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In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] Empty In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira]

Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:01 pm
In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

Once again, Emil was in that windowless office in a secured portion of his division's structure. Once again, he had to deal with a potential cracked gear in his fine little machine. He'd reviewed those reports, he'd spoken to his assistant of whom he had entrusted to assist this character.. Ah, he had many other things his attention was divided on, but this was something that never escaped his grasp; reason for suspicion simply hadn't mounted until recently.

There was only two possible outcomes for this discussion he desired to have with in mind; there was certainly one he preferred, but sometimes it couldn't be helped. Whether this little variable he had running around deserved the shorter leash, was to be seen.

Only artificial warm lights filled the room, wonderfully decorated as if it were a normal office; something of a mock rustic look with bookshelves lining the walls and calm blue-green tones tinted by the lighting. He had put out a summons via messenger - his operative was to either have arrived in the City of Lights by the prior day to be escorted by agents at the designated time in the morning, or he would have been found and dragged here by said agents; either way, Emil was a patient man.

Already, there were orders for the building to be well secured once the man was sitting in his office unawares; merely a precaution.

Set The Stage | END
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In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] Empty Re: In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira]

Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:19 pm
In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Akira had travelled to the City of Lights almost immediately, his Director was acting odd and he was surmiseed by the agents insisting on the escort that something may have tipped them off to other activities. So close. It was a little early to make an absolute assumption but he wasn’t going to follow in the footsteps of the Quincy that elected to create an issue within the core of the City. He had completed his lifegoal.


The man shifted through into the office, bringing both hands behind the small of his back and offered a standard at attention movement. Followed by a swift.

"Director. You called?


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In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] Empty Re: In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira]

Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:53 pm
In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

That black visor looked to be a far more imposing dark void amidst the irregular lighting as he'd sort through papers on his desk, the darkness beneath the glass suddenly dancing to life with strumming colored lines as his distorted voice would speak through - even through the alterations, anyone familiar with his voice would notice the lack of levity normally applied to it, "A good morning to you as well, Personnel Tairitsu."

His hand only lingered on a specific stack of paper, held firmly in a gloved hand, "Take a seat."
He'd normally have offered tea if this were an amicable discussion; instead all that was there was a glass cup on a coaster, already filled with ice water, not a single cube having melted. Once Akira would have done so, he would begin their little talks.

"So, I trust you have made some headway in the investigation I put you on?" His tone lingered for a moment, "I would like your full report, spoken please."

He had the written report just out of sight, away from the man's eyes as he sat in silence awaiting him to follow what was clearly an order. A test of memory, a test of if he kept his story straight, just to start out with. He didn't even expect him to be able to recall down to the littlest of details... But it was the swiftest way to catch one in a lie.

Set The Stage | END
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In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] Empty Re: In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira]

Yesterday at 1:07 pm
In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


There was a brow raise but nothing substantial beyond that, moving to take his seat in a swift manner and pondering for a brief moment.

"She’s a well trained operative. My first engagement was in South America, I have a contact in Brazil that is entrenched within mercantile work and I suspected Reida may require funding to be able to move from one location to another. He hadn’t heard of her but suggested Mexico or Argentina, transit ports for those who are well connected. After I made some inquiries, it seemed that Africa was a location I needed to survey, the outskirts are destabilized enough.

Akira took a moment to inhale.

"There was nothing there, I figured Europe wouldn’t be a location for her to traverse due to most of it being influenced by the Holy Roman Empire. That is when I figured Asia would be her go to, plenty of destabilized countries including the Wasteland itself which has yet to be rangled in by anyone. Then I got recalled, first the Jefferson incident then shortly after I took some time to myself in Japan t then respond to the attack on Beijing.

He then concluded.

"I’m sorry to report that Reida is a ghost so far, it isn’t shocking considering the time she’s spent with the Vandenreich and no doubt the plethora of connections she may have made. I’ve no doubt I can track her in due course Director.


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In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] Empty Re: In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira]

Yesterday at 7:20 pm
In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

The faceless man was still as a statue as his lesser spat his clusters of words, reading the notes he had tucked beneath his thumb and pinned to the packet, detail after detail... There were many interesting points in this report, and in his words, but he would have to approach them one by one. At the very least, this one seemed to have his little narrative straight. Unfortunate.

After an uncomfortable air of silence between the two of them, only the deafening silence of this insulated room to keep the operative company, that black display suddenly flickered to life with weaving color once again, "Thank you very much for your recounting, Personnel Tairitsu."

It sounded almost as if he was at the edge of dismissing him, but his distorted voice would immediately reel the conversation back into action, a purposeful move of instilling discomfort, "However, there are a few details that are of concern to me, you see. You must understand - your level of freedom in operating within the Todgestalten is consisting of many things, but the foundational condition is, trust. A level of trust, that you had yet to acquire, so pardon my askings, but let us begin on this,"

His hands were placed down on the desk, the packet laying flat, that segment of notes neatly folded out of view, "Elements such as, this... Contact, as you put it. You hadn't mentioned them in any detail within your original report. You cannot go about obfuscating your sources and movements, especially where you stand now."

An intensity would be pressed on Akira, as his tone deepened, "Additionally, I do not recall giving you permission to operate alone. In fact, i've been informed you had abandoned your accompanying agent. Why is that, exactly? Why have you gone off alone, without sufficient authorization, to speak to an unknown party, within an area of which is an entire ocean's worth of distance away from Coordinator Copeland's last known location?"

Gloved hands folded upon each other, his stance cold and unreadable as he'd impart a single question, "What were you doing there, Tairitsu?"

Set The Stage | END
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In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] Empty Re: In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira]

Today at 10:53 am
In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


"Ah. Forgive me Director, I am afraid most of my contacts have a habit of having pre-established rules for engagement. Unknowns are not welcome at a table when discussing sensitive business, as for why I was across an Oceans away? Well to be frank I become rather tunnel visioned in my work. That was me pursuing leads before they go cold, Reida is already an accomplished member of espionage so I was under the impression I could operate wherever those leads took me.

Akira offered a dip of the head.

"I understand if a reprimand is necessary.


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In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] Empty Re: In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira]

Today at 2:10 pm
In The Hands of Fate [Emil, Akira] VUSZmgC

Emil Grey

Only an unnerving statue of silence met Akira amidst his explanation, the gentle tap of a gloved finger on his desk as he listened to every little word spill out of this man's mouth. Such a fascinating way to say so very much, while conveying absolutely no new information; he'd applaud the attempt if it wasn't being turned on him.

"As for this 'time for yourself'," He cut into Akira's little try at an appeal to his ego as if there was nothing but air between them, "I do not recall approving of a time of reprieve. Are you to tell me that you have postponed a vital investigation into a missing agent without sufficient authorization? I understand you have only been with us a short while, but that conveys a rather disturbing lack of interest or sense of responsibility in your duties - and your own colleague."

Emil did not sound angry, he did not sound annoyed, he hardly sounded saddened. No facade would be gifted to this shinigami before him; he felt no need to put on a palatable face for a skipping cog that threatened to interrupt the machine.

"I have been quite diligent in reviewing recent reports in addition to yours, Tairitsu," He'd begin, a hand fallen to rest on his lap; the button beneath his desk was within reach, "It's rather curious; I don't recall having order you to interact with the incident in Beijing either. Unknown contacts that you refuse to disclose, your movements questionable, acting entirely on your own with no foresight... And now you have been within the east for a considerate amount of time, not performing your task... I have to wonder."

Another packet was placed in front of him; the detailing of a particular investigation, "Two of our operatives had responded to an attack by an Arrancar wreaking havoc within that same region. Around the point you have claimed for yourself. I had yet to request the forensics report of the Steingruft as I saw little need, you see..."

His presence felt uncomfortably suffocating, pressuring the man in front of him, "I had received a notice that you are in fact a Vizard. Now, why I had to find this out from a secondary source, instead of you yourself? I have no fathoming, i'd have expected you to present it to me at a point. You would have never been sent out if I was made aware of this sooner, but I desired to give you a chance to prove your loyalties and character either way. I am coming to realize, that may have been an error on my part."

With a slow inhale, there were only two potential outcomes to his next sentence that he thought of in the moment. Neither were ideal.

"For the sake of clearing your name, I wish to have your blood and reiryoku sampled and compared to that which was found at that scene. In the meanwhile, you are to be detained. If it is found to not be a match, you will be released - however you are off the investigation for Coordinator Copeland, and are to remain in the City of Lights indefinitely under proper watch and suppressant, both for your probationary period that should have occurred upon your joining due to the safety risk you pose, and appropriate consequence for withholding information and acting outside of explicit orders."

He did not feel the need to detail what would happen if they did match.

Set The Stage | END
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