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The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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[Spirit Class 9] Sora Yasutake Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 9] Sora Yasutake Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 9] Sora Yasutake Empty [Spirit Class 9] Sora Yasutake

Thu Aug 15, 2024 2:26 am
[Spirit Class 9] Sora Yasutake Sora_AppHeader

I. Basic Information

» Name: Sora Yasutake
» Alias: None
» Age: 27
» Appears: His Age
» Birthday: November 14th
» Gender: Male
» Height: 6’0”
» Weight: 180

» Appearance Written: Sora is a tall, athletic man with dark skin and messy, ear-length brown hair. He comes off serious and difficult to approach because of his apathetic expression. He has piercing gold eyes that can sometimes feel like they are looking too hard at something or someone, so he can even seem unapproachable. One of his most notable features, though often hidden by a jacket, is a long dragon-scale tattoo that winds up his arm, ending the head on the back of his shoulder blade.

» Alignment: Lawful Good
» Association: City of Lights, Vandenreich
» Rank/Position: Rookie, Personnel
» Specialty: Cop work, martial arts

» Sexual Orientation: Straight
» Relationship Status: Single
» Attraction: The rare honest, feminine woman.

Text Color: af9f19

Theme Song(s):
1. Hushed [Opens to Youtube]
2. Burden [Opens to Youtube]

Character Synopsis: Sora is the gentle, strong and silent type of guy, who holds more “archaic” traditional values, and chooses to let his actions speak for him. He works as a regular cop for the Sternritters of the Vandenreich, doing his best to uphold the law for the regular citizen, so his stronger peers can do the big jobs. Sora is a strong martial artist who has trained for almost too many years of his life, but his natural athleticism has enhanced his enjoyments of both Iai and Aikido.

I. Personality

» Personality: As a man of few words, Sora lets’s his actions speak for him. Most of the time, Sora is observing and listening instead of being the one to talk. He proves dependable by being the one that his friends can easily rely on. He has a strong protective instinct, combined with courage, which lets him dive into dangerous situations if it means he will be able to keep another person safe.

Though he has no qualms in protecting them, Sora finds himself paranoid around the opposite sex. His experience has taught him they are deceitful and vindictive, so he’s very careful in dealing with women. Their passive aggressive ways are nothing he is interested in bringing into his life, so when they start these relationship-destroying patterns, Sora will quickly walk away and let them go.

Sora is genuinely a good person, but holds some views that many would call archaic, especially in the subject of women. As a man grown up in the disciplines of his grandfather’s world views, he does not see women like men with breasts, unlike most of the world. He finds they are much more important and different, deserving of protection, beauty, and their natural feminine energy. Why don’t they?

» Likes: Video games, Kendo, Iai, Aikido, exercising, rock music, action movies, spicy food, dragons, the beach, sunny days, and people who don’t force him to talk.

» Dislikes: Reading, boredom, old music, sour candy, being stuck in the house, the rain, that shitty store bought ramen in America, and people who force him to talk.

I. History

» History: The half-Egyptian, half-Japanese five year old boy, lost both of his parents to an Arrancar attack and was sent to Japan to live with his grandfather. Sora grew up no stranger to bullying, and it caused him to keep to himself. Seeing this, his grandfather tried to help him the only way he knew how: teaching him the disciplines of the Yasutake Dojo. Over the years, Sora was taught both Iaido and Aikido, and his natural affinity for both stopped the bullying and brought him to success in dozens of tournaments over the years, increasing the Dojo’s reputation.

In high school, Sora proved himself through more athletic means, such as joining the track and volleyball teams, but also through the protection of his fellow students. Sora did not like bullies, so when he saw someone being treated wrong, he made it a habit to step in, but one of these times led him down an unexpected path. After protecting a popular girl from her aggressive ex-boyfriend, Sora ended up in his first relationship with Mimiko Utagawa. After she attempted a make-out session with Sora only two weeks into their relationship, he rejected her advances due to his own moral code. The next thing he knew, the police, who were lead by her father, were arresting him. It did not take long to prove the accusations his daughter made against him were false, but the sixteen year old was traumatized.

Since word in a small town spreads quickly, after Sora finished his junior year, he moved to Tokyo. Life in the city was a true culture shock for someone like Sora, who preferred to take things at a much calmer pace. He did not fit in well, and found that he did not get along with a lot of the people there. Choosing to try and be more social, he joined the Kendo club and ended up taking them to the finals. Winning his final match in the tournament put his team on top, and inspired a girl in the club to try and kiss him. Unfortunately for her, his reaction was to panic and throw her down more roughly than he ever would have intended. She sprained her wrist and accused him of hurting her on purpose, and if it weren’t for witnesses defending his reactions, Sora likely would have been arrested again.

After finishing high school, Sora found himself looking into law school. He had dealt with it enough that he thought it would be an interesting path. During his first semester in college, he found the classes tedious and boring. He was much more of an active soul, and so he looked into other routes of becoming involved in the law, besides being a lawyer. Simply enough, Sora decided to become a cop. However, he did not want to do this in Tokyo. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to do this in Japan, so he took his earnings from the Yasutake Dojo and his part time job working as a cashier at a grocery store, and made his way to the City of Light. Once he arrived, the first thing Sora did was begin his journey to officially joining the Vandenreich to becoming a cop, which proved more simple than he thought.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Martial Artist: What was initially accepted as an outlet for Sora’s frustrations after losing his parents so young, has become an absolute essential in the young man’s life. The disciplines of his family’s chosen martial art, Aikido, has been woven into his very being. His natural athleticism and knack for fighting has only helped increase his joy of the art, and inspired him to truly master it. Sora’s understanding of Aikido’s essence has made its usage as natural as breathing.

Swordsmanship: Sora is a practitioner of two swordsmanship styles: Kendo and Iaido. Kendo is an art Sora learned while in high school, and he dove into both chūdan-no-kamae and gedan-no-kamae. While Sora found learning Kendo easy, especially after years of training in Iaido, he would not currently call himself a master. He is aware of the rules of matches, fantastic at the actual spars, but doesn’t use this in real combat. The style that Sora uses in combat is Iaido, a Japanese martial art focused on the acute awareness and proficiency in rapidly drawing the sword and effectively responding to abrupt assaults. Iaido is the style that Sora has practiced for over a decade and could easily be called a master.

Strength: Sora’s strength is beyond what a normal human can do. From crumbling stone under his fist, to lifting a car off the ground and tossing the thing across the street, Sora’s strength is utilized to successfully implement his martial arts.

Durability: Sora’s durability matches his strength, since his training in one is pretty parallel to the other. Just like he can pick up a car and throw it, he can have that same car thrown at him and not be hurt. He just doesn’t take damage like normal.

Speed: Sora’s speed has reached a much more advanced level, specifically since he became a ‘cop.’ Due to his training with Iaido, he has increased his speed capabilities even beyond what would be considered superhuman. Sora’s training has brought him to speeds that keep him up with speeding vehicles, insane reaction times that would allow bullet dodging, and reflexes that shock even him.

I. High-Spec Powers

» Powers: Sora has the capability of consuming the heat around him to utilize in his abilities. When he does this, the removal of heat creates an cold and ice-over effect within the range of his Spirit Class. The wetter the area, the more ice that forms.

  • Heat’s Essence: Sora has a passive 45% resistance to heat.

  • Inner Fire: Sora consumes the heat around him and converts it into reiryoku. This returns 15% of his maximum reiryoku amount and acts as a second wind. This ability can be used once per thread.

  • Dragon’s Breath: Sora consumes the heat around him as he inhales deeply and converts it to fire that he exhales in a large cone.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

Cell Phone: His number is… No.

Katana: He keeps a basic, well-maintained katana on him most of the time.

I. Skill Sheet

General Attributes
» Durability: D
» Speed: D
» Strength: D
» Soul: D

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Beginner

Human Skills
» Power Control: Beginner
» Physical Augmentation: Beginner
» Spiritual Adaptation: Untrained
» Mediumship: Untrained


Last edited by Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫ on Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:16 am; edited 1 time in total
Experienced Member
Joined : 2023-10-02
Posts : 514

[Spirit Class 9] Sora Yasutake Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Sora Yasutake

Tue Aug 27, 2024 6:20 pm
Requested Changes: Changes to Heat Essence and Inner Fire operating arbitrary percentages of his reserves.
Changed: Static resistance of 45%


SC 9

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Beginner

Human Skills
» Power Control: Beginner
» Physical Augmentation: Beginner
» Spiritual Adaptation: Untrained.
» Mediumship: Untrained

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