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Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Empty Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3]

Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:49 am
Coyote Starrk

"Game over. If you make a run for it, I won't chase you."

Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1

[G E N E R A L | Information]

Character Name:
Coyote Starrk

Character True Age:

Character Appearance Age:
mid 30's/Late 20's.

Character Gender:

Cero Espada

Starrk is a lazy and unenthusiastic character who apparently spends much of his time asleep and no one, except Lilynette, appears to try and stop him from doing so. In fact, he rarely directly addresses any Arrancar other than Lilynette, his other half. Despite being the highest-ranking Espada, he is not eager to take a leadership role, shown when he easily allows Baraggan to take over at the battle of the fake Karakura Town. He is not particularly interested in whatever is going on around him, although he is surprisingly observant and a capable analyst. Unlike many of the Espada, he is not violent or overly arrogant.

He initially does not seem to care a great deal for his fellows, showing no visible signs of distress or concern. When he learns of Aaroniero Arruruerie's death, he lazily states there is nothing he could do about it, and when Baraggan and Harribel are apparently overwhelmed by their opponents' respective Bankai, he only asks Kyōraku if all the captains' Bankai are so powerful. However, this indifferent attitude seems to be dispelled with Baraggan's death. Starrk comments that it's horrible that Sōsuke Aizen doesn't spare even a word for Baraggan. Starrk himself is notably affected by this turn of events, being drained of his motivation to fight. After arguing with Lilynette for a while, he restates that he's not the type for revenge, but his desire to not see any more comrades die proves to be enough motivation for him to keep fighting. Starrk seems to be opposed to the notion of killing people, offering Love Aikawa and Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi a chance to run away instead of having him finish them off.

In comparison to the other, more serious Espada members, however, Starrk is often shown in a much more comical light, with situations often ending in him on the receiving end of physical abuse from his partner Lilynette, even though he does little to stop her actions.


Bone Appearance:
The bone on starks body can be located under his chin, around the lower part of his neck.

Hollow Hole:
Center of chest.

reiatsu Colour:


Sealed Zanpakutô:

Racial Abilities:
Master Swordsmanship Specialist:
Starrk has demonstrated tremendous skill in swordsmanship, being able to fight on even ground with Shunsui Kyōraku, one of the most proficient swordsmen in all of Soul Society, even land a few minor cuts without fully trying.

Immense Spiritual Power:
As one of, if not the strongest Espada, he possesses tremendous spiritual power. Starrk is forbidden to release his Zanpakutō inside of Las Noches, as such a release could destroy the fortress. His spiritual energy is blue. Prior to meeting Aizen, his immense spiritual power was apparently unintentionally killing other Hollows just by being near them even after splitting his spiritual energy.

Enhanced Hierro:
Starrk has proven himself to be highly resistant to both pain and injury. In his Resurrección form, after taking a direct hit from Love Aikawa's immense Shikai, Tengumaru, and crashing into the town below, he was next shown lying practically unharmed amongst the rubble while uttering only a half-hearted "ow" in response to the attack.

Sonído Master:
Starrk's skill and speed in Sonído is so great that it seems as though he possesses a form of teleportation as he moves in the blink of an eye, simply "appearing" solidly instead of shimmering for a second like other Sonído users. He is so swift that he used it to avoid both Kenpachi Zaraki and Ichigo Kurosaki in order to recapture Orihime, returning her to Aizen within an instant.His proficiency with Sonído is also able to create multiple after-images of himself to confuse the enemy. He was also easily able to surprise Jūshirō Ukitake by appearing next to him after dodging an attack faster than his own post-release Cero. He is shown evading various attacks by the Vizard's Love Aikawa and Rose, along with attacks from Shunsui while fighting them.

His Cero is blue in color. While a standard ability for Arrancar, Starrk's abilities with it are very unique. As noted by Shunsui Kyōraku, unlike other Arrancar, he can apparently fire a Cero without a "fighting pose", meaning he can fire it without any warning from body gestures. Starrk is able to charge and fire it rather quickly, leaving even less time for his target to react. He is also capable of firing the blast from various points on his body, such as from either hand, the chin, and chest.

Garganta is how Arrancar move to and from Hueco Mundo. Starrk has the ability to use the technique. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway. He is seen using one to travel to the fake Karakura Town.

Highly Perceptive Combatant:
Starrk has demonstrated an ability to be very detail oriented when it comes to fighting. He notices his opponent's mannerisms and discerns with ease the reasons behind those actions and the weaknesses and strengths of his opponents. He is also able to look at unfamiliar attacks and figure out the way they work just by viewing at least once.


Resereccion Name:
Los Lobos

Resereccion Release Phrase:
Kick About (蹴散らせ, kechirase)

Release Actions:
To have his release form, he has to grasp, his own subordinate, Lilynette Gingerback's head and say the release phrase. Lilynette turns into spiritual pressure and is absorbed by Starrk. Meaning they can now use recureccion.

Resereccion Appearance:

Resereccion Abilities:
Resereccion normal ability:
Starrk is capable of firing Cero's from his guns. Starrk claims that he can fire 1,000 of these Ceros at once. Along with Lilynette, Starrk has the power to divide their soul and control the pieces in battle.

Cero Metralleta:
Starrk uses his pistols to unleash a powerful barrage of Ceros simultaneously that, because of their density and grouping, can appear to fuse together into one large Cero blast. He is able to change the direction of this attack during firing, making it extremely difficult to avoid.

In reference to the name of his Zanpakutō, Los Lobos, Starrk is able to summon a pack of grey wolves seemingly numbering in the hundreds. The wolves are controlled verbally by Starrk and will chase down the enemy with the intent to cling via a bite. Upon biting the enemy or getting close enough, the wolves erupt in explosions of varying size and power. They're capable of being very destructive, as when one exploded, it destroyed a large area of Karakura town in a huge column of explosion which dwarfed the surrounding buildings. Starrk seems to be able to summon them without limit, thus overwhelming the enemy with their sheer numbers. These wolves are apparently pieces of both Starrk and Lilynette's soul that they are able to split apart and control in battle. He can create an unlimited amount of these wolf, although it comes at the price of starrk himself having no way to protect himself.

Reiryoku Swords:
Starrk is able to summon spiritual energy swords from his bandoleers, which vaguely resemble the ordinary katana he wields in his sealed form, but with four curved prongs hanging off of the guard. He used one, then eventually two swords to combat Kyōraku's dual-blade Shikai


Skill Level: Hierro: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Pesquisa: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Sonido: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Cero/Bala: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master


History found here.

Changed bit:
Upon being defeated by Kyouraku in the battle for Karakura, Starrk went into hiding. The slice he got through the hollow hole did not kill him, although it wounded him big time. For 400 years, he hid out in heuco mundo, the place was now just full of hollow and no espada. He hid in the forests below the sand floor of Heuco mundo and trained up his skills there by killing countless amounts of hollow who opposed him. No news reached him about the above world. However, one time he overheard a group of hollows talking about a new espada being formed above. To Starrk, this was his chance to join and become one of what he used to be. An espada.

Upon reaching the surface once again; he traveled for days towards las noches non stop. The entire time, he was with Lilynette and wondering around looking for the place in which he used to live. However; He encountered Ahslei, the new leader of the espada and explained to her that he was one of the original espada with the cool attitude that he has. Upon time; he entered the espada once again and was aiming revenge against the people in soul society.

RP Sample:
The morning. The worst time of the day had finally hit. Well to Starrk it honestly didn't matter; he would just sleep the entire day anyway. The sun shone brightly through the rustled curtains, onto his face. A large groan came from him as he turned his body away still keeping his eyes closed. Starrk didn't really care if he had work to do; he was just to lazy to do it. After about 5 minutes, he finally sat up, his eyes fluttering from coming out of his slumber. The sun was piercing through the window onto his face practically making him blind. Slowly, but free moving he was already up and in his espada outfit. For once he was actually given something to do; which didn't make him feel all that happy. There was a report about arrancar betraying the Neuvo and tearing up crap in the main lobby looking for Ashlei. His stiff body was walking through the corridors looking for the main lobby, his hand was placed on the back of his head scratching. To deal with two small time arrancar he would even need Lilynette for this.

"My my, such bothersome people..."

His voice was deep but it sounded somewhat friendly. It was a lazy tone barely even giving a care in the world. His eyes were now set on the two arrancar breaking everything in the middle of the room, Starrk squinted his eyes and looked at the both for 10 seconds each. A massive sigh crossed his face before turning his body around and beginning to walk away. He looked disappointed. Why the hell was he called out to fight them? There were plenty of people who could have taken care of them but why Starrk?


Starrk stopped, slowly taking his hands out of his pockets. His right hand was now placed with a light grip on his Zanpakutō. A red light lit up the room, it was coming from the arrancar that yelled at him. He was preparing a cero to blow Starrk away in one hit. As the cero fired, the man who he was aiming at had vanished into thin air. Both men's eyes widened in unity. All of a sudden; blood could be soon flying from the middle of las noches against the harsh walls. A long slash coming up the back of the arrancar who fired the cero. Instantly, the arrancar dropped to the floor pretty much already dead. Did they seriously not know who Starrk was? This new generation was more stupid than he initially thought. Starrks right arm was held up in the air, his sword in hand. Blood ran down the blade a leaked onto the floor in droplets. Starrk closed his eyes and kept a serious face. He didn't want anymore mindless killing.

"Leave. Now. I'm not a fan of killing worthless junk."

The second arrancar trembled in fear, like it was striking him at heart. With the quick nod of the head the arrancar turned around and ran not even looking back. Was Starrk honestly that scary? He didn't see himself as that scary but maybe he was. He knew. His blade that was coated in blood was still dripped as he placed in back in its case. Starrk felt glad only one had to fall, he would have preferred if none did but it was better than nothing. Placing his hands in pockets again, he stumbled off back to his dorm.

"Need more sleep."

Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Ap8OoJO

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Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Empty Re: Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3]

Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:26 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [-]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: Ohlawd
Tier: 0-3

Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] WVMWLOu
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Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Empty Re: Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3]

Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:10 am
Up for adoption

Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Ap8OoJO

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Satan's Spawn
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Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Empty Re: Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3]

Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:38 am
Approved~ :3 I really liked your RP, Sample! ^_^

Tier: 0-3

Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.

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Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Empty Re: Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3]

Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:51 pm
Moved to Character Adoption for obvious reasons.

Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*

Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Empty Re: Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3]

Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:18 am
Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Tumblr_m2fousp5gq1qhehdzo1_500

I'm kidnapping this and holding onto it!
Popping this into archives/right section~!

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Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] Empty Re: Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3]

Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:53 pm
[mod] Approved. Make a new app for starrk & Lilynette to match up to 2018 standards and once that is graded you will be good to go. [/mod]

Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] LzZCuy7
Coyote Starrk [Approved 0-3] BtXe12b
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