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Joined : 2017-03-31
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[Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0] Empty [Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0]

Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:52 pm
[Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0] 4KWSwvn


Basic Information

Name: Kita Lirio
Age: 400s (Spent roughly 200~ years as an Arrancar)
Gender: Female
Race: Arrancar
Affiliation: Lives w/ Klein
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Aspect of Death: Vengeance
Estigma: Faint red stripes that resemble a tiger’s own that run down her back; pale green scale-like marks on her wrists and ankles from Safira’s influence.
Mask Fragment: Small ear-like horned protrusions on top of her head

Sexuality: Bisexual (?)
Marital Status: Single (?)
Ideal Type: Little guys she can take care of.

Height: 6'3
Body Type: Muscular
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Gold w/ Green Inclusions

[Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0] IegOEds

Psychological Analysis

A vicious bloodthirst lies at the very center of this Arrancar, a fierce spirit fuelled only by the carnal experience of a purpose-filled battle. Kita is a woman who had her way lost for some time, but now has found reason and belonging - in turn, she has something to heat her blood and drive her forth. Violence changed from senseless bloodspill to an art in need of refinement, her craving for death and gore having grown notably tremendous.

One of few things that bring her the most joy is in gruesome displays of carnage, even the mere sight of a torn battlefield excites her. She enjoys proper competition of course; a hard fought battle makes the ending display all the more fruitful with experience. That isn’t to say there aren’t edges of bloodshed she dislikes or doesn’t find as enjoyable - those posing as weak are oftentimes off her radar, rather being seen more like cute things for her to possess and guard than batter and bleed. Inversely, her favorite targets are the strong, those who have wronged her in some such way, a sense of ecstasy in hearing their screams after all they had “done” to her, regardless of how grave or simple the “wrong” was.

Whenever her bloodlust has been spent for a time, she settles down into a quieter state; her phases of veracity occurring in bursts rather than constant hotbloodedness. She is at her most personable during such states, coming across as oddly friendly and mellow.


Priscilla Tintalla

"Cute. Small. Brightly colored. Curious of how she survived the fall out. Would carry home with me."

Amaranta Valeria
"A grand opponent I respect. She does not oppress me, rather she uplifts me? I have not experienced such camaraderie from the strong. My respect... Deepens."

Klein Schwarzwotan

"The presenter of a new world. My adoration for him knows no ends. My world would forever darken if he was no more."

Sabre Taliff & Adalwolfa

"Hesitance. My helpers, yet speaks words that mystify me. I am unsure of what to make of them. Why must I bear an urge to see them again..?"

Safira Aldrovandi

"Oppressor. Violator. Exploiter. My truest wish is to give her an undignified end, to rip and tear [Censored For Brevity]."


Once upon the grey desert lands, there was a great beast of terrifying power, oft challenging itself against others with immeasurable strength. Only, it possessed three little gifts; children that it loved as fiercely as the scorching heat of battle. Though, such happiness was short lived - tragedy after tragedy took the beast’s treasures, until it was alone in it’s grief. The rage it felt toward the world whom had stolen away it’s precious ones was so incredible it lit the beast aflame, inspiring a ravaging conquest against any who stood in it’s way.

It’s fury only cooled when it’s strength was spent for periods of time, in which it would collect mere bottomfeeders - a futile attempt to replace what had been lost, to fill that second, aching hole formed in it’s heart. Any semblance of enjoyment in these feeble creatures were short-lived, as either it’s den would be raided, or the hollows would cannibalize each other; all culminating into another campaign of burning rage.

This pain-filled cycle was only interrupted by the appearance of strange opponents, small in size yet overwhelming it with their power. The name for these white-dressed entities would come known to it as, “Arrancar”.

As that was what she was forced to become. The first days in her new flesh, her new mind, her new self, were wrought with disorientation and anger. She had barely become much more than the beast she was previously, a cold laboratory switching to a freezing jail with slick floors, until she had become personable enough to be branded a Numeros; one of the earliest.

She had little understanding of what to make of her new surroundings, other than bearing a strong hatred for the ones who had chained her here. Any time she’d flee, she would be dragged back with heavier restrictions. Any time she attacked others, she’d be thrown back into that cold prison, until she finally fell into line with nothing but a desperate angry wish to end them all. The flame she once possessed wicked out, unable to be expressed as she floated about duties within Los Noches. For a period, she was even a Fraccion beneath the 9th Espada of the time, only for their repeated digs and pickings at her to result in their mauling and following demotion of both of them.

Only through the disposal of that man whom all followed so blindly was her freedom found, robbed of any opportunity to kill such an insurmountable foe. In the midst of dispersing, she’d cornered multiple Numeros to steal them away, strong-arming them along with her to a canyon far away to form a settlement. Bickering was constant, Kita frequently having to use force to keep all of them in line. It didn’t matter how many times they tried to flee initially; she was convinced what she had for them was all they needed to survive. Within that, she found some level of contentment.

That was, until the doubts in her mind kept forming. Piling. Cementing. Every hunt she did, every battle with a fierce opponent she had, it would not quiet those troublesome thoughts, thoughts she couldn’t even begin to understand. It was like a war between man and beast was occurring under her skin, the wish to fade into that red mist yet the thoughts screaming for identity ravaged her being.

A turbulent creature, she was…


Vile Spiritual Pressure
Kita's spiritual pressure is the definition of feeling one's bloodlust. Being a rather considerable presence alone, when angered or intent to kill is on the mind, this effect is magnified, often striking paralyzing fear into weaker wills or making her opponents feel as if they have been diminished into stalked prey.

Once a ferocious Adjuchas capable of rending large opponents into mere scraps of meat and carry through even the worst of battles or the longest of hunts, these qualities have carried over to her Arrancar body surprisingly intact. She could run the course of an entire battle with but her bare hands, and still have her opponent be naught but a bloody mess, her natural strength unfathomable to many as she can carry large opponents or rip massive objects from their holdings with shocking amounts of ease. In terms of strength and stamina, she is a natural disaster’s worth of a threat.

Ambush Hunter

Though not often displayed, Kita possesses notable natural skill in stalking, able to quiet her spiritual pressure and slip through all manners of environment without so much as a sound. Though she can only accomplish this slowly, it can be all the difference in securing a kill.

Burning Venom

A trait carried over from her days as a Hollow, Kita’s saliva holds a potent corrosive quality to it, especially notable when biting and tearing opponents. Strengthened by developments to her spiritual power, this acidic touch to her bites is capable of eating through flesh and bone, not to mention causing all manner of blood thinning, internal bleeding, or other complications if it enters one’s blood stream.

Serpent's Influence

Forced to inherit a piece of Safira's Núcleo, Kita's appearance has shifted slightly to gain more snake-like features. Though any grander effects of this change to her soul aren't yet apparent, more traits will develop as Kita continues on with this aspect inside of her.


Through personal preference in fighting along with vicious application in mind, Kita’s Cero and Bala techniques are far more developed for closer-ranged swaths of destruction as opposed to sheer distance, or for stealth shots. The strongest applications of these attacks are powerful enough to collapse large buildings and render chunks of land nothing but loose debris.

Bárbara Cero
The power of one cero split across both her hands, Kita can send red, claw-like shockwaves in a given direction, or merely use the explosive power in her palms to increase the damaging power her grappling or clawing can create.

Gran Bárbara Cero

With the sacrifice of her fiery blood, she can convert this Cero into an equivalent of a typical Gran Rey Cero.

Kita’s Bala is similar to the typical Arrancar’s, however possesses the unique elements of both stealth and increased speed. An excellent stealth attack, Kita’s Bala have the ability to mask, appearing almost invisible apart from the occasional flicker of light every half second and the presence of some movement in the air, traveling at high speeds to batter an opponent with a volley of quickly fired shots. However, she can only fire half the rate of a normal Bala per instance.

Garra Bala
A slightly modified version of her take of Bala, instead of appearing almost invisible they fire like large needles, stabbing into an opponent rather than simply exploding. Carrying a corossive aspect, the Bala prioritize pain infliction over raw damage, acting like a more gradual yet far more intense feeling version of her acidic saliva.

When forced to become an Arrancar, her regenerative factor was not discarded for more strength as she did not feel like it was necessary regardless of the cost of faster healing. Her wounds have been observed to restore themselves rapidly in a combat situation, will to heal alone ushering this.

Blood Price
In a heated combat situation, if Kita’s blood is running hot with passion, she is able to compile a larger sum of energy to heal even the more grevious of wounds in one go. It will deplete most or even all of what she may have left to spend, but it will assuredly avert death for herself in exchange for lower performance or even collapsing.

Kita’s prowess in Pesquisa is notable, being her primary means of threat detection and determination, as well as a primary part of her hunts. She has a focus ability that is primarily conducted by her eyes, her pupils glowing a dull white as if light is being reflected in them when it’s active, her surroundings darkening as the Reiatsu signatures of any in her field of vision become obvious to her, unobstructed by objects or walls.

Hushed Sonido

A notable part of her moveset, she will utilize her Sonido in order to add an element of surprise or to get up in her opponent’s face in one movement. Her version is much quieter than the typical Arrancar’s, but those with sharp ears can still hear a softened electronic ‘buzz’-like sound when it’s used. It currently possesses no other special qualities.


Name: Justicia

Appearance: Justicia takes the form of an oversized, jagged, bright red scimitar with serrated edges. The handle is trimmed with gold accents.

[Image will be added]

Sealed Ability:

Vengeance Brewing
Kita is able to create small-scale explosions with her body or attacks as a point of detonation. They're capable of up to a plastic explosive’s force of impact within a middling range, though they are powerful enough to be used as a propellant to enable a sudden boost of speed or more vertical mobility that she otherwise wouldn't be capable of.

[image will be added]

Release Phrase:
Level the Field, Justicia!


Arbiter of Righteous Destruction
Kita's body, Zanpakuto, and reiryoku is imbued with the ability to spontaneously combust into a powerful explosion, enabling her to use these aspects as vectors of destruction, the power of such an explosion's might scaling off of her Núcleo.

However, the scale of such explosions is rather short-ranged at the beginning of a combat encounter, growing it's scope of potential destruction the longer Kita is agitated and engaged in combat (+50% size per active combat post; Cap of 400%).

Burning Blood
Kita's blood is no exception to this vengeful flame inside of her, any spilled blood capable of being activated into explosives if she is within sight of it. Upon activation, the blood will burn bright red before suddenly exploding; the size and strength of the explosion is directly proportional to the amount of and how spread out her blood is in a given space. Diluted forms of her blood cannot be detonated.

Flame-Wreathed Enforcer
Activating multiple explosions unto her own body at once cloaks Kita in a full body coating of that explosive fire, sparking and spitting frequently to indicate it's abnormality from regular fire. Any physical attacks that strike her with this coating of flame active will receive a violent explosion three times as potent as a singular one in return, however this immediately dispels the cloak. She cannot reform the cloak until a single post's worth of time has passed.

*Note: Kita's explosions cannot hurt her.


General Skills
  • Durability: D
  • Speed: D
  • Strength: B
  • Soul: C

Arrancar Skills
  • Hollow Nucleus: Advanced
  • Regenerar: Adept
  • Cero: Advanced
  • Sonido: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept


Last edited by Lillian on Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:47 am; edited 2 times in total
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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[Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0] Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0] Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Kita Lirio [3.0]

Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:23 pm
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