Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:52 am
Snopy listened intently to Logan's words as he appeared behind him. Snopy nodded his head in agreement. Yea, continuing on might not be the best idea. And this excruciating. Snopy attempted to walk on his own but without the force of will he had during the fight, the endeavor became quite difficult. He was losing blood and this was weakening his body over time. He was already starting to feel light headed. Next was the pain. Even without the blood loss very few people could walk more than a few steps without the pain stopping them. He contemplated trying to use his Shunpo, as his spiritual energy hadn't yet completely exhausted, but he decided the odds were against him making it.

He turned back to look towards Logan. I actually...really hate to ask you this, but could you help get me to Squad 4? Snopy had been cut off for a moment due to the massive pain he felt. His voice was already beginning to sound weakened. If he didn't get help, he might not make it all the way. Though at this distance he would likely be rescued, he preferred that he not risk death. And this Logan didn't seem so cold as to let him die.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:05 am
Logan removed his hand from Snopy's shoulder and looked away for a moment. He thought about what was going on and realized that Snopy was right. It wouldn't be a very good idea for them to continue on in the fight. Logan's wounds, since they weren't very bad at all, were already slowing down when it comes to their bleeding. The one on his arm from Snopy's Kidō had stopped completely. The on on his chest was bleeding like a small cut would. Hearing Snopy ask for help, he looked back to him and nodded. Logan then sheathed his Zanpakutō and walked over to him. He wasn't one to be self conscious, so without warning, he walked over to Snopy and picked him up like you'd see a prince do a princess. He wouldn't listen to any of Snopy's arguments towards this action, so they would be a waste of time. Logan used Shunpo and vanished from sight, reappearing about five minutes with from the gate. He continued doing this over and over again until finally they made it. The gate was already open for some reason, so Logan just shunpo'd through.

It seemed like he was knowing exactly where he was supposed to be going. He had been here before, obviously, but he doubted that Snopy would realize that. Soon, he made it to the Squad four barracks and stopped at the entrance to the infirmary. He accidentally startled a few members, but didn't really acknowledge it. He walked in and set Snopy down on one of the beds. Turning to the members, he spoke calmly, "I would appreciate it if you got this man some medical attention. He needs healing rather quickly." One of them nodded and mentioned the name 'Aikotsuki'. Logan raised an eyebrow and glanced back to Snopy as if for confirmation of this person the members were talking about. They left to get someone and Logan just waited there with Snopy.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:22 am
Snopy was not pleased in the least in the way he was picked up. Snopy tried arguing constantly, but Logan ignored him. Snopy felt weak though, so after a few minutes he just stopped. It was obvious by the look on his face that he was very upset at the action. Soon they were in the gate, and within view of the other members. It wasn't that he cared what other people thought. It was just all of the stupid questions he'd have to answer if someone saw this were more than he wanted. Thankfully, the speed at which Logan Shunpo'd prevented anyone from getting a good look. They actually moved so fast that it wouldn't be possible to tell he was blonde, and that meant they wouldn't know it was him.

Knowing he had dodged a bullet, he began to notice how expertly Logan moved through Seireitei. It was as if he knew the place, but Snopy thought he had been a rouge. No, he was sure of it. He must have been here before, rather than being one of those self-trained rouges. Soon they entered the barracks and Logan put Snopy down on the bed. You know, that was very uncomfortable. Whether it was to get me here quickly or not, I never wanted to, nor will I ever want, a guy to do that again. That was the second problem. Though opinions didn't matter, to be held by a guy like that freaked him out. He knew there was nothing meant by it, but either way it still gave him the creeps.

He listened as Logan requested that Snopy get some medical attention. Then one of the members mentioned Kanna's name. Not her name actually, but her last name, seeing as she was their superior. He looked over as Logan hinted a question. Yea, that's her. Kanna Aikotsuki, Vice Captain of the fourth division. Snopy had forgotten that if he was injured, Kanna would likely be the one sent. Ever since the incident it was no secret, at least within Squad 4, Snopy had feelings for Kanna. He also suspected that her reactions to him, and the fact she almost killed herself for him, had hinted to the members she liked him too. So naturally, they would send her to deal with him. Of course, she would be the second best at healing wounds this bad.

Snopy had forgotten about this possibility and was now a little worried. He didn't know how Kanna would respond exactly, but she would not be happy. When he was in good condition he could handle her if she got too upset, but this injured, there was little he could do. He only hoped that her response would be concern rather than anything else. Deep down, he truly thought she would be concerned.
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Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:37 pm
As Logan got his answer about the person that was coming to treat him, he raised an eyebrow and actually smirked down at Snopy. This look showed that he was obviously impressed to have caught the heart of a Vice Captain. It was almost as if Logan was saying, 'Niiice jooob.' They two of them were forced to wait for a couple minutes and Logan kept quiet the entire time. Suddenly, he could hear a few rather quick footsteps outside in the hallways. He assumed immediately that it was Kanna, but when they stopped just outside the door, his assumption was lost. At least until....


Kanna was in her office when one of the members of her Squad suddenly burst through the door. Kanna just looked up to her, raising an eyebrow at this disturbance until the woman explained herself. "Lieutenant! Snopy Saika was just brought into the ER with multiple wounds. He needs attention now!" Kanna seemed to have frozen for just a second, the name that this member of her squad said repeating in her mind over and over again. In an instant, she shunpo'd out of the room and began darting down the hallways. "What the fuck!? Was he sent out on another fucking mission by himself!? He should have asked me to come along!" It was obvious by the look on her face that she was rather frustrated, but no one knew the anger she felt at the moment. Coming to the room she knew he'd be in, she slowed down at took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself before entering.

Once calm, Kanna grabbed onto the door handle and swung it open, causing a rather loud bang to be heard. Members from the hallways all did their best to clear the area before anything happened. Kanna stepped into the room, first noticing some strange man that was actually rather tall. She stared at him for a moment and then turned to Snopy. A hint of anger shined through her eyes as she saw the wounds and she 'calmly' stepped over to him. "What... happened?" Kanna asked in a rather cold tone, sounding extremely angry.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:02 pm
Snopy stood waiting for Kanna, and something he suddenly felt very cold. He was right about her being concerned, but he had forgotten about the anger for just a moment. Even though he was injured, he would be in trouble. Oh man, she is going to kill me, she is actually going to kill me. Despite the situation his expression and tone were normal. In fact, he was actually sorta laughing. He knew she wouldn't actually kill him, but he was afraid of what she would do. He begged to himself that she wouldn't do anything to him.

Then, he felt her outside the door. 3...2...1 Suddenly the door slammed open rather violently. Yup, I'm gonna die. She calmly, sorta, walked over to him. As she did, he screamed in his mind "Please be gentle!" The moment she spoke he felt very worried. Fear wasn't something he did often, but with his wounds he was technically at her mercy. Though it wasn't exactly fear, since he knew she wouldn't kill him.

He showed no sign of worry on his face and spoke in his relaxed tone. Hey Kanna, you look well. Umm, well I kinda got beat up a little bit. He showed no worry, no fear, no sadness, no anger. He merely looked up at her with a friendly face and a warm smile. Deep down, he had a feeling that wouldn't help him at all.
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Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:36 pm
Seeing the demeanor of the female that he now knew was Kanna Aikotsuki, Logan actually took a small step back as she stared at him. Although no emotion lay on his face, he knew that an angry woman was not something he wanted to be in the way of. Kanna looked away from him, causing a feeling of relief within him. He watched as she calmly walked over to Snopy, but could still tell that she was ready to kill if she wished. Hearing her question about what had happened to him, Logan glanced over to Snopy to await what sort of answer he was going to give.


Kanna had to fight her left eye twitching once she got Snopy's answer. She could tell by his tone and demeanor that he was being extremely vague. There was something more to this. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she forced him down onto the bed to lay backwards, "Lay down... You're bleeding all over my floor." The floor wasn't exactly Kanna's first priority at the moment. Untying the front of his haori, she moved the fabric to the side and held her hands over the large gash in his chest. It seemed to her that right now, this one was the worst one off. Using healing Kidō, a blue orb formed in her hand over the wound and began accelerating the healing process. "You know you're going to have to explain how you got cut so badly. This wound isn't too deep and it's not fatal but it's rather long... Who got so close to you?" Kanna glanced up to Snopy, ignoring the continuing presence of the male she did not know.


Logan, hearing Kanna's statement about who had gotten so close to him, once again took a step back. "Snopy... Be well." was all he said before shunpo'ing out of the room and from the Squad Four Barracks. Where he was going, he didn't even know, but staying there wasn't the smartest idea at that time.

Logan: Exiting Thread
The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:15 pm
Snopy had to hold himself back from making a sarcastic remark. The floor wasn't exactly the issue at the moment. The only reason he held himself back was knowing she probably cared more about him at the moment. To top it off it was more of a shove, and it hurt like hell, he had to stop himself from screaming. As she healed him she asked him what happened. As soon as she said that Logan told him to be well and Shunpo'd out of there. The fact that Kanna could scare someone like him was amazing. Yet somehow Snopy, whom is considerably weaker, felt no fear.

He hesitated for a moment. Lets see, how do I put this. Snopy stalling by putting unnecessary pauses, so Logan could get a good distance away. If Kanna even tried to go after him, he'd have to stop her. Well, I was on a mission to find a rouge Shinigami. I found him, and despite fact he was stronger, I fought him. And, well. It was the man who had just left who did this heh heh. Snopy waited for her response, he also prepared to stop her from leaving if she tried.
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Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:31 pm
While listening to what Snopy was saying, Kanna kept her eyes closed, concentrating her energy on healing the major wounds on his chest. She knew she could make this process a bit faster, but activating her shikai within the confines of the Seireitei was not permitted, especially within the Barracks. Unfortunately, Snopy would have to deal with the normal healings of regular Kidō. Kanna's eyes slowly opened just barely to a narrowed slit and she looked up to Snopy. The man that just left was the one who did this to him. At the moment, she couldn't reply. A few questions shot through her mind at what Snopy had just said. For one, a rogue Shinigami had made it into the Seireitei, how? Two, the same Shinigami had fought Snopy and injured him, only to bring him to Squad Four to be healed, why? And three, instead of acting like a normal enemy, the man even told Snopy to be well before he left. These questions plagues the mind of Kanna before she just shook them off and sighed, looking back up to Snopy.

"It seems to me that you were very lucky..." Kanna said as she turned her head back down towards the wound. It was already stopping the bleeding and had begun to close up. "Not many of us find a rogue Shinigami, fight him, lose, and then are brought back for healing... Interesting man you met." Kanna stopped the healing Kidō for a moment and went to get a cloth. Once found, she warmed up some water and soaked it, walking back over to Snopy. She noticed the wound under his arm and that is what this was for. She SMACKED the cloth down on it, pressing MUCH harder than she should have. It was obviously her way of punishing him. There was no change in emotion on her face as she did this either. She only waited for him to react to her 'treatment', and then would move back to using healing Kidō to heal the wounds along his chest once more.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:51 pm
Snopy listened to her as she spoke. Then she went and got a warm cloth of water and brought it over. Snopy saw Kanna pull her arms back and knew something wasn't right. The cloth came down with a large smack and Snopy had to bite his lip to stop from screaming. She continued to press down way more than she needed to. It hurt a hell of a lot, and he didn't enjoy it. I'm no expert on healing... he stopped for a moment and gritted his teeth as a wave of pain came in, then continued. ...but I don't think you need to press down so hard. Snopy shut his mouth as another wave of pain came.

Ok ok I get it, I get it. You're mad, but is really going to do anything? One would think that something like this would make him be a bit more careful, but it really wouldn't change anything. In fact, the only thing that would make him be more careful is the fact that she was this upset, which obviously meant she cared. Either way, he was relieved when she returned to using her healing Kidō. Look, I'm sorry. I can tell you're mad, and I guess I don't blame you. He just sat back and tried to relax as she healed his wounds. Though the words themselves didn't seem too sincere, the tone suggested otherwise.
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Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:45 am
"You guess?" Kanna raised an eyebrow, not even looking towards him as she continued her treatment of Snopy Saika. The two gashes on his chest seemed to be healing rather well and soon he would be completely healed up. Moving from this mostly healed wound and to the one under his arm, she took her time and began to heal it as well. For a while, she said nothing more to him. She only kept healing and concentrating her time on making him well. Once all the wounds had stopped bleeding, she raised a healing barrier around him that would work off of her spiritual pressure. It was a light blue color and surrounded his entire body. Once it began, his body would heal rather quickly, and his spiritual pressure would also begin to be restored as well.

"You're an idiot..." Kanna sighed and picked up the cloth that was once used to smack against his wound. She went and rinsed it out in the sink, allowing the bloodied water to fall down the drain. "So... Explain to me why you were once again sent on a mission such as this by yourself? Did you not request for someone to go with you? I highly doubt they would have denied something like that."
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