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Yesterday at 9:57 pm
Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 4 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Thank you, both of you.

This was…far out of the realms of what he could take. The 4th was literally tearing apart itself in front of his eyes. How could such a miserable day get worse? How, how could being invaded by an army of hollows and seeing die AGAIN in front of his eyes as he was powerless to give aid be so similar. The Gotei was about get ahead of themselves by tainting their hands in blood for the sake of balance of the soul cycle. Leadership dissatisfaction was at an all time high accumulated at an call for a military coup by his very Captain. And now the division was broke up in opposition and agreement, Shinigami with their blades drawn waiting to strike at each other. With Shura and Captain Kanae at the head.

With Tento and Rio standing to guard Shura, there was only a second before Kanae was gone. Flashing passed their frame to strike out at Shura. The only realization of what came was the feeling of her massive spiritual pressure taking an uptick in pressure as she unleashed her wordless Shikai. With the full force of her spiritual pressure bearing down as her sword striked out in a slash akin to a vicious strike of a snake. Tento helpless as he could only turn his head to see the aftermath motion of Kanae’s strike and Shura’s defensive attempt. At that moment he had no idea how bad it was or if it was too late. Tento's heart pounded in a slow pace as he witnessed Kanae's ruthless precise attack. The gap in power let alone speed was undeniable, but he couldn't stand by and let Shura be struck down.

Tento's mind was a storm of memories in that second. These memories, vivid and relentless, played over and over in his mind. He was tired of being powerless to stop it, tired of feeling like he was always one step too slow, too tired, one decision too late. The weight of his failures pressed down on him, a crushing burden that threatened to break his spirit. He saw the faces of his comrades, their eyes wide with fear and pain as they fell in battle. The image of Arisa, her life fading from her eyes as she lay wounded on the ground, haunted him. He remembered the helplessness he felt as he watched Ryuu being overwhelmed by a horde of Hollows, his screams echoing in his ears. The sight of Rina and Ren, bleeding and battered, struggling to stand against impossible odds, gnawed at his soul. But in the midst of this turmoil, a fierce determination ignited within him. He could not let these sacrifices be in vain. He would not allow his comrades to suffer and die because of his inaction. The fire of resolve burned brightly within him. Summoning every ounce of his strength, he felt the familiar surge of energy as he activated his own Bankai as he turned and lunged forward as a storm of wind exploded from his body. “BAN….KAI!”.

The sensation of a spiritual pressure being unleashed may have been a pebble in comparison to Captain Kanae, but it was fierce in its own right as Tento’s transformation overtook him. The mantle of a lion's mane draped over his back, two large plumes of feathers sprouting as wings. A helmet in the shape of a hawk's face enveloped his own, and his arms were encased in armor, emboldened and overflowing with currents of wind ending in a taloned gauntlet on his right hand and a clawed lion's one on his left. His black and white hollow mask donned on his face overflowing with hollow energy, a ying-yang circle placed at the center of his forehead. “Shiō Gomonzen”. The sheer power of his Bankai, combined with the hollow abilities, boosted his capabilities severely, but even then he suspected the monster speed that Kanae had would be too much to match. His spiritual pressure erupted like a tidal wave, but hers was that of a mountain with those waters tickling her feet. Both energies shaking the very foundations of the training field demanding attention.

In a flash, Tento moved to attempt to reach Kanae’s side after Shura attempted to kick her away. His taloned gauntlet hand attempts to grip and dig into Kanae’s sword arm to keep her in place and stop a follow up strike towards Shura, his hand dripping with the corrosive acid of his hollow powers. Whether he managed to or not he spoke. "Enough, Captain Nagoshi! Stop this revolt and let the Captain Commander decide later" Tento's voice was a roar, the power of his Bankai amplifying his presence. Tento’s wings channeled with wind as the feathers shifted. Ready to unleash a powerful gust of wind.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 4 Tentos10
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Yesterday at 10:48 pm
Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 4 OI6c81k


Beset on all sides by arrogant and blinded children, Kanae would not allow this day to go to waste. Sure all these people had sided with mass murderers against her, but at least she could get some murder of her own done in the wake of their brainless treachery. If by the end of the day they all ended up in a bloody pile at her feet...well she wouldn't be satisfied, but at least she would have rid the world of a bunch of seated officers who think they run the Gotei.

Using the same move she had used to fatally wound Hakuyou just a die prior, Kanae deftly dodged down and to the right, avoiding Shura's attempted reaction entirely; then, just as before, her acid-coated Zanpakuto glided through the air to split the Kurata woman in two at her waist. Even should she somehow avoid the bifurcation, in all likelihood any acid that touches her would swiftly burn through her abdomen and organs just as it had done to the deceased Sixth Division Captain.

Trying to release further wouldn't heal Kanae's victim's wounds, it probably wouldn't even forestall the inevitable. One thing was for certain though, Shura Kurata would die by her hand. Tento Zefa would die by her hand. And if Rio stepped up, she too would perish today. Tento's hands would grasp air as Kanae was now relocated to his right side, her acid-covered Zanpakuto swinging down at him now as an executioner's blade. Any attempt at negotiation would be ignored; after all, they all ignored her very real, proven warnings about the other Captains. Any who raised their blade against her would be guilty of crimes against the Gotei, and Kanae would gladly serve as executioner.

Should Shura still attempt to lock Kanae down with Kido, she would find her target moving too quickly to hit with spells. On top of that, an ocean of Spiritual Pressure would explode out from her, as if she had released Bankai without any indication of having done so. The sudden burst of Reiatsu was so great it not only overwhelmed Shura's and Tento's, it drowned them out entirely. Over a hundred nearby Shinigami collapsed to the ground from the sheer weight of it, many of whom passed out almost the moment they did.

Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 4 DC59Cpk

Another tidal wave of Reiatsu would crash into everyone in the vicinity as power was drawn from Kanae's Zanpakuto, their Spiritual Pressures coalescing as the full weight of her Bankai was released without any warning. In the same breath she used to rebuff Tento's attempt at controlling the situation, Kanae swung her Zanpakuto once more, this time unleashing a massive arc of acid, the same one that had been used to split Hakuyou's Seireitei-destroying attack, precisely aimed to turn both Tento and Shura into puddles of melted tissue and flesh.

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Today at 9:35 am
Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 4 SYRqU8R


"Harden, Tetsumaru."

There was no room for negotiation. Precisely because she expected things would come to blows, Rio shifted into action when she felt that soundless flare of tremendous reiatsu bursting outward. The fundamental difference in speed left Rio at a clear disadvantage. As such, any attempt at defending Shura, who had darted from her initial position, was promptly ground beneath the Kanae's violent steps.

Now that Tento had involved himself, Rio had to reach them as quickly as possible and join the battle. There was no other way to move forward from here. Kanae would execute any "traitor" who stood before her. Conflict was inevitable. In all likelihood, this battle would not resolve until blood was shed. No other option was available. Bringing her all to bear in one ferocious burst of Shunpo, she leaped into the fatal battlefield.

Obsidian blades trailed along her back, like gusts of wind, transmuting into a wide-ranging shield encompassing the space around Tento and Shura. as Rio dashed into the collective range of Kanae's otherworldly slash. Since it was an attack of no small note, she could already feel the immensity of that attack cutting through the obsidian barrier, but she didn't expect any less. Kanae was a veteran of battle who had long since reached the transcendent height of unity with her zanpakuto most warriors aspired to.

Defeating her would be no easy take, but she had to act. Countless lives are being compromised right now. Engaging the woman directly, she would step through the barrier to ram her fist forward in one devastating strike, ignoring the acid that would inevitably coat her skin.


Offense and defense to combat her captain's fierce offense. That was the only tool she could apply here without the use of her own Bankai. A bitter realization that was ground beneath the current objective. When one tool was unavailable, bring forth another. Nothing more, nothing less. Duty no longer mattered here. Rio would see to it that this woman be stopped, even if it cost her her life.


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