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Thu Sep 12, 2024 1:02 pm



Stepping out a warm emerald inferno, Veralia traversed the borders between the realm of hollows and the world of the living with her partner in her arms. Allowing a few kittens and dogs to follow suit, they quickly ran through to enter the massive manor that spread out before the women.

The manor's towering spires pierced the pale sky, its sharp, Gothic arches casting long, jagged shadows across the ground. The obsidian stone that made up the structure seemed to drink in the light, its surface matte and foreboding, echoing the endless desolation of the land. Despite its intimidating presence, there was an undeniable beauty in the intricate detailing—the kind of place that told stories with every inch of its architecture.

As they entered, the first thing that may strike Stella is the vastness. High ceilings stretched far above them, giving the interior an almost cavernous feel, the sound of their footsteps echoing faintly through the halls. Soft emerald flames flickered in sconces along the walls, casting eerie, dancing shadows that accentuated the manor’s dark, regal atmosphere. The deep greens of the flames matched the faint glint in Veralia’s eyes, their hue reflected in the tapestries that lined the walls, each one telling a story of battles fought and won, moments captured in time.

The room they entered was sparse, yet every detail whispered of quiet luxury. Dark, plush couches rested near a grand stone fireplace, its mantle adorned with sculptures that twisted and turned in envy’s likeness. The contrast between the elegance of the furniture and the stark, minimal surroundings only enhanced the feeling that this place, while a fortress, also reflected Veralia's pride.

With a soft chuckle, Veralia gently lowered Stella onto one of the couches, her blood-red eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Not too bad, huh? Told you it’s a little intense."

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Home Sweet Home [Veralia/Stella] WVMWLOu
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Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:39 pm
Stella would look around and be slightly intimidated by what she saw. It was impressive, but Stella didn't own anything like that all. In fact, it was nothing close. As she looked around Stella would look to Veralia with a smile.

"It's a really nice place Vera. I just....didn't expect it to be so big ya know? I couldn't imagine living in something like this."

She spoke honestly as she just really couldn't imagine living in a manor like this. It was something that Stella had thought of before, but she figured no one really lives in places like this. it does truly seem lonely.

"D...did it get lonely?"
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Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:29 am



Veralia decided to sit next to Stella, leaning her head against the woman. She remained quiet for a moment, her eyes glistening with intent and thought behind them. Moments after, one of Veralia's familiars, a tall male Arrancar dressed in a butler's uniform, came in and left a box of wine for both Stella and Veralia to drink out of. He poured Veralia a glass of wine, bowed, and saw his way out.

"Of course, I got lonely."

Snorting, she took the glass of old wine, twirling it in her hand before taking a chug of it and relaxing her nerves further. Resting her arm around Stella's shoulder, Veralia's blood eyes looked back at the redhead and she continued.

"I dunno, sounds cliché as hell and kind of stupid to say out loud, but... I always thought that if I got stronger, if I had more stuff, if I gained more recognition... it would fill this emptiness inside me."

She patted her own chest with her free hand, chuckling dryly, a note of resignation in her voice. The nature of her existence as a Hollow often felt like a cruel joke, and the bitterness she carried was hard to ignore.

"Some days it felt like all I had was endless disdain, envy, and bitterness for everyone around me—people who were happy, who had more than me, who could somehow not be miserable in this existence."

She placed her glass down on the table with a soft clink, the heaviness in her words lingering for a moment. Then, with a gentle smile, she kissed Stella’s cheek, her solemn tone giving way to something warmer, more vulnerable.

"Which is why I'm surprised, but not displeased, I managed to attract someone like you into my life."

Veralia’s voice softened, the hint of a smile on her lips as she looked into Stella’s eyes, the weight of her past lightened by the presence of the one person who made her feel less alone.

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Sat Sep 14, 2024 8:22 pm
Stella would lean it kissing the woman gently on the forehead before leaning back on the couch with a slight bush..Letting out an exaggerated sigh as she thought about the woman next to her. She thought she had met Sabriel and it seems they would probably get along. In more ways than one.

"Don't you know Sabriel though? You don't think of her as a friend or anyrhing?"

Stella thought as she wondered about the arancar. She knew you could still be lonely even with friends around you, but Stella didn't really.....understand that problem. Usually if she had friends or family around her she wouldn't feel lonely. She may feel homesick or something of the sort, but never lonely.
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Sat Sep 14, 2024 8:43 pm



Veralia pinched Stella's cheek; her blood eyes narrowed with an amused smirk.

"You said, "Did it get lonely?", did you not? I took it you meant in the past."

After letting go of her cheeks, Veralia's eyes shut briefly to reflect her thoughts of Sabriel. When she had time to contemplate, they re-opened as she looked at Stella more contemplatively.

"Sabriel is my friend, I do enjoy her company as well. It's just foreign for me is all..."

A hardened sigh escaped her lips, but as she felt a gentle nudge at her foot, Veralia glanced down to see one of the dogs resting there. The sight softened her, and she reached down to pat the animal’s head, her earlier tension easing.

"...I just hope none of my bitterness or envy gets in the way of keeping you both in my life."

Though tinged with her usual bluntness, her voice carried an undercurrent of vulnerability. She wasn’t used to being so open, but with Stella, there was always that quiet pull to share just a little more.

Home Sweet Home [Veralia/Stella] WVMWLOu
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Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:45 am
"Vera, can the pets climb up on the couch? I don't know what your rules are."

She spoke as she looked down to a cat that had walked through her legs. Rubbing up against her calf with a pur as Stella reached her hand down placing it atop the cats head. Smiling gently before looking back to Veralia after she had a few moments to think about their relationship going forward.

"I...want you to know, that I have no problem with you spending time with Sabriel. I can't ask you to only give me attention. Our life spans are too different. I'll stay with you as long as you enjoy being with me though."

Stella flipped the situation between the two as she leaned her head down on the woman's shoulder. Enjoying the company and feeling that Veralia brought her.
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Home Sweet Home [Veralia/Stella] Empty Re: Home Sweet Home [Veralia/Stella]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:47 am



Veralia gave a careless roll of her shoulders. If the animals wanted to jump up on her couch, she didn't have much against it. To her it was a small piece of her manor and they couldn't spread their fur across every piece of her place even if they tried.

"Go for it, dear."

She chuckled softly before scooping up the dog to sit on the couch with them as she brushed and stroked his head gingerly.

Though, her eyes blinked slowly when Stella started speaking about Sabriel. Veralia shook her head as she didn't think she was clear enough in her previous words.

"That's not what I meant."

Veralia closed her eyes for a moment to then continue.

"Right now, I’m in this honeymoon phase because being around you dulls and calms my envy. But... I’m scared that one day, I’ll grow envious or bitter of you, or the people in your life."

Opening her eyes, she continued, her voice quieter, more thoughtful as a weight carried itself behind her gaze.

"It’s like there’s this endless pit of envy and contempt inside me. You soothe it, but what happens if it rears its ugly head again? I just… want you to be prepared. I don’t want to screw your life up or push you away."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with her fear of hurting the one person who had brought light into her life.

"Stella, it took everything in my power not to go out and try to find and torch the person who hurt you when I saw you hurt. If I had not spoken to Ehefera, you'd be in a world of shit probably as I doubt I would have reacted rationally if I went out on my own"

Veralia’s grip on the wine glass tightened slightly, her eyes darkening with the memory. She sighed, placing the glass on the table with a soft clink, before resting her head against Stella’s shoulder, the weight of her emotions finally subsiding in her partner’s comforting presence.

Home Sweet Home [Veralia/Stella] WVMWLOu
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Sun Sep 15, 2024 10:25 am
Stella thought about the implications of Veralia eventually growing envious of her. Stella would lean forward pulling the woman into her chest as a light pink grew on her chest. She was holding her close enough so Veralia could probably hear her heart beating. As she allowed the words to sink in she spoke to the arancar. She understood the woman's worry, but that isn't something they should soil their now for.

"Veralia, we can't worry about the future. Regardless of what happens I will always care for you. For the rest of my life."

She spoke as she brushed the arancars head carefully. Not wanting to mess it up or anything, but she wanted to make sure that Veralia knew she cares.

"We will deal with that situation if it ever comes, okay? Right now we just need to enjoy what we are able to. What you're worrying about may never come."
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Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:51 pm



Veralia eased into Stella's embrace, taken back by her acceptance of her weaknesses. This caused her head to retread inward to her chest slowly, hiding a few misty tears as she felt terrible for being selfish, throwing her vulnerabilities onto someone already wounded. Still, at the same time, she felt thankful to have someone to open up to.

"I...thank you...."

Veralia choked on her words, unsure what to say to the warmth and kindness radiating from Stella's soul. Taking a moment to process things allowed her to push through, wrap her hands around Stella's waist, rub her face in her chest to hide her tears, and nod.

"Your right, I'm thinking about shit that might not come to pass, but I'm still worried that being around me will cause misfortune in your life..."

Her voice softened, though the lingering doubt still wove through her tone. After a pause, she held on to Stella for a few moments longer, her thoughts circling as the vulnerability gnawed at her. Finally, unable to resist her nature, Veralia pulled back slightly and asked a question that had been nagging her.

"This might be selfish to ask, but... what is it that you see in me to go this far? I’ve...never had anyone care like this before."

Her eyes, still damp with tears, met Stella’s as she waited, unsure if she was ready to hear the answer but desperate to understand.

Home Sweet Home [Veralia/Stella] WVMWLOu
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Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:09 pm
"Veralia, even if it were to cause misfortune. You've done more than enough for me in my life that I could still look back on the positives. It doesn't matter what happens in the future, all that matters is what's happening now."

She would place a kiss on the woman's forehead before allowing her head to fall down and lean her forehead on Veralias. With a small smile she would listen to the woman as she thought about it for a moment. Not letting it last very long as the puppy had found its head resting against Stella's thigh.

"Well, the first time we met I thought it was just a crush. I thought you were very pretty, and through the time we spent there we seemed to have good chemistry. Then the others times we hung out I just came to really enjoy your personality. Envy and all."

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