Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2022-10-03
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Age : 25

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Just Smile (Stella/Priscilla} Empty Just Smile (Stella/Priscilla}

Yesterday at 11:41 pm
Just Smile (Stella/Priscilla} CzhaocQ


With that utterly depressing resort in her rear view, Priscilla Tintalla had made her way to the home of her people's ancient enemy here on Earth: The City of Lights. She wasn't sure whether she would be turned away at the city's entrance, but as it turns out Arrancar were not unilaterally treated like the enemy which elicited a surprised "Huh" from the brightly dressed woman.

Excited to take the day and city by storm, Priscilla marched her way onto the busy streets of the immense megalopolis. The buildings glittered in the afternoon sun, and an endless stream of humans marched from one to another. Tall signs and lit up screens announced each business's purpose, and if she tried her best to look over the shoulders of the army around her Priscilla could see this stretched endlessly into the distance.

This isn't fun.

Where was the excitement? The thrill?! Priscilla just saw more droll humans going about their droll lives. Apparently the only difference between these people in a glamorous shining city and those living elsewhere was how much water happened to be near them. Frustrated, Priscilla Sonido'd up to the roof of a nearby building some four or five stories tall and sat on the edge of its roof. She didn't want to give up yet, but there didn't seem to actually be much interesting here so far. Maybe she could check out that arena she heard about...

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