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[Spirit Class 6] Karin Manakagami Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Karin Manakagami Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Karin Manakagami Empty [Spirit Class 6] Karin Manakagami

Thu Aug 08, 2024 7:44 pm

I. Basic Information

Basic Information
» Name: Karin Manakagami
» Alias: Rin Kagami
» Age: 31
» Gender: Female
» Race: Human (Fullbringer)

» Affiliations:
Formerly - Mana Family Vassel

» Alignment: Lawful Neutral
» Marital Status: Single
» Sexual Orientation: -
» Special Talent: Playing the Guqin

» Height: 5'3"
» Hair Color: Blonde
» Eye Color: Blue

[Spirit Class 6] Karin Manakagami P7bwcz5dx67

» Appearance Written:

Karin is a slight and petite woman. Standing no more than 5'3" and with very pale, fair skin. Her western heritage is very apparent, with only traces of her Japanese managing to shine through in some more subtle aspects. She has bright blue eyes, pale blonde hair, and a placid disposition that makes her almost invisible in a crowd. Her motions, her gestures, her expressions, even her voice is subtle, such that some might even forget she is there unless she speaks up.

I. Personality

» Personality:

Her entire life, Karin has abided by her purpose. Serving the Mana family, in particular: Rina Mana. This was instilled within her when she was very young, and as a result, for much of her life there really wasn't much of anything else. Personality. Preferences. Opinions. Such things served no purpose for much of her early life until she met the one whom she would dedicate herself to. IN more recent years, this has assuaged somewhat. While to the average passerby, she may still indeed seem something akin to a statue. But she can smile, she can offer some semblance of preferences, strange as they may seem sometimes. And on the rare occasion, she can laugh.

Following the death of her ward, Karin has become more cognizant of other spriritual beings. She is also rather protective, prone to go out of her way to protect others, especially heroic types. She has something of a desire to find people who protect others or want to move the world in the right direction, and would want to bring such individuals under her wing. But of course, she understands that the line between a hero and a villain is not so clear, and so while she will go out of her way to garner such company, she can sometimes be hesitant if there are any signs of corruption.

I. History

» History:

The Manakagami family was a mistake. For hundreds of years, the Mana family enjoyed a status as a prestigious and quality bloodline in japan. Even as industrialization and the introduction of foreign influences changed the landscape of Japan itself, the Mana family held considerable political influence and maintained a traditional bloodline without influence from foreign blood. It was, however, during the Ender incursion that this was put to the test. The Mana family Heir, one Shiro Mana broke that long-held tradition and fell in love with a French refugee by the name of Faline Martin, a displaced French courtesan whose home had been decimated by demons. Thus, the Manakagami family came to be.

As a third Generation member of the family, as eldest of her siblings, Karin was given the responsibility of protecting and caring for the Heiress of the Mana family, Rina Mana. As one of the more powerful and influential families around the 2000s, by the time Karin was born, the family had come to develop one of their companies into the Tendōjo Health Company. A mediocre company that owned a few small family-run clinics in the early 2000s. However, it was in the 2020s that this company took over Karasake. A media company that owned several ghost hunting programs which heralded themselves as scientific researchers of the paranormal. With the Ender incursion, this became a very real venture and once they were bought out by Tendōjo health, they reorganized the company splitting a portion of the staff between general spiritual research and research into how newfound spiritual elements could be taken into account and applied in a medical fashion.

As such, Rina Mana was an individual of considerable power and importance in their reghion of japan and it was Karin's duty to keep her safe. And as such, she underwent a lot of education and instruction on how to keep her ward safe. While Karin did receive physical and martial training, there was a very important component to her preparation for her role. Rina's father suddenly became sick and his health declined rapidly. While contracted guards for the family were available, it was not believed that Karin would be sufficiently prepared to keep Rina safe by the time her father died, and his own bodyguard was old and nearing the end of his prime for such a task.

As such, Karin's physical training and instruction was cut short, and her development took a turn. Rather than trying to fit a lifetime of training into a year or so, they turned to the resources of the company. Tendōjo had gone through a number of advances in both spiritual and medical science, but some of its most successful endeavors was in a special compound called Sōsai. A special solution which prevented the bodyparts of hollows from vanishing after they had been slain, even by a shinigami.

As a result of this, the company had discovered a number of materials which could be salvaged from hollows which could be used to have various effects for humans. A few years prior to Karin being born, it was discovered that a dying hollow introduced to this compound would be rendered comatose in a sort of suspended state. With this, the company was able to harvest limbs and parts from the hollow and then allow it to regenerate so long as enough spiritual energy was reintroduced to its body to keep it nourished.

Karin's uncle decided to use this opportunity to test a procedure which had been in development for quite some time. Introducing a fragment of a hollow's soul into a human's. While results had been sparse, he had secretly been introducing small amounts of hollow energy to Karin since she was very little. With his brother's health on the decline it was an opportunity he would not miss. Having been acclimated to the hollow's energy throughout her life, Karin was able to successfully accept the Hollow implant.

With this augmentation to her soul, Karin began displaying a number of abilities commonly found in hollows. Regeneration. The ability to smell a person's soul. and even the acidic touch that made so many hollows very dangerous. It was a resounding success, and on her Fifteenth birthday, Rina's father finally succumbed to his illness, his final words were to Karin, apologizing that she had had to endure so much for the sake of his daughter, but happy that she had such a powerful devotion to her ward.

'I shudder at what has been taken from you. I hope that you will not only be guardian to my daughter Rina, but that you be a friend she can forever trust and cherish.'

Previously, she had only ever sparingly met Rina. It was intended that around age Fourteen they would meet properly, but the declining health of her father a year prior had stalled that plan as Karin had to dedicate much of her energy to adjusting to the procedure. When she was finally discharged from medical oversight, she saw Rina for the very first time outside of the visits she had received. A face that she had only ever seen filled with worry and sadness before. Of all things, what Karin remembered most was that despite the loss of her father, Rina was smiling. The girl rushed over and wrapped her arms around Karin, happy that she was alright.

Her ward, as she would come to find out over the years, was a very gentle soul. Warm and caring, even in the midst of her father's sickness, which already had worried her greatly, she too had been worried for Karin's condition. Worried that not only would she lose her father, but that Karin would be lost because of the circumstance. In addition to being her guardian, Karin found herself becoming Rina's closest friend. Often confided in and asked for advice as she went about learning the ins and outs of the company. And it was through this friendship that Karin managed to keep hold of her humanity.

As Lady Rina's guard, she put everything into keeping the woman' safe. In an era where the remnants of demonkind and shadowfall still clung to the earth like gnats, Lady Rina's interests extended further than just japan. As she came to be more familiar with the reigns of the company, she expanded the company's influence, particularly into areas in need of medical assistance. This took Rina and Karin to America, and that meant proximity to the remnants of Shadowfall, where the attention of Arrancar and Demons caught onto the company's interest in the remains of spirits. This thankfully did not come to physical violence too often, but in the instances where it was. Karin's mercy only extended as far as Lady Rina's orders.

Prior to World War Four, she was under very strict orders. They could not afford to directly oppose the demons. One demon Lieutenant in particular kept a careful eye on the company's activities. Resulting in several tense meetings and close calls. But it was not until World War Four that things properly came to a head. With the conflict applying pressure to Shadowfall, what had previously been coy little visits became hostile interactions. Initially, it came down to attacks on Tengōjo personnel, until eventually, the demon Lieutenant themselves made an attempt on Lady Rina's life.

Throughout all of their interactions, Karin had always been able to sense the strength within the high level demon. When that predatory smile of theirs finally gave way to killing intent, she held nothing back. In a single exchange, the woman slew the Demon, and destroyed several nearby buildings in the process. All without a shred of energy reaching pasty her to even approach Lady Rina. As the Demon lay in the rubble with it's body fading away, they laughed at her and asked her coyly how she intended to deal with it's subordinates after using the last of her energy.

As her own body regenerated from the demon's counter attack, she placed her foot on the creature's head and offered no response before simply crushing their head.

The following two weeks were a sea of conflict and destruction. With a high ranking demon slain and the vandenreich forces closing in on the area, the demons were pressured into a frenzy, a number of whom targeted Lady Rina as well as Tengōjo personnel as Lady Rina ordered services continued to be supplied to the civilians in the area. More than a share of cities and towns were reduced to rubble in the clashes between forces, as well as Tengōjo's own security teams.

This eventually petered out in intensity, but for the duration of the war, shadowfall forces would continue to pop up as issues, either simply due to proximity, or because they had been identified as a source of opposition. Four months prior to the end of the fourth World war, Lady Rina sustained a grievous wound. While it did not claim her life, it did severely cripple her, leaving her bedbound.

In the midst of the war, Lady Rina had ignored considerable backlash from the Mana family, insisting that the company's money and resources be focused in Japan. Much of the family had relocated to Karakura for safety, but a number of company assets were scatterd throughout japan, and needed protection. Once Lady Rina had become bedbound, a new heir was named, her sister's daughter, and control of the company as a whole was taken from her. At first, Karin was incensed, and she was prepared to fly out to Japan and confront the family elders herself.

But it was then that Lady Rina revealed that she had worked out the arrangement herself. The Company, the resources, everything outside of the subsidiary locations that had been moved to the states, she'd absolved her authority over. In exchange, Karin herself would be allowed to remain free. Heavily augmented by her treatment, Karin's body was, technically speaking, primarily company property, with the amount of adjustments and therapies that had gone into her following her initial procedure that there had originally been talks of her being repossessed. Particularly with the worry that in some respects, she was more hollow than human.

With Lady Rina's health continuing to decline as Wold War four finally came to a close, her ward made one final request as she faded from the world of the living. "I'm sorry for what my family took from you. And I hope you won't be lonely without me. Don't mourn me, I lived a happy life thanks to you."

A week after the end of the Fourth World War, Rina Mana was announced deceased, and Karin Manakagami took to consolidating the Western assets of Tendōjo. Though the family retained control of the company as a whole, she has every intention of acquiring the primary company as well. Having been more than familiar with the inner workings of the company, she could not stand to see what would be done with the technology and resources in hands less kinda than Lady Rina's. She would secure the future that her ward dreamed of, and she would try to live the full live they always wanted for her.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Monstrous strength: Karin's small frame hides a terrifying amount of force she can exert on her surroundings. Thanks to augmentation and treatment using the remains of a hollow's soul, she is capable of destroying large structures and sections of a town without exerting much effort. She has been known to pry even large hollows apart with her bare hands, with a seemingly endless ferocity even when fighting for days.

Iron Focus Karin's dedication is unwavering. When she has a task before her, there's little that can deter her from her task. Heavy pressure. Psychological attacks. Grievous physical injury. All are secondary to fulfilling the task at hand.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Unique Hollow Power

Thanks to her very unusual method of attaining her powers, namely the implantation of a hollow soul into her, the Hollow portion of her abilities is incredibly pronounced for a fullbringer, and in some ways she might very well be considered part hollow.
To those with keen spiritual sensing abilities, she would feel more hollow than human, and the sheer extent to which she has access to hollow abilities far outpaces normal fullbringers.

Not only this, but constant combat with demons and Hollows has pushed these abilities to their limits over and over in order to survive, and as such over time, these hollow abilities have grown to the point where some might regard her as more of a hollow than a Human.

Hollow's Caustic Acid

Karin is capable of secreting a corrosive acid from her body. Not only from her glands, but also from any point in her body, allowing her to specifically target restraints or bindings in the event that she is restricted.

High Speed Regeneration:
Karin is capable of high speed regeneration like a normal hollow. However, this has only a limited effect generally. Her hollow regeneration doesn't provide any effect in the midst of combat outside of regenerating superficial wounds over the course of a few posts, though outside of combat major wounds and even amputated limbs can be regrown naturally over the course of a few days. Not only that, but so long as her Hollow Implant remains intact, even vital organs can slowly regenerate over the course of a week as the Implant can take over for vital functions as her body mends itself. However, unless she becomes even more hollowlike and develops a mask, this ability will never develop past this point.

Cero Natural

Karin is capable of utilizing a potent Cero attack. During the Fourth World War, she was able to use the ability to carve a massive hole out of a hill and the surrounding town, as well as erasing the stinking demons that had been hiding amongst the ruins. In circumstances in which collateral damage is acceptable, she will utilize this ability aggressively and frequently.
However in MOST situations, she's developed a number of more subtle, specialized cero to use.

Cero Mármol (Cero Marble)

A special Cero which first generates the charged sphere of energy before compressing it down to a much smaller sphere rather than firing. This marble can be slipped out of sight or hidden within clothing discretely with sleight of hand. This marble can then be thrown to detonate like a bomb, or fired outward from wherever on the user's body it's shifted to. The explosive potential of this cero is about half of a normal cero's, as a tradeoff of making the cero stable enough to be thrown about and manipulated without detonating unexpectedly.

Cero Caracia (Cero Caress)

By concentrating energy into the tips of her fingers and along her nails, Karin can appl y a burning effect to her hand. If she can find an orifice or an open wound, she can ease the cero into the target, burning them from the inside out. In any competent combatant, this generally means causing extensive heat damage to wherever she digs her claws into. Though for normal humans without powers, she can completely incinerate a person.

Cero Mármol (Cero Marble)

The most important thing in Karin's life was her Ward. Nothing else mattered to her, in the material sense of things, and as someone destined for nothing but the preservation of their charge, she didn't have much in the way of personal possessions to begin with. Because of this lack of connection, Karin was left incapable of developing a Focused Fullbring.

General Fullbring Affinity

A number of side effects were anticipated from the hollow implant, but they didn't quite expect the specifics of the powers she'd begin to develop. One of those abilities was the manipulation of her surroundings. Capable of communicating with the souls of her immediate surroundings.

Fullbring - Threadslit

A fullbring utilization that utilizes the outfit she is wearing. By pulling a thread from her outfit, she can manipulate it's soul to harden the thread into something similar to garrote wire, allowing her to use it like a weapon to slash and rip into opponents. This can also be used to set wire traps or snares. If she's not in contact with these traps, they return to normal at the end of the thread.

Fullbring - Scrapedge

A fullbring that was developed for modern environments. By sending out a particular frequency of spiritual energy, she can sense and pull in metal within a short range (2 feet) from a portion of her body and mold that metal into a weapon, typically small throwing blades, though other small bladed weapons can be made quickly in the midst of combat provided ample amounts of ambient metal.

Bringer Light User

In addition to general Fullbring abilities, Karin is also a capable user of Bringer Light, applying subtle manipulations of her surroundings in order to propel herself at high speeds and to augment her strikes, though her skills lean more towards the latter than the former.

Bringer Light - Cyclone

A special technique she developed to apply a sudden, powerful torque to her strikes or grapples by twisting the air around herself and the target, such that a powerful rotational force is applied to a target. In weaker targets, this powerful torque can tear the underlying muscle and severely bruise the point of contact, and in mundane materials, can twist objects into a mess. For combatants strong enough not to be overcome by her raw might, this can still enforce a forceful rotation of their body, generally utilized with the intention of jarring one's footing and slamming them into a nearby surface.

I. Hollow Nucleus

» Hollow Power:

Hollow Implant - Encantadora

The hollow that was implanted into her body was named Dread Harper. A hollow which manipulated fine threads made from narrow reiryoku threads. By running her claws through the air and strumming these thin strings, as if playing an invisible guqin, she could unleash powerful bursts of sound infused with her spiritual energy.

Depending on how much of her hollow energy she's releasing, Karin's energy begins changing her body and she gains access to these unique abilities.

Garras de Encantadora (Charmer's Claws)

Even with her Hollow Implant suppressed, her nails are exceptionally hard and the edges are very sharp. However, their most unique quality is their ability to draw out the sound within objects they are scraped against. Natural ridges along the underside of the nail designed to produced sound even when rubbed against one another.

Whenever dragging these claws along a surface, they produce sharp, sudden bursts of sound. These concentrated bundles radiate from the point of contact in a small bubble no more than a meter or two in diameter, and targets caught within this range can suffer lacerations. These cuts are generally only skin deep, though in sensitive areas can still bleed rather profusely.

Implant Release - 15%

By allowing more of her hollow energy to escape her body, Karin gains access to more of her abilities. At this level, her nails elongate and become more clawlike. Her sclera turn black and the skin from her hands up to her elbows turns a dark navy color.

Taleraña del Encantadora Charmer's Web

At this level, Karin is capable of creating very small threads out of her reiryoku, almost invisible to the naked eye, and completely invisible to humans without any spiritual energy. This web forms naturally in the air suspended by equally small Kumon as these threads naturally snag on subtle wrinkles she can create in the boundary between realms. This web generally forms around her and can only be maintained within a short distance, around 4 meters. While these threads don't move with her, she can rapidly form these strings if she has a moment to focus and do so.

Aguijón de Encantadora [sub](Charmer's Sting)[/i]

By plucking her web with her nails, Karin can unleash powerful strums of sound infused with her spiritual energy, bending these packets of sound into condensed sharp edges. These chords can be unleashed and formed into any number of edged or pointed shapes in order to attack targets. However, despite being sonic, the compression of air as these dense sound waves travel through the air causes a slight shimmer, which to the casual eye seems almost like the gleam of some invisible blade flying through the air, leading many unwitting opponents to believe that they are illusions hiding the real attack.

Implant Release - 100%

At present she is incapable of releasing more than 15% of her Implant’s energy. Unbeknownst to her there are also artificial limiters that were put in place when she was still young that she has yet to breach.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

Sōsai 相殺

A special fluid solution which acts something like embalming fluid for spiritual beings. When used specifically on hollows, it preserves the tissue and prevents their corpses or whatever part of their body is soaked in it from dissolving regardless of how the hollow was slain. IN living targets, this can put them into a comatose state, though generally this is only possible if the Hollow is close to or completely dead. This does not prevent a soul from being konso'd.

While she doesn't have access to any vast quantity, she does ave the formula and given the right resources and equipment, can make more.

Loam Health Company

Having to rebrand following the severance from the main Tendōjo company, this more or less encompasses the Western division of the company prior to the loss of Lady Mana. Compared to the Eastern parent company, it is staffed and run in a more grass-roots customers-first fashion and focuses more on providing quality services affordably. As such, there is not an incredible ammount of capital available even as the CEO of the company. However, what keeps the lights on is their access to the formula and some ammounts of already-produced Sōsai and the hollow samples obtained using the substance. Preserved hollow remains fetch a high price and as such on rare occassions, the company sees tremendous profits depending on what they can get their hands on, but this is very unreliable capital.

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Attributes
  • Strength: C
  • Speed: D
  • Durability: D
  • Soul: B

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept

Fullbringer Skills
» Bringer Light: Adept
» Hollow Power: Adept
» Full Manifestation: Adept
» Cero: Advanced

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:

I. Intention

The intention of this character is to serve as a protagonist not just in the world of the living as a human, but as a presence in the corporate landscape. While a number of characters exist with their own corporate presence in the world of the living, Loam is intended to be a less profitable, but more amicable corporate entity. For the most part most corporate characters have alean toward either neutral or negative intentions, Karin is in part intended to balance that a bit.

On the side of more plain and direct protagonism, Karin is designed to seek out and take weaker protagonists that don't fall under the umbrella of a larger organization under her wing to look after them. Like a Sheep dog, she's made for keeping others safe and giving direction.


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:19 pm; edited 5 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Karin Manakagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Karin Manakagami

Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:48 pm
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Last edited by Tsubine on Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

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[Spirit Class 6] Karin Manakagami Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Karin Manakagami

Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:55 pm
Cero Marble explosion size clarified.

Mention of Negacion in Taleraña removed.

Sosai clarified as not preventing konso.

Implant Release Full description adjusted as requested.
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