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One Sun Rises, Another Sets [Vandenreich Leadership] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000One Sun Rises, Another Sets [Vandenreich Leadership] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

One Sun Rises, Another Sets [Vandenreich Leadership] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Sun Rises, Another Sets [Vandenreich Leadership]

Yesterday at 17:49
One Sun Rises, Another Sets [Vandenreich Leadership] - Page 2 PKBJuuf

Emil Grey

Time was certainly of the essence, the pale man thankful the young Grandmaster understood and followed along with that concern of his. Whatever was going on in the heavens was far past their understanding, but at the very least they had a reliable messenger; he was hardly the petty sort to question the validity of information off of one's position in this existence, if Captain Kishimoto were a reliable source trusted even by his colleagues assembled within this room, then he had little reason to think otherwise of her word.

His gaze turned to the rather exhausted looking Sternritter Director - he made certain not to make his sense of pitying known, but treating the young woman to some relaxing endeavor alongside a wellness gift was on his mind; the load had clearly taken the most toll upon her and they could hardly afford any of them burning out from stress.

"Of course Director Armstrong - that is the most pressing topic on my mind at the moment; preparing for the longer term. Between the actors who orchestrated Jefferson, and now this... Yes, the decision to invite the stranded to have temporary sanctuary in exchange for works is appealing - however I will have to structure and put far more focus into the vetting process. An incredible quantity of people not previously beholden to us, from another world entirely at that, will be brought right into our heart; if incredible care is not taken into ensuring each and every one of them is well intentioned and who they say they are, it could spell a disastrous security threat - I trust none present here have not forgotten about the bombing."

He had his own questionable parties to attend to, his concern not toward what they are but who they are: the quality of individual coming in. His icy gaze would look over to Calliope, his lips parting once more,

"The delegation of Shinigami already present to assisting will be, tight. If the Grandmaster so approves, I would prefer if we could send a small squadron of properly trustworthy individuals with the assistance of an Arrancar through the Garganta in order to discreetly collect information on what is occurring on the other side. Though I have faith in the Captain's word on the matter, we cannot guarantee that she would have the full picture anytime soon. Time is of the essence, the more we know now is the more we can put toward longer term stability and self preservative methods."

He said his piece, he would be still for the information that Director Armstrong wished to provide.

The Curtains Rise | END
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One Sun Rises, Another Sets [Vandenreich Leadership] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Sun Rises, Another Sets [Vandenreich Leadership]

Today at 14:51
One Sun Rises, Another Sets [Vandenreich Leadership] - Page 2 NrZiWZE

"I have already given you permission to put together a squad for that task, Director Grey, I trust that you will choose the most capable personnel to get the job done discreetly."

His response was curt to Emil, a passing remark of approval as he mused on the proposals offered by Helle and Calliope. Though he had no idea how successful the impulsive recruitment drive would be, Alastair could not ignore the advice his Todgestalten Director had been kind enough to vocalise. He was not the type to doubt the abilities of his closest advisors, but it was still reassuring to know that they were on the same wavelength.

"I do not believe that many of the Shinigami currently present on Earth will lack a Zanpakuto. Furthermore, those who lack such weaponry are commonly the initiates of the Gotei. I do not imagine that many of those would make acceptable additions to the Albedochiffren, especially at a time when the efficiency at which we can process information must be at its highest, so I am in favour of any former Gotei members who accept our offer being assigned to the Sternritter under Director Armstrong's purview. To balance the books, Sternritter personnel who are not currently fit for combat duties will be temporarily reassigned to the Albedochiffren to operate as Director Schwarzmann has outlined. Naturally, it will also be the duty of the Todegestalten to monitor these Shinigami. Even in a time of crisis such as this, we cannot simply expect them to seamlessly integrate with the Vandenreich."

Alastair settled back into his chair at that response, content that it would be sufficient to appease the three of them without ruffling too many feathers. His gaze turned to Helle specifically, finally offering her a nod before inviting her to offer what information she had gleaned.

"You may begin, Director."

The Crowned Star | END POST
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