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The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) Empty The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.)

Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:17 pm
The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) 445ea35a36e80a083f13a12bd413814d

Zhangnanhai Compound

Jefferson. Stella’s recent attack. Claudia’s death and Africa, all these things had grasped most of the major organizational powers' attention and it was time to strike. The convening of the CCP had gone underway but the ambition of vice premier Liu Xhao had been used to end the power vacuum in China once and for all…

Isamu and Vicente had both been roped into this rather brazen assignment, each for their on reason but R had called upon them to do a rather interesting task. Eliminate. There would be blood today and not a single individual on the lists they were granted could be granted leeway to escape, though it was advised they try to make it look less spiritual and more an internal issue of state. Would they do that? R had no fucking clue. There would be clean up regardless, though those who elected to assist took positions. They were informed that another asset would provide concealment and chaos outside.

Those on the list granted was Xia Yang head of the CMC, Zhang Tao head of the government itself, Duan Hu head of the NSC and state counselor Zhou Peizhi. These were targets that required absolute removal, though an extra had been added shortly after. Liu Xhao must not be killed but harm him, they must look a little battleworn. It would be an easy movement for them both to get behind the curtain wall, though internally Liu Xhao had granted information that they would be guarded.


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The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) Empty Re: The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.)

Wed Aug 21, 2024 4:19 pm
The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) 4NPVQa3


He had not expected to end up being roped into such a peculiar scheme. But, the idea of it was amusing -- in addition to allowing him access to ruination of the country that particular insect seemed to hold some level of care toward. So, a rare, smile passed on Vicente's face, one that to most others would look sinister and ominous, as he looked at the alimañas he had been tasked with killing. Well, all but one. Six eyes narrowed as he committed the faces and names to memory.

Silver-colored wires glistened in the light as the energy pooled under his nails and crept out from beneath like malleable, metallic snakes. He did not fully understand the reason behind needing one of the creatures to be kept alive, but, if that was a prerequisite, then, as begrudging as it would be, he would fulfill. So, he awaited his appointed partner outside of the building where their targets were located, sitting with the middle set of eyes closed, the other two opened wide as he sat patiently.

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The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) Empty Re: The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.)

Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:57 pm
The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) ZxpAPHq


"Day's finally here, eh? Took ya long enough, R."

Isamu voiced his thoughts quietly as he stepped into full view, standing a few paces apart from the large six-eyed freak that would be his partner today. In truth, he would've preferred going solo. After all, how could someone like that do something that required being covert and using low-maintenance spiritual pressure? Ah well, whatever. R hired him. As long as it didn't affect his pay day, he didn't really particularly care what Vicente did or who he did it to.

R had assigned them their orders. Xia Yang. Zhang Tao. Dan Hu. Zhou Pezhi. These were the names of the men they were tasked with eliminating, and then there was something about leaving one of them alive, albeit "battleworn" as R so gracefully put it. Kill everyone and beat up a survivor. Sounded easy enough, right? At least he hoped so. Toying with his blade, he gazed at Vicente as he motioned for the man to follow him, his eyes observing the area as he prepared to infiltrate the compound.

"I don't know how well your stealth game is, but try not to make too much of a fuss. Otherwise, we'll have more to bite off than we can actually chew. Highly doubt any of these men can take you out, but I've seen crazier shit before. Let's get to it, Pareja."

END POST | Hitman

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The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) Empty Re: The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.)

Sat Aug 24, 2024 11:51 am
The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) 445ea35a36e80a083f13a12bd413814d


It wasn’t long during this chaos that both heard a symphony of shrieks, firm explosions following suit on the other side of the compound as congested streets began to flood with panic. The guards on the external trying to figure out what was going on as plumes of thick ash and smoke erupted from the exterior of the compound, a clear indication that many may be a little distracted. A brutal movement of men started to scurry about, moving into the facility to protect V.I.P’s.

Then ring, ring.

Isamu would get a call from R, a rather odd and quick one at that. A swift sound of R speaking through the phones audio, though sounding a little more hurried than one may like.

."Isamu, Vandenreich have issued a response to Beijing. Inform Vicente he has much more eager prey at Kurai and to hold them off as long as possible. You’re going to have to kill as many as possible during that time, you will still be paid.


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The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) Empty Re: The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.)

Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:55 pm
The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) ZxpAPHq


"Keh. Of course, they are. Fine, fine. Guess I'm going in solo, then, huh?"

Inwardly, he felt that suited him just nicely, all things considered. He didn't exactly think Vicente was suited for this job, anyway. Again, nothing about this man's appearance screamed stealth. Turning his head in Vicente's direction, he waved his hand off and decided to provide him a quick explanation, briefing him on the change of game plan.

"Alright, Pareja. There's been a change of plans. Bossman wants you to go fight Vandenreich members with Kurai and keep them distracted. Pretty sure that suits your talents far better than this job here. Have fun."

With that, he waved him goodbye and began to enter the facility through a unique passageway on his own. It was time to get to business.

END POST | Hitman

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The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) Empty Re: The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.)

Sat Aug 24, 2024 8:27 pm
The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) 4NPVQa3


A change of plans? Curious. He not expected his relocation, but, the idea of fighting certainly appealed to him more than it did to suppress and hide what he was. The cunning nature of his life as a Hollow had never left, but there was still a sense of pride for where he had climbed to. So, the other two sets of eyes closed, and Vicente remained quiet for a few moments, before making simple "Hm" noise.

In but a moment, a brief buzzing, static-like noise came from the Arrancar, and in a burst of movement, he was gone from his position, a series of similar sounds carrying him away from the assassin and toward where their other compatriot was stationed. It would not be hard to find her, all he would have to do is follow the flames, the destruction, and of course, the screams.

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The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) Empty Re: The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.)

Thu Sep 12, 2024 10:37 am
The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) 445ea35a36e80a083f13a12bd413814d


Isamu slithered behind the curtain wall with relative ease as troops were far too occupied with handling V.I.P’s. It was protocol to begin evacuating them A.S.A.P and no sooner did he manage to bypass one of the easier areas that the glance upward of helicopters swarming beyond come to view. The Vandenreich. Yet his targets were ahead, a large structure surrounded by several bridges that granted access above one still water, now? Plumes of Ash erupted in the east of Beijing.

Ahead though seemed to be four soldiers, equipped with rifles as they began to move hurriedly, judging by their lack of notice of Isamu initially he had a brief opening to atleast eliminate them or maybe conceal himself? Though the direction they emerged from indicated that is where his true prey remain.


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The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) Empty Re: The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.)

Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:02 am
The Vacuum Filled (Vicente/Isamu.) ZxpAPHq


"Sheesh... it's a good thing I'm not near all of the festivities. How did the Vandenreich here get so fast, anyway?"

So far, so good. Compared to the outpour of energy flaring off in the distance, Isamu was experiencing little resistance in his mission. Thus far, there appeared to be few soldiers occupying the building. Strange, he'd expect this place to be filled to the brim with an army of men, but perhaps they were special security, reserved for a select few. Either way, it was best to eliminate them now in the event they noticed him.

Even if he was concealing his energy to a firm degree, the slightest misstep could reveal his presence in an instant. Like a shinigami, he flashed from soldier to soldier, carving precise arcs of steel through the air as he sliced down the men in passing. Quiet and efficient. Casting his gaze toward the location from which they emerged, he subtly stepped forward, motioning his body as he inched ever closer to wherever his targets might lie.

END POST | Hitman

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