Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2016-01-20
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Age : 24

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu Empty [Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu

Thu Aug 22, 2024 12:48 pm
[Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu JHGhws4


Basic Information

○ Name: Ryoichi Hiramatsu [良一平松]
○ Alias:
▕ Monster Hunter
○ Age: 41
○ Birthday: July 10
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Human

○ Affiliation: Lilith Blake / BlakeLabs
○ Marital Status: Widower (Single)
○ Nationality: Japanese
○ Ideal Mate: Someone patient
○ Special Skill: Dry dad jokes
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

○ Height: 6’3
○ Hair Color: Black
○ Eye Color: Blue

[Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu VFn32uC

Psychological Analysis

Amnesia: Due to an accident not long after his daughter was born, Ryoichi has lost a large portion of his memories. Though he retains muscle memory for many different things and is still able to function as a normal person, this has caused him to develop a deep attachment to the concept of his memories. As a result, he firmly believes that not just these lost memories, but the idea in general, are the most important part of a person, and losing them has left him feeling incomplete.

Furthermore, this has given him a desire to regain those memories and reunite with his daughter, the only and last piece of his past that he knows. However, with this desire, he is willing to do whatever it takes to find her, leading to a masochistic personality, in that he ultimately doesn’t care if he ends up getting hurt, and if he does, how severe it ends up being doesn’t matter.

Alcoholic: An addiction brought on by the gaps in his memory, as well as the rather unpleasant jobs he’s taken on for the sake of money and leads. It eases the pain, and, more often than not, helps him get through the night. Additionally, his lack of memories have become a source of regret, guilt, and frustration for him, leading him to want to drown it out and numb it, even if only for a little while. Sweet liquor eases the pain, after all.

Actions, Louder Than Words: Ryoichi is far from a big talker. Rather, he prefers to let his actions speak for him. This can be seen in his innate overprotectiveness regarding children and frequency of going out of his way to protect and save them when they’re in danger. He’ll still speak when he’s comfortable with said person, or if they managed to get a drink or two into him, but, words only hold so much value to him, they are only part of the puzzle.

Heavy Paternal Instincts: Despite his amnesia, flaws, and general lack of active speaking, Ryoichi’s paternal instincts have only grown more prevalent. He will often go out of his way to save children when they're in danger, and is generally overprotective when they’re involved. He doesn’t understand why exactly this feeling is so strong, as he knows that he has a daughter, but the actual period of time is a blank. He has, however, retained a particularly strong bout of muscle memory that has made him very good at holding infants.

Mildly Paranoid: A trait attained as a result of his memory loss, Ryoichi is paranoid and anxious about the idea of forgetting. Taken from the line of reasoning that, if it could happen once, it could happen again, he has developed a habit of keeping a notepad and pencil on-hand to write down the details of every encounter he has.

This usually entails keeping a record of the person’s name, date of the interaction, and the events of the encounter itself, often mumbling to himself while doing so. In addition, due to the scenario that led to his amnesia, Ryoichi has a tremendous phobia of being buried alive, no matter the circumstances.


████████ Hiramatsu: His daughter, and one of the few things he can remember. He can’t remember her name, how old she is, where she is, or what happened in the time frame of his amnesia and coma. But, more than anything else, he wants to find her, so that he can feel complete and whole, as well as reunite with her in general. Even if he can’t remember, he wants to be a father again, and he’ll do whatever it takes to find her.


Before the accident that took his memories, Ryoichi was a happy man. A wife, a kid, a good life, for a while, everything was good. But, upon becoming a fireman for the sake of helping people, things eventually took a turn, and in an attempt to get people out of a burning building resulting from a Shinigami and Demon skirmish in America, the building collapsed. Those trapped managed to make it out, but Ryoichi was caught, buried under rubble and severely injured.

Before his heart stopped though, a Shinigami found him and nursed him back to health, though Ryoichi remained in a coma after the incident for a decade. A blip in the grand scheme of his savior’s lifespan, but it was a long period of time for him. Yet, the world continued to move on, uncaring and impassioned of his compromised situation. Eventually, however, he did finally wake up, but with no recollection of what exactly happened, who he was, or anything prior to the incident. Despite this, he was able to function as a normal person again, albeit after some much needed physical therapy and counseling.

It was during this point that he was led to a lockbox containing what was found on him when Lilith took him in. His clothes, a broken phone, and a wallet, containing a now-expired identification card, a small handful of cash, various expired credit cards, along with various other cards and items of varying levels of importance.

However, what caught his attention most was a picture, stashed away behind his id, of a little girl with the brightest smile. Despite his memory being hazy, the sight warmed his heart. But, that warmth was quick to fade as he turned the photo over, only to see a year, with the name faded. Nevertheless, it spurred him to find out what his life had been. The photo led to a missing person’s report from ten years prior, but, no version of the report seemed to have her name. His identification allowed him to remember his name and date of birth, but, more important than that, was what seemed to be his old address.

Finding that address was simple, thanks to BlakeLabs’ resources, and looking it up gave him a property that seemed to have been abandoned for years, rumored to be connected to a suicide. While Lilith offered to accompany him, Ryoichi went alone to investigate. As he entered, there was an air of familiarity that tugged at him as he walked through the desolate halls.

Eventually, he came across a note, seemingly intended for him, given the usage of his name, that explained what had happened in his absence and coma. During that time, unbeknownst to him, his daughter was sold off by his wife to some group for the sake of experimentation of the powers she inherited from him. The guilt and regret had become too much for her to bear, and she took her own life.

Despite not remembering her, nor his daughter, from how the contents of the letter read, it had to be true. Even upon finding her name penned at the bottom and searching it up through databases via BlakeLab resources, he was able to confirm that the information in it was true. So, without his memories, a job, or even a proper hope or lead that his daughter was still alive, Ryoichi set out to find her.

Over the next four years, Ryoichi developed an extensive resume of various odd jobs to make money, or find potential information about the group that his wife had sold their daughter to. But, one job seemed not only more lucrative than the others -- especially in this modern day -- but also was tremendously popular due to recent events in certain areas: monster hunting.

He learned that there were a lot of people willing to pay a lot of money to get rid of Hollows, especially around Africa. While the work there quickly dried up when the Shinigami and Quincy came in and sectioned everything off, Ryoichi continued to hunt for information, as well as making Hollow heads roll. But, in the blur of the hunt, he finally got a tip that gave him some amount of hope: another telekinetic seen around Japan, China, and Africa.

So, his new destination is now set. No matter how tiny the hope is, he will chase it.


Swordsmanship: While not as skilled as a proper master, Ryoichi took up lessons in HEMA to better help him survive with the various jobs that he undertook on the search for his daughter. He is one who typically forgoes flourish and style, preferring raw effectiveness and efficiency with his technique, and that aspect of him makes him all the more dangerous.

High Focus: With how much focus his powers originally demanded, it isn’t a surprise that Ryoichi’s skill in that front has heightened tremendously. While notably larger objects still require a rather sizeable chunk of focus, such as a semi or a tank, he is still capable of multitasking, abe to stay alert at basically all times, something that became required of him with the more dangerous creatures he ended up hunting and slaying, along with some of the various jobs that he took on when Hollow hunting wasn’t available.

Power Control: While he spent a decade in a coma, Ryoichi’s greatest skill remains in his tremendous control over his powers. While it took him a small bit of time to get back into the groove, he still maintains an exceptional level of command over his own powers, showcased through the particular techniques created and refined to reflect such precision over not only inanimate objects, but extending to other people as well as himself.

Physical Augmentation: Alongside his base powers, Ryoichi has garnered a significant amount of prowess in the manipulation of his own energy to push his body past its limits, particularly when fighting against Hollows and other supernatural threats. By channeling energy through his body, Ryoichi can not only augment himself in fairly standard ways, but also funnel the basis of his powers to unleash even greater concussive and kinetic force behind them, as well as neutralize the physical force behind many hand-to-hand specialized attacks.

Spiritual Adaptation: While a bit of a slow burn, extended fights with various supernatural races have left him able to adapt to their energy, reducing the overall effectiveness of the standard spiritual threats. Typical Ceros, Balas, and even low-level Kido can be by and large shrugged off eventually.

Mediumship: While not as strong as his direct powers, Ryoichi is still capable enough with this aspect of himself. He mostly prefers simplistic manipulation of his weaponry, augmenting their general traits to make them stronger, more durable, or even gathering energy to create a sense of added weight to the object. Furthermore, he can utilize this in smaller ways, such as using his energy to expand the metal of his sword and give it additional reach, or use it to repair cracks, dents, and chips from heavy usage.


Telekinetics: A simple, but effective power, allowing Ryoichi to create and utilize an invisible field of Reiryoku around objects to manipulate and control them with his mind. Furthermore, the larger the object, the more direct focus Ryoichi requires to dedicate to moving it. For example, controlling and recalling his sword to his hand does not require much, if any.

However, if he were to, for example, move chunks of rubble the size of semis or tanks, he would be forced to stay still while using his telekinesis. One exception to this, however, is, ironically, himself. By manipulating his Reiryoku, he can utilize this power to imitate flight, requiring little direct focus and allowing him even greater freedom of movement than normal.

A recent development in this power is extending its influence from just his mind, allowing him to utilize it through hand gestures, causing the power to act twice as fast and with greater precision, though this usage only extends to the Repel and Quake techniques. As an additional note, outside of explicitly named techniques, this cannot be used on another person.
    Protect: A defensive technique allowing him to concentrate and harden the field of Reiryoku into a dome-like shield around himself and up to three other targets equal to his size. The shield, when used, enacts a post long cooldown. He can, however, divert the energy to the shape of a sheet in front of him to give it extra strength at the cost of coverage, granting a 100% increase in overall effectiveness.

    Repel: By concentrating that field of Reiryoku around either himself or at a singular point of an object, Ryoichi is capable of creating a blast of concussive and kinetic force that pushes away any and all objects in a linear path.

    Quake: By placing a hand on the ground, Ryoichi can quickly release the field’s influence outward, creating an upward kinetic blast in a radius half the size of his overall range, able to displace terrain, knock people off their feet, and cause more potential damage, depending on the area and situation.

    Restrain: By focusing his spiritual pressure through the field of Reiryoku from the base telekinetic power, Ryoichi is able to project it outward from his body or hand, utilizing that to act as a restraining tool, though only applicable to a singular target. Due to it being so heavily focused, it becomes near-impossible to not sense it. Furthermore, the wave of pressure visibly warps the air around it as it travels, granting an additional manner of tracking.


Sword: A large, but simple sword that Ryoichi wields as his weapon of choice, often reinforced by Mediumship to ensure he doesn’t need to spend a lot on repairs or replacements. Additionally, it is also often the subject of his telekinetics to give him greater range, as well as never having a weapon far away, should he need it.

World-Time Watch: A simple wristwatch that has all the time zones of the living world. The glass is slightly cracked, but it is still perfectly functional. Mostly used as an excuse to drink. After all, it’s five-o-clock somewhere in the world.

Photo: His most cherished possession above all else, an old photo of his daughter when she was little. While the name on the back has since worn away, a year is still, somehow, clearly visible, dating back to fourteen years prior. He carries it with him at all times, looking at it, hoping for a memory to spark and return.

Memo Book: A notebook that fits in his pocket, filled with detailed notes of every interaction he’s had since awakening from his coma. This is, however, a small version meant to ensure he keeps in mind his interactions in the immediate, having a larger journal for further details.


Upgrade List:


General Skills
  • Durability: C
  • General Speed: D
  • Strength: D
  • Soul: C

Human Skill Sheet
  • Power Control: Adept
  • Physical Augmentation: Adept
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
  • Mediumship: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Last edited by Henrex on Sat Aug 24, 2024 3:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 4075
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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7] Ryoichi Hiramatsu

Sat Aug 24, 2024 3:16 pm
Initial Check Notes:


Spirit Class: 7 [6 points]

Human Skill Sheet
» Power Control: Adept
» Physical Augmentation: Adept
» Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
» Mediumship: Adept

Will Skills
» Willpower/Determination: Adept
» Mental Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Adept[/mod]
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