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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:21 pm
Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCasual1
Mirai Takamatsu

It was a mission. The only way for Mirai to make her way back to the world of the living, when the Soul Society was still on lock down, was a mission. And as usual, she had completed it just fine. Dealing with a couple of hollow that utilized stealth tactics along forested roads was no biggy for her. They had been taking out travelers going between towns, sneaking up on the innocent, yada-yada.

Now, back in the middle of Tako, a small town east of Tokyo city, Mirai took some time cleaning herself up and making her seem presentable to the outside world. Of course, she was doing this in a gas station bathroom and an unconscious man laying in the corner. It was his lucky day; a bad mood would have sent him to the morgue. But how could Mirai be in a bad mood when it was so rainy out!

Mirai stepped out of the bathroom and out into the rain. It wasn’t the most common thing this time of year, but she always enjoyed being cooled down after working a hot day. She doubted it would last long anyway. Walking down the street, a bag filled with new manga over her right arm, she was making her way toward a bus stop. She didn’t need to use one, but she wasn’t heading back home just yet…

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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Re: Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 5:33 pm


With brazil in his rearview mirror, Kenichi was ready to explore the world again. A simple solution, to be sure, but if it had been so simple, surely he wouldn't have needed to endure everything else that came beforehand. At any rate, that was neither here nor there, and reflecting on the particulars would've dampened his current zeal!

The downpour of rain was met with elation after a hot day, and he danced and bolted around in search of the closest bus that would take him to his next destination until----at the corner of his eye, under an umbrella, a familiar face stood out to him as clear as day. Manga Girl Mirai! Here!? He hadn't seen her in a long time, paiting in her current presence here in an even grander light. As such, he expediently strode through the rain - he ran - bolting toward her with a wave and his characteristically bright smile!

"Heyyyyyy! Mirai! Long time no see! Wait up! Wait up!"


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Re: Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:01 pm
Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCasual1
Mirai Takamatsu

On a road like this, meeting another person was uncommon, but meeting someone you had run into from a completely different country? Well, that was a different story entirely. Mirai had not expected someone to ever call her name here. Who the hell would? So, when she sensed that incoming reiatsu, her senses went on high alert. Instinct took over as Mirai measured his distance and immediately swung around with a powerful kick, aiming right toward the man’s head. Mirai gave no warning and did not hesitate when she turned to attack him.

‘Who the hell would even know me here?!’ Mirai thought to herself. And then she saw his face and recognized him. It didn’t stop her kick, that was too late, but she didn’t continue any sort of onslaught. ‘Oh shit.’ “Uh.. Are… you alright?”

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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Re: Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:22 pm



A resounding kick to the face, and Kenichi found himself on the ground. Ow. He supposed maybe charging her down wasn't the brightest idea, but still... ow! Rubbing his head, he waved his hand as he chuckled softly, brightly grinning up at her. Even if that kick hurt, the reaction time and the momentum behind it was impressive!

"I'm just fine! Sorry if I startled you! I haven't seen you in so long, and kinda let excitement get the best of me. How've you been, Manga Girl Mirai?"


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Re: Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:27 pm
Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCasual1
Mirai Takamatsu

Damn it. Yuuto would likely bop her on the head for that one. She just won’t tell him about it, yeah… She’ll just keep it a secret! Mirai held a hand out to Kenichi and helped him back to his feet. She helped dust him off, not seeming to care what part of him she made contact with. There was a look of surprise on her face when he gave her a rather strange, even though it was fitting, nickname.

“Manga Girl Mirai, hm?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. Her stoic expression was suddenly replaced by a smile, one she had practiced a lot in the mirror when she studied how to interact with people normally. “Yeah, it’s been a while. How have you been?” In truth, Mirai doubted she’d ever see him again…

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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Re: Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:40 pm


"Yes! Manga Girl Mirai! Although, I think it's more polite if I simply refer to you as Mirai, no? Anyway, I've been just fine... for the most part."

He trailed off ever so slightly, reflecting on the long period of time he spent away from the world at large. Sheesh... He hadn't recognized how much he stagnated staying there. He met plenty of new people, but he wasn't quite sure they all had his best interests in mind, in the end. And he wasn't trying to linger on anything related to it for too long, anyway. At the moment, he simply wanted to catch up on lost time with a familiar face.

"Life got hectic here and there recently, but I'd like to think I'm happier now. How about you? I want to hear how you've been to! Any new manga you've come across?"


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Re: Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:50 pm
Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCasual1
Mirai Takamatsu

“Yeah, I would definitely prefer my normal name,” Mirai nodded and her smile was gone. He didn’t do anything. She just couldn’t constantly keep that up without a more natural reason to do so. His high-energy was sort of helpful, but not there yet.

"No, nothing new. I found a new copy of an old book I let get pretty worn down, so that was nice," Mirai said, pulling out a Volume Three of Golgo 13. There was some hesitation as she tried thinking about what to ask next. "So, how did life get hectic?"

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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Re: Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:54 pm


"Mirai it is!"

Kenichi's eyes lit up the moment she pulled out her copy of Golgo 13. It looked pretty retro, but the cool guy with a cool gun on the cover was enough to hold his attention and his eyes lit up even brighter. He sighed poutily as he tapped at his leg. He hadn't brought any of his cool series along, but he'd gladly pick some up at a shop if she wanted to reenact their first event! Reflecting on her question, he smiled sheepishly as he explained what happened, hoping his abridged version of the events would suffice.

"So, this happened, and that happened... and I came out of it... a little miserable, but I'm fine now! ...I think."


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Re: Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:24 pm
Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCasual1
Mirai Takamatsu

Clearly… he had no desire to talk about whatever occurred. No bother. They weren’t close enough for Mirai to be interested enough to press him. The only thing that caught her attention there was the fact that someone who radiated such positive energy the last time they met seemed… off. It was almost like when a dog rolled around in mud; you suddenly didn’t want to let them into the house.

“Understood,” Mirai said with a curt nod. “It is good you are okay.”

Mirai perked up suddenly, realizing this was the perfect chance to practice some of her social skills. Instead of casual conversation about how he was doing, maybe she could figure out how to get to know him better, more intimately, but what question to ask? It needed to be something she'd care about listening to...

“Kenichi, right?” she said, his name popping back into her head the moment she searched for it. That was good, since he clearly remembered her name. With a smile, she chose her question. “What type of woman are you attracted to?”

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Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai] Empty Re: Small Town Run [Kenichi/Mirai]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:53 pm



Kenichi looked back at her with a dumbfounded expression. What type of woman was he attracted to? An interesting question, to be sure, and he did have an answer... but why was she curious about that? Nodding his head for a few, he decided to answer her question as he grinned from ear to ear. If she must know, then he had no qualms with answering her question.

"Outside of their looks, I'd say the type of women I'm attracted to is someone who enjoys the fruits of life. Adventurous, playful, but also one who is not afraid to push me to be the best version of myself possible. Sparring partner use to always be a plus, but I've sinced calmed down on that. Not every woman is looking to clash fists with a man, especially not their significant other."

He noted as he smiled back at her.

"What type of man are you into, Mirai?"


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