Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Queen Of The Sands
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At the Market Empty At the Market

Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:25 pm

Ayane Redwood

At the Market Amu-hinamori-shugo-chara-6763629-600-800-1

~ I want to see the world live in peace and harmony... also a world full of Teddy bears. Can't forget that! ~

Ayane walked down the dirt paths out of the sereitei and into the rukon district. Everything here was much dirtier than where the shinigami lived but the clean buildings of the noble families sat near this district making parts of it look rather regal. Ayane skipped down the path and continued her little skip until she got close to the market. Here, a huge dirt road was covered in several market stalls that sell nearly everything you would need except for houses and furniture. There were however lots of food stalls and some clothing stalls that caught Ayane's eye. She loved little snacks and loved her clothes even more.

however something Ayane remembered made her stop rushing off. Usually she would run into the Market with a massive grin on her happy face and buying everything she thought was pretty. However someone changed that as she stopped and waited for someone to come down the path she skipped along. Her skipping was pretty darn fast after all so she walked over to a little brick wall and sat down on it to wait for her friend to arrive.

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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:53 pm
Poliro was barely catching up to how fast Ayane was skipping. As he walked into Rukgonai, he could see how vastly different from Seirertei. He questioned why a peaceful afterlife should have such dirty looking towns like this. It should look better. He felt like he was staring at the slums. But regardless of what he thought he though of it, it wasn't of any concern to him right now. Right now he was trying to catch up to Ayane. But as he ran. "Oh to hell with running!" He then used Shunpo to catch up to her, and was with her in a couple of seconds after he did that.

He found Ayane on the brick wall waiting for him, he breathed a bit as it was still early, he wasn't fully awake. "Damn.. Ayane. Your skipping is really fast.. I used Shunpo so I could catch up. So is this the market then? Lets go see what there is, c'mon. And don't skip fast this time. He then walked off into the market, knowing she'd follow.
Queen Of The Sands
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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:52 pm

Ayane Redwood

At the Market Amu-hinamori-shugo-chara-6763629-600-800-1

~ I want to see the world live in peace and harmony... also a world full of Teddy bears. Can't forget that! ~

Ayane giggled to herself before standing up and following her new friend into the road of stalls. She held her hands behind her back and wandered up alongside Poliro as though she had known him for years. "I love it here. Its so peaceful"

The stalls were all loaded with food, toys and even duvets. Its rather strange that stalls around here would sell bed covers but there you have it, its the rukon district. However on shop really took Ayane in when she passed and it was labelled "Pink sweets" on a sign just above the stall. Ayane's smile grew huge as she rushed over and stared down at all the yummy treats. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" Ayane obviously likes sweets and the name of the stall being pink just topped it all off for her. She did wonder though as she stood there drooling over the food if poliro had actually seen her dash off. "er.... is he still here?"

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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:58 pm
Poliro smiled at Ayane, it felt like she had been his friend for a while already. Maybe they both had that element of being lonely in the world and they both needed each other. The fact she was close to him (literally) meant something to him. He didn't think it was the end of their friendships progression. When she commented about it being peaceful here, he had to say something about it. "Its the 3rd district, its not bad here. In the later ones it gets really rough though... I'm glad we aren't there.

When she ran off, he again had to use Shunpo to keep up with her wild run. He looked at all the pink sweets, knowing this would catch Ayanes attention. "Why do girls love pink.. I wonder. What is it about it you love Ayane? I don't get it.. He looked confused and couldn't think of anything to answer his own question.
Queen Of The Sands
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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:12 pm

Ayane Redwood

At the Market Amu-hinamori-shugo-chara-6763629-600-800-1

~ I want to see the world live in peace and harmony... also a world full of Teddy bears. Can't forget that! ~

Ayane looked over at Poliro as if she thought he wad dumb. Why wouldn't she love pink? Its her hair colour and its also the colour of her clothes half the time. "I just plain love the colour and I also love sweets... now I think those hearts will do!" Ayane pointed at a small container on the t6able with heart shaped candies. "I'll have two of those please" and so Ayane handed over some money to the store keeper and she got two paper bags of candy hearts.

"Here you go!" Ayane handed one of the bags over with a big grin as though she did a good job. Some of the people that walked by the stall stared at the two for both them being a shinigami and also the way Ayane was acting towards Poliro. It was like she was forcing herself to be nice and was unsure about herself. "er... do you like pink too? Or do you maybe not like hearts? oh you probably don't like candy!" Ayane suddenly started thinking of everything that could possibly go wrong and in the end, thrusted her arm forwards as though she forced Poliro to take the bag. Her face went red when she did so as well. He's just a friend... isn't he?

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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:39 pm
Poliro knew that look. He felt stupid asking. All he knew is that girls just like it, so he decided not to question it. He saw her buy them. When Ayane handed them over with a big grin on her face, Poliro smiled at her, but felt weird when she tried to basically force him to take it. But at the moment, he took the bag of sweets and told Ayane. "If they taste nice and don't make me ill the morning after, i'll take them okay? He smiled, reaching his hand in, and taking out one of the sweets to eat it. But then he saw her red face. "Hey, are you alright? Are you embrassed over something? He began thinking of reasons. But it hit him like a hammer. They had only met yesterday. That is what made her go red.

Poliro smiled again, kneeling down to her.
"Hey Ayane. Don't be embrassed about it, let me tell you something. If two people meet each other and like each other really fast, that means it was meant to happen, and they really wanted it to happen. If you heard me in my room. You heard what I said. I've been alone for all my life in Soul Society. I've lived around this district. District 1 to be exact. It was peaceful. I didn't get bothered by attacks or nothin' but.. I always felt like there was some kind of void in my heart. Even when I became a Shinigami and joined Gotei 13, I still felt something was missing, even though I had obtained the power I needed for my lifes goal. And I realised what that void was last night.. that void was... a lack of a friend. The void itself was just my feelings of being alone. I got taken away too early in my last life. And now, with my lifetime extended a long long time in this world, I can do a lot more things. Ayane. Last night is when I realised you are the kind of friend that could fill the void. And the voids disappearing now, even as we speak. If friendship or love happens fast, it means it was really meant to happen. Don't be red about it. Now, theres other stalls here too isn't there? Lets go see the rest of them. He smiled at Ayane proudly.
Queen Of The Sands
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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:51 pm

Ayane Redwood

At the Market Amu-hinamori-shugo-chara-6763629-600-800-1

~ I want to see the world live in peace and harmony... also a world full of Teddy bears. Can't forget that! ~

As soon as Poliro knelt down, Ayane did what any girl would do if she saw a guy get down on one knee to talk to them. It was usually very important and it made Ayane somewhat melt inside. She even started imagining her own toys running up to her for some very odd reason. She was suddenly very confused and couldn't think correctly.

"A....ble.....bleee.....fufuf....ooh..." Indeed, Ayane started making odd noises as she just had no way to respond to what Poliro was both doing and saying. She could barely make out anything he was saying but to her it sounded almost like a confession. he was pouring his heart out to Ayane to tell her not to blush and all she heard was 'I want to be your friend' and even that took her by surprise even though they already decided to be friends. her face couldn't have gone redder as even the stall keepers looked at them oddly...

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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:22 pm
Poliro looked very confused and bewildered from the strange actions were taking. Her face was really red as he could see. He was wondering what the problem was. He didn't care for the stall keepers at this point, he was focused on helping Ayane with her blushing. "Ayane, are you okay? You seem scared of saying anything back. Ayane. Please calm down. You don't have to be like this, I know your a brave woman on the inside. Why else would you be a captain? I am not a captain cause i'm not strong enough to be one. You are Ayane. You don't have to be blushy about this.

Having giving her reassuring words. He put some money down for the Shopkeeper and pointed at the same thing Ayane wanted. "One, please." after being given a bag by the shopkeeper, he then handed it over to Ayane. "Hey Ayane, I got you this. Accept it as a gift from me, please. [b] He smiled at her, having heart behind his smile and awaited what Ayane would do next.
Queen Of The Sands
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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:09 pm

Ayane Redwood

At the Market Amu-hinamori-shugo-chara-6763629-600-800-1

~ I want to see the world live in peace and harmony... also a world full of Teddy bears. Can't forget that! ~

Ayane was still standing in her fantasy world where she was running around pink flowery fields. Her shock and embarrassment factor hit a real high point and this is what she does to distract herself. However even while daydreaming forcefully, she found that she could still hear Poliro as loud as a megaphone through her ears.

When Poliro handed her a bag of sweets in return, of the same variety of the heart candies she loved, Ayane slowly reached forwards and grabbed it loosely while shaking quite a bit. "" And then without warning, Ayane's legs gave way as the overflow to her head from all the words and talk of love got to her heart. Ayane fainted and slumped on the ground in front of the stall...

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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:52 pm
Poliro smiled as she took it, seeing her shaking. But then, as soon as she gave way and fainted, he suddenly looked scared. "Ayane!? AYANE!? Are you okay?! Wake up! Wake up please!" This normal day of being with her had turned into him being scared and paranoid again. Was this his fault? He was too personal with her after so soon. He felt bad again, like he did before. He looked down at himself mentally. All he could do right now is help her by getting her some where safer.

30 Minutes Later...

Both Poliro and Ayane were in Seirertei again, Poliro scared that something really bad might of happened to her mentally or psychically. Poliro was in her room, having lied her down on her bed and was waiting for some kind of answer or awakening from her. He felt personally repsonlible for what had happened to her out in Rukongai. He looked very depressed and hopeless. "I.. couldn't do anything. I'm still weak..I still need power somehow! DAMN IT! I CAN'T PROTECT ANYONE! I can't protect myself.. and my only lying here unconsicious because of me! I don't deserve a friend.. And surely enough he began crying. He wasn't letting out tears, he was really crying. "I'm still... a bad person..
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At the Market Empty Re: At the Market

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