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Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:39 pm
Grasping a novel which Hiroshi has enjoyed over these past couple of days in his right hand holding it next to his side he continued to walk through a dirt ground corridor of the outer parts of the Seireitei dressed in normal shinigami robes with his Zanpakuto sheathed on the left side of his waist with left hand rested next to it. A slight cool breeze grazed him on this beautiful sunny day with few clouds in the sky and the warmth of the sun covering him. Walking to the end of the corridor he searched the area and found the area which he was looking for. It was an opening to the forestry which was nearby, a quiet area on most days where time could be spent doing activities he enjoyed. He walked into the area and sat at the base of a large tree where he was covered by the shade of the tree which sat in the forestry but there was enough strands of sunlight to keep him comfortable in the setting.

"I have finally arrived. Now I can finish my novel."

He opened his book and held it in front of himself with his right hand reading peacefully and turning the pages with his left hand when ever it was needed.

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Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:46 am
    Today was a good day : she was wearing her normal shinigami robes, one of three outfits she owned [one being an extra pair and the other her academy uniform : she lived, breathed and slept in those] as the dual tone haired girl yawned, stretching her body lightly. She had fallen asleep somewhere in the woods, which was unusual to say the least, as she felt her bones pop slightly, feeling a breathy sigh escape her lips. This had been one of the best sleeping positions she had in a while, leaning against a tree. Standing up and dusting her clothes off, she gave a light smile as the sun seemed to make her more then happy. There were several twigs in her hair, and the girl hadn't noticed : she began to walk off, the white tips flashng brightly, as the red shade of her hair was almost blood like, but seemed to edge more towards a sort of passion. She seemed to be very bright and cheerful, despite her circumstances. Well if most people knew.. but they didn't and that was Meimu's choice : she just gave a light hum, and kept bouncing down the road, enjoying the beautiful day.

    Finally arriving at some semblance of civilisation, the girl sighed. She knew that was Seireitei, and how to get to the academy : but she was still a bit of a lost bug at times. The girl began to head towards the area, passing by a large tree : her attention caught on it, as she stopped, looking up at it, with a light smile. The cool breeze ruffled her hair and her uniform a bit, the ensignia of the 4th squad on her arm, as she stared up. Looking down, she was startled by the prescence of a male : the foreign looking girl put a hand to her mouth, obviously surprised. ''Oh.. I didn't see you there. Forgive me, was I rude?'' she said, tilting her head softly. The girl's red and white strands floated at the motion, following the breeze, as her gaze was looking at him, almost curiously, her fingers curled up against each other in front of her.
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Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:38 pm
Hiroshi closed his eyes and welcomed the cool breeze which refreshed him on this warm and beautiful day. Hearing the the young ladies voice he opened his eyes and with his left hand he picked up a small leaf from the ground to the left of him which had begun to turn color before it fell off it's tree and placed it inside of his book using it as a bookmark and closing the book with his right hand. He cautiously looked over his left shoulder with his 3rd squad insignia on his chest. He quickly examined the young lady and found her 4th division insignia allowing him to slightly lower his guard.

"You interrupted my reading. But seeing as you didn't intend to you it was not rude and yes I do forgive you"

Hiroshi rose to his feet and looked upon Meimu. Her hair stood out to him specifically the coloring which had reminded him of fully bloomed red rose. It was peculiar, but the way she acted and the shinigami robes she wore gave him a sense of comfort. He bowed slightly

"I am Hiroshi Saito of the 3rd division. It's nice to meet you."

Rising back up to his postured position thinking to himself

She seems nice enough. I hope these thoughts of being nice do not betray me.

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Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:34 pm
    The girl watched him take his time : she was in no hurry either, as the male seemed to care greatly for the book, using a leaf as a marker. She did hope that it was dead, and not sticky, else wise he might regret that. She noted the 3rd division insignia on his shoulder, as she just gave a light smile, noticing the instantly guarded movements. Of course, shinigami lived in danger : but Meimu knew he was more experienced then her, just for that. She smiled at the male, bowing her head, before laughing slightly. ''Well I wasn't rude, that's good! And, Saito-san, please, no need to be so formal. Just call me Meimu, alright?'' the girl said, assuming that the second name spoken was his first name : a fair assumption, considering the japanese tradition of saying their last name first. The girl bowed back for a moment, and just smiled lightly, before walking a bit closer. The girl was walking comfortably, when she tripped, landing square into the male. ''Oof!'' she said, as she spralwed on top of him, her long hair trailing down to the ground.

    ''Oupsie daisy.'' she said, flashing a bright smile, before lightly head butting the male, and rolling back to her feet, humming. She was strange, to say the least, as her red strands bounced, the silver flash caused by the sun on her tips. ''So, Saito-san, shall we walk somewhere?'' she said, not even phrasing it as a question of his participation, but more as a question of where they should go. After all, Meimu liked to assume things : and she assumed that he would come with her, if she red his body language right of course. And she was pretty good at it : so the girl had probably nothing to worry about, not at all.
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Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:59 pm
While laying on the ground Hiroshi had a smile because of the playfulness and overall all kindness of Meimu. He rose to his feet and dusted the twigs and grass off his robe. He normally would not take to someone so quickly, but something about Meimu made him comfortable enough to be kind to her.

"I'm sorry for the confusion. You look a little foreign and I read somewhere that is how to say your name in other countries. You do not have to be formal ether call me Hiroshi and it is nice to meet you Meimu-Chan."

Hiroshi walked over to Meimu placing his novel in his robe and gestured towards the Seireitei a little bit curious about Meimu, but more happy that he met someone in which he could be comfortable around maybe someone who he could later on trust.

"Ladies first, where do you want to go Meimu-chan?"


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Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:54 pm
    She just flashed a smile as he stood up, brushing the twigs out of his robe. He even put away his novel, as she laughed and waved her hand. ''It's fine Hiroshi-kun. I lived in japan a few years, so I'm pretty knowledgeable.'' she said. It was a light gloss, but it was fine, as she shook her head, the twigs still sticking out in them. She hummed at his courtesy, and simply bowed gently. ''No no, you take the lead Hiroshi-kun : I am quite content being guided today.'' she said, that smile still playing on her lips. The wind whistled a gentle song, as she seemed to be swaying from side to side. Her eyes were sparkling as she so, even as she hummed : but of course, her attention was elsewhere, therefore the small snake hollows crawling on the ground seemed to escape her notice. The girl seemed to be completely oblivious to such things, as she was staring up at the sky with such a gentle complexion, even humming a little.
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Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:44 pm
Hiroshi continued to smile as he lifted his right hand and brushed it through his hair removing any twigs he had in his hair placing his hand to his side he looked up into the sky thinking to himself

"Where shall we go now..."

Hiroshi looked back towards where Meimu had came from and wandered for a moment why Meimu had just appeared out of no where. Returning his glance towards Meimu he noticed the hollow which were on the ground and stopped for a moment then returned his glance to Meimu placing his left hand on the hilt of his zanpakuto

"Well Meimu I would love to go somewhere with you, but before so looks as if we have a little bit of work to do."

He turned his body towards the way that Meimu came from and using his left hand he pointed to the hollow which had collected near them

"These are small fries. Want to see if there is more?"

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Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:05 am
    The girl tilted her head, one of the twigs caught in her red strands falling out, bumping the small snake hollow, and making it squeak, and slither away. The male seemed apologetic, as he intoned his words, and the red haired girl stared around her feet, and back of the direction she came out from. An eyebrow raised, as she drew her more then normal Katana, before grinning at the male. ''Hiroshi-kun.. let's go hunt us a hollow, shall we?'' she said, taking on his offer to go find where or what the hollow was. She was definitely curious, as they were on the edges, but still : for a hollow to come through to here meant it was strong. And Meimu, definitely curious, wanted to see what this thing, or person was, or whatever. The girl grinned, and then started to run down the path, back into the woods.

    Her body was lithe, and she moved quickly : although a new student, she prided herself in her health, regardless of her living conditions. The blade was easily re-sheathed, since running with a blade naked in one's hand could invite trouble : but her wielding hand rested on the hilt anyways, as if ready to whip it out if needed. The girl's strands of fire red flew as she did so, any remaining twigs falling in her mad rabbit course, keeping her eyes on the snake hollows on the ground. She had climbed up a tree by running, and was using that to travel, jumping form branch to branch with beautiful grace, as she kept her gaze below. Finally coming to a clearing, Meimu landed on the ground.

    Only to be instantly lashed out at, as a tail like motion swept across, the girl's Zanpakto out in seconds and blocking it. But it was definitely stronger then her, as the girl was thrown back, landing harshly against a tree. ''Dammit.'' she said, slumping a bit, the pain coursing through her veins. Hopefully, Hiroshi had been right behind her, and could see whatever had attacked her, and go from there.
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Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:19 pm
Hiroshi stood there for a second and thought to himself

Hm... Ambitious

With his left hand rested upon the hilt of his zanpakuto to make sure he could easily hold his scabbard when unsheathing he ran after her. In his physicality speed was one of his better traits so catching up with Meimu wasn't difficult though he was a few seconds behind her he sprinted weaving through the tree's making sure to keep Meimu in the sight of his blood red eyes. He was gaining ground but as he got closer he witnessed a large sweeping motion of a tail slamming into Meimu sending her flying. Hiroshi quickly jumped and used a tree branch to propel him higher into the air to get a look at the hollow as he prepared to unsheathe his zanpakuto. The large grotesque hollow was on it's fours with huge beastly like hands with sharp claws it had a body that was at least a foot taller than Hiroshi on it's four legs. It's size reminded him of the hisotry of the human world it being close to the size of a bus a couple hundred years ago just with a large and thick tail. The Hollow's mask had fangs at the opening of it's mouth and big circular eyes.

For a brief moment as he examined the hollow in air he flinched, but he quickly unsheathed his Zanpakuto and aimed towards the thicker part of the Hollow's tail closer to it's body with both of his hands on his hilt and the blade of his zanpakuto pointing to the ground he landed on the tail and simultaneously stabbed his Zanpakuto through it's tail though successful the Hollow began to go into a rage and tried to shake him off as he held on to his zanpakuto

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Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:37 pm
    Meimu's breathing was erratic, as she shook from the pain that was racing across her body. She struggled, before slipping back to the ground, watching as the hollow began to step out. It was a strange thing, as Hiroshi came down with a sort of attack. But the red head couldn't concentrate on that, as her body lifted itself to her feet. The male was holding down the raging creature, as Meimu felt her body ache : but nothing was broken. With grim determination, she grabbed her Zanpakto, and charged, jumping to the neck of the creature, slicing. Turned out she needed more strength then she put out, before the slash didn't work too well. Feeling the Hollow buck, she tried stabbing the creature, but rolled down it's back, landing beside Hiroshi. She didn't think any further : she stabbed her Zanpakto beside his, in the ground, and managed to keep the breast from prying free.

    '' I sure hope you can use Kido. If so, blast that thing.'' she said, panting as she held onto her blade, feeling the thrashing of the creature increase almost double fold. It was mad and in pain, almost beyond in both categories.

    But Meimu was not discouraged, as she crushed the tiny snake hollows that tried to nip at her and Hiroshi. There was a large cut on her cheek, probably from when the tail lashed her, dripping blood on the ground, as her whole weight was put into keeping the hollow still. This was definitely difficult.. but she could it. At least, that's what she hoped.
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