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[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Empty [Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker

Sat Jul 13, 2024 10:28 am
[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker RAqxkDI

Basic Information
» Name: Gideon Whitaker
» Alias': The Dreamer, The General

» Age: 35
» Birthday: December 13th
» Gender: Male
» Race: Human Fullbringer

» Affiliation: Akashic International

» Alignment: Himself
» Nationality: American
» Martial Status: Single
» Sexuality: Bisexual
» Ideal Mate: Intelligent, strong willed, confident
» Special Skill: Eidetic Memory, wood chiseling

» Height: 5'11"
» Weight: 185
» Build: Muscular
» Hair Colour: Blonde
» Eye Colour: Blue

[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker ZFgDUCr

Psychological Analysis

Gideon is a complex man, someone who's "abilities" have shaped who he is as much as his upbringing or genetics have. Outwardly he is a man of great confidence, someone who tackles problems as if he were born to solve them and isn't afraid to say how he really feels and what he's thinking. In the same vein, he appears almost fearless, and willing to get his hands dirty to do what needs to be done.

As the founder, owner, and CEO of Akashic International, Gideon commands a great deal of respect from those directly beneath him in the company. He is, on the surface, a tried and true "company man" who puts the good of the business ahead of his own. That said, he seemingly believes strongly in the idea of the "servant manager", working to empower his employees instead of the other way around. For this reason Akashic International is a very tight knit company, with higher ups and new employees generally being supportive and defensive of their coworkers.

As a self-described "ultimate teamplayer", Gideon goes out of his way to work with others and involve them in the company's decision-making process, and even outside of Akashic International he is willing to work with all-comers, almost regardless of their background. People often see him as strict, though not unkind, and forgiving of those willing to put the work in to make up for their mistakes and past.

Behind the public persona Gideon is another Gideon, one much different from the man he portrays himself to be. He is a hateful man, believing strongly all spiritual beings are a sickness, a plague upon the Earth, and must be wiped out without mercy or hesitation. Gideon despises the Soul Cycle, believing it to be a Sisyphean nightmare that prevents progress and only causes pain. Despite these beliefs, Gideon is often willing to work with Spiritual beings if it means advancing his own goals. That said, he is more than ready to ruthlessly stab those in the back he deems no longer useful.

Despite his at-times overly serious persona, Gideon can joke around and even be a bit playful. He isn't particularly sadistic, though he can have trouble controlling his anger when dealing with spirits or enemies. Though he is incredibly confident, he only just teeters on the edge of arrogance, and is often willing to take jokes or criticisms lobbed his way.

Gideon often refers to himself as a man of peace despite his inclination for war, arguing he does what he does for the sake of achieving peace. For this same reason he is a man willing to go to almost any length to reach his goals.


Gideon's story begins prior to his birth. In the summer of 2089, while she was about four months pregnant, Susan Whitaker found herself being attacked by the spirit of her mother who had Hollowfied due to regrets she had in life. She suffered serious wounds at the Hollow's hand, but was saved at the last minute by the intervention of a patrolling Shinigami who struck the monster down. This moment, though they didn't know it, would change both Susan and her child's life forever.

Gideon was born to Susan and Jeremy Whitaker in San Diego, California, in 2089. The birth went as planned, without any hiccups, and he was a perfectly healthy newborn. Over the next few weeks the couple were shocked at how smooth things were going with their new child, who seemed to sleep soundly and cried very little. At a scheduled checkup they asked their doctor about Gideon's oddly calm behavior, and they were told he was in great health.

This continued well into his childhood. Gideon was always quiet, and seemed to be able to sleep through anything. At age seven he was gifted a dream journal from his parents, and in it he described, in extreme and precise detail, other lives he lived while asleep. A man in a strange town filled with dirt roads and wood buildings. A woman living on the other side of the globe speaking a foreign language that he understood as easily as his own. A soldier clad in black wielding a samurai sword cutting through vicious monsters...and even other people.

Susan and Jeremy were concerned about their reclusive son and his vivid renderings of his dreams, though they mostly chalked it up to a child's creativity. For Gideon it wasn't just peaks into other lives though, at times it was practically torturous. Some dreams were nightmares for a child his age, who wasn't ready to process the activities of strange adults who committed crimes, killed each other, and at times were killed themselves.

Around the age of fourteen Gideon began to realize something about himself and the dreams. He no longer believed they were a result of mere imagination; instead, they were glimpses into real people's lives. Past lives. Over the prior couple years he had researched heavily into spirits, including Hollows and survivors of their attacks. He came to believe he had been granted abilities from the attack his mother suffered before his birth.

This realization set Gideon off. He quickly grew despondent over the many dozens and hundreds of lives he had peered into, how they were all dead and the world and Soul Cycle continued as if nothing mattered. Would his life be meaningless as well? Would his soul just move on after his death as if he were never alive? How could everyone be at the whim of such a cruel cycle?

Anger and resentment were fomented inside Gideon. He hated the idea of just becoming a memory or dream in someone else's life. His hatred for the Soul Cycle eventually spilled over to include spirits as a whole, and by the time he graduated high school Gideon had decided he would spend his life searching for a way to break the cycle and to eliminate or evict all spirits from the living world.

After high school Gideon first got a Bachelors, and then Masters, in cyber security. Afterwards, he joined the United States Marines, and thanks to the superhuman strength and speed he had developed prior, along with his progressing Fullbringer abilities, he quickly gained notoriety as a highly capable and effective soldier. During his years in service he made many friends and connections in different branches, including those higher and lower ranked than himself, and would leverage these relationships into promotion after promotion.

While stationed in South America, he and a handful of other soldiers were attached in the dead of night by a Hollow. Though the entire squad could see it, Gideon was the only one who could actually fight the monster. Despite its great size and ability to harden its skin, Gideon made short work of the Hollow by tearing its mask in two with his bare hands. From that day his resolve to achieve his goals, and his reputation amongst other soldiers, grew stronger and greater.

Gideon set his plans into motion by diverting military funding to a base to an offshore bank account, using his background in cyber security to do so without getting caught. Then, with his tour completed, Gideon left the Marines and used the stolen money to found a private military corporation by the name of Akashic International, and hired a number of soldiers he had worked with, along with others he believed he could trust.

Akashic International specialized in investigating and dealing with spiritual disturbances, along with eliminating Hollows. It started out taking small, simple contracts from the US government, and quickly grew in size and reputation due to Gideon's abilities. Eventually it had become an international PMC of some fame, with contracts from governments and corporations around the globe, proving a capable weapon against Hollows, and even Demons, when relying on the Gotei wasn't enough.

Throughout his time as head of Akashic International, Gideon further honed his physical and Fullbringer abilities. Whether it was defeating a simple Hollow or Demon, taking down a group, or even fighting more powerful ones or Arrancar, Gideon was always a step above with strength enough to destroy his foes. He wielded his Immortal Record, a massive monolith of a sword, to devastating effect.

During World War Four, Gideon commanded his PMC on various fronts. With every successful mission his reputation grew both on and off the battlefield. It wasn't just discipline that drove him during the war, it was fury and hatred too which had never been so all-consuming as it was then, and he used all of it to great effect, butchering humanity's enemies with terrible efficiency.

He came into conflict with Knights and even the Grand Duke of Shadow Fall's Fifth Circle repeatedly on missions due to often being sent to the front lines. These battles culminated in Gideon using his Immortal Record to defeat and destroy said Grand Duke, a Demon by the name of Arachthos. Their final battle was a test of strength, as Arachthos boasted enough to terrorize the battlefield, but Gideon proved the victor by splitting the demon in two with his sword.

Though he lost good soldiers during the war, afterwards his reputation and that of Akashic International caused new recruits to flock to them. The destruction of Vastime was another powerful recruiting tool and as of 2024 the company is larger than ever.


» Physicality: Gideon boasts a powerful body, one capable of both taking and dishing out a beating. His two best traits are his durability and strength as they were what he honed first and for the longest throughout his life. Before entering the military in his early 20's, Gideon already possessed superhuman strength, and during his time in the Marines he was able to tear a Hollow's mask in half by hand. Through disciplined training and experience, he further improved his physicality and by the time of World War 4 he was able to go toe to toe with a Shadow Fall Grand Duke and not only survive, but even defeat the Demon. During this fight he took blow after blow, and hit back even harder than his enemy until eventually he cleaved the Demon in two with the massive sword he wields.

» Swordsmanship: From a young age Gideon had an interest in swords, largely because many of his dreams were of people who lived in a time where they were used in battle, as well as of Shinigami who fight with them. He took fencing classes as a teenager, but it wasn't until he was an adult did Gideon truly begin developing his skills, which were honed further later on through World War 4. He prefers a heavy handed style with powerful and sweeping swings meant to deal as much damage across as wide an area as possible.

» Small Arms Training: Thanks to his time in the US Marines, Gideon trained as and became a talented sharpshooter with both handguns and rifles. He is always equipped with a standard issue handgun.

» Dream Visions: Less a power and more a curse, at least in Gideon's eyes, while he sleeps he is forced to re-live memories of his soul's previous lives. The main advantage this has granted him is the ability to understand and speak dozens of languages without having had to dedicate any time or energy into learning them. It has also provided him with great insight into how and why people do what they do, which he uses to manipulate those around him.

» Affinity Level: Gideon and Immortal Record have a high level bond, having been in his position for nearly 30 years through thick and thin, suffering and success. He first used it for just his dream journal, but quickly began using it for all his writing, whether it be for school, work, or otherwise. Immortal Record hasn't left his side (or his home, when he's there and showering, sleeping, etc) in a decade. They're considered to have a "complete" Affinity.

» Fullbringer Skills: Owing to his lack of formal training for his Fullbringer abilities, Gideon does not boast a particularly high aptitude with Bringer Light or the development of his Hollow Factor. He's at best average when it comes to those skills; however, on top of his Affinity being developed, Gideon has a strong grasp on manipulating spirits. He is able to move multiple objects simultaneously, and can alter their attributes to a significant, and often complex, degree. He is even able to do so while fighting in close quarters with his sword, preferring to manipulate objects at range on the opposite side of his enemy to force them to stay within striking distance of his Immortal Record.

» Eidetic Memory: Believed to be connected to his Fullbringer abilities, Gideon possesses total recall of everything he's seen and experienced, visually and auditory.


» Affinity Name: Immortal Record

» Affinity Appearance: Immortal Record is a fountain pen gifted to Gideon for his 7th birthday, and when its spirit is drawn out it becomes a massive 6' long sword appearing to be made of stone with some kind of script written along it's flat sides.
[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker G88DSxV

» Affinity Abilities:

» Chronicling Scribe: Immortal Record is a library of all things. In practice, what this means is anything it encounters is recorded on it's blade. This could be a distinct Reiatsu, the makeup and purpose of a spell, the physical attributes of a person, weapon, or attack, etc. Even traits not obvious, such as poisons, can be recorded, though it won't know the antidote if there is any. However, it can't simply be in the vicinity of what it's recording, the sword must actually contact whatever it is.

» Erudite Scholar: Once every other post, Immortal Record can analyze a piece of knowledge it has recorded. By doing so, it can "read" its history, and as a result discover a weakness or vulnerability it may have. This information is then provided to Gideon if he's holding Immortal Record, though it isn't always useful. For instance, if it records a fire attack the weakness it tells him will likely be "water", which he would already know.

» Knowledge is Power: By using Chronicling Scribe and Erudite Scholar, Gideon can discover weaknesses in previously-unknown abilities or individuals. However unless it's a weakness he can normally take advantage of, this information isn't that helpful; that's where Knowledge is Power comes in. By "Bookmarking" a specific weakness on Immortal Record's blade, Gideon can have the weapon create said weakness in the form of an ethereal, ornate blue sword. For instance, against water the blue sword's blade could be made of electricity, or against electricity it could become coated in rubber. However, each sword only lasts for a maximum of a post at a time, can only be used twice per thread per "weakness", and requires a cool-off post between activations. The strength of the blue swords are also limited by his Spirit Class, as though they aren't typical Reishi creations they still require energy to create and are less effective against stronger enemies' abilities who may be able to just ignore the "weakness". In addition, they can be overcome with a sufficiently strong energy or physical attack as the blue swords are only a bit stronger than an equivalent Cero to his SC. The weaknesses can only be things his sword can be made out of. He can only have one bookmark at a time and they all go away when the thread ends.


General Skills
» Durability:
» Speed:
» Strength:
» Martial Skill:

Will Skills
» Willpower:
» Deduction:
» Focus:

Fullbringer Skills
» Bringer Light:
» Fullbring Affinity:
» Full Manifestation:
» Hollow Factor:


Upgrade links here.

Last edited by Paradigm on Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:20 am; edited 2 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker

Mon Aug 12, 2024 6:09 pm
Knowledge is Power
'Weakness' is a pretty broad spectrum. And theres a lot of qualities that could feasibly be applied to a sword to be considered a 'weakness' to a particular chronicled target. As such, I would like a small blurb in here specifying that the "weakness qualities" are restricted to the material with which the sword is made from. A la "Being made of fire, or having a robber coating, ect" Such that the ability is more predictable and has guard rails. I hesitate to allow such modifications as "can heat up" as this delves into the realm of abilities. Thus he could plausibly get a weapon that creates high frequency sonic waves, or produces water, or creates tornados, simply because he has a particular weakness catalogued. This would provide Gideon with more or less an infinite powerset limited only by his fullbring identifying that powerset as serving against a particular weakness.

Thus, I'd like that caveat that the construction material of the weapon is what this ability is limited to. Thus he still maintains a VERY strong sense of utility (Being able to make a sword of fire, vs having a sword that heats things up or makes fire. Still a lot of versatility, but with constraints of this being something in the form of a sword).
Also, given the example of bookmarking, I'd like to know how many bookmarks can be set on his fullbring at a time. While typically, one would imagine you would only have one bookmark. But thats not always the case, and given that bookmarks would represent extensions of his toolkit, I'd like to know just how many of these he can save over time, and additionally whether or not these can exist past a thread.

Example: Say he strikes an attack made of fire, he bookmarks the water weakness. Will he retain the ability to make water swords in all future threads until he has to give it up for a different bookmark slot?[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker

Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:50 pm
made the requested changes
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[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker

Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:34 am
Will Skills
Willpower: Adept
Focus: Beginner

Racial Skills
Bringer Light: Beginner
Fullbring Affinity: Advanced
Full Manifestation: Advanced
Hollow Factor: Untrained

Spirit Class: SC6
Comments/Notes: Good luck, white boy.

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[Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Gideon Whitaker

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