Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Empty Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith]

Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:21 pm
Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Myd5cggxwp4

The Beach.

Nice and relaxed. Bauher let out a slow, steady sigh as he took in that nice salty air. There was a few nice beaches on the island to enjoy, they tended to crowd at times, but things seemed, blissfully peaceful. While many conjured the notion of beautiful bodies clad in bouncy outfits. Frankly, there was mostly just....people. Families with kids. Elderly people enjoying their free time. A sprinkling of the city scattered across the beach itself. Bauher himself, naturally, was using this time constructively to relax in his own way.

With the tide leaving, there was a whole band of nice wet sand to work with, and so once his little towel was set up off to the side with his stuff, Bauher made his way to the nice wet band to begin collecting wet sand and bringing it a bit further up shore in buckets to begin constructing a little castle for himself. It wasn't a terribly long affair, and he didn't go building himself something massive or grandiose. No, that was more of a group project if he wanted to do something like that. But it was still a bit on the elaborate side. A nice sloping moat for the sea water to spill in and fill, with a nice simple castle complete with little etched doorways.

There was something peaceful to the process as he lightly used a small twig to indent the sides of the sand castle, the faintest little crackle of green as he used his fullbring to smooth out the edges rather than having it clump and get residue everywhere.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Empty Re: Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith]

Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:06 pm
Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] LilithB_Header1
Lilith Blake

For some, the beach was a nice and relaxing place to enjoy. For others, it was about partying, drinking, and bathing suit watching. For Lilith, it was about competition. She would swim and surf against others most of the time, but today was different. Lilith was in the midst of an intense beach volleyball game, when she attempted a hard strike. Letting the excitement get to her, she hit too hard and sent it flying beyond the other team and into the sand castle of some guy down the way.

“Shit, I got it.” Lilith said to the team and face-palmed before rushing over to get the ball. She slowed to a stop next to the destroyed sand castle, picked up the ball, and passed it back to the group. “Hey, sweetheart. I’m sorry about that,” Lilith said, speaking more like a mother would to a son, not adult to adult. It did not come off as demeaning, but as just a piece of how this woman functioned. “I got a little out of hand in the game and lost control of the ball… Didn't hit you, right?”

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Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Empty Re: Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith]

Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:39 pm
Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Myd5cggxwp4

The sound of the ball rushing in caused Bauher to turn his head as the object flew in. A ripple of green spiritual energy smoothing along the sand hardening it just as that ball slammed into it, the wet sand thankfully would have already been resistant to simply exploding from the impact, but with his little trick, the barest indentation was formed as the ball bounced off the castle and cratered the spot next to the castle so very slightly. Still, a section of the castle had still collapsed and he chuckled a bit to himself as he sighed. Hm, he really needed to work on getting faster with that sort of thing. Still, he smoothed his hand along the sand and eased the sand back into it's old shape, a silent request for the castle to fix itself as he then turned his attention to the cause of the incident. Bauher himself didn't especially stand out. He was a bit tall at 6', but not abnormally so. He had a pair of swim trunks on and an open button op that showed off his frame but offered a bit of protection from the sun beyond just his sunscreen. But well. It wasn't like he was ripped or anything.

Really, the only outstanding quality about him was just that pale white hair of his.

"Heh, n o I'm fine. Just a little sandy, but nothing a little dip won't wash off. Thank you though." He noted with a warm, polite smile, giving the woman a nod before his attention shifted over to the game itself. Definitely not his speed, but he did notice just how far away it was from where he was. "Thats a helluva arm though, I wouldn't think you'd be able to deal that much camage to my castle from so far away, you a Pro athlete?" He ventured with a smile and a slight tilt to his head in her direction.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Empty Re: Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith]

Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:06 pm
Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] LilithB_Header1
Lilith Blake

Seemingly in contrast to Bauher, Lilith was a rather stunning woman with vibrant eyes, sleek hair, and an athletic figure that most women would die for. Too bad she was older than your greatest of great grandmothers. She wore a sporty bathing suit with shorts, all black, but only a respectable amount of her skin revealed. The more notable elements of Lilith's appearance where a wicked half-hidden scar over her lower stomach and the fact that she wore an eyepatch.

"No, not a pro athlete..." Lilith's 'curiosity was caught and her voices drifted because of it. She crouched down, arms resting on her knees, and looked at the sand castle. "Just... older than old... So, how did you protect it from being destroyed? You must have some great reflexes to stop that from going..." Lilith made an explosion sound with her mouth, using her hands to also mimic an explosion. "Quincy or human?"

At this distance, Lilith was familiar enough with the races that she would be able to sense and tell which he was, especially since a power must have just been used in protection of the sandy masterpiece. But out of respect, she chose to ask anyway. Besides, she knew she occasionally mistook a Human for a Quincy, and vise versa.

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Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Empty Re: Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith]

Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:27 pm
Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Myd5cggxwp4

Bauher was in the midst of fixing up a few of the details when he noticed the woman was now more or less squatting next to him. His brows raising a bit before a lopsided little smile formed and he chuckled, a gentle, tired little laugh that wasn't quite as energetic as someone younger. "Hah, I dont' know about 'prevented' I wasn't actually able to do that completely, just sortof softened the blow. Not really one to go tooting my own horn, especially when it only sortof worked.." He noted with a chuckle and a light dismissal of the praise, scooping a bit of the sand up and moving it to the side as he adjusted the shape of the castle a bit.

"I'm just a human, a Fullbringer if you want to split hairs." He pointed out, raising a finger and opening his palm as the particulate of sand on his palms were smoothed off, drawing a bit of moisture from the air and nearby sand to wash his hands clean before offering a relaxed smile. "And what about yourself? Not often I run into civilian spiritual enthusiasts."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Empty Re: Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith]

Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:01 am
Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] LilithB_Header1
Lilith Blake

“Haha… You don’t have to toot your own horn when I was complimenting you,” Lilith said, patting the man’s back. Lilith was holding back a lot of her strength when patting the man’s back. She had no intention of hurting him, but someone with her strength couldn’t hide it all. Lilith dropped fully down onto the sand and watched him remake what she had almost destroyed, curiosity in her one visible eye.

“A Fullbringer, huh?” she said, her voice low due to focusing on his sandcastle. She kind of wanted to help him rebuild it. “Stuff like this takes a much gentle-…” Lilith stopped when he began manipulating the sand, or the water? Lilith wasn’t sure. “I am more of a people enthusiast, honestly. I enjoy getting to know the little intricacies that make up a person’s personality. I’m a Shinigami, nothing special.”

"The name's Lilith," she said, holding out a hand with a big smile. If he accepted it, he'd notice a strange grip, almost as if she was creating a shell around his hand with her own, not truly grabbing and shaking. This was Lilith's way, and now a habit, of preventing herself from breaking someone's hand under her natural strength.

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Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Empty Re: Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith]

Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:06 pm
Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Myd5cggxwp4

Bauher smirked just a little as she gave that response and promptly sat down. Still focusing on his work as she seemed to overlook his work, not seeming to mind when she trailed off. That was a reasonable response. As it were, even among the spiritual community, powers weren't too rare. But for such a mundane application? It wasn't quite as common. One was either MUCH more proficient than he was, where such applications were just easy, or you were like him, and you put effort into managing such little things.

"Hm, still strange getting used to Death Gods being something that's no big deal. That said, don't you have a game to get back to? I should still be here once you guys wrap up." He ventured with a slight tilt to his head. She did, after all, wind up coming over here because the ball was knocked over, he glanced in the direction she'd come from, potentially to some bewildered stares from her teammates before glancing back to the woman. Not that he offered anything other than a gentle smile. Far be it from him to fault someone for getting distracted. Goodness knew he had been distracted by far less.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] Empty Re: Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith]

Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:05 pm
Long Road Behind You [Bauher, Lilith] LilithB_Header1
Lilith Blake

“Ack!” Lilith froze like a statue and then slowly looked back over her shoulder to her team. She could see the irritation on a couple of faces, confusion on others. One guy held out his arms like “wtf” and impatiently yelled, “Come on, Lilith!”

“Yeah, yeah. I know! Sorry! One sec!” Lilith stood back up, dusting sand off her back side. She sighed, rubbing the back of her head. “You're right. Seems they want me back; teams are too uneven while I’m out… Hey,” she said with a smile and holding out an inviting hand. “Would you like to join us? It would even out the teams.”

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