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Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:22 am


"Is everything ready?"

Occupying a custom-made arena, spacious though far from imposing in size, the relentless dragon had been able to secure an ideal spot to host his world tour. No, to be more precise, it was an area that was wholly familiar to him, built long before today.

Here is where he and his finest companion crossed fists in a fierce contest of clashing wills. Ah, merely recalling that day enlivened his spirits to no end! His soul pulsated with excitement, a torrent of energy dancing around his form like an elusive wind.

His strong frame moved with that wind as he guided the microphone to his mouth. Much like the first time he hosted this event, a large gathering of civilians filled the seats in short order, announcing their uproarious excitement for the battles that were soon to come. Somewhere in the crowd, he winked in Sabre's direction as he flashed a confident grin.

Come to think of it, perhaps this would be her first time experiencing a tournament. Knowing that he would be her first impression, he felt an exceeding sense of elation at the idea of putting on a grand performance she would not soon forget. His foolish pride as a man demanded he offer nothing less than his utmost display of martial prowess. After all, he was hers now, and proud of it.

Stepping toward the camera, embodying the will of one confident in victory, he announced his intention to one dragon in particular. Indeed, if he were to face anyone today, he wished to defeat the man he called a rival, a dear companion, and the closest thing to a brother he would ever have in this realm. Vanyel Xiaoyang. Their last battle was still a blur to him, and he wished to rectify that today. As such...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, how've you all been since the last time I hosted a tournament here? As you all know, I consider myself a man of the people. Those who still appreciate this timeless thing called martial arts have gathered here to give it their all, each prepared to display the best techniques they have to offer, and I'm honored that I get to face each and every one of them! But... you know... I wonder if any of you remember the way it ended. Were you satisfied with it?"

He pointed the microphone to the crowd, whose answered with a thunderous response...

No! No! No!

"Hahaha! I didn't think so! Who likes leaving a job half-finished, am I right? We knew who won that day, but I guess the cameras didn't register it. Of course, they didn't. Some of you probably wanted him to win, and some of you probably wanted me to win. And I think I speak for all of us when I say, we were robbed."

As if responding in agreement, the crowd booed as he shook his head. Swinging the microphone around, he turned to the camera directly as he inched ever closer, grinning wildly, resembling the dragon he felt he embodied in his soul - a soul that cried out for competition. To settle a score...

"Vanyel Xiaoyang! If you're watching television right now if you're looking at any stream, if you're even browsing through your phone... I'm calling you out. Remember what you said before? There's only room for one dragon in the skies. And I hate to break it to you, pal, but it's not you. And it will never be you. Should you desire to finish what we started, come on out and face me! I'm back and I'm better than ever! And I'm ready to kick your ass!"

Dropping the microphone to the ground, lifting his arms in exultation to a roaring crowd as he hyped them up, music blared from the speakers as he stepped away, eager to rush through any opponent in his way, hopeful that his dear friend would accept his challenge. He would settle for nothing less.


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Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:07 pm
High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] YF4Y6XI


It had been a while since he'd properly seen his best friend. For a while, he had been worried on how he'd been, given how isolationist he'd turned. But, that day, when he saw the callout on the TV, he couldn't help but smile. It was such a him move to be as flashy as possible when it came to getting his attention. He knew that Kenichi would never settle for just coming to his door, texting him, calling him, none of that. It made him think back to their first meeting.

So, getting himself changed and ready, he brought Violet along with him, only after assuring her that he would be fine, and made his way to the arena. He registered, but rather than head into the waiting area for the fighters, he walked right onto the main arena, a confident grin spread across his face. Though he had certainly come to fight, he was hardly concerned about whether he'd win or lose.

He wanted to fight, to climb, to compete, but, most importantly...he wanted to have fun, and see who was basically a little brother to him again. So, as the crowd roared with his entrance, Vanyel held out an arm to a nearby ref, who promptly handed him a microphone. This was a completely different side to the person that Violet, or really anyone who knew him saw. This situation, the person involved, it always drove him to want to match his showmanship, even if he wasn't the best at it.

"Kenichi Murata!"

More than anything else, his friend always drove him to be better, to strive for new heights for the sake of competition, deepening their friendship, and always reminding him of what he now had to fight for. He cherished that, their friendship, and everything that they had done for one another.

"I'll have to drown out your lofty dream of standin' on top! I'm already high in the sky, so you're gonna have to rise even higher and claw me down! So, why don't you come down here, face me right now, and not waste either of our times?"

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Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:45 am


""There you are!"

Kenichi responded to his bold words with a wide grin. His arrival was met with applause from those familiar with his exploits in the last tournament he participated in. Though the festivities were already well underway, there was nothing wrong with a little bit of improvisation! Turning his head to the sponsors and announcers, he presented the idea to them first. Once they noticed the uproarious reaction of the crowd, their answer had already been decided. One of the top sponsors, a woman of hilariously small height stepped forward, announcing the match in a loud voice that betrayed her diminutive frame.

"To begin this tournament in style, Kenichi Murata, Relentless Dragon of Okinawa, will fight Vanyel Xiaoyang, Mighty Dragon of Kyushu! This time, their match'll be no hards-barred. This means they can use their abilities freely and without restraint. Now, then, let the battle begin!"

Her announcement was met with uproarious applause. Some of the fighters might have looked visibly disappointed, but since some of them were entrants from the last tournament, they, too, wanted to see the conclusion of their battle. Kenichi gazed at all of them with a warm smile. This was so much better than isolating himself from the world.

Exchanging one more passing glance in Sabre's direction and even that of his family, Kenichi turned back to Vanyel's direction as he took a tremendous leap toward him, landing in front of him, announcing his presence with a large slam of his feet against the firm ground beneath. Assuming the dragon's stance, the fiery martial artist regarded his beloved friend with a bright smile.

Though he was clearly eager to fight him again, he was also grateful to see he was still in good health, to sense that he was happy to see him. He knew he'd likely hear his mouth afterward regarding his isolationist behavior over the past month or so, but that was fine. For now, they would share their conversation through an unending flow of stance and technique. Beckoning him forward with a hand, he allowed his best friend the first move.

""Now then, let's see which dragon will be the one to reign supreme amongst the skies, Vanyel Xiaoyang! Hope you haven't lost your touch since I've been away!"


Last edited by Iori on Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
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High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

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Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:00 pm
High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] YF4Y6XI


Even if he felt really awkward about playing up the character, Vanyel couldn't deny that part of him was excited to see his best friend again, as well as fight him for a second time. He idled twirled the microphone by the cable as the announcer stepped forward, a bit surprised by how short she was, but was even more surprised to hear such a loud, booming voice.

Nevertheless, that grin became even wider as he watched his friend leap toward and land in front of him. After not seeing him for so long, and seeing that crestfallen, frustrated face when Rita had come back home, seeing the bright, sunny disposition that he knew made him so happy. As if the two were flowing rivers, they both assumed a stance at the same time, Kenichi's dragon stance, and Vanyel's personal, unassuming stance of his own style.

After this was all over, not only was he going to chew him right the fuck out, but he was going to introduce him to Violet, and the two could swap stories about everything they had been through in the time they'd been apart.

"I should be sayin' that to you, Murata. But, we'll see who really deserves the title. We chase the pearl, and climb toward heaven!"

Without giving him a chance to respond, Vanyel was quick to shift his weight, launching himself forward with a zhenjiao, a charging step, allowing him to utilize proper muscle control and a burst of speed to close what little distance there was. The moment he was in range, he suddenly lashed out with a swift palm strike, intending to both show his skill as a martial artist, as well as get a little bit of distance back to think about his next move.

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Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:40 pm


A zhenjiao straight into a swift palm strike? As expected, he hadn't lost a beat since the last time they fought. The burst of movement and the precision that accompanied such a blow elicited a wide grin as Kenichi subtly stepped forward, intending to meet him head-on.

Like a river whose water suddenly shifted tide, he thrust his palm forward to clash with Vanyel's own in a brilliant display of showmanship, as if to silently announce that he could read him like a book.

Of course, his bold confidence belied a secondary intent as well. Should their palms have clashed, he would attempt to maintain a hold on Vanyel's hand as fell sideways, his leg roaring in for a fierce roundhouse kick.



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Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:22 pm
High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] YF4Y6XI


Of course this absolute idiot would make noises while he was fighting. Even as he locked their hands together to hold him in place, Vanyel already knew a method to counter. It wasn't the most comfortable, but, as he noticed his leg suddenly moving and Kenichi falling sideways, Vanyel maintained his position, keeping himself upright as the roundhouse kick came in.

Twisting his arm, he managed to block some of the attack, but the awkward positioning kept him from fully negating the momentum, causing Kenichi's roundhouse to suddenly force Vanyel's own arm into his head, stunning him momentarily. But, he was able to recover fast enough to offer an attack in response, tugging his hand loose, before using it to cup an enclosed fist.

Leaning forward to give him a bit more reach, Vanyel sought to aim once again for the chest with a sudden, quick elbow strike, reinforced with his arm to stabilize himself and give extra a little bit of extra force. He full-well understood that powers had been permitted for this fight, but, right now, this was purely a showcase of the two's martial mastery. That was the foundation of their friendship, thus, it was only natural for that to be the first test of their progress and strength.

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Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:15 pm


With his body so devoted to the roundhouse kick, he couldn't immediately transition into another move, which left him susceptible to Vanyel's elbow strike as it crashed against his chest. It was an impressive counter, and yet Kenichi would expect nothing less of his beloved rival.

It momentarily stunned him, providing ample opportunity for Vanyel to follow up, but that would be short-lived if he didn't seize it. In the next moment, he would fall backward completely, pressing his hands against the ground as he launched a flurry of spinning kicks with his palms pressed against the ground.

An unpredictable and uncanny offense, to be sure, yet Vanyel ought to know he was both a showman and a proud martial artist at heart, one who would throw any form of trickery and subterfuge his way to keep him on his feet. If their initial first round was meant to be one of pure martial prowess, then so be it. He'd give his sworn brother his very best.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
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High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:53 pm
High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] YF4Y6XI


Vanyel knew Kenichi, he knew how he fought -- every move he made was calculated to show off his skill and prowess. But, that also could make him unpredictable in his own way, the endless ways to add flourish to even the simplest of moves, or even just letting the moves themselves show their flare and flourish in their simplicity. But, in seeing him suddenly willingly fall backward, Vanyel was surprised, unsure of what his next move would be as a result.

But, the window that he had closed, and as he watched Kenichi put his hands to the ground, it was then that it clicked, and he quickly moved his arms to protect himself. He didn't get the time or space to create so much distance as to avoid the move entirely, but it was enough to force him to defend himself from the flurry of kicks, causing his arms to suddenly be slammed against the sides of his head.

Even after all this time, Kenichi still hit just as hard. Seemed that all the time he spent in isolation hadn't dulled his strength -- good. He'd have been disappointed if they had. So, with a confident grin, Vanyel took a moment to study Kenichi's spinning kicks, before, right as one was about to make contact, grab his leg.

Without missing a beat, Vanyel turned around, bringing his friend with him, before lifting him up to try and keep his hands from touching the ground, and hurling him across the arena. Seeking to follow-up immediately, Vanyel lunged forward with a simple strike of the fist, building enough power behind it to shatter the arena flooring. Things were starting to heat up now!

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High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:38 am


Amazing. Even in his absence, Vanyel's ability to read and react to his movements hadn't dulled in the slightest. He wasn't being overwhelmed in the slightest. When he was grabbed by the leg and flung far ahead, Kenichi simply allowed his momentum to carry him forward as he soared through the air. At the apex of his flight, he formed two platforms of golden reiryoku when it appeared as though he were going to be sent flying out of the arena.

Combining his momentum with the force of his feet pressed against those platforms, he rocketed forward at breakneck speed, allowing him to rush in and meet his companion in mid-air. Fist met fist in a thunderously destructive clash as the arena flooring below them rumbled and shattered all at once, spiderweb patterns breaking out across the arena floor.

The interaction of pure strength was met with uproarious applause as the crowd voiced their amazement. Of course, Kenichi couldn't shake the vision of... flying rocks soaring across the arena toward Vanyel. Was that a result of their clash or something else at work?


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High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] Empty Re: High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:43 pm
High Mountains, Flowing Waters[Kenichi, Vanyel] YF4Y6XI


Upon seeing Kenichi rebalance himself with platforms, Vanyel already had an idea of what was about to happen, and he was more than happy to let it happen. A grin started to spread across his face as the two men's fists clashed, causing a wave of pressure to erupt outward. The wind erupted outward, and cubic, spiderweb-like patterns exploded across the arena floor.

As Vanyel let himself fall back to the ground, he took his stance, ready to charge forward again, until he saw something from the corner of his eye. With a quick twist of his upper body and a carefully aimed palm strike, he shattered...a rock? Did one of the patterns dislodge and get caught up in their fight? A bit peculiar that it had flown right toward him.

Vanyel's body returned to the stance prior, a small amount of energy pooling into his legs. In a burst of speed akin to the Shinigami's Shunpo, Vanyel launched himself forward, aiming a powerful knee strike to Kenichi's stomach.

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