. He lifted the female up slowly and set her down now softly on the bed, covering her up. He walked over grabbing a bowl and some herbs. This was a cure that Baz learned during his travels, it was a cure for over heating, this would make sure the female kept a decent temp. It was a skin based herb, it would fool the brain into accepting a temperature that was well not the real deal. The brain did amazing things when fooled, would it act as a cure no. But it would keep her from over heating and dying, that was Baz's only goal. He put a wet cloth dipped in the herb plus water on her head. It was moist and cool to the touch, Baz sat calmly and watched over her.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:22 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

After a few minutes Kaminari did regain consciousness. She was feeling drained and extremely weak. She wasn't even able to open her eyes because of it. Her breathing was still labored, coming out in quick gasps. She could feel something wet on her forehead and assumed it was some sort of cloth. She had no idea about the herbs that were in it and her nose was stuffed up so if they had a smell, she wasn't going to be able to smell it. Her body had accepted a more decent temperature, but she still felt horrible. Her sweating had died down, but she still felt the headache, runny nose, and labored breathing. And with all of this going on with her, she was at the mercy of a man she did not even know. He seemed nice. He hadn't hurt her or anything like that, so she felt that she might be able to trust him. "I... wa-... want a.. drink... Water?" she said through gasps of breath, sounding rather desperate. She suddenly began coughing once more and it caused her throat even more pain. Although it seemed worse, this really was just a very bad cold, at least she hoped that is what it was.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:50 pm
He got the female some water, putting a couple herbs in it to help her body eternally. They wouldn't be detected by drinking it, but this would help her a bit more. In the area, he was a find herbalist and somewhat a doctor of the body. But that wasn't his favorite field of knowledge. He wasn't exactly sure how to handle this, he brought the cup to the female's lips softly. Baz didn't know how long this would take. This place was gonna be taken soon by well friends who didn't really care for the sick or the health of those in the area. This wasn't exactly turning out the way he wanted it, soon he'd be fighting more human enemies then her attacker.

Baz was a strong silent man who didn't speak all that much. Bringing what little he could into life through his vast practices in the world. This was simply another means to an end.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wandering Devil - CLOSED- - Page 2 Empty Re: Wandering Devil - CLOSED-

Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:19 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari raised her head enough to take a drink of the water. Feeling completely dehydrated, she purposely took a rather large drink. Once she was done, she nodded to him. "Thank you Baz... Sorry about this, but I do appreciate it. If you hadn't found me out there, I think I'd probably be dead..." Kaminari smiled and laid her head back down. Seeing that once again he did not talk, she suddenly got one of those anime irritation looks on her face and waved her right fist around. "Hey, hey, hey! I said it's okay to talk! I'm not some evil thing or something that is going to hurt you or... spill some kind of secret or something! Don't just stay silent!" She stopped talking and took in a deep breath, trying her best to hold back coughs, but it didn't work. Once again she was coughing and just like before her throat was hurting really bad. One thing she did notice though, her throat had numbed a bit. It hurt, but not as bad as before. She hoped this was a sign of getting better, although she was unaware of the herbs that Bax had put into her drink.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]
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