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[Spirit Class 6] Ryōko Akimoto Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 6] Ryōko Akimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 6] Ryōko Akimoto Empty [Spirit Class 6] Ryōko Akimoto

Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:10 am
[Spirit Class 6] Ryōko Akimoto Ryoko_ApplicationHeader

I. Basic Information

» Name: Ryōko Akimoto [遼子 – "distant, child"]
» Alias: The Wraith
» Age: 34
» Appears: Younger
» Birthday: Doesn’t Remember
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5’6”
» Weight: 140

» Appearance Written: Ryoko is that person who everyone seems to notice whether she wants them to or not. With long, vibrant colored hair, she stands out pretty easily in a crowd. Her apathetic and stern expressions can make her come of unapproachable or mean, and the sword she always has with her doesn’t help that case. She also always wears a custom gauntlet on her right arm and glove on her left.

» Alignment: Neutral
» Association: Lifeline Security Group, Rapid Response Team, Squad A
» Rank/Position: Team Captain
» Specialty: Emergency Medical Aid

» Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
» Relationship Status: Single
» Attraction: Ryoko is not picky in the type of person she is attracted to. She prefers they catch her interest, but be warned that she has a habit of running away from commitment out of fear of harming people, so if you want her, you’ll have to be able to control her “dark side” in some fashion or be extremely stubborn and determined. She is a hard one to hold onto.

Text Color: 645C9A

Synopsis: Ryoko spends her days immersed in the chaos of whatever disaster comes next, using the rush and excitement to keep her darker half under control. During her down time, she’s usually exploring parts of the world with high spiritual activity or relaxing in a club or bar. She is an exceptionally powerful human who intentionally enters combat whenever she gets a chance. She works for the Lifeline Security Group as a Captain of the Rapid Response: Team Alpha, which means she can be pulled into any worldwide disasters at a moments notice.

I. Personality

» Personality: The existence of Ryoko’s dark side has led her to believe that any bonds that she makes will only end in pain for both her and the person involved. Even though she desires genuine connection with people, her fears of hurting good them prevent her from getting close to anyone. When someone does get emotionally close to Ryoko, she will often pull away or figure out ways to run away from the situation entirely. She can handle temporary, fleeting moments of fun, but she considers committing to anything serious as dangerous and futile.

Ryoko retains a “no rest for the wicked” type mindset. She believes that someone like her has a lot to makeup for to redeem her soul, so she dedicates her life to helping others. This desire for redemption compels her to help when asked, and she feels guilty any time that she has to say no to someone. To avoid the guilt, she ends up taking on too many jobs and is always working. While this does allow her to travel a lot, see new places, and meet new people, it doesn’t allow her to settle and bond with anyone on a deeper level. Then, again, she likes the excuse to run.

Even in her calm and collected nature, Ryoko is not someone you could describe as shy. There is a confidence to Ryoko’s demeanor and mannerisms since she still displays a kind of assertiveness when speaking her mind, can quickly adapt to most situations, and has no problem relying on herself and working independently. Besides people who get too close, there is only one thing that shakes this confidence of hers, and that is specifically touching blood. She can see blood without a problem, but the moment it touches her own skin, she ends up in a panic.

Ryoko’s dark side is a sadistic and cruel person who derives pleasure from the pain of others, taking extra care to inflict as much harm as she can as quickly as she can. She doesn’t care about “suffering,” but more about their fear. She becomes hyper-aggressive in her actions and ends up in what she calls a “frenzy.” There is no remorse when this side of her is triggered. She is cold-hearted and thrill-seeking, and the only thing that can stop her, or at least slow her down, is when there is no more to do, she is knocked out, or a familiar or friendly face can talk her down.

» Likes: Peaches, banana bread, coffee sweetened with caramel, dark colors, colder weather, storms, long bubble baths, a night out, and medicine.

» Dislikes: Overly sweet food, constant isolation, humid weather, and cold showers.

I. History

» History: Ryoko can no longer remember whether she was given away, sold, stolen, or got lost when those people got their hands on her. She just remembered that they were the reason for everything changing, the pain, and the fear. She remembered the tubes, the needles, and the uncaring eyes staring down at her every day, their faces hidden in shadows created by the surgical light that both heated and blinded her. She also remembered the labs, the rooms of other kids, and the relentless training sessions that repeatedly broke her body down.

The scientists gave Ryoko a single gift as a way of praising and manipulating her view of it. It was a specially made sword that could “cut through the realms,” or that was what they told her. It was around this time that the infusion of hollow energy began. She was very young, and those who kept her captive were under the assumption that her young soul would mold more easily than an adult one. The pain was paralyzing, leaving a young Ryoko struggling to breathe or move. Once “evidence” of being a Fullbringer manifested, their focus shifted.

The goal was to enhance a souls power beyond the normal reaches while utilizing hollow energy so a “super soldier” would be able to fight on the level of demon kind. The scientists were making many assumptions on the reality of how souls worked, and pushed Ryoko’s too far. Around the age of twenty, Ryoko’s mind broke under the stress and unbridled hatred she kept hidden for years as a way of protecting herself. With her inhibitions broken, like a switch in her head just turned off, Ryoko’s normal fears vanished and she slaughtered the scientists that held her prisoner.

In her rage, Ryoko’s unleashed power was also responsible for the total destruction of the laboratories she called home. What had been large collection of multistory buildings were destroyed at her whim. The scientists, guards, and even “innocent” secretarial workers all fell under her malice and rage. Only when the fires spread and the building came crumbling down did she finally calm down enough to regain control of herself. The problem was that the building came down around Ryoko as well. She was later found by the RRT of Lifeline Security Group.

After being brought back to health and shown some surprising kindness by the owner of the company, Ryoko was able to behave like a normal person, mostly. With some worries about her “dark side,” she was monitored by LLSG for obvious safety reasons. Instead of forcing her into it, they asked if she would allow them to study her to discover exactly what had been done. So, for the next three years, she was trained in combat, learned to understand her powers as a Fullbringer, and was able to find out what made her dark side “tick” and keep it under control.

Continued studies and training brought to the surface that Ryoko’s powers were not that of a Fullbringer. In fact, the doctors she was working with came to the theory that in attempting to force the turn into a Fullbringer, they somehow damaged her soul. The powers she had been developing over time were that of a normal high-spec human, not Quincy and not Fullbringer. With this discovery, Ryoko’s training to control took another turn. Though progress was being made, Ryoko lost control of her “dark side” more often as a way of trying to gain control.

The third time Ryoko lost control in training, it became clear Ryoko was still herself, but something in her mind switched on or off to allow for a more sadistic nature to take hold. She still liked and disliked the same things, had the same ‘base’ morals, and recognized the people around her, but her sense of restraint disappeared. She relied on primal instinct, a desire to survive, and an enjoyment of asserting her dominance. She also had a change in appearance; her hair turned white and her eyes red. Lilith came to compare her to a vizard, just without the mask.

When it was decided that Ryoko’s personality and morals were on the side of good, she was allowed more freedom. However, she still chose to join the Rapid Response Team under the Lifeline Security Group as a way of staying connected, making money, and using their resources to find out where her family was and demand an explanation. There was a memory or two she held onto as well, of what she thinks is a good friend or a little sister she wants to reunite with, but because of her age at the time of separation, she’s not sure how reliable the memory is.

Over the years of working with LLSG, Ryoko found a particular interest in medical work. She studied the medical field and began pursuing a degree in nursing. During the attack on the City of Lights, Ryoko was stationed nearby and deployed immediately. As is the job of the RRT, her focus was the evacuation and recovery of the injured, so she was able to display her medical knowledge and keen analysis skilles in order to save the lives of people experiencing the emergencies and traumas. After this incident, Ryoko was promoted to team Captain of Squad A.

Ryoko’s first catastrophe as Captain of Squad A came when The Hole appeared in Africa and her RRT was dispatched along a few others in an attempt to save as many lives as she possibly could. She fought on both the front and back lines, her position really depending on the day. She aided both Shinigami and Quincy in fighting off the hollow and getting them to safety when and if they fell. The tension that occurred during this event was one of the first times that Ryoko lost control. It took her entire team to restrain her, but in the chaos she gravely injured a friend.

With her subordinate and friend in the hospital fighting for their life, Ryoko had difficulty not losing control multiple times. Ryoko’s fear of her friends death kept her on the edge at all times, so she was detained in a specially made cell for weeks. When news did not come quick enough, Ryoko lost control and was forced back into submission through sedation. It was after a month of waiting and constant anxiety that Ryoko finally found out that her friend lived, but they weren’t sure they would be able to continue their work for the LLSG. Ryoko ended their career.

It took a lot of convincing to get Ryoko back into the saddle. She wanted to quit, but was persuaded by her entire team, Lilith, and the one she had hurt to return. Their understanding and forgiveness was beyond what she thought she deserved, but she was able to accept and promised to do better. With her emotions under control, she got back to training and returned to her station to wait for the next big event.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Martial Arts: For swordsmanship, Ryoko is an elite practitioner of Kendo and Iaijutsu. Her natural combat instincts also allow her a more primal way of fighting when she gets excited, where all technique and formal training goes out the window and she is the equivalent to a wild animal. Ryoko much prefers to fight with her sword. For hand-to-hand combat, she is an advanced Taekwondo practitioner.

Physical Abilities: Ryoko focuses on speed and physical power to take out her opponents. Due to the anxiety created when she feels pain or fear, she prefers to focus on dodging and dealing damage as quickly and heavily as possible.

Medical Care: Ryoko is an expert in the application of emergency and trauma care, especially in the battlefield. She is known for her high precision techniques and unshakable focus under pressure. Her accuracy and skill help her swiftly stabilize the most critical injuries in the middle of chaos, and her deep well of knowledge about anatomy and medical protocols ensures she can make reliable, life-saving decisions in seconds. In a crisis, Ryoko’s instincts and skills are undeniable.

Analytical Ability: Ryoko's analytical skills are a formidable asset in the medical field, but she also leverages them to keenly observe and outmaneuver opponents on the battlefield. Ryoko possesses an extraordinary analytical mind, capable of dissecting complex situations with astounding accuracy. She rapidly identifies patterns and underlying issues that others might overlook, making connections between details others may believe are unrelated. Her ability to process vast amounts of information allows her to predict outcomes and devise strategies with pinpoint precision. Whether diagnosing a medical condition or unraveling a tactical problem, Ryoko's sharp intellect and methodical approach enable her to solve challenges that would stump even the most seasoned experts.

I. High-Spec Powers

» Powers: Ryoko’s power has manifested in the form of creating and controlling lightning. However, due to the nature of her unnatural and forced development, it did not progress normally and works through the slow destruction of her own soul. This destruction is a narrative tool and provides no penalties or benefits.

Fūran Raiken: All of Ryoko’s spells and abilities can be utilized through this katana, no differently than through her own body. When this is done, there are no applied penalties, boosts, or any changes to the function of the spells.

Call, Fūran Raiken: This is Ryoko’s katana. Most abilities related to her katana are written farther below. However, this ability represents her attachment to the weapon. She can call the sword and sheath back to herself as long as it is within her Soul’s “reach.” In order to get to her, the weapon will take on the traits of lightning and reform near her, as if it had its own version of shunpo. At the maximum range of calling, the sword will take only two posts to return to her hand.

Lost, Fūran Raiken: At all times, Ryoko can sense the direction of Fūran Raiken with pinpoint accuracy, even if it is not within her reach. This sensory ability can be blocked through supernatural means, such as barriers or seals, or if the weapon is taken to another realm. At any time she does not have her weapon within the reach of her Call, the strength and potency of her abilities are decreased by 75%.

Generation and Control: Ryoko can use her reiryoku to generate lightning and utilize it both in and out of combat. While out of combat application is usually used for things like charging her phone or keeping the lights on in her neighborhood, in-combat application consists of the creation and manipulation of lightning attacks, personal buffs, and penalizing opponents that she strikes. Ryoko’s fine control allows her to control more than a single bolt of lightning at once. Currently, she can control three bolts. However, when she does control more than one, the natural speed of her lightning decreases by 15% per extra arc. Ryoko’s ability to manipulate her element is really only restricted by her creativity in the moment, as the lightning bends to her will and follows her mental and bodily commands.

List of Commonly Used Spells
  • Lighting Bolt: A simple line of lightning fired from Ryoko’s finger.

  • Burst: A burst of lightning that reaches a 50ft radius around her.

  • Grenade: Condensing lightning into a ball, she can throw it at a target or person. Upon contact, the sphere explodes in a 30ft burst of lightning. The longer she holds it, the larger the explosion can get, to a maximum of 60ft, after two holding posts. (Extra 15ft per post)

  • Redirect: Competing against the user’s Soul, Ryoko can redirect lightning that is cast at her, using her index finger to decide the direction it is released. This can also be done with natural lightning.

  • Rod: Competing against the user’s Soul, Ryoko can turn her own body into a lightning rod, redirecting lightning toward herself as a way of protecting another. Weak enough lightning may turn and strike her, but stronger lightning may only be pulled of its original course.

Immunity and Resistance: Ryoko is naturally immune to her own lightning, has a 75% resistance to naturally occurring lighting and natural lightning controlled by a person, and has a 20% resistance to reiryoku created lightning.

Vitae Surge: Once this ability activates, it stays activated as long as Ryoko keeps her body moving. Vitae Surge allows Ryoko to utilize the natural electricity in her body and infuse it with Reiryoku to generate lightning at 50% of the cost. Doing this grants Ryoko greater endurance and stamina to prevent her from becoming exhausted from constant movement. She can stop to make very brief actions, like turn or reorient herself, but if she stops moving for more than three seconds, this ability ends and it takes two posts to reactivate. The movement required for this ability to continue is only movement her body is willingly making, so being hit and sent flying does count for deactivating this ability.

  • Static Aura: While Vitae Surge is active, Ryoko has a noticeable lightning aura around her that sparks and snaps occasionally, giving warning to anyone who might get close. Those who get within ten feet will have a chance of being shocked as the lightning snaps out randomly. Those who make physical contact with her will be shocked. This ability is a stronger version of being shocked by regular static electricity. It will hurt, but it won’t cause any more than minor damage as long as there is no prolonged contact.

  • Storm Rush: While Vitae Surge is active, Ryoko gains a 75% boost to her speed, giving her an greater reaction time and maneuverability.

  • Arc Flash: While Vitae Surge is active, Ryoko also gains this shunpo-like ability. However, it is not a burst of speed. It is instead her body rapidly transforming into lightning and then reappearing elsewhere in an instant. While she cannot make any physical attacks doing this, she can intentionally move through objects and a person whose soul is weaker than her own. When moving through objects, flammable objects will ignite. When moving through people, they will take damage as if they were struck by one of her regular lightning attacks. This ability has a two-post cooldown and a 100ft distance limitation.

Static Chain Bola: Ryoko rapidly condenses her energy into a ball of swirling lightning, using both hands. She throws the ball toward someone, and as it flies through the air, it rapidly expands and swirls like a bola. If a target is hit by this, the chains of lightning that are created for the bola effect continue to spin until they fully wrap around and restrain the target. If the target is in the air, they do fall to the ground. The lightning in this spell resists energy by 50%, making it difficult to break. The bola will dissolve after two posts.

Note: Everything listed below is a release that works with Fūran Raiken.

Fūran Raiken (封嵐雷鍵; Storm-seal Lightning key): This is Ryoko’s weapon, a katana that she has had with her for so many years that her spirit has attached to it similarly to a fullbringer affinity or a zanpakuto. It acts like a seal for a lot of Ryoko’s power, keeping it in control until the blade is unsheathed and her power is released.

Full Release: When Fūran Raiken is unsheathed, Ryoko enters her full release. This release changes the color of her lightning from purple to red, unlocks a number of abilities, and alters all Vitae Surge abilities in the ways listed below:

Vitae Surge Changes: When in Full Release, this ability becomes something Ryoko can turn on and off on a whim. Ryoko does not need to keep moving to keep Vitae Surge active. And all buff percentages will follow the Vollstandig progression increases, giving her a 500% boost at Elite Power Control.

Jolt: This is a passive ability that is applied to her lightning attacks when they strike an opponent. When affected by Ryoko’s lightning, the energy effects the muscles by causing uncontrollable spasms. Mechanically, each hit decreases their speed by 10% of total and scale up to 50% of total, the effect lasting for two posts, dropping off only if the target has not been struck by the lightning.

Lighting Scourge: Up to five 50ft ropes of energy manifest from the tip of Ryoko’s blade like whips, each exuding wild and powerful strands of lightning that work like a solid object. When the lightning strikes, it has the capability of cutting through objects like a red-hot knife through softened butter. When making contact with another person, the damage both burns and electrocutes the target.

Disruption: Ryoko can swiftly release a blast of lightning at an incoming energy attack to disrupt it. Her lightning either decreases its power, if her Soul is equal to the opponents, or completely destroy it, if her soul is greater than the opponents.

Magnetic Convergence: Combining the concepts of her “Rod” and “Disruption” spells into a more potent ability that activates at her discretion, Ryoko manipulates the electromagnetic field surrounding her body to create a powerful zone. This zone draws in and magnetizes incoming energy within half of her maximum Soul reach, and is effective against spells up to one rank above her Soul. The redirected energy is either pulled closer to her or fully rerouted to her position. Upon contact, the energy is discharged into the ground beneath her. This ability requires Ryoko to remain stationary while it is active, and the redirected energy can only be released into the ground. This ability can only be used once per thread and ends instantly if she moves from the spot where it was originally initiated.

Honryū Kyōran (奔流狂乱; Torrential Frenzy):
This form is a representation of the slow destruction of her soul. It does not currently provide any buffs or penalties, but shows itself in an appearance and personality change. The personality change is explained in her personality section. The appearance change consists of her skin turning red in some places, usually the arm that holds the blade and different jagged lightning-like lines along her legs, arms, and torso. The only time this part of her comes out is when her stress levels become overwhelming, taking into account that “stress” can come from both positive and negative sources, such as excitement, arousal, and hate. When Ryoko releases her sword, she has a 50% greater chance of losing control.

I. Equipment & Resources

» Equipment/Resources:

» Cell Phone #1: Personal
» Cell Phone #2: Work
» Wallet: Contains ID, Money, normal stuff
» Apartment: Located in the City of Light.
» Salary/Cash: A thriving salary. She uses very little.
» Fūran Raiken: Her katana
» First-Aid Kit: A small kit that can handle very minor injuries.
» Lifeline Alert: A button carefully installed onto her watch and her cell phone that, if pushed, will alert those at LLSG to the fact that she is in need of help.

I. Skill Sheet

General Attributes
» Durability: D
» Speed: B
» Strength: D
» Soul: C

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Advanced
» Focus: Adept

Human Skills
» Power Control: Advanced
» Physical Augmentation: Adept
» Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
» Mediumship: Beginner


Last edited by Serenity on Thu Sep 12, 2024 1:18 am; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Ryōko Akimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Ryōko Akimoto

Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:27 pm

Approved SC6

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Advanced
» Focus: Adept

Human Skills
» Power Control: Advanced
» Physical Augmentation: Adept
» Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
» Mediumship: Beginner[/mod]
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