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Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:50 am
The new and improved Perseus Nobel [APPROVED, 2-1] Image4362

The new and improved Perseus Nobel [APPROVED, 2-1] Image4363-1

» Name: Perseus Nobel
» Titles: Son of Russia
» Age: 200
» Gender: Male
» Affiliation/Rank: Vanguard: Senior Researcher and Teacher at Karakura Highschool.

» Appearance Description:

» Appearance Picture: The new and improved Perseus Nobel [APPROVED, 2-1] 630178

The new and improved Perseus Nobel [APPROVED, 2-1] Image4365-1

» Personality:
Kindness: Perseus is a very kind man. He helps anyone that needs it but has a soft spot for little kids and women when they are in trouble.

Sexuality: He is openly gay and is not shy about it. Whenever
he sees a hot guy he just goes over there and tries to get a big piece of that action even if the man is straight, but he does know his limits and stops immediately when he knows the other guys isn’t gay.

Narcissism: Perseus loves himself to death. He is always treating himself to lavish clothes and meals. Whenever he isn’t looking his
best he gets very depressed and thinks no one will like him because he is “ugly”. He also gets very angry when his clothes and appearance are messed up when he is fighting.

Brains: He has a very large base of knowledge that was basically installed into him when he was created. He is very creative and has
extremely good memory.

Friendship: Perseus makes friends fairly easily and is very well know with the science nerds in the schools because of his powers over chemistry. He is also popular with women because he is just so nice to them and because he is hot.

Prankster: He is well known for being very light hearted and using his powers to pull pranks on people.

» Likes: Perseus like Vodka, kittens, shiny objects, Russia, drinking for hours on end, Science , teaching and blowing things up.

» Dislikes: Perseus hates: Tequila, Dogs, Slugs, pepper, Russia, vaginas, organized religion and sleeping.


The new and improved Perseus Nobel [APPROVED, 2-1] Image4367-1

» Background:
Creation:Unlike other humans Perseus has no mother. In 2211 the Russian military waspreparing a special kind of weapon to fight things such as hollows if they wereattacked. The name of the project was Philosophers Stone. The aim was to createa pseudo-human being that had the ability to live for centuries and had theabilities to produce insane amounts of enriched uranium if the time came. Thisis where Perseus came into existence. Perseus has no belly button because he
was made in a lab. The scientists made it so that his DNA could replicate its own telomeres to keep the important parts of his DNA intact and safe from mutations extending the amount of life. They also installed into his brain all of the knowledge he needed to survive in the world because well he had no real parents. They also gave him free will so that if they needed to let him be a “Normal” person he could be a normal person. He was taken out of the lab and “activated” when he was biologically 20 years old.

Life inRussia: His life in Russia was a very lavish and wealthy one. The government paidfor everything he wanted because even though he worked for them and did as theysaid they were still very afraid that one day he would just blow the wholecountry up if he was unhappy. As the years passed and the technology gotincreasingly better he was no longer needed to make weapons but was stillmaintained by the government. Perseus was very well liked by other people but he had a very big problem….. he loved drinking a little too much. Perseus drank
a lot when he was in Russia and he got in trouble with the government many times because he exposed his powers on several occasions.

Moving toKarakura: 200 years later the Russian government was getting sick of Perseusand wanted to get rid of him immediately without killing him. They gave Perseusmillions of dollars and told him to get out. Perseus look around the world andsaw that Karakura was home to many people that had special powers and decidedto move there and maybe open a store. With the money he bought a nice house inthe city and also opened up a Jewelry store in the city called C4 and got a job as a chemistry teacher at the High School.

A mysterious delivery: One day while doing some work at home Perseus heard a knock on his door. It was a delivery man with a small box for Perseus. At that moment he thought it was odd but he took it anyway and brought it in the house. He noticed that when he was close to it it made him feel stronger and could feel energy that he had never felt before. After thinking for a bit he decided to open the box carefully. Inside he found a strange looking red stone in the shape of a eight pointed star. There was also a note in the box with it. It was a fairly long note that basically explained that this stone was part of Perseus' soul, something he thought he didn't have because he was a laboratory creation, it was something that the scientists wanted to get rid of but never did. The note explained that this stone was taken from him shortly after he was made to suppress his spiritual abilities and that for them to work the stone had to be near him. After reading this Perseus was a little bit happy, he always knew that something was missing from his life, this must have been it. But if this thing had to be near him at all time for work then something had to be bone to make it so. Well he did live in a jewelry shop and his boy friend was crafty. So together they placed the stone into a metal armband that Perseus would wear all the time.


The new and improved Perseus Nobel [APPROVED, 2-1] Image4370-1

» Natural Attributes:
Fusion/Fission: Perseus uses his control over electromagnetic forces to force atoms to change into other atoms. The immense amount of energy released from the act is then moved into Perseus’ body and is stored there or Perseus can transfer it into other objects making them bombs. If the energy is not transferred Perseus can cause the object to explode after its usefulness is over. He can also create chemical compounds that don’t need energy to be released such as: salt, water, rust, etc.

Perseus causes the air molecules to leave a determined space creating an airless void. Things in the space are damaged because of the expansion that objects containing air go through in a vacuum.
Hydrogen: Perseus crates balls of fire that shoot out at the opponent.

Oxygen: Perseus creates a vast area of oxygen that helps improve healing but is also very explosive if flame or spark is introduced to it. Can corrode and oxidize objects.

HCl: Perseus creates a corrosive mist of hydrochloric acid that can burn and corrode objects and people.

Benzene: Creates a Hexagonal shield of air. It has the same strength as quartz but its lightweight and can float in the air. Its size can vary.

Carbon: Perseus throws long super strong chains of carbon. They are also extremely flamable.

Quartz: Creates spikes of super hard quartz that can be used as swords and other weapons. Breaks after several uses.

Increased resistance to Radioactivity, heat, cold and is immune to electrical discharges.

Power Development Stage 2 Appearance: A red star forms on Perseus’ right cheek.
Power Development Stage 2 Abilities: Abilities in 1 are augmented.

Nitrous Oxide (laughing Gas): Just as the name implies this is laughing gas. Perseus makes a blue cloud of it and those that are caught in it mellow out and laugh for as many posts as they were exposed to it, Meaning that if a character were exposed to it for 1 post when they leave the area they laugh for the same amount of time. This does not mean that they cannot do anything else but it can impair their abilities to do things. Also if Perseus cools it and changes it into a liquid or a solid it can make large explosions.

Uranium: Perseus creates a piece of highly refined Uranium that makes an area of intense radioactivity that causes intense burns and death if over exposed. He can cause the uranium to explode in a small nuclear explosion.

Static Storm: With augmented electromagnetic powers Perseus can create extreme discharges of electricity to cause damage and charge objects. Though normally he can do this but in the second state he has an EXTREME amount of increase.

Titanium: Perseus skin turns a grayish white as it is covered in a protective coating ofTitanium and titanium dioxide. This gives him increased defense and increases his strength.

» Racial Powers:

Soul Detection: He can see spirits and detects them at close distances.

Soul Dash: Shooting star: Perseus Concentrates his Soul Force around his legs, granting him increased speed while leaving a trail of light behind him. This can be used offensively if he falls from a distance creating a large impact when he hits something.

Soul Sorcery:
Star Dust: Perseus condenses water in the air and freezes into sharp shards of ice. He mixes this with quartz from the ground and launches it all in one direction.

Periodic Blaster: Perseus calls out a number to create an element from the periodic table that forms a blast of energy that carries the following characteristics depending on what it is.
1. Hydrogen: Perseus creates an intense concentration of hydrogen that when it come in contact with the air turns into a blazing tunnel blue fire. Perseus can use his spirit energy to guide this blast.
53. Iodine: Perseus creates an orb of Iodine, This orb can vary in size and the larger it is the ore posts it takes to create. What touches this orb meets a very hostile liquid that is highly corrosive and can eat though solid steel in a matter of seconds. If splashed it redily vaporizes itself creating a nausiating purple cloud. This single orb can be broken up into smaller ones or used as a torrent of liquid.
79. Gold: Perseus shoots out a golden beam of energy that resembles a Cero blast.
82. Lead: Perseus creates gray chains of energy that are extremely dense and heavy. They can be used as whips or as normal chains. They can be controled and directed by Perseus at a distance.

» Evolution Powers: None yet.

The new and improved Perseus Nobel [APPROVED, 2-1] Image4364-1

Last edited by Viz on Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:34 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:06 am
DUnno what sort of work has been done on this and since it's been two weeks....

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Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:26 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[♠]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: Approved, doesn't have power stage 2 yet.
Tier: 2-1

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:07 pm
b]Human Skill Sheet[/b]
  • Anima Stone Strength: /Advanced/
  • Soul Sorcery: Adept/
  • Soul Dash: Adept
  • Soul Detection: Beginner

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept/
  • Strength:Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: /Beginner
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Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:26 pm
According to UHCM these abilities progress because of training and more can be achieved. Updates to this will be bolded and in red.

If they have no description next to the name, that means that the ability has not been achieved yet and should be approved before it is used.

Difficulty: Any Even if the person does not have any training in Anima Sorcery, the Anima Stone can grant them these abilities naturally. These are usually referred as "Cantrips" or the "Fundamentals." (All four prime elements are accessible.)

Generally, when using a Manifesto, the Anima Sorcerer creates a magical circle to attract spiritual energy towards them while using a focusing core made from their reiatsu or their spiritual body. While the Anima Sorcery can provide the knowledge and control of the spells, the power capacity of this spell is only as strong as the sorcerer's Anima Stone. Note that Manifestos are the only spells that required a balance between two skills; Anima Sorcery and Anima Stone Strength. The many uses of it were from simple projectiles to a more intricate style of devastating power fit for a master sorcerer. When not speaking the invocation, it is at half-strength, but when invoked, it will be on par with the sorcerer's Anima Sorcery skill.

Manifesto Flamma Es: ("Manifestation of Flame") The Anima Sorcerer creates an orange magical circle. When collided, the sorcerer manipulates the spiritual energy at its molecular level to cause friction. Due to the friction, millions of molecular transfers create a combustible gas that ignites almost immediately. At the point when it is manifested, it starts out as a ball of fire in between the sorcerer's hands. Flame is considered the most devastating of the four prime Manifesto's, while it is the most uncontrollable, the sorcerer often rushed it to keep themselves from risking a backfire.
Flare Blitz: Perseus coats himself in crimson flames that are harmless to him. He then increases his speed and tackles his target with great force.
Elementary Fireworks: Perseus shoots out balls of fire that are different colors. They explode in a big blast of light and colored fire. If someone is 100 yards from it they can become deafened for 2 rounds.

Manifesto Aeris Es: ("Manifestation of Air") The Anima Sorcerer creates a silver magical circle When converged, the sorcerer maintains the purity of the spiritual energy and keep them free roaming among the orb of magic. When manifested, the orb appears as a transparent swirl of faint misty rings. Air is the fastest, so it can be used multiple times in a row (aka in a single post,) but can deal the most unpredictable range of damage; so sometimes it hurts, some times it mildly or severely hurts if not harmless.

Air Blade: Perseus send out a gust of sharp cutting air at the target. It’s a fairly diffuse gust that is about 10 feet wide.

Manifesto Terra Es: ("Manifestation of Earth") The Anima Sorcerer creates a green magical circle as when converged upon the focusing core, the sorcerer compresses the spiritual energy, causing its molecular structure to bind and solidify, creating a rock-like orb in between the sorcerer's hands. Unlike the other three, the sorcerer has to repeat the invocation to make it bigger as regardless of skill, the biggest a grand master can do without invoking was the size of a soccer ball. Despite it being the slowest to use, it can provide the most quantity of advantages for expert or master tacticians when used correctly. It is the most resilient and the most stable of the four prime Manifestos.

Grave: Perseus raises spires of stone that surround the target.

Manifesto Aqua Es: ("Manifestation of Water") The Anima Sorcerer creates a blueish-purple magical circle around themselves as when converged to the focusing core, the sorcerer binds and separates them manually at a rapid rate, causing the molecular structure to destabilize and form into water. It is the most balanced and the easiest to control, but requires a new style of control to master it. At first, water seems harmless, but when wielded by an adept sorcerer, it can cut through metal with some help from a fellow sorcerer.
Aqua Laser: Perseus shoots a pressurized wave of blue water. It does bludgeoning damage cuz it hits you like a brick wall.

Rain Storm: Perseus creates a small cloud that causes it to rain over him. It lasts 2 rounds.

Difficulty: Beginner-Grand Master Beginners are those who are becoming versed with Anima Sorcery after some practice. From there, they begin to learn how to conserve their energy by still using sorcery without relying too much on the Anima Stone for main power. (1 Beginner)

Unlike the Manifestos, the Imperiums have more control and it conserves more energy than their feral counterparts. The purpose is that the Anima Sorcerer channels the specific element from an environmentally available source rather than gathering spiritual energy. While they are quite quicker and more user friendly than the Manifestos, the Imperiums lack the awesome potential, because it is entirely based on the capacity of the source; you cannot expect a massive fireball from a candle! The greatest of feats that discriminates adepts from beginners is the ability to use two different Imperiums at once. These are the variations below. Note that when attained, it does not mean the others are not available, it means that you cannot use them as effectively or as efficiently as the one chosen.

Imperium Flamma Es: ("Command of Flame") Orange Magical Circle, Devastating.
Solar Candle: Perseus takes existing fire and controls it with great skill. The fire controlled looks like separate candle flames that vary in size depending on how much fire they contain. These flames cannot hurt Perseus. The fire that makes up the flames can cut through any solid material but they don’t decimate organic matter as efficiently. When they contact organic matter they do as much damage as an extremely hot flame. This can set fire to almost anything after Perseus has added the fire to his flames, meaning that he can set fire to steel and it would burn away as if it were wood.

Imperium Aeris Es: ("Command of Air") Silver Magical Circle, Swift.
Shooting Stars: Perseus condenses air into stars that fly out and home in on the target. Their power decreases the more they travel. This is due to Perseus’ poor training with air.

Imperium Terra Es: ("Command of Earth") Green Magical Circle, Enduring.
Periodic Rumble: Fairly similar to “shooting stars”. The main difference is that it is large spiked boulders that Perseus can launch at great speeds. Every round it produces 4 boulders for 3 rounds that Perseus can throw during his turn.

Imperium Aqua Es: ("Command of Water") Blueish-Purple, Flexible.
Intelligence Tornado: Perseus takes water from a nearby source and shapes it into a violent tornado of water and ice. The more water he has at his disposal the bigger and stronger the tornado is. It freezes the ground it travels over.

Difficulty: Adept-Grand Master When the beginners learned to master the art of controlling the four prime elements while conserving their energy, they became adepts and started expanding their range of possibilities. Ultimately with enough training, they can learn to combine elements to create a new line of Manifestos. (1 Adept, 2 Beginners)

See "Difficulty: Any" for information on "Manifestos."

This version allows the sorcerer to perform two Manifestos and reuse their products with Imperiums (which adepts can dual-cast,) to combine them into one of many super-elements commonly known as Life, Death, Nature, God, Light and Dark.

Duo-Manifesto Vita Es: ("Twin-Manifestation of Life") Using a royal purple magical circle, the sorcerer converges the energy and uses the knowledge of Imperium Aqua Es and Imperium Flamma Es to combine into the force of life that can heal and cure people who are less fortunate than the sorcerer. They can even "buff" them with additional raw power for a short time if not maintained. Prolonged exposure to it can weaken the body, so often times, both the sorcerer and the target are suggested to rest after using this technique.
White Flame: Perseus lets out a burst of wispy white flames. When these flames come in contact with people that he considers his allies they heal and regain energy. The energy that they regain is proportional to the distance they are away from Perseus. The healing decreases by 30% every 100 feet they are away from Perseus.

Raging Mist: Perseus creates a pond of water that is 150 feet wide. He then superheats the water causing it to turn into steam. This steam causes damage and burs to those in it. The steam and the pond last for 4 rounds before disappearing.

Duo-Manifesto Letum Es: ("Twin-Manifestation of Death") Using a grim teal-purple magical circle, the sorcerer converges the energy and uses the knowledge of Imperium Terra Es and Imperium Aqua Es to combine into the force of death that can sicken and weaken people of any kind. They can even prevent "buffing" and take away "buffs" from others. Prolonged exposure to it can render the sorcerer sick, so this technique was not used nonchalantly unless the sorcerer is properly prepared for it.

Iodine Mist:This deep purple mist emits from around Perseus. It causes visibility to drop down to 50% from normal. This mist is highly irritating to the respiratory system and causes people to start coughing the instant that they breathe it in and causes them to keep coughing for the next two rounds. The longer the people are inside of the mist the less oxygen they breathe in and it can cause them to pass out if they are in it for around 4 rounds. This mist also causes Iodine element to be deposited on the ground and surrounding non motile structures. Get rid of the solid iodine, you get rid of the mist.


Duo-Manifesto Natura Es: ("Twin-Manifestation of Nature") Using a turquoise magical circle, the sorcerer converges the energy and uses the knowledge of Imperium Aeris Es and Imperium Terra Es to combine into the force of nature, capable of manipulating plants and natural resources. An experienced nature user can use it to help his allies find edible goods and drinkable water when out in the wilderness. Note that prolonged manipulation of nature will cause a disturbance which often results in a natural disaster like typhoon and tornado.

Duo-Manifesto Deus Es: ("Twin-Manifestation of God") Using a bronze magical circle, the sorcerer converges the energy and uses the knowledge of Imperium Flamma Es and Imperium Terra Es to combine into the force of god, capable of blessing allies with salvation (they are fully healed and sent to the sorcerer when they would be dead,) and smite foes who dare to harm the sorcerer's allies. It can only be used once per thread or the sorcerer will have to face the consequences of exploiting the Soul King's favor.



Duo-Manifesto Lumen Es: ("Twin-Manifestation of Light") Using a yellow magical circle, the sorcerer converges the energy and uses the knowledge of Imperium Flamma Es and Imperium Aeris Es to combine into the force of light, blinding foes and revealing truths for the sorcerer and their allies. Using it unprepared with allies who are also not prepared will cause everyone to be temporarily blind for up to three rounds (3 posts by everyone who is not prepared on use;) on the bright side, it can be used frequently without penalties.

Royal Shine!
(Player can add description here for unique effects.)

Duo-Manifesto Ater Es: ("Twin-Manifestation of Dark") Using a violet magical circle, the sorcerer converges the energy and uses the knowledge of Imperium Aeris Es and Imperium Aqua Es to combine into the force of darkness, capable of hiding the sorcerer and their allies while confusing foes by throwing them into the void of darkness (Void in figurative terminology, not literal terminology.) While it can be used for illusions along with Duo-Manifesto Lumen Es, this element is capable of confusing even the sorcerer if used too many times too frequently.
Deeper Darkness:

(Player can add description here for unique effects.)
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Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:04 am

✖| Kuma Shock! |✚
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Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:15 pm
Active, moved.

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Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:50 am

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