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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:24 pm
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] UJmwaVq

"Catherine Reed"

The low hum of an engine purred the desolate wilds, blaring music spitting out from her earbuds as she steadily directed her motorcycle throughout the grounds. Earlier today was a scrap hunt, looking for places to tag and gradually scrape clean of components. Luckily the place hadn't attracted too many brave enough to go about cleaning the place of valuables, unless it was some mook getting paid good money.

As of now, she was feeling up for an exercise, deliberately having her spear and shield open and present to any onlookers to convey her intention, her helmet bearing a bird-like hollow mask design made up of fragments that occasionally scanned the perimeter with her gaze. This place attracted another party all together - the crazy types up for a challenge. The type to come here were definitely her type to fight, she'd crossed paths with a few already.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:08 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Sola-a

He was taking a well earned nap after all that hard work of the day. Dragging boulders across the ground back and forth could really take its toll but rest was just as important. Then some idiot thought it'd be a smart idea to ride a noisy thing around and Sola sat up while looking for the source. A nice little pebble next to him would be good enough as he listened for the hum in the vicinity.


The arrancar declared to himself and jumped into the air over the rubble to toss the pebble a little ahead of the noise so that it would connect. A nice little stone to knock give them a nice thump with all the force of a bullet. That'll shut them up for a bit he thought while dropping back into the cover of the demolished area and waited for the noise to stop.


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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Wed Jul 03, 2024 10:32 pm
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] UJmwaVq

"Catherine Reed"

A sharp clack raked the flatlands, the pebble making contact with a suddenly thrown up shield rather than her wheel, the tiny stone splintering into shards from such a speedy strike against a harder surface. She grinned wickedly under her helmet - Bingo. Someone was here, and they were ready to do violence, just what she wanted. Her gaze looked to the fragments of stone on the ground, climbing off and killing the engine, engaging the bony lock for it's wheels she'd follow the pebbles' most probable trajectory, a demolished area with a spot that peeked to the outside. Slowly walking over, she'd do a quick check with her Signal - Yep, someone's there. Someone that could've put a pebble in her head if they so wanted to.

With a hop to the top of the opening, she'd peer down and see her lucky little fucker, "Well hey there scamp, did I disturb your day off or somethin'? Pretty damn rude to throw a pebble at a lady's bike."

The helmet on her head, alongside her weapons being front and center affirmed her intentions, but her posture of simply sitting atop the stable surface of the rubble told something additional, "You sure aren't a regular guy to be all the way out here all by your lonesome, huh? Are you a hollow? Don't see a nick of mask on you."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Thu Jul 04, 2024 4:57 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Sola-a

Well, he got what he wanted when the noise stopped and so Sola resumed what he was doing. He rested his head against the earth like he was ready to go straight back to dozing. Until some pompous little gremlin tried his own word vomit against him that caused one eye to open and look up with no clear sight of what she looked due to the bright sky.

She was a noisy one, wasn't she? Pretty damn rude to ride that thing in the middle of nowhere when people were trying to sleep, and she was going to preach manners to him.

"Nope. Just a human, trying to take a nap."

Sola shot back at her question. Stupid questions deserved stupid answers. Who just asked someone if they were a hollow or not. What did that matter? Should he ask her if she was a woman because there wasn't a nick of tits on the silhouette.


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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:52 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] UJmwaVq

"Catherine Reed"

"Pretty shitty place to take a nap," She'd note with an air of casual, folding one leg over the other as she checked her surroundings for any additional threats. None, was safe to sit and chat. Given his current attitude she wasn't sure if she could get a fight out of him, but she'd been going the wastes for hours at this point and only ever got into skirmishes with animals - taking a break was hardly something she was stubborn against when she had a subject of interest.

"You know the nearest civilization's like twenty miles out, yeah? Here's hardly the place to be complaining about someone disrupting your nap; if it wasn't me, then it'd be one of those big uglies or small fanatics prowling about. Most aren't out here for much else but a challenge or are a bunch of poor suckers sent out to work from what i've seen."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Thu Jul 04, 2024 11:22 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Sola-a

"Twenty miles away from noise, you mean."

His eye adjusted to the light and he got a good look. Yeah it confirmed his suspicions, small. Now that he'd got that important detail aside, he thought about the rest of her explanation. At least that's what one would hope he was doing given that he closed his eye and looked awfully peaceful while he laid there all comfortable looking.


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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 3:05 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] UJmwaVq

"Catherine Reed"

Well someone's friendly. Her feet kicked boredly as she got a read on the situation; he clearly wasn't a normal human based off what her senses told her, yet clearly he was trying to pass as a typical guy to take a rest. She could take this anything between him not being the fighting sort, or he's being dismissive of her.

And oh, she did NOT like that latter possibility...

She wasn't gonna stand for being brushed off like that, especially after such a wonderful first impression of almost putting a hole in her wheel, "You know, it's too bad. I come out her to get into some fights, keep my blade sharpened..."

Her tone was oddly fluttery, conveying an aloof look as she'd look about everywhere but him, "...But it seems like I was in the wrong to stop here. Who am I to disrupt the tender sleepytime of a weak human that's just, oh so of such an impressive," A fleeting laugh accompanied that stressed word, her shoulders bobbing along as she'd continue, "low of intellect that they'd sleep in a wasteland! Ah, gosh, silly me! For thinking anyone worth the fight was here. No wonder you're all tucked up tight in this rubble, after all! Nice and hidden from all the scawry howwows~!"

Hopping to her feet, a grin plastered behind her mask, she'd shrug and wave her free hand briefly, "Oh well, no strong opponent, no reason to be here, I guess i'll just get going! Sorry for the disturb really, really!"

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:02 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Sola-a

Oh, she was one of those ones huh. Well alright then. He knew just how to handle people like this and so Sola smirked to himself at the comedy being provided by her outburst. No no, a chuckle from him when she finished and he opened his eye once more.

"Jeez. I wish your tits were as big as that mouth of yours. You actually buying the whole human deal or this your dumb little attempt to provoke me? Let's clear something up, washboard. I'm not scared of you, you're just kind of weak compared to the people I've been running into so I thought I'd sleep you off."

He got up from his spot and stretched like he was trying to shake the sluggishness off him from a nap. Sola wasn't at full strength given that he had been working himself all day but that didn't matter. There was always more fuel in the tank and this girl looked like she was all bark and no bite.

"I mean, the fact that you're carrying around all that junk tells me you're probably about as strong as you feel. You probably couldn't even take me in a fist fight so you're going to fight me with all your fancy toys, right? All bark and a fake bite."

Sola finished with a yawn and dusted himself off.


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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:22 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] GRNaqhV

"Catherine Reed"

Ahh, her worst suspicions were correct; just made her want to beat his face in all the more. She'd halt her progression away, narrowing her eyes behind her helmet at the casual insults. All's fair in love and war when it came to insults and battle, "Big talk for somebody who looks like he takes it from behind. What, taking a break from your boyfriend or something? Those backshots must be real tiring if it's busted your brains hard enough to not recognize someone who can beat your ass."

Oh, and now he was going on to insult her work? Her skill? Yeah guy's leaving with more than his trap bloody today, "Awwh, fruitcup thinks I need my handiwork to fight him? Cute."

With little delay, she'd place her spear atop her shield, and set both of the heavy instruments of battle down on a stable surface. Her helmet followed, properly allowing her sunset-colored locks to flow and revealing her face.

"Get your ass out here, twinkie, i'm beating it black and blue."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:36 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] Sola-a

He glanced up at her with another yawn. Whatever she was on about, he wasn't going to do and instead opted to walk a few metres away from the pile of rubble and give him some distance. She had the high ground but whatever, what was she going to do? Jump at him from up there and give him the advantage? If she wanted to.

Looking at her with one eye closed like he was judging distance. Sola threw out a quick red blast of reiryoku as the cero shot towards her position and destabilised the rubble, no more stable foothold for her. Now she could come over here and greet him.


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