Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7438
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Location : The beach :)

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Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Empty Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten]

Yesterday at 12:32 pm
Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] JBWWmbT

Medicine was not Toki's specialty; kaido was far from his forte. But he was a competent kido specialist even so, and his mother had not taught him simply so that he could fight. That was why, when he was not working to account for the injured or assist in the reconstruction, he went to the former 2nd Division's headquarters. Captain Kuchiki had seemed entirely unfazed by the loss of the Gotei United; Toki was not so foolish as to ask questions of the woman.

"Ah, there we are. You should be alright for the foreseeable future."

Giving a nod of approval to one of the patients as he departed the 2nd Division, any injuries remaining on the man relatively minor. That was the last patient for now, and Toki allowed himself a deep breath to re-center as he left the office. For now, he was able to take a moment to relax, though he certainly didn't quite feel relaxed in the slightest. He was in fact rather close to zoning out, his awareness of his surroundings a bit more unclear than usual.

Really, he should have put his glasses on. But the combination of exhaustion and poor eyesight meant that he turned a corner in the division, and walked directly into a woman much shorter than himself.

"A-ah. Apologies, miss, my attention was scattered. Are you alright?"

Did he recognize her? Hard to tell.

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Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Empty Re: Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten]

Yesterday at 1:58 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Even if the Gotei had been officially disbanded by the acting captain commander, Shuten wasn't one to cease work just because she was out of a job. She still had a duty to do, even if she had been in the process of becoming part of this very squad right as the gotei had been disbanded. However, that didn't stop Shuten from passively wondering what would happen to the soul society as a whole. Indeed, there was a time where no official governing body took care of souls and the soul society. However, that time wasn't exactly an orderly one, if the records were fully accurate. Regardless, Shuten stuck to her work as the situation of the soul society remained in a state of concern.

As Shuten worked, carefully feeding her healing sake to patients, she could allow her mind to wander. Doing something new was indeed her desire, and this work in what used to be the second division did fulfill her more... But what would she do now? Everything was thrown into confusion and uncertainty due to the current events. All Shuten knew was that she would do what she felt was right, and likely back up her new captain, and her old captain, as much as possible.

As Shuten's thoughts wandered, and she moved through the barracks from patient to patient, her distracted thoughts caused her to run into someone after rounding a corner. Her lack of attentiveness caused Shuten to lose her balance briefly and stumble. AS Shuten stumbled, nearly falling from her own exhaustion, the sound of metal tinkling came from the woman's clothing. Despite her new profession in the second division, Shuten still took to hiding kunai within the lining of her clothing. The Suika moved some hair out of her face as she straightened herself, her more Suikan features potentially becoming apparent to Toki. Then again, she had no idea he had poor eyesight.

"No, you're fine... I wasn't paying attention either. But are you alright?"

Shuten carefully looked at Toki, trying to make certain that none of the blades concealed within her clothing didn't come loose and cut or stab him. After Shuten inspected him closely, the woman pulled out a gourd, one that contained some of her casual drinking alcohol, and the woman took a rather large drink. It was obvious that the drink had little effect on the woman, but her exhaustion more than compensated for such a thing. After a few moments, Shuten slipped the sake into a pouch at her side, extending her right hand for Toki to shake.

"I don't think we've met before, have we? I'm Shuten Suika, nice to meet you~"

God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7438
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Empty Re: Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten]

Today at 10:52 am
Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] JBWWmbT

Toki wasn't really one to be too terribly concerned with the notion that the woman before him was one of the Suika tribe; he was aware of them, of course, due to the former Captain Commander, and he had worked alongside a Shoiki of a different tribe for long enough that the sight of horns did not particularly catch him off guard. If anything, the jingling of her attire was more what surprised him, but he supposed it wasn't necessarily his business. Her name rang a bell, at least; he had, after all, asked about any of the people of authority that he should be reporting to.

"Ah, Officer Suika. I was told that you were one of the shinigami I should report to when it came to my volunteer work here. Hinamori Toki, former 8th seat of the 6th Division. It's a pleasure to meet you, though perhaps not under these circumstances."

He took her hand confidently, shaking it while he did his best to commit her to memory in ways other than purely visual. After all, his eyesight wasn't particularly reliable most of the time. Reikaku was a profound blessing in his day to day.

"I had been about to finish my shift, given I have been here for quite some time, but if you have anything that needs doing, I'll be happy to see it done before I go."

It wasn't lost on him that the woman seemed a bit out of sorts too; the people of the 2nd Division, even if they were still unaffiliated, were working as if the Gotei United were still in place.

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Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten] Empty Re: Breathe Slowly [Toki, Shuten]

Today at 3:09 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Luckily for Shuten, this man seemed to be acquainted with Suika. There was a surprising amount of people who didn't know anything about the Suika tribe and its relatives. However, Shuten was glad that Toki didn't ask about why her attire jingled when she stumbled. Old habits die hard, as it were, and Shuten wasn't about to stop carrying kunai and other such weaponry hidden within her clothing.

"Please... Just call me Shuten, or Ms. Suika if you insist upon it, there's no need to address me as such when the Gotei has disbanded. It's nice to meet you, Toki; even if the circumstances are darkened by recent events."

Such a statement was born from Shuten's own desires to treat the situation without the typical solemnity that rank may require. The Gotei was disbanded, and titles were just words without proper meaning behind them. The Suika saw no reason to hang on to such titles unless they once more meant something again. As such, Shuten did look over Toki as he spoke of how he was soon to finish his shift. Shuten briefly considered how much time may have passed since she started her own shift, and figured perhaps a break was due with time... But not yet. There were so many left to treat, and while she still had energy within her body she could help those people.

"Walk with me for a bit then, Toki. I may need your help with patients where my sake isn't enough; I have never practiced Kaido, after all..."

Shuten gave him a warm nod before she led the way towards a section of injured who Shuten had yet to visit. It was there she placed her Zanpakuto down nearby and popped a blue gourd free from its pommel. Shuten poured a generous amount into a cup and held the cup out to Toki. Her meaning was clear, but perhaps Toki would be a bit concerned about what Shuten was doing, giving Sake to patients.

"Here, please take this to the patients on the other side of the room; opposite of these beds. Before you ask, no it isn't really alcohol. My Suidomaru, my Zanpakuto, can make it, healing sake. It can heal if drank or dumped onto a wound. Have each person drink about a mouthful each. If you run out, come back to me."

What Shuten didn't wholly mention was that there was no worry for anyone to grow drunk from the Sake. Shuten's healing sake didn't hold the capability to get someone drunk, as its purposes were only medicinal... But it did taste much better than any medicine. After Toki moved as he was told, or asked questions, Shuten began to carefully feed patients the sake, or dribble the sake onto wounds. If Toki remained, he may notice how the patients did seem to gain a bit more color to their complexions after they drank the sake, or how their wounds fizzed and erupted with bubbles upon contact of the sake, soon to be washed away to reveal a healed wound; or no wound at all.

"When is your shift over, Toki...?"

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