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Fri Oct 18, 2024 3:40 pm

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Whilst she certainly wanted to snap back at Rio... Shura stopped herself. Letting her emotions overrule common sense was the dumbest thing right now, besides as she mulled it over Tento spoke up and drew her attention towards him. He was the first to speak out against the Captain, though in truth that part didn't surprise her. When she thought back on what she said before, about comparing Kanae to Zaraki... now it disgusted her. Not because of how true it might've been, but because of quite the opposite.

Tento made a very valid argument against the rebellion, and even if she didn't really care about this so-called 'balance', the rest of what he said made more sense than slaughtering other Shinigami. She could recall the conversation they had previously, of the downward inevitable collapse of Soul Society that they were headed for... and that was exactly what this rebellion would accelerate.

What did honestly surprise her though was him asking her for permission to go kill hollows, as if Shinigami needed such a thing in the first place... Though perhaps it was merely due to the respect he had for her, a level of respect that Shura did not share... Admittedly respect was something she rarely gave out to anyone.

However if it was just that alone her mind might not've been swayed so easily, it was Kanae's response that made her begin to rethink this entire coup. Her callous disregard for the question of a Seated Shinigami asking an earnest question, considering how Kanae had approached it all it was a sound one from a loyal Shinigami. But even that wasn't the issue, the issue was how she spoke to Tento.

Of everyone within the Fourth, Tento and Rio were likely the two she had any amount of real respect for, but her words were like venom to her ears. He didn't claim to want to play hero, nor did he claim to know the best path forward... Only an alternate one that would spare the lives of innocent humans who, as he rightly pointed out, were their charges to protect... not slaughter like cattle. However both Tento and Rio spoke up again before she could muster her own courage to do so.

Most of what he said she could take or leave in truth, it was towards the end of Tento's response that got her thinking, 'without losing sight of our humanity'... now where had she heard that before? It took her a few moments to think, but it dawned on her... the training she'd done with Yuuto, and the talk of the Ashura and the Shurado fighting style.

Rio was the next to speak, and made it clear that she sided with Tento in this endeavor. That was now two seated officers that opposed Kanae's rebellion, and made it known what her intentions were. This was going to end in a fight, Shura saw no other way this would end. Kanae was a relic of the past, a relic of the original ways of the Gotei. Zaraki was a monster and a demon certainly, but he was no traitor... This wasn't the path forward, it would only serve to weaken them further and disrupt the balance more.

"Your ignorance knows no bounds does it?" She sighed and shook her head and just as Rio had, moved over towards Tento and now Rio as she spoke "Kanae Nagoshi you claim others conspire to seize control for their own selfish purposes without realizing you're guilty of the exact same. I said I wouldn't question your orders or why you gave them, I did not however say I'd follow them. Rio and Tento have a level of respect for you that I do not, I respect Zaraki Kenpachi, and if I am loyal to any individual it is him. I retract the comparison I made of you and Zaraki earlier, because you're talking about attacking and slaughtering weakened Shinigami in a weakened Gotei. Even if you speak truly, it wasn't just Yuuto that failed to go after Ichigo... You also failed to target Ichigo. As the Captain of the Combat Division, Zaraki Kenpachi would've wasted no time in doing so. You chose, however, to go towards a fellow Shinigami, a Shinigami whose Reiatsu mysteriously vanished without any hollows nearby, and now you wish to command your entire division to slaughter more Shinigami. You say you wish not to deal with more traitors, yet conspire to fight against the Gotei in honestly one of the most dishonorable ways imaginable."

When she stopped next to the other two she lifted her head to look towards Kanae "Traitors will always be traitors, you never should've been released."

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Sat Oct 19, 2024 8:52 am
Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 3 OI6c81k


Kanae let out a sigh; she had lost all remaining patience. Tento was inexplicably focused solely on killing Hollows, as if that had anything to do with the grander issues she had raised, and the other one was being as childish and irksome as ever. It was high time she ended this conversation they still somehow believed was up for debate.

"Enough." she said, this time her voice raised and commanding, "Your naivety evidently prevents you from understanding the situation at large. You offer an alternative to a symptom while ignoring the deep-rooted sickness. Fifth Seat Tentō Zefā, if you truly believe in peace even in the face of destruction, surrender your Zanpakuto and let Fourth Seat Armina Wilsaam to take you into custody for your continued insubordination."

Then, her eyes turned to Rio. "As for you, Acting Captain Rio Shihoin: You were invited here out of respect for your previous position as Vice Captain. However, if you wish to stand in the way of the Fourth Division, you can suffer the same fate as your vile, treacherous predecessor."

Finally, Kanae's glare turned to Shura. "Shura Kurata-" As she spoke Kanae drew her Zanpakuto, causing the bulk of the surrounding Shinigami to follow suit, -for your many crimes against Soul Society and the Fourth Division, including falsifying battle reports, assaulting members of other Divisions, causing your squad mates to be attacked by the Seventh Division Vice Captain, gross incompetency, and insubordination, I, Captain Nagoshi Kanae of the Fourth Division, sentence you to death." Hundreds of eyes and blades turned to face down the woman who's arrogance had brought about her own fate.


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Sat Oct 19, 2024 1:21 pm
Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 3 Sqr93sA
MACHIHARA MOE | The Bubblegum Oni

Perhaps it was because of the bitter struggle that they had only just managed to overcome that Moe's comrades were still possessed by this madness. She could not quite make sense of it all. It was as if they did not understand the gravity of what their Captain was saying, the precipice upon which they found themselves, and she would have found it hard to believe too if it had not been supported by Rio only moments before she suddenly started bandying her power as Captain of the Sixth Division around. Under other circumstances, she might have wanted to congratulate her friend on such an appointment, but suddenly Rio was standing against them. It made little sense, as if she agreed with Kanae then surely the Sixth could work with the Fourth to combine their strength. So why had she suddenly changed her mind, unless she agreed with the slaughter of the humans?

Moe could understand Officer Zefa's wish to take vengeance upon the Hollows for this, rather than sacrifice innocent Humans as it seemed the other Captains had decided upon, but then he was bizarrely insisting that they sit back and allow those traitors and cravens to do as they please. Protecting the innocent and the downtrodden was why Moe had decided to become a Shinigami, alongside the recognition she would get for doing that, so how could she abide sitting on her hands and closing her eyes to her fellow Shinigami inflicting the same suffering they had just undergone upon the Humans?

Then, just when Moe thought it could not get any more confusing, Officer Kurata launched into a tirade about the greatness of a previous Captain from the old times and how Kanae did not compare. If he was so great then he should have stayed on as Captain, but instead, he was either dead or gone, so what did all that matter? And suddenly she was calling Kanae a traitor as if she had not just had her loyalty affirmed by Rio only moments before this insanity had begun.

And THEN, Kanae handed out her judgements. Asking Tento to stand down was reasonable enough, but she was threatening Rio's life, and suddenly laying charge upon charge at Shura's feet before sentencing her to death. It was a time for action, certainly, but it was clear to see that one if not both of them were not in their right state of mind. They needed help more than Tento did, certainly.

Even if it was Shura's fault that Shishiyuki had put her in the hospital for a while a few months ago, that felt like a poor reason to kill her. She shouldn't be speaking, shouldn't be moving, and yet the diminutive Shinigami came tumbling out of the rank and file and closer to Kanae all the same. Her head was spinning simply trying to keep up with all of this. That little pink bob threatened to swivel off its axle as she didn't really know where to look.

"Captain, I don't wanna see the humans get hurt for our sakes just like you, but I don't think we're ready to leap into action right now. The officers are clearly out of sorts, making wild claims, and even you are too a little. I think we're all trying to fight for Soul Society, but the division is mentally exhausted right now."

Butterfly Dancer | END POST

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Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:32 pm
Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 3 OI6c81k


Now who is speaking?! Kanae's attention was drawn to the diminutive Moe, an unseated Shinigami who Kanae knew had the abilities to be an officer. Yet here she was, a rank and file Shinigami advising caution and even accusing her of making "wild claims". Kanae had not expected Moe of all people in the squad to draw her ire next, and yet here they were.

"You would do well to remember your position, Moe Machihara. Do not get in my way. Zefā and the Shihoin do not have to die today, but that woman is beyond saving. The only fitting punishment for her long list of crimes is execution in front of the Division she belonged to." Turning away from Moe, Kanae faced the target of her judgment and spoke louder again. "My word is final. Today Shura Kurata dies."


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Sun Oct 20, 2024 10:38 am
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

This was getting bad, from bad to worse. If he did not submit to Kanae’s will and threat it was clear what was going to transpire. He was no fool to think a fight would be a good outcome. Would he have to get away and try to let the 1st division know what was going on before it was too late? COULD he even manage that? Could the Gotei follow a different immediate action? Maybe it would have been better if he kept his mouth shut and acted in the background. But he just could not shake off the question tugging at his nerves; why hadn’t any of the Captains pushed enough for the Gotei to do something else beyond attacking the human souls in the world of the living? What did they truly believe, were they like Kanae and held their tongue there and then but were planning other things in the shadows??

Be as it may, it was done and his loyalty shown. Those lingering seconds felt like hours as Tento felt the weight of Kanae's ultimatum hang heavy in the air, thick enough that he could believe he would be able to draw his blade and cut it. With each step Rio took towards him he was unsure if this would be the moment he had to fight. Only to have a moment of surprise when she turned to his side and backed him. He was sure she was on Kanae’s behalf. She had backed their Captains recall of the meeting, the order given by Erika. She agreed that such an act should not be done, just like Tento did. Was it the revolt, what was the branching road; just like him? Tension was nerve wracking among the gathered Shinigami as a whole. His heart pounded in his chest, but soon he heard another voice. Shura. Now that was someone he was truly surprised about. Shura was known to have no love for the current Gotei nor its leadership. From their recent talks it sounded like she had nothing but frustration, delusion, and disappointment in the standards and procedures that they had shifted to over the last few generations. He did not think she was for slaying humans, at least he would hope not given what he knew of her personhood. But a revolt…well she did clap like the majority of the 4th. That was a concern that just turned into confusion as she turned to his side as well. Emotions reigned supreme with that one…

And with that came a level of brassiness that would make a sailor blush. With that last sentence Tento was…ah…not surprised by Captain Kanae’s response to say the least. Tento felt his blood run cold as Captain Kanae issued her ultimatum after silencing everyone. If it was only the order to lay down his sword he may have. It was reasonable because he was committing insubordination in his protest of his Captain’s order. But threatening Rio’s life and sentencing Shura to death; mistakes and issues in all. Was that not an extreme response clouded by the current situation? Why would he or Rio be any different? They were against following Kanae’s and the Gotei’s command after all. What she clearly advised would result in death. In another world perhaps Captain Kanae did not give the order to revolt. Perhaps with Rio as acting 6th Captain and her as 4th’s Captain, they could have been the voices of reason in the room that painted a different picture, changed the present. But no. Instead, here he was, and it was all going to end one way or another. Captain Kanae’s words and actions gave that for certain.

As the bubble gum oni came out of file to try and be a voice of reason. Tento hoped that it may be a tick in a scale that made her reconsider. To stop and try something else so that more blood would not be spilled today. However as fast as it came it went. Kanae was headstrong in her decision. Damn it… .“Two things can be true at the same time, Captain Nagoshi. I can disagree with Erika’s order to sacrifice humans in the living, and be against your coup. Like Moe said, we need to consider the state of our division and the Gotei. We're all trying to fight for the Soul Society, but we need to do it together. The division is exhausted. We need to find a way to move forward without tearing each other apart”.

Kanae said that he was naive in understanding the situation. But to him she was stuck in her ways and too determined to think. She, and much like the others, were too quick to not use their foresight and accept what their actions will cause. Few. Weak. Unstable. Under-resourced, and only making the grand issue of balance as well as protection impossible to tackle. They would get pushed back to a time prior to the 1st generation of the Gotei 13. The sword of swords being drawn in bulk made that easy to see. “Answer this Captain Nagoshi, please. Did you even attempt to convince the Captains to do otherwise in that meeting?" , Tento said in a change of tone, calm and controlled. With the current state of things it did not matter. It would not change anything. It was...just something a subordinate wished to know from his superior.

Tento's heart pounded in his chest, a storm of emotions raging within him. Anger, disbelief, and a fierce determination to stand by his principles churned in his mind. But he swallowed them. The sight of his comrades turning against Shura, their weapons ready to strike, filled him with a sense of urgency. His Zanpakuto at his side but not yet drawn, he spoke as he placed his hand to his hilt preparing for failure and confrontation to come. "If you believe that adherence to our principles makes me a traitor or naive, then so be it. But I will not stand down. I will not surrender my Zanpakuto. Nor will I stand by and watch. Shura deserves a fair military trial as an officer, not a summary execution. I implore you to reconsider your stance and your decisions on this day."

As ready as so many of the surrounding Shinigami to follow Kanae’s actions. Many had and were still hesitant. Their eyes darted between the defiant trio and their commanding officer. The seeds of doubt had been planted, and the question of loyalty hung heavily in the air. Some shifted uneasily, their expressions conflicted. The ball was in her court and Tento watched Kanae’s growing hardening glare. The enlighten fire in her eyes could see the determination in Tento’s eyes. Waiting for her to issue another command or move. For as stupid as it may have been, he did not wish to draw his blade unleash she truly was going to do this. His stance was firm and the silence that followed was heavy with tension, but also with a sense of anticipation. The assembled Shinigami watched, waiting to see what would happen next. Tento could feel the weight of their expectations, but he remained resolute, ready to face whatever came next. Then a voice spoke out. A voice from within the lined ranks of the unseated officers. "Tento is right. We are Shinigami. I agree with our Captain but our duty is to protect, not to destroy." Another voice followed, and then another, until a chorus of agreement rippled through the crowd.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Sun Oct 20, 2024 11:55 am
Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 3 SYRqU8R


"You may certainly try, Captain Nagoshi, but my stance on the matter will not change. Honored as I am by the time I spent in this division, a coup that would inevitably bring us to conflict with everyone else in the Gotei is as foolish as it is incomprehensible. Difficult as it is to stomach the idea of killing several humans, I don't welcome the idea of this division sacrificing their lives against those who will stand against them, either."

Gold met Violet as Rio remained adamant in her stance and posture. Much like the shield she embodied, she would not budge on the matter no matter how she presented this case. Even if they could avoid involving civilians, they would still come to blows with those who'd vehemently stand against this. No matter what, she couldn't envision an outcome where this ended without violence. Furthermore, there was so much more at stake beyond her duty. What would her family think of her at the end?

There was much more to lose than there was to gain. She couldn't fathom the thought of bringing shame to the Shihoin Clan. Moe's words seemed to ease some of the tension in the atmosphere, though that attempt was quickly crushed by Kanae's announcement. When Kanae announced that Shura would be the one to die here today, Rio wrapped her fingers around the hilt, shifting her feet around to prepare herself if Kanae stepped forward.

"If you wish for her to be put to trial, that can be arranged. An execution is out of the question."

Much like before, her words left no room for insincerity. Whether there was any credence to Kanae's words or not, even Rio knew there was a process to things like this. Even if she may have been justified, it'd be negligent on her part to simply let it happen.


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Sun Oct 20, 2024 12:14 pm

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Perhaps in a different timeline things would've turned out differently, perhaps in a different timeline things would be different. But this was the timeline of events, this was how things were going to play out, and no amount of words would've ever changed it, at least that was how Shura saw it. Whether others understood or cared, she didn't know or care.

Kanae's response only confirmed what she already knew, this would end in violence no matter what else happened. Her words towards Tento only served to confirm her mistrust of the woman, her words towards Rio served only to confirm her hatred towards this woman... And her desire to be judge, jury, and executioner of herself served only to reinforce her desire to never see this woman again.

Yes she hadn't stated in her report of her use of Kido, though she did not lie in that she did state everything they did to Metatron was futile even whilst in Bankai. Assaulting other Shinigami? Preposterous. Did she go overboard? Yes, that much was clear, and the moment she warned her to stop her actions she had done exactly that and actively ensured she did not violate such an order. But none of that mattered, no amount of words would curb this cretin's insatiable desire for nothing but violence.

Even Moe's attempt to diffuse the situation was met with just a harsh response. But Shura would no longer speak, words were futile and even as Tento and Rio spoke she remained silently staring at Kanae before placing one hand on Tento's shoulder. Tento went to speak again this time, even going so far as to question if she'd made an attempt to stop the thing she claims they were forcing.

But while Shura knew it didn't matter the answer, both Tento and Rio were willing to draw blades against Kanae to stop her. As Tento spoke, Shura whispered to the both of them "Thank you, both of you. Hold her off for as long as you can." An earnest thanks for their defense, and perhaps she did deserve to be placed on trial, something that when this was all over she would gladly submit herself too if it was truly felt she should be placed on trial.

But before their words would stop, Shura would speak though not in a way that would be directed towards any individual "Bakudo Nijyuichi, Sekienton" A burst of red smoke would erupt to envelop their immediate area and from within a second set of words was spoken "Bakudo Nijyuroku, Kyokko" If allowed to go off, this time her very presence would simply vanish from the battlefield. Both her physical form as well as her Reiryoku masked by the kido. Her hand would vanish from Tento's shoulder, her direction? The first division barracks. She knew she was no match for Kanae, and she knew the consequences of what she'd just done... But whether she was guilty of anything would be for the court to decide, not this cretin.

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Sun Oct 20, 2024 1:25 pm
If this was how it was going to be, then so be it. The purpose of being here had been nothing more to observe, but it seems things had escalated beyond what was expected. Zefa so admirably stood up to his superior—to everyone here—with the backing of others who opposed her. With all eyes being on the people that were making a scene, it seemed Kurata and Yuuki were of like mind which was concerning to say the least. They hadn't known her long, but they already didn't like her. So the very same words were mimicked by the 9th seat in a hushed voice.

"Bakudō #21. Sekienton. Bakudō #26. Kyokkō."

They repeated the spell to cause another burst of red smoke. It didn't last long and so recasting it would thicken and extend the effect, but they were muttering the second spell's name to conceal themselves from sight and senses with a getaway in mind as well. Since they were in such a nice open space, there was any number of rooftops that would be a decent foothold use.

If that lot wanted to fight the Captain—they could. Ideally, they all draw their blades and be too busy after Kurata's actions. If Kanae's opposition couldn't hold out or create a big enough mess to alert the rest of the Shinigami, then their resistance was futile from the beginning, and if they were going to face such a powerful captain then they needed the element of surprise. Alternatively, they could all scatter into the wind to make it very difficult for every loose end to be tied by one person. They for one were not headed towards the First Division barracks.


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Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:19 pm
Duty and Dishonor [4th Division Meeting Thread] - Page 3 OI6c81k


Kanae was genuinely confused. She hadn't undertaken some sinister plot or advocated for subterfuge or outright murder. She told these people the truth, that other captains were plotting to kill humans and choosing to argue like children instead of helping rebuild, and somehow almost every officer of the fourth decided trying to do something about that was just too heinous, too vile to even imagine. They would rather go kill Hollows, as if that's a solution to anything, while doing nothing about the people who actually ordered the mass murder in the first place.

Now these arrogant children thought she needs their permission? Meanwhile the person they're defending flees like a gutless rat, leaving them to suffer the consequences? Kanae realized her mistake, which was not checking all of these people for brain damage after the invasion. She would prove the folly of their arrogance in trying to tell her what a Captain can and cannot do.

In a flash Kanae was past Rio, Tento, all of them. She knew none of them could keep up, and the silent release of her Zanpakuto into Shikai would only further display the gap between them. The full force of her Spiritual Pressure bore down upon Shura, blasting away the red smoke as if it hadn't been there in the first place; and before the second spell's name could even pass from her lips, Kanae's sword had been swung to cleanly cleave through the Kurata woman's neck. This wasn't like any time she had fought any of these ingrates before, every ounce of killing intent within Kanae's soul sharpened her every movement; she would not be stopped by Tento, she would not be stopped by Rio, and she certainly wouldn't be stopped by this vile, ceaseless
thorn in her side called Shura.


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Yesterday at 1:19 pm

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This Shura should've expected, paltry kido in the twenties shouldn't be thought to produce any kind of help when she was this fast. Shura was arrogant, but most in this division including Kanae were arrogant to some extent. Nothing was more evident of this fact than her attempt to behead the woman in one swing, to cause a level of damage that none had earnestly had the capacity to do.

Of course that being said the release of her Shikai was not what she had anticipated, she expected either no release or a Bankai. It presented a new level of danger in this attack, and though it connected she would find her attempt to completely behead Shura would falter. The blade sunk into her neck for sure, but her resilience ensured it could cut through with one swing and Shura's arm didn't simply remain idle either. The moment she had felt that blade make contact it begun to move, reaching up to grasp onto Kanae's hilt and, with every ounce of strength she had, push back against it to prevent her from finishing the job.

Shura wanted to speak, but such things were both a waste of time and energy, and so she instead raised her leg to kick Kanae square in the chest and force her backwards. Only when the blade was dislodged from her neck did her hand instantly grasp her own Zanpakuto "Bankai" If Kanae wanted to kill her, it would take more than just her Shikai to do so, no if she wanted Shura dead she'd have to meet her on the same level and playing field. Sure she couldn't close the gap in speed, but her strength and durabiltiy alone would ensure that such a thing was an immutable requirement if she wanted to end this quickly. Both of her axes held in one hand, the chain dangling beneath them from her bankai.

Blood seeped from the wound and her mouth, the wound created by just the one cut meant she either needed to get medical treatment very soon or the sheer blood loss would kill her. "Bakudō no Rokujyuichi, Rikujōkōrō" Immediately following the release of her Bankai six beams of light shot out at lightning fast speed to pierce Kanae's waist and hold her still even if only temporarily.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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