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Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:20 pm
Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Phew. What a nice refreshing workout. She's only a lot sweaty and ready for a cold shower, but it was a run around the entire Gotei, multiple times. Elyss isn't always around in Soul Society, and being on Earth sometimes spoils her. Whenever she's around, she makes sure to work out every day and make up for how lazy she can get at times. Most don't expect it from her, but the redhead's rather chill.

Her hand would touch her doorknob, but find it unlocked. If it's unlocked, then that means someone's inside, and there are only two people allowed inside her place when she's not around. She's pretty sure Shishiyuki is busy, so that leaves but one other option. Tilting her head and scrunching her brows, she opened the door and stepped inside, rubbing her face with the bottom of her shirt.

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Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:14 pm

Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 150

As Elyss entered her house, she would likely smell something cooking. It smelt like steak, the smell and sizzling filled the house. From the kitchen would come a rhythmic hum. Inside that kitchen was Hono. Her hair was tied back in a single ponytail wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts with an apron. Elyss allowed her to use her kitchen even when she wasn't around. So Hono took advantage of that, she was well known for the sheer amount of food she would cook. Of course, she never wasted any, always giving food to her friends and family. That was just the inner mom in her.

Tacos were on the menu today, as the steak sizzled, Hono was chopping up the onions. The counter was full of spices and seasonings. She was focused, cutting through the onions swiftly, like a machine, she was focused. Not even noticed Elyss had returned.

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Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:40 am
Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Her nose twitched. What is that smell? It's meat at least. Elyss can at least differentiate the hearty scent wafting around. She wondered what's on the menu today. Hono's usually cooking up a meal for a whole squadron, so it'll be interesting to see what she's making and the quantity of it.

Though, the itch to mess with the woman left the redhead as she appeared in the kitchen's entrance, watching the other minding her own business without a care in the world. Hono only really focused on two things: food or fighting. Well, guess you could say three, but Elyss has never been the coddling sort.

She felt it fine to simply watch Hono work, letting her eyes drift every now and then because of reasons.

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Sat Aug 10, 2024 3:28 am

Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 211

Elyss was spot on with the Quality, it certainly was a lot of food. Part of the reason she cooked so much was all that energy she had plus that maternal instinct, to provide. Plus it was just a good stress reliever for her, after a long day of working just to let it all out in the kitchen.

Something Elyss would feel would be Reishi, it seems Hono was letting out some of it into the food. After digging around in the library, Hono found an old cookbook with techniques. It essentially explained how to use your Reishi to make the food taste better, so she was giving it a shot. Hono would let out a rheumatic hum as she worked.

With a hum, she kept hacking away at the tomatoes and onions. However once she was done, she stabbed the knife into the cutting board, picking up a rag and cleaning the sweat from her forehead. Seemingly finished, all she needed to do was mix the steak and vegetables into the taco shells.

With an exhale she turned to face the doorframe, where she spotted Elyss. Jumping back a bit startled. "Oh! I didn't know you were coming. Sup...?" She chuckled, trying to play off her little startled attitude.

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Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Empty Re: Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono)

Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:17 pm
Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Sup?" Elyss mocked, raising a brow. "Well, nice to see you too."

Rolling her eyes, she stepped further into the kitchen, not even bothering to make fun of Hono. Guess if Elyss had appeared in anyone's place without making a sound, they'd have been a bit spooked too. However, it is Elyss' place, isn't it?

"What'cha making?" She asked, looking at everything on the counters and such, her nose twitching as she took in the smell.

She can detect the feint Reishi added to everything, wondering what exactly it's for. She has some ideas, but it's not something she's particularly interested in.

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Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:44 am

Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 147

It was good to see Elyss, it wasn't that Hono was against seeing her significant other. "You just startled me is all!" I mean Elyss would be gone for a few days and then suddenly appear. As Elyss looked at the food on the counter she'd see the meat, shells, and the filling.

"Tacos! Do you wanna eat?" She asks. "I was gonna pack you up a couple and put them in your office anyway" Hono would soon take her apron off, leaving her in a white t-shirt and shorts. "So. Where have you been?" She stepped closer to Elyss before going in for a quick hug. Still a bit sweaty for all the intense cooking. "I missed you."

There were close to fifty taco shells. "I was gonna bring some for my division, and my family. But feel free to eat as much as you want."

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Last edited by Waffles on Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Empty Re: Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono)

Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:01 am
Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Ya know, you're always using my kitchen like some restaurant," She mumbled, looking at the amount of food and wondering if she could eat all of it. "...Sometimes it's worrying."

Her lips tightened a bit, her eyes a little far off, but Hono's hug brought her back a bit. Two sweaty ladies hugging isn't exactly a mood setter, and Elyss didn't appreciate the way she could feel their damp shirts touching. However, she's sure Hono's gonna question what she's on about, so she might as well keep talking.

"I need to take more time off..."

Though, that doesn't really relate her thoughts well. It's hard to say that you'd rather have more interpersonal meals but saying that outright would sound bad. She shouldn't complain about anything when she's always away. Hono would probably cook less for everyone else if Elyss was around more.

"Sorry," She'd at least say while placing her hands on Hono's hips. "The tacos look good. I'll take some."

Tentative. She's always tentative at first, almost like she's worried about what she'll find when reality hits but, Elyss softened after a few seconds and let her grip tighten just a bit, fingers sinking into the dutiful cook.

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Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Empty Re: Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono)

Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:51 am

Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 213

"I gotta decompress after work you know!" She folded her arms, "It's not like I waste food or anything! I make sure it's all eaten!" She huffed and puffed a bit, defending herself. Hono would then take notice of Elyss' sweat. A bit curious, maybe she was training.

"Ew. Ew. Ew." The hug ended just as quickly as it started, as Hono felt the sweat from herself and Elyss, looking down at her shirt. "I should probably take a shower, I smell like onions and I'm all sweaty-" She sighed, probably not the most attractive right now. "How come you're sweaty?"

The woman would lightly smile as she turned around and began preparing Elyss a plate, all the while the Captain held onto her. Hono hummed a little, making two for the captain. "Don't apologize. You're a captain, I'm sure you're plenty busy with important shit." Handing the plate off, Hono would then make her own.

"After we eat I'm taking a shower. Sorry, I don't look nice, if I knew you'd be home I would of washed up already." She turned a soft tint, a bit embarrassed to be seen like this. Sure Elyss had seen Hono sweating before, but that was during training. This was more personal. After preparing her plate she'd take a seat at the table.

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Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Empty Re: Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono)

Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:08 am
Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red


Maybe this is her punishment. It has been a while, so Elyss shouldn't have expected anything more than a brief hug. Huh... It's weird for her to suddenly want any sort of attention. Guess that's the result of actually having this to come home to. It did leave her feeling a bit awkward though, but nevertheless, she sucked up it as she does with everything and followed after Hono.

"I was doing a little run. I didn't expect you to be here. You probably already use my shower so..."

She'd sit down and look at her plate. She's hungry, but she's also not hungry. The smells are enticing, but she found her eyes moving to Hono again, watching the woman. What's this feeling? With a bit of a pout forming, she actually couldn't help but find herself sighing.

"I think you look wonderful," She blurted out, grumbling as she sat back in her seat and folded her arms.

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Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) Empty Re: Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono)

Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:22 am

Home Alone? (Elyss/Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 223

Honestly, were they both not sweaty she would have gone for the kiss. Probably after the shower. Listening to Elyss talk about the run. Well, she didn't explain the run, but at least Hono knew what she was up to. "I did some push-ups and crunches before lunch, so I got hungry and came here to cook up some lunch"

Hono spent little time going right in, she picked up the taco and took a big bite, she was hungry after working out, plus using her Reishi for the cooking took a toll as well. She made sure not to pig out since Elyss was in company, using her napkin after each bite.

Wonderful? The pinkette's cheeks would soon match the hair. A bit of cheese on the corner of her mouth as she used her napkin to quickly wipe it away. "Oh! Thanks! You look cute!" She returned the compliment before laughing. Sometimes things were awkward, she didn't know what to call Elyss, a pet name or just her name, they had never talked about it nor did she ever try it. Well, there was a first time for everything.

"So. How's work been, sweetie?" Bleh, Sweetie felt weird to say, though she made sure to watch Elyss' facial expressions closely as she did. Maybe Hono wasn't cut out for pet names.

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