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[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty [Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa

Sat Aug 24, 2024 9:32 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Junichiro Kitagawa
» Alias: June, Junebug
» Age: 170
» Gender: Male

» Association: Gotei United, Kitagawa Clan

» Appearance Written:
5'10", 170 lbs

Junichiro is a slender man, raven colored hair running long past his shoulders. Bright eyes and handsome features betray a gloomy demeanor, leaving him with the look of a wilted lily, an unseen weight hanging heavy on his shoulders. He is well groomed and proper, clothes tidy and hair without a hint of tangle, appearance being the core of ones image after all. His clothes are generally high quality, fine materials with more extravagant looks, as well as jewelry such as rings or earrings.

» Appearance Image:

I. Personality

» Personality: A leaf afloat at the whim of the ripples of this flowing river, Junichiro is easily affected by the tides of life, inconveniences sometimes feeling like the end of the world. Comforts feeling like the dawn of a new day. In short, June can be dramatic, over tuned to his emotions and his surroundings, finding value and meaning in the mundane and meaningless, even to a fault. Relying on inspiration to drive him forward, he can often times be stuck in his passions, feeling like there isn't enough energy in his being to survive the day. On a good day, nothing is impossible, the world at his fingertips, life but a canvas to cast his mark.

Junichiro sees life in color, rather it be the sorrowful blues or the vibrant reds or glowing bright yellows, expression is important to him, one of the reasons he is so fond of art, painting a way for him to translate his thoughts and feelings into something tangible.

I. History

» History:
Born to the Kitagawa namesake, Junichiro has never known the true hardships of the Rukongai. A lesser noble house, but noble all the same, the Kitagawa are a long standing clan in the Seireitei, an aristocratic family that offers their skills to the Gotei United, being the main source of the many banners and flags that are presented around the barracks and noble houses. A family with an eye for presentation and art, Junichiro was painting before he was walking, an instrument in hand before he knew his kanji. His family was loving and warm, and his life was smooth without a hitch.

Feeling ontop of the world, with nothing standing in his way, Junichiro was eventually admitted into the academy to learn the ways of the Shinigami, something most of his clan had opted out of, the martial side of things being something they'd rather not sully their fine hands with. But times were changing, and it seemed that life as they knew it was on the cusp of something that loomed on the horizon. Seireitei was in need of soldiers now more than ever, and even if reluctantly, June pushed forward to become something greater than he was now.

Through the rigorous training of the Academy, the hardest thing he had ever had to do in his life, he was beaten and broken into something somewhat resembling a soldier. His soft touch and floating approach to life was soon grounded and brought to a new reality, one filled with grit and pride. It grated his skin, and he felt like everyday was swimming up river, surrounded by brutes and imbecils. This was hell. Hakuda was sweat-sodden beastly work of barbarians, Zanjutsu the work of butchers and cutthroats. It was horrifying to say the least, and took ages to come to terms with. To get used to. But one thing in particular resonated with him. It was art, it was magic, colors of ones soul cast out into the world to show off ones might. Kido. That was something he felt a rush of excitement for, something he could see himself delving deeper into.

Upon graduating from the academy, the basics of a Shinigami securely in his toolbelt, he had joined into Gotei United proper and began his new life as a Shinigami, discovering what the name brought with it and what life outside of his manor had to offer.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:
With art representing so much to his clan, its only natural that Junichiro has his own form of expression through creative mediums. Across many formats he finds himself comfortable creating new things, rather it be with a paintbrush or a music instrument, he has a natural talent for things involving an artistic flare.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:
Kido Proficient:
Passionate about the Kido Arts, excelling in them during his time at the Academy, he is more comfortable using these sort of techniques than he is compared to swordplay or hand to hand style combats.

  • Incantation Abandonment: Can forgo needing incantation, but limits Kido potency by half.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Inoshikishi [イノシ旗幟 War Banner of the Painted Boar]

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Inoshikishi is boarish in nature and appearance. He chooses to appear either as one of two forms. One being a titanic wild boar, thick bristly red fur and scarred curved tusks jutting from his jaw. Upon his back is a pole with a fluttering flag of parchment. The other form being of a hulking muscular man, protruding teeth in place of his tusks, ragged and unkept auburn hair flowing down his back, a flagbearers pole sticking up past his shoulders with the same parchment flag as his other form.

This Zanpakuto spirit is as intense as they get, hot blooded passion and wild aggression of a wild boar, mixed with the might and unerring domination of a martial soldier. Inoshikishi is a believer in power and might, showing your worth through sweat and blood, through the blade and through your muscles.

Seeming like a complete inversion of Junichiro's own personality, the core values that they do share is art. Inoshikishi's version is simply through blood and dirt, war wetting his paintbrush, scars and crimson painted across the canvas of his body through battle.

» Inner World: Junichiro's inner world is an endless forest of dense trees, changing in appearance depending on his mood to reflect one of the four seasons, such as an autumn woodland with falling leaves.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: A simple katana with a silver blade and gold colored guard and pommel. A small tassel of red horsehair dangles from the guard. The sheath is reminiscent of an old traditional Japanese painting.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: None

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase:

» Shikai Release Action:

» Shikai Appearance:

» Shikai Abilities:

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: [What is your zanpakutō's release phrase?]

» Bankai Release Action: [Does your shinigami do any physical action to release their bankai? Feel free to remove this if not.]

» Bankai Appearance: [What does your shinigami's bankai look like?]

» Bankai Abilities: [What abilities does your shinigami gain in bankai?]

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your shinigami has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Attributes
» Durability: D
» Speed: D
» Strength: E
» Soul: C

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Beginner

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Beginner
» Kidō: Adept
» Zanjutsu: Beginner
» Hakuda: Beginner

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: Strands of raven hair clung to the sweat sodden brow of a warrior, stood in muck, shikakusho spattered with blood and bile. His blade held white knuckle in his grip, rings clattering from a shaking hand. More-so by the pounding of feet, soon drowned out by the roar of war, comrades flooding forward from behind him, overtaking him in a sea of black and white, charging forward into the dark abyss that stood before him. Breath hitched in his chest, teeth clenched so tightly they might shatter, heart thumping in his throat threatening to burst from his veins. Try as he might, he could not get his legs to move, as if they were made of stone, heavy and cold. He could not even cry out more than a desperate gasp, in the wake of war.

Suddenly, sitting up in bed, the young Shinigami clawed at his satin sheets, cold sweat dripping down his cheek as he gasped for air as if it was his first breath in ages. He didn't recognize this bed, these walls, it was not his home. As reality came flooding back to him, Junichiro clutched at his chest and held his breath. He was in the barracks of Gotei United, his new home away from home. He still had not fully gotten used to sleeping here, every morning another reminder how different his life was soon to be. He had recently graduated from the Academy, an accomplishment one should be proud of. Then why was it that all he felt every morning was dread, looming over him like a dark cloud. Becoming a Shinigami in the middle of war times might have something to do with it.

Slipping out of bed, Junichiro washed the nightmares from his brow, cold water banishing the shadows that hung beneath his eyes, keeping them at bay for another day. Another early morning it would seem. So be it, he loved the sunrise anyway, nothing more inspiring than the colors it cast across the Gotei, long shadows fleeing from its light. Surely the butterflies were hungry already, why not get to his duties ahead of schedule.

Just as the sun was beginning to stream its way across the waking world, the young Shinigami unlatched the gate to the wire butterfly housing, a cloud of fluttering friends springing to life as he stepped through. Held against his side, a basket hung from his elbow, filled with colorful fruits and flowers, a butterfly bouquet banquet ready to feed the famished little friends that fluttered about. Setting the basket onto a nearby table, he began laying out the contests along his surroundings, tree stumps, stones, whatever surfaces these creatures may choose to perch on while they had their breakfast. Looking around at them flitting about, the orange light filtering through the wire enclosure, the bright colors of fruit and flowers scattered about, it was as if he was sat in the middle of a painting. Then why did he not feel at ease, where was his peace he desperately sought? What was this feeling gnawing at his core, this unease. As if sensing his distraught, one butterfly wisped down and landed onto his nose, nearly causing him to jump, before sighing and smiling. Bringing his finger up to transfer this tiny creature onto, he looked over its wings with a glum look, resting his chin onto his other hand.

"Where does the wind intend to take us, little one...?"

I. Intent

» Character Intent: [Optional. This is where you can explain the intent behind the character. What this might entail is where you are imagining the character strength-wise, your purpose for creating the character, and potential story beats. This section is to assist the grader in understanding where you are aiming with your character and may be able to provide advice if other aspects of the application do not match. This needs to be no more than 5 sentences.]


Last edited by TheLizardBoy on Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:38 pm; edited 17 times in total

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[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa

Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:32 pm
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[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa

Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:41 pm
Updated History to reflect the discovery of his Zanpakuto's name and his Shikai.

Removed Kido list and replaced with "Kido Profieciency".

Added constraints and description of Shikai Ability.

[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa QKPkSTJ
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[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa

Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:41 pm
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[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa

Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:21 am
Locked Shikai, will just emphasize Kido for now. Thanks! Updated app to reflect everything.

[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa QKPkSTJ
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa

Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:22 pm

SC: 9 [4 points]

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Beginner

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Beginner
» Kidō: Adept
» Zanjutsu: Beginner
» Hakuda: Beginner[/mod]
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[Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Junichiro Kitagawa

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