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Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel) - Page 5 Empty Re: Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel)

Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:47 am
Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel) - Page 5 SsMLBbB


“Yes.” The Arrancar answered with a smile, noting the slight blush on the woman’s face, finally seeing what she had been searching for the entire time. “My aspect is desire and it is constantly driving me to fulfil not only my own but those I meet, whether it be conversation, a companion or something more. All of my powers are saturated with the feeling and rather than direct damage, my abilities attempt to draw the emotions of those I use them upon to the surface. Unlike my kin, I do not seek violence or bloodshed, I seek to bring joy into the lives of those I meet.”

Pausing for a moment, she would then sigh and continue. “That is why I have been a little pushy in trying to get you to open up and I do apologise if I came across too strongly. My intention was not to try and cause you to spill your guts and have you fall apart, only for me to try and understand you better, so I could try to help in my own way. I suppose you can say that helping people is what my aspect is all about.”

Her eyes focusing on Diana, she would chuckle. “You are beautiful, Diana and I mean that.”


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Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel) - Page 5 Empty Re: Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel)

Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:18 pm
Sabriel's words told Diana that the former had indeed seen the light blush on her face. That was to be expected because the Arrancar seemed to be the observant type and she was standing rather close to the Quincy. Diana was unused to physical contact with others and she had never had a beautiful young woman treat her so gently, facts which contributed to the blonde blushing. Diana had no romantic attraction to Sabriel, but the other woman was beautiful and the former could not ignore that.

As she listened to Sabriel talk Diana was not certain as to how exactly an Arrancar with the aspect of Desire could help her, but she kept that doubt to herself. Part of her felt like the dark-haired young woman was trying to get information to use against her should they ever become enemies. However, it was too late to worry about protecting sensitive information now because she had already told Sabriel where she lived, how she lived, and that her parents were dead. All Diana could do was hope that they remained good acquaintances or became something approaching friends.

"You are beautiful too." Diana calmly and freely returned the compliment she had been given. She was not saying that out of attraction to the Arrancar or to curry favor with the latter. The Quincy was simply telling the truth and she would stand by what she had said.

Sabriel's bold move had caused the conversation to take an unexpected turn, but Diana was interested in seeing where it went from here. She remained silent and calm as she waited for the Arrancar to speak. The blush remained on her face... whether it would eventually go away or get redder depended on what Sabriel did next.

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Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel) - Page 5 Empty Re: Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel)

Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:58 pm
Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel) - Page 5 SsMLBbB


The compliment was appreciated and as she watched the slightly blushing woman, Sabriel began to feel her own desire start to rise to the surface. It was a powerful motivator once it got going and the Arrancar had to be careful. Yet, there was something about seeing the hardened blonde suddenly showing a sign of a softer centre that was so appealing to the dark haired woman. She so dearly wanted to show her affection to the blonde and after thinking about it, perhaps it would be a nice change of pace.

“I am glad that you think so.” The Arrancar replied with a smile, placing a hand on Diana’s cheek before leaning in and kissing the blonde softly on the lips. It was not an aggressive kiss nor did she try anything further but Sabriel simply could not help herself. After having spent so much time trying to softly open up Diana’s shell, she just could not help but jump on the opportunity to open it further now there was a crack.

The kiss was not overly long and soon enough Sabriel pulled away but the look in her eyes afterwards was rather different. She most certainly desired the gorgeous blonde now.


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Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel) - Page 5 Empty Re: Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel)

Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:46 pm
The unexpected turn the conversation had taken sudenly took another turn as Sabriel made another bold move and actually kissed her after gently placing a soft hand on one of her cheeks. To Diana's surprise she did not pull away or try to gently guide the Arrancar's face away from her own with a hand. Instead the blonde simply let it happen for reasons she did not fully understand. Her blush turned a deeper shade of red as she maintained eye contact with Sabriel while wondering why she did not stop the kiss.

Diana's solitary lifestyle led her to keeping people at arm's length and not fully trusting anyone no matter how friendly they seemed. Maybe on some level she was tired of living that way. Maybe she wanted to finally find a good acquaintance... or a friend.

Or was it comfort that she really wanted?

Diana was not sure if wanting comfort was why she had let Sabriel get close, but what she knew for certain was that the Arrancar's kiss had been pleasant. Sabriel had been so gentle and considerate of the Quincy's personal boundaries and that kindness increased Diana's respect for her. Seeing the look in the other young woman's eyes kept Diana's face a deep shade of red as the latter spoke.

"You are as gentle as you are beautiful, Sabriel." Diana repeated her earlier compliment and added another one. Again it was not a piece of flattery. It was the truth.

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Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel) - Page 5 Empty Re: Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel)

Yesterday at 6:41 am
Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel) - Page 5 SsMLBbB


“I am just happy that you did not decide to strike me.” The Arrancar answered with a chuckle. “Forgive me for being so forward, I sometimes forget that it can be considered rude to kiss another without permission in the human realm. I simply could not help myself, Diana, it just felt right. You are one of the most lovely women that I have ever met and while it has taken us a while to understand one another, I do sincerely hope that we can be friends.”

That feeling of want was growing at a faster rate now that they had kissed and Sabriel could feel it pull on her psyche. She could start to feel something from the blonde at this point, her empathy finally seeming to work. It was only a tiny inkling, a gentle feeling of loneliness that seemed to lie within the Quincy. The Arrancar was sympathetic to Diana’s plight and she did hope that maybe she could offer a hand to the woman and maybe ease that loneliness just a little, if that was what her new friend truly wanted.

“I know that after all you have been through, it is difficult to trust but there are people out there who you can trust.” She added gently. “I confess that I feel rather isolated as well sometimes and that is why I spend so much time forging friendships with those I meet.”


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Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel) - Page 5 Empty Re: Stoicism And Whimsy. An Unusual Mix. (Diana, Sabriel)

Today at 12:36 pm
Diana could not help but to get the impression that Sabriel used such honeyed words with every young woman who caught her eye, but the blonde had no problem with sweet talk. The Quincy also did not mind being kissed by someone who respected her boundaries enough to not take things any further than that without her consent. Sabriel's gentle approach made Diana feel a measure of comfort beyond any physical contact... it felt like the dark-haired young woman really cared about her. However, the blonde who had spent so much time alone could not just drop the habit that had kept her alive at the drop of a hat.

When the possibility of them becoming more than just acquaintances came up Diana did not hesitate to address it.

"Perhaps we can. I feel that we are already making progress towards that." Diana stated that the possibility had a good chance of becoming reality if the conversation remained on the track it was on. Maybe the blonde was tired of being alone with no one to trust. Or maybe she was just charmed by Sabriel's beautiful appearance and way with words. Either way Diana sort of liked the Arrancar and wanted to at least become an acquaintance of the latter.

Judging from Sabriel's words it sounded like Diana was far from the only one who occasionally got tired of being a lone wanderer and she learned that Sabriel tried to combat that feeling by endeavoring to make friends. That was a lot different from Diana's approach, which was to justify the solitude as a necessity for survival and downplay the feelings of loneliness that resulted from constantly keeping people at arm's length. Maybe becoming at least an acquaintance of Sabriel's could offer a better way to cope with the demands of her lifestyle.

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