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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Hannah Chiza Upgrade Empty Hannah Chiza Upgrade

Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:47 pm
Hannah Chiza Upgrade QerxJ3c

» Name Of Character: Hannah Chiza
» Link To Character:

» Upgrading: Kido - Master to Grandmaster

» Why:

The Grand Witch: While she finds the title rather embarrassing, one can scarcely deny it's relevance to her. Hannah's life has been tied to Kido since her first breath. First ruining her, and then bouying her to heights one could never have imagined given her humble origins.

The comfort in which she uses the highest grade Kido, and the disregard she has to her state of being when using her Gen-Kido, highlights such a fact. For Hannah, Kido is not simply a tool, it is a manner in which she interacts with the world in a way that goes beyond her strained body.

Even when cut off from the source of power and incapable of accessing any more power than a particularly weak Plus, Hannah continues onwards. Using the situation to her advantage, she pioneers a new way of casting which minimizes the cost, and allows her to use her powers to a stunning degree given the restrictions she is under.

Not only the use of extant Kido, but also the rapid modification of Kido relevant to the situation, with sufficient power to deal with even those who are specialists in the field, Hannah's Kido comes across as nothing more than a shining example of power and innovation.

As if the modification of existing Kido was not enough, Hannah creates entirely new Kido unbacked by any standards when she feels the need. Though it's niche application and exceptional difficulty have yet to see it taught to anyone else, it's nature still exists, and still shines.

Beyond just expertise at Kido, Hannah also showcases a great understanding of spiritual energy as a concept, and can advise in it's use even across racial barriers. While the specifics give her pause, she is able to guide those not of her own race in the use of their spiritual powers, and the best ways to remain healthy therein.

Even when faced with a being that is total anathema to her, she comes out on top by adapting to the situation, creating and repairing as needed, and occasionally simply bludgeoning it with raw, unyielding force. Finesse is great, but one needs muscle as well.

Not content with explosive showcases of power over singular intervals, Hannah has always been known to maintain multiple spells demanding of precision and care, simultaneously across an extended period of time while concurrently flexing a masterful command of Kaido in all it's forms.

Plateauing on power but still burning with passion, Hannah studied Kido and the spiritual energy that made up it's form, eventually managing to conceptually break it down into strands. This mental vision allowed her to create a specific form of casting, which makes it easy to cast several kido in one cast, as she ties the strands of one into the other.

With all her tools in her belt, Hannah finally branched out and began to actively use a concept she had been toying with for a long time. Kido that pushes the boundary of possibility and extends beyond what is possible within the structure of Hadō and Bakudo; Musū Kido.

» Extra:

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Hannah Chiza Upgrade Empty Re: Hannah Chiza Upgrade

Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:42 am

While going over the rationale for this I will be referencing the Upgrade Guide.

Firstly, I'll go over the factors.

❖ FOCUS: This upgrade is very focused in what it is asking for and it fits her trajectory of pursuing kido. So that's good.

❖ MATERIAL: The material presented is mostly primary and secondary, her title of Grand Witch is tertiary. One thing that will be covered as well in the following factor is an issue that the material presented is just operating on a completely different environment. Not only was the scale for PH during that time very different as to its current form but the systems were as well. This compounds with the spread of material. There is no material at all from this year, there's three pieces of material for 2023 (one is an upgrade), and the rest all happens between 2019 - 2022.

❖ TIME: While this is done over time time, there's a number of issues that stem from this factor. The first issue is that there's very little continuation. As I said previously all of this material happened years ago - and I don't discredit it for happening years ago, however, this is a Grand Master upgrade and I would expect her material be able to show consistency over time by her actions. This character has been played during 2023 and 2024, why is there limited or no material from this time?

❖ SCALE: I do believe you understand the weight of a GM as to what it represents. However, I do think its scope is not represented as will be covered below by breaking down the second part of the upgrade guide.


This is the biggest one, primarily because this is a Grand Master and not a Master upgrade but the narrative weight of being a Master, let alone Grand Master, should be quite large. You collaborate with members and characters well but despite Hannah having what is presented to be a wide array of characters. She does not seem to present a consistent narrative with any of them or how they test or help her achieve this. The extent that she presents with these people are one-off demonstrations.

Why this is a problem for me is that handing a character Master is a big deal. It bends site rules around itself, and it only increases into GM territory. All of our current GMs are at the very least major parts of groups or actively participating in the site's setting.

This is fine as I do not believe that Hannah's approach to Kido at Master is not unique to her character.

I'm approaching this upgrade from the perspective of the first one and as this point mentions in the guide, I refer back to TIME and MATERIAL in the previous section and NARRATIVE WEIGHT. A lot of this material has no continuation or follow-up, a lot of it is concentrated entirely to 2019-2022, and Hannah is not really participating in the macroscale of the site's setting or having the individual characters push her--rather it is the opposite where she is pushing them.

- Collaborate with other characters & members.

--This is done well, you engage with anyone and everyone on the site. However, the actual characters aren't really parts of an overall narrative towards Grand Master or even really having followup engagement as she travels this path for their collaborations to help push her further.

- Utilise the elements within the setting to your advantage.
-- This isn't done from what I have seen. The event participation for Clinch is good but it isn't like Hannah is capitalising on elements of the setting to enable growth.

- Create a focused narrative towards achieving this level.
-- See Collaborate with other characters & members. You do that well but I see collaborating to have cool moments, not build a narrative out of those moments to find elements such as motivations, needs, challenges, etc.

- Having one's limits pushed by other "transcendent" individuals.
-- She is not really being pushed here, as I pointed out. One of her threads is more her flexing rather than being challenged where she helps Solomon train.


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