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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:16 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 GRNaqhV

"Catherine Reed"

Dust and debris were kicked up from the sudden collision with the beam of energy, her position compromised as she was set on a track to tumble down into the ruins... But the sight of a fumbling redhead was nowhere to be found, if anything the timing of it made it look more like she ran away at first or got buried in rubble thanks to the blast.

The silence was fleeting, however...

She appeared before him with a raised fist, ready to strike, though the figure dissipated as soon as he'd lean in for a hit; in reality, his opponent was to the left of him, in which she had suddenly closed the distance in the confusion. Her expression of mockery was gone, instead replaced with a look of a predator - fierce and focused. In this heart-pumping movement, a hiss of an exhale left her as a fist with green wavelengths dancing around it came to smash directly into the arrancar's nose in a disorientating strike empowered thricefold her typical strength, if properly delivered she would then follow it with her other fist, a forceful additional twist of the body leading to his jaw being struck upwards.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:31 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Sola-a

What, did she think he was retarded or something? He had pesquisa and pre-emptively used sonido to back-step a few metres away from where the afterimage was. A few precious moments of being undetectable even if there was a loud crackle to signify to her that he had moved. Empty air is all that'd be there to greet he afterimage.

Only it disappeared and no sooner did she reappear in his pesquisa with a hook aimed for his nose. Well, okay, if she was going to get up into his business then Sola was going to move to his left to get between her torso and arm. Basically, grabbing onto her torso and leaning into her body to throw them both to the ground and give her a test of strength.

He wanted to see if she could wrestle him off her, if she wanted to play this the gritty and dirty way. Ideally, he would also limit her tricks if they were dependent on movement.


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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:06 pm
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 GRNaqhV

"Catherine Reed"

Her fist lost trajectory with the arrancar's lunging for her figure, the space between movements too slim for her to do much but keep her feet forcibly planted to the ground with the manipulation of it's souls as she was put up to a stress test, her body struggling against his with a notable struggle. He was definitely stronger than her, being forced onto the ground as she pushed against him. Her face reddened, grunting in the struggle as her blood rushed and lungs burned with tension, the stalemate was to be broken at any point. Kicking him in the junk wouldn't work; even if he flinched she'd still be on the ground.

An unusual noise could be heard, somewhere between a cough and a clearing of the throat, her mouth firmly shut for just a moment before her lips would suddenly expand, a forceful spit of saliva imbued with an acidic quality sent spraying into his face. Her mouth and throat burned from doing so, but it wasn't like she would be up to chatting while it healed.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:13 pm
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Sola-a


He resisted the urge to move when she spat in his face, pain told him to flee or at the very least try to rub it out of his eyes. That was instinct though and not what he wanted, he'd been beaten, torn apart, burnt, tortured, ain't no way he was going to move because there was acid on his face. He could regenerate with enough time.

That's why Sola let out a loud shout of defiance against her and his own instincts to smash his face into her own. A solid headbutt with the intention of trying to drip some of it onto her own face as well and maybe daze her.


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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:24 pm
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 GRNaqhV

"Catherine Reed"

Her feet shuffled and shifted so as to prevent herself from being directly pushed backwards while maintaining a push against him, refusing the ground it's desire to slip away under her weight. She wasn't in the right position to use bringer light to force him back, she'd probably end up twisting her ankle if she wasn't careful. A wheezing laugh came from her as he cringed from the spray, only to be cut off by the force of the headbutt, the sensation of her upper body rattling inducing a wave of illness, but it wouldn't be enough to stop her.

Parts of her face burned with the distribution of spit flashed onto her face, but the pain just motivated her next move: as her head swung back toward him, it came unusually close, her parted jaws diving in to attempt at a bite in region between his neck and shoulder, her feet slipping underneath her as, if the move landed, she'd clasp onto that flesh for dear life, even squeezing her fingernails into the holdings she has of his body to further inflict pain and discomfort.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:38 pm
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Sola-a

Freefall? Finishing move then. Sola would let her take a bite out of him if she wanted, sacrifices had to be made and it just evoked the memory of Rafaela doing the same thing. If anything, that memory made him rage as the unhealed wound of being deprived his challenge bubbled up to the surface to motivate him. He went to land on top of her, refusing to let go since he had determined his strength to be the advantage like his wit proved to be the advantage against Amaranta.

Bleeding wasn't good though, but now that he was on top of her and could use his weight he had a bit of freedom. One arm raised up to his neck and showed his palm to her face. She had acid on her face, right? That made her face probably the weakest spot on her body if it was burning away skin and so Sola's hand glowed a bright red before blasting the two of them with his cero. At the very least it might get her to let go of his neck - even if it caused self-harm by charring parts of his neck. Sola was banking on it doing far more to her face than his neck.


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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:15 pm
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 WA9uAsb

"Catherine Reed"

She herself was unwilling to release him, even through the pain and burning as she hit the floor. She bit, clenched, and squeezed with all the strength in her hands and jaw, her eyes tight as to not allow the transferred acid to hit her eyes. She caught the telltale signs of a charging cero, yet she refused to let go, even as a flash of heat brilliant enough to feel cold hit her face. Her nerves screaming in pain were replaced with a flood of euphoria, that sensation hitting when she was getting into the meat of battle. She let go not by her own will, but rather the breaking of her teeth from the force of the shot.

She was so astoundingly ecstatic he turned out to be a hollow, after all.

Her clothes were burned down to her shoulder, exposing both fresh wounds and severely scarred flesh, half her face was bubbling with blisters, a half shut eye, and missing flesh, not that she cared; it could be mended with time, now was the moment to focus on him, "Reahr fuhked uhp... Tah yuse yer shero burrshiht... Ahftah mohckin' me fhohr mhy weahponsth..!"

Her voice was hoarse from the acid in her throat and broken up from her literally gargling teeth, spitting shards in his face repeatedly she'd sharpened in her mouth with her abilities. The rake of agony was nothing more than a motivator to get one up on him, one of her trembling hands reaching about for any manner of debris to alter in order to strike him from her low position. This fight was not over for all she was concerned.

(note: she said "Real fucked up to use your cero bullshit after mocking me for my weapons!")

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight

Last edited by Lillian on Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:20 pm
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Sola-a

Don't speak with your mouth full, that's disgusting. Even if his body was seared, his basic hierro at least afforded him some level of resistance. It's why he did it again, maybe she'd let go if she knew what was good for her because Sola felt around for her eyelids this time.

One good shot, a nice bright red light that flashed before going straight for the soft spot. Maybe it'd dry her eyes out at the very least from the intense heat and make her need to blink a few times. Then he could poke his finger in there!


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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:37 pm
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 WA9uAsb

"Catherine Reed"

Her hands kept feeling until her fingertips caught something, cool and hard - a scrap of rusted metal was good enough for her. She pulled it closer to her hand and once gripped, it's shape would morph into something far more pointed, practically a makeshift knife held tightly in her grip as she'd swing it whilst the force was enhanced with flashes of Bringer Light to stab at his face, more particularly his eyes, committing firmly to the action even as a flash hit her vision. She knew where to swing, and could sense his position; even if it missed the desired sections of his face, it'd have the same quality of acidic contact that she forced into her saliva to at least deal some additional harm in her present state.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:54 am
Fightin' Dirty [Catherine, Sola] - Page 2 LUdLg0a

Ah, what was that glint? It's a shame he wasn't a faster type, even moving his head to the side slightly still found its mark and a makeshift knife embedded itself into his eye. The angle might've made it avoid his brain specifically but it still glided past flesh and bone to leave it sticking out of his head and through his face. So quickly things went black and blood began to come from the wound.

His body went lame, any grip he had on her body went away and he unceremoniously fell backwards and into the dust below.


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