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From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 Empty Re: From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)

Thu Jul 11, 2024 3:33 pm
Stella would listen as she fought the giggle about the flat chest comment. She knew had Veralia caught word of the giggle Stella would probably be the subject of relentless teasing. As Stella would think about what the woman had said. As she gets patted on the shoulder she realized she was probably fully correct that she would get pulverized. Stella would finish her steak and the potatoes as she would give one to the arancars plate as she would then make her own.

She always made sure that the other people eating with her would get their food first. Stella wasn't rude so she would wait just a moment before putting the grill out then taking a seat at one of the tables. With a yawn she'd offer something to the lioness.

"Well, when I can offer you more of a spar.... I'd like to take you on in a fight. only if you would be interested though."
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Thu Jul 11, 2024 4:10 pm
From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 MPftNxw


"Food and combat in the future, eh? What a generous woman. Guess I lucked out crossing paths with you today, huh?"

She chortled as she nodded in acceptance. Amaranta was rarely one to turn down a challenge. No matter who challenged her, she typically resorted to fighting at a level that could make the battle entertaining for her. Though if the opponent amused her to a significant degree, she found little issue in elevating her techniques to make them feel as if they earned their victory against her. Sitting down at the table, she would slowly cut into the steak as she posed another question.

"Sure, I'll fight ya whenever you want. What race do ya belong to anyway? I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess... Quincy?"


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From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 Empty Re: From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)

Sat Jul 13, 2024 2:57 am
Stella would nod gently as ehe would begin to eat her food. A fight with the arancar could eventually pay off for both of them. She needed more training, and the lioness would probably have fun. However at her current level of strength she doubted the arancar would have much fun entertaining a fight with the red head. A part of her was insecure about her level of strength but she would push that way into the back of her mind. As she thought about what to add on next she'd hear the question. Letting out a small almost melodic giggle before looking up.

"Well, I'm a quincy. Only half I think though. if that's how it works. My mommas a quincy where as my dad's a normal human. Barely spiritually aware at all."

Stella would add on as she would continue to eat. During her entire life she never heard of her father being some secret hollow hunter or anything. So, Stella tended to not believe it.

"I imagine alot of the peopled you'd meet over here in Europe would be quincy or some sort of spiritually aware human. I don't imagine shinigami being all that common.
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Tue Jul 16, 2024 2:21 am
From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 MPftNxw


"Half a Quincy, huh? Don't know how mixed blood between any race works, but I'm pretty sure your mother's blood would be the dominant force, especially if you're dad's some average Joe."

Momentary curiosity swept through her mind for an instant, idly wondering about the blood dominance and the spiritual implication that accompanied it. No expert whatsoever on the subject, it vanished as quickly as it appeared, cast into the void with her other deep-seated thoughts about existence. Moving past that, she continued to listen to the redhead as she enjoyed her meal.

"Most of the Shinigami I've met are usually situated somewhere in Japan. Can't say I've seen any of those bastards around the globe much. Then again, I haven't explored the whole world, so maybe they are a universal pain in the ass."

Pointing her fork in her direction, she poses another curiosity.

"How well can ya manipulate Reishi?"


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From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 Empty Re: From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)

Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:31 am
Stella would shrug as she wasn't entirely sure what she was compared to a full blooded quincy. She just knee that her mother's side of the family was not a fan of the fact she had decided to not do an arranged marriage and got with Stella's father instead. As Stella continued to eat she would listen to the lioness. There was something rather comforting about eating with her. Someone who seemed to be able to match Stella's curiosity about the world. It was nice not feeling like she was the only one in the room missing pieces.

Hearing the question she would lay her fork down on the plate as she'd hold out her hand. Alllowing the reishi to gather in front of her palm as she created her axe. It seemed Stella was practiced at doing this, but it didn't seem like the axe she made would be the strongest. As she'd sit it down and allow it to lean against the table she'd speak.

"I think im okay at it. I know how to do it, and it isn't the slowest thing. Though sometimes in battle I find if a little harder to do. Especially if I'm weaving spells into the fight."
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Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:25 am
From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 MPftNxw


"Spells, spells... Like chanting something long enough for something cool to happen? A Shinigami I fought against loved using spells, too. Of course, since I'm incapable of it, I don't get the appeal. Even if I could, I imagine I'd find trouble with my approach to battle, anyway."

Amaranta noted that her strategic prowess left something to be desired sometimes. She was capable of critical thought when it mattered, of course, but her default strategy oft equaled barreling headfirst into a battle without discipline or form, like a wild beast. Full of aggression, yet lacking forethought. Countless battles had, to some degree, refined her strategical mind, but she was by all accounts, an unfinished product on that front. Gazing at the significantly younger woman, she wondered about her experience and how many battles she had participated in thus far.

"Do you fight for the Vandenreich? What are battles like there?"


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From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 Empty Re: From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)

Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:46 am
Stella would continue to eat as she listened to the old soul in front of her. Seems like she's had to fight shinigami and a part of her wondered how many quincy the arancar has killed. That thought has crossed her mind with Veralia and Sabriel as well. However, Stella believes that you can move and grow from your past. The only YOU that matters is in the present. As she thought about the question she realized she's still inexperienced. She's had a few but not s ton.

"Well usually at my level well go in pairs. as you can probably tell I'm not the strongest person ever. So for missions I'll tend to have a partner or a group. Then we'll go together and take care of whatever problem that exists.

Stella would explain the simple process to the curious lioness. She was careful not to go too into detail about the process. Just in case as she didn't want a leak to happen. Regardless if the lion would do it maliciously or not.

"The main problems I try to go on are the hollows driven by instinct. Usually if they can talk ill try to reason with them and get them to just leave. However that doesn't always work."
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From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 Empty Re: From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)

Tue Jul 16, 2024 7:20 am
From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 MPftNxw


"What do you think reasoning with hollow will achieve? We're all soul-devouring creatures by nature. For an Arrancar, I guess I can see the logic... but actual hollow? I'm amazed you haven't died yet with that approach."

The bronze woman cocked her head to the side at Stella's answer, dumbfounded by her answer. From that admission alone, she wondered if she was genuinely unaware of the ruthlessness hollows were capable of. Prideful as she was about her existence, she was not so foolish as to defend hollowkind, to say nothing of all the prior memories she retained as a hollow. None of her hunts featured her reasoning with her prey. She ceaselessly devoured souls to fill the emptiness inside her own - without hesitation, without remorse.

"Of course, I guess... your perception might be skewered since you've met pleasant arrancars who are well-intentioned. I've met a few of those myself..."


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From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 Empty Re: From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)

Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:39 am
"I know when we kill hollows they're gone forever. If they can talk and show intelligence I would rather give them the chance to leave. Admittedly that's a new development. Reading more about quincy history and about our actual powers. We're not like shinigami. When we kill a hollow they're out of the soul cycle forever. I just don't feel like that's right to that soul. It's not like every soul that's a hollow is condemned to he'll. Or we'd see the doors alot more."

Stella would speak as she would finish up her food. before she'd toss her paper plate in the trash can. Stella doing more learning had made her realize that maybe the quincy shouldn't always kill hollows. It could potentially be a very negative thing, but at the same time. It wasn't like they were raiding heuco Mundo.

"If the shinigami weren't so shitty at their job. then maybe we wouldn't have to pick up so much of the slack in protecting humanity."
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From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 Empty Re: From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)

Wed Jul 17, 2024 4:18 am
From the farm to the plate(Stella/Amaranta)  - Page 2 MPftNxw


"Heh. Since I'm no expert on it, I can't argue with you on that front. Even so, I don't think every hollow needs to be shown mercy, either. There are times where they simply can't be reasoned with, and will kill you without batting an eye."

Regardless of their capacity to fulfill their duty, the adamancy in her azure gaze hardly faltered. Philosophizing where a soul should and shouldn't go was an exercise in futility, foolish beyond comprehension. Whether reason or no reason, a hollow would never approach a battle with such a thought in mind. Exhaling softly, she recognized there was a profound naivety to this woman, one promising a dangerous future on her horizon. A manipulative bastard like Klein would have a field day with her, she pondered idly.

"Know any hollow you've met offhand that can be reasoned with?"


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