Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2010-12-19
Posts : 526
Age : 35
Location : The Frost's Porch

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A Spoonfull of Joy [Mai, Rio] Left_bar_bleue0/0A Spoonfull of Joy [Mai, Rio] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A Spoonfull of Joy [Mai, Rio] Empty A Spoonfull of Joy [Mai, Rio]

Today at 1:16 am

Things were certainly all a jumble right now, but that could hardly be called unexpected. Now Rio getting not only transferred but promoted was unexpected, or at least it had been when Mai had heard about it originally. It made some sense though, after Mai let her brain work at it on the walk over. Rio was one of the people strong enough to be the rank of Captain, had been around long enough to know how to lead and teach people, and had the level head someone would need to handle the Rukongai in the aftermath of all that was going on.

Mai was sure she’d do a good job, if her head was in the game.

Which was part of what this trip was about, or at least it was now. She’d had slightly more selfish motives when she started out to find Rio, but it was also fair to say that first and foremost Mai had wanted to check in on her friend. She was doing a lot of that right now. Also not unexpected, given the state of things. She hadn’t spent much time around the Sixth Division, and it took her a little bit to find her way to her friend’s new office. She knocked on the door.

“Rio~” Mai singsonged from behind the door when Rio answered the knock, opening the door slightly and sliding the gift/bribery into view even before she herself entered the room; a carton of honest-to-goodness vanilla ice cream from the World of the Living. Mai bounced into the room a moment later, a bright smile on her face.
“I bet you haven’t had food, so I brought snacks! Well, a snack? Its still multiple snacks even if its all the same kind of snack, right?” Mai asked to no one in particular as she produced several other flavors of ice cream from a bag she was carrying. Rio had a like of ice cream sundaes, and so Mai had produced most of the pieces to one. She had one other flavor of ice cream on here, but she held onto that for now.
“Break time?”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~
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