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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty Ichimaru Gin's day out, part 1.

Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:47 pm
It was a simple day in the world of humans, nothing special to speak of. The sun was beaming, barely any clouds in the sky to shield the Earth from it's rays; making the temperature not unbearable but clearly rather on the hot side. The cicadas making off with their usual chorus, piercing the oppressive silence of a hot summer day. Normally, it'd be human culture to be having a fun time but it wasn't the absence of culture that stopped this it was the fact that schools had not loosed the children upon the world. It was the last day of school, so it was still some time before the cries of children would blanket the town. The only thing in such a simple scene that would normally stick out at all was the form of a man who occupied the roof of a small shop, his silhouette laying relaxed on the floor of the roof. From a bird's eye view, one could make out him gesturing a small object to his mouth to of which he took a bite. The soft crunch from it being the only audible opposition against the insects which dominated the airways. Clearly, this man was taking this food from the shop; potentially without permission. This figure donned the uniform of a Shinigami, notably with no Haori. His hair was of a silver color, skin of a fair shade, eyes slits and his expression that of what could be considered a ominous smirk. The only noticeable alteration in his facial features was that his smile twitched downward but for a moment as he recalled something. What had it been now, so much time has passed, like maybe five hundred years; since he and Kurosaki Ichigo had extracted from Sousuke Aizen's motionless body the vengeance to which he had longed to taste. The flavor you ask? Even in victory, vengeance only offered bitter sweet. For nearly as long as he can remember now, Ichimaru Gin sought the death of the men who had stolen something precious from the most important person to him. Having attained vengeance and the epiphany that even so he still could not return to her what was taken, bitter sweetness is all he had really achieved. In spite of that, to have been in the party which had rained judgment upon Aizen's head was worth it. Despite the fact he was part of the side which wanted Aizen's defeat all along, he still was under the guise of a traitor and was branded such. So he was relatively sure he was still a wanted criminal. That aside, what was more important is the realization he had put Mutsimoto Rangiku through enough. So he did what he was best at. Vanishing without so much as a trace. He kept tabs on her, just knowing she was alive and well was more than enough. Not so much as enough for him as a person, but more than enough of what he deserved. It's been so many years since this happened. Since then he didn't do much other than train and pry into what was happening in the world. After all he was.... Crunch.
Another soft crunch as he absent mindedly took another bite from his favorite food brought him out of his daze.

"My, my. Seems I've become some kind'a ol' man or somethin'." Gin spoke finally in a aimless sort of way, his ever present smile returning to his face. "An' we can't have that, now can we?" he continued, having noticed something of a interesting happening taking place in the general area. Naturally, he had to go mess with it. Er', 'scuse me, I mean 'people-watch'. A skirmish had just taken place, small, but still there. His lips twisted ever so much as to give off a sinister vibe as the curled up into yet a bigger smirk. Motioning himself up into a standing position, he decided as he finished his meal that he would go screw with them. Just because he had nothing better to do. He had heard there was a group of Vaizards which was stirring trouble in this area, giving cause to other organizations to act on it. Even some Shinigami took the excuse to get involved.

"Almost makes leavin' Kurakara Town in da' dust sort'a pointless, don't it?" he mused, seeing as how not all the events in the world center around Japan. He lifted his right arm toward his face, extending the thumb to his lips and then he swiped it across them to clean any remains of his food. And with that he was gone. Having flash stepped to the location of his interest. A battle had just taken place, having ended but moments before his decision to arrive here. It was between a nameless Shinigami to which Gin didn't recall whom it was and a Vaizard, the species having been notable via the mask which the man had just removed.

"Oh my, ya' made short work o' 'im didn't ya'?" he said, as per usual his tone came off rather mockingly which usually pissed people off. Being somewhat of a veteran himself, Gin could tell the Shinigami was dead. But where normal people would have sympathy, Gin had curiosity. He felt the urge to tease some answers out off the Vaizard.
"What do you want here, Shinigami? Are you here to avenge your fallen?" the nameless Vaizard asked, his brow furrowing. His eyes closed for a moment, seeming to lament. "Must I kill you too....?" he seemed to ask himself.
"Oh no, no. Personally, I'm not terribly fond o' d'is one's bunch myself." Gin remarked, taking some satisfaction from the rather surprised look on the Vaizard's face. "I'm just'a passerby who wanted ta' see what da' fussin' was about." Gin said, his smirk widening.
"I don't believe you." the Vaizard retorted. Readying himself for a fight.
"Don' believe me? Imagine that." Gin said, this time clearly sarcastic.
Having had no intention on picking a fight, Gin was amused at how unreasonable the fellow was whilst not liking to kill others.
"Ya' sort'a remind me o' someone I used ta' work with." he said, enjoying the distasteful look he got when the Vaizard realized he was being compared to a Shinigami. In fact, Gin's teasing seemed to have prompted an aggressive response from the headstrong Vaizard. He may have had no intention of fighting, but he didn't really try to avoid one either.

The Vaizard seemingly vanished from sight, having used a flash step to speedily make it to the rear off Gin; whom made no visible effort to act surprised or to avoid the movement. The Vaizard struck down with his Zanpakutō, to which Gin easily avoided by side stepping; his Zanpakutō making a clanking sound as it rustled against his side with the sudden motion.
"Will you not draw your blade?!" the Vaizard shouted.
Having been here for a while, and watching the Vaizards actions, Gin was able to deduce that this so-called war was serious enough to even produce prejudice. He was also able to deduce that this Vaizard was acting alone, his actions fueled by hate for the enemy as opposed to actual orders. So no reinforcements were coming. Gin was always rather smart, preferring tactics like this to get answers rather than simple force. He was able to tell more from screwing around with this Vaizard that if he had simply killed him.
"Oh my, no. I won't be needin' it." Gin mocked, the Vaizard clearly becoming angry by Gin's condescending attitude. "I'd hope a youngin' like ya' wouldn't be so quick ta' wan'na die." Gin cooed.
"How dare you, Shinigami scum!" the Vaizard said making an attempt at thrusting his Zanpakutō into the chest of Gin. Gin replied with whipping his sleeve around to cause the Vaizard's Zanpakutō tip to enter the opening in the sleeve near Gin's wrist. Canting his elbow so that his forearm was hugging the flat side of the sword while his sleeve encompassed the rest, tilting his wrist so that he was able to coil his fingers around the guard of the sword. Using the momentum, he thrust his other arm into the chest of the enemy and not only knocked the breath from him but knocked him back as well. Having loosened the Vaizard's grip on his blade enough for the force of his thrust to knock him back and disarm him in the act of it, he then tossed the blade lightly into the air so that on its way down he could catch it by the hilt. By doing this, he was able to conclude via the Vaizard's actions that the Shinigami were in fact involved in this war to some varying degree. Which meant by extension, Rangiku could get involved if given the orders. Which left Gin with but one preferable choice, after all these years, he wasn't going to only keep tabs on her he was actually going to make sure she was okay and gauge her own involvement in this war. He knew this might mean the possibility of getting involved. He physically chuckled lightly, "It's funny how one person could make ya' do the most uncharacteristic t'ings." he mused recalling how he was willing to give his life for this woman.

"You bastard..." the Vaizard growled. "How dare you look down on me." he continued, getting up slowly. Even holding back majorly, Gin was too much for this boy.
Such a simple day. Even a few miles from Gin's shop he frequented, it was still a simple day. The grass, a small lake to the right of them, the trees bordering them. Gin was having such an interesting day. Relaxing, teasing, reconnaissance. How amusing.
"You got ADD or something, asshole? I said.. Die!" the Vaizard shouted, trying to make a rush at gin. Gin side stepped again and did a well placed chop to the back of the neck of the young man, causing him to fall to the ground.
"I ain't gettin' no nightmares cuz' ya' wanted to get y'erself killed." Gin said as the Vaizard notably lost consciousness. "S'ides. Ya' best hope ya' never see me again. Lucky ya' caught me in a good mood. Normally, I'm not so keen on sparring people. I'mma snake after all." Gin said, leaving the man's body laying there on the ground; tossing his sword to the left of him flat on its side.

"Now, now. What will I do now? I got'ta go see her, but... I t'ink I will do a bit more teasin', that sounds fun." he said, vacating the premises to find another victim to tease into submission as well as facts to gather. Oh, this was so much fun.
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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:54 am
Denied I am sorry to say. We are putting pressure on canons, big time on high tiers such as this one. Also your RP post is a odd mix while you are trying to get inside the canon head, it feels vastly out of place for Gin. Also seeing as this is your only post, i ask for you to get more active and try again later on.

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 XmGUKMS
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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Sun May 18, 2014 6:03 am


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Grand Master
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Grand Master

  • Comments/Notes:
    Just giving this it's will shit and boosting tier. If there is a problem let me know

  • Tier: N/A

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 WVMWLOu

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Tue May 20, 2014 1:28 pm
How long had it been since Aizen, for that matter how long had it been since he vowed to make a world where Rangiku would not cry. His frame always keeping that serpent's smile, but deep inside it hurt to some point. He did everything he could but in the end Ichigo Kurosaki had been the one to succeed. He pondered now what to do, the world was different from the time with Aizen, Kaname, and Ichigo. Thing's had changed he smiled as he got himself off the roof of a building, he'd not left her for a couple hours thinking. Really, he dusted himself off smiling now as he watched a scene unfold below. It reminded him of the one all those years ago, someone wounded seeking food and help. Gin smiled now as he vanished and appeared before the person, upon closer inspection the person was collapsing just like a certain person he knew. He smiled and looked at her as he spoke, once again his normal indirect voice. Taking the same path he had all those years ago with this female as he had Rangiku. "If you have energy to collapse, you have energy to live."

He looked at her, she almost seemed angry at his remark as he smiled. Remaining an enigma and secret, that was how Gin simply functioned, part of the smile was to hide it away. Only did the most extreme slip through his mask he wore, so unlike the vizards that Aizen let run loose. He offered the female dried persimmon with a smile on his face that seemed mocking, he looked up as a hollow came. His smile mocking as he watched it raise a hand, smashing into the ground sending dust up into the air. When it looked surprise his mocking expression kept ever as he spoke. "This will never do, how do you expect to get by?" The hollow seemed almost frightened as he pointed his Zanpakutō at the creature, the blade shot at stabbing it through the mask. It returned and he sheathed the blade now, he could of done it a thousand other ways. But not bothering with a release command, deciding to end this quickly.

While the creature looked startled, he kept his smile as he picked the female up. She'd passed out it seemed, well this was hardly his problem. "You are such trouble, you remind of someone." Gin said his voice ever keeping that mocking expression as he decided to take her somewhere she could get help. He would of rather watched things play out, but the scene reminded him of a happy memory. Sorry, but I can't babysit you..These people will take care of you." He walked away now, before using a shunpo though in reality he didn't go far. Why did he stay to watch this play out he thought to himself, sometimes Gin himself didn't have a clear picture of why he did things. They were amusing perhaps, or maybe it was just somethings reminded him of happier times with Rangiku. He stood deciding to watch the female and whatever outcome came of it, the people came and took her as he kept his smile. Something about it altered for a moment, it didn't seem so much mocking as happy.

His expression changed as a sad one came on his face the smile disappearing, he was thinking on something that had deep meaning. Glancing down at his hand, he failed to get it back for her. To create a world where Rangiku would never have to cry, he made her suffer himself. Gin had opened his eyes for a moment as than slowly closed them, his frame turning as he walked away now. Why did it bother him, he seemed to have a soft spot for Rangiku and sometimes even he had questioned himself. But perhaps love simply makes us blind, a true happy smile came upon his face. Rangiku would of really let him have it for thinking like this. He grinned his usual mocking smile as he looked back down at the situation, the female was getting medical treatment. " Good, things went well it's a shame I was hoping to see how this played out a little longer." With that Gin took a step back grinning as his figure simply vanished in a step, disappearing from this area.
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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:29 pm



Hm, the feeling in my gut is saying that you can potentially pull it off, but I'd also like a second opinion. So I'll most likely have Kyle give his judgement as well, but I kind of want to see what you would do with a new Gin app. Therefore, I'd want to three things from you

The first? Make a battle RP sample. This is because I want to see more of how you fight with him. Two -- make a new character app to see how you portray him. Since most people can get away with an RP Sample, I think from this point onward, I am going to request that people make their own takes of the canon's with new character applications. The 3rd? I'd ask that you also give a casual setting to see how you portray this character in a social setting.

Extra's with this quest can include making him a little template, giving your thoughts on his character and so forth. I'll await to see what Kyle or another admin or advisor says about it. For the meantime, I recommend brushing up and studying his wikia app.

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:29 am
Shit, I never gave this the second review. I have to agree with Frost, as I'm not entirely convinced you've got hit play-style down. Some other setting may be needed, but right now I'm not entirely sure. So feel free to write another shot, and we'll look at both samples and check them.

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Ap8OoJO

Naziel Kasigawa
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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:35 pm
just a nice RP sample for Gin, yay!

His thin bony hands coiled in between one another as he sat amongst the rubble of a newly demolished building with a sickening smile upon his face as his silver hair blew gently in the wind. The former Shinigami Captain was chuckling to himself as he continued to look outwards over the city below him. He was in Karakura Town once again. However not for the reasons most would assume as he had no wish to start any fights or be pursued once more, oh no, he was merely watching the people below go about their business, lives so trivial and easy going; "Well well, aren't we all busy little ants today!" He chuckled watching the hundreds of people scramble around their daily lives, oblivious too the truth and what lay behind the veil.

Gin wondered what his ex-comrades would do if they saw him now? Kill him? Capture him? Oh the possibilities were riveting just to think about! However he knew better than to go playing with a matches. However his trickster side was wishing itself to the surface as his lips separated into an unsettling smile before pulling his bony fingers apart and getting to his feet. He could feel the mischief in the air and began a slow walk towards the aforementioned town. "While the Cat's away the Mice will play..." He chided in his facetious tone as his steps made little noise on the dusty road into Karakura Town.

He continued to walk forward always watching everything, his eyes only slits or closed to most who see him but he is always watching, ever observant of what is going on around him. It was after all one of the reasons he had little friendships within the Seritei, everyone was suspicious of him! It was foolish really, a few tricks here, a few temerarious comments there, there's no harm done really? It was when he reached the outskirts that something peaked his interests. A Shinigami. Not any that he had tangled with before, or at least, none worth remembering. No. This was just a lowly posting that some poor air head had been distributed, so why not give him something to look at? "Oh my, it appears my day does seem to be getting more productive..." He smirked as he opened one pale blue eye slowly like a snake that had spotted a lonely Mouse unaware.

Within a few minutes Gin had spotted the rather lonely looking Shinigami, a male with a large afro and a rather irritable look upon his face. He couldn't help but feel a chuckle creeping in his throat as he stepped out with his hands in his large white overcoat from his time with Aizen, although dirtied he still adorned his Hueco Mundo uniform; "Excuse me good sir, but you seem to be a tad lost?" He smirked as the male turned and white completely white with what Gin assumed was fear. "Now now, there's no need to be all fearful, it's not like I'm a fugitive or anything... Oh..." He was enjoying toying with the little mouse, it was helping to pass the time quite nicely he felt.

The terrified Shingami reached for Zanpakutō as Gin lifted his hand moving his index finger in a 'tut-tut' from right to left; "Easy now, I wouldn't suggest that if I were you, I was after all Captain of 3rd Division... After all..." He mused. He took a few steps forward as he let out a gentle sigh; "I doubt that I can get what I need from you but I suppose there's no harm in trying eh? Why don't you tell me... How to get into the Seritei." His grin widened as a small chuckle left his throat, his eyes remaining closed and his body relaxed and taunting.

He looked at the terrified Shinigami and wondered what it was that instilled such fear in him. He could take a well educated guess that it was his grin, it had always been his smile. It was a facade, a cloaking device to hide his innermost feelings from the world but Why did he continue to wear it even now? He had initially wore it to hide his inner motives and agendas from Aisen as well as the one person he loved. But yet, he had never learnt to not wear it, it was his shield, his Armour and he did not know how to interact without it. As if it had been like a habit that evolved into a calling card or a signature trait about ones self! He shrugged lightly to himself as he rested his hand upon the hilt of his Zanpakutō as he took a few steps forward; "Shall we start?"
Metal as Fuck
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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:18 am
I think it stands pretty clear that this sample is denied if only because of the fact that the member in question is inactive. Thusly, Gin is still open for business.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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The Hybrid King
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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:39 am
Not to be that guy, but we still expect RP samples when people reclaim. I'm sorry man x-x.

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 FXpoQxJ
Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] - Page 3 2Y9rqGk

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