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Seeing The Sights [Catherine, Sumana] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Seeing The Sights [Catherine, Sumana] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Seeing The Sights [Catherine, Sumana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeing The Sights [Catherine, Sumana]

Today at 4:23 pm
Seeing The Sights [Catherine, Sumana] - Page 2 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

'Straight for the stars', huh? She saw it as an eventuality, a consequence of their overbearing presence for the majority of history. Nobody could be on top forever, after all.

She followed reasonably close until they met their destination, keeping a mental note of their pathing just in case she was in need of making an escape or otherwise; she wasn't quite planning anything risky, but she wasn't crystal on this one's intent or interest, not to mention just having proposed something that'd surely make anyone fully aware of their place on reality's totem pole excited.

Having taken her own seat, she'd acknowledge the request for a drink with a slight nod, looking a pinch impressed with the reveal of the compartment of alcohol, "Impressive storage. Pragmatic for space at that," She'd comment, eyes scanning the pretty impressive selection - even recognized several brands, "Surprise me, long as it's a strong one. I like getting an idea of what others favor in terms of drink."

Now it was time to follow up on that little claim she proposed. Ah, what story was she to weave about it today..? Though a lot of her methodology was in it's infancy, she knew it had to be possible; the real thing that shifted or switched about was the intent of it all.

"I'd say 'oust' is a little strong. I mean, think about it," She'd rest her hand on her chin as she spoke, toiling the details in her mind, "Attempts at force will only leave behind the lot most determined to take you down. Not to mention how much effort that'd take, no no, what I have in mind isn't to push them out, at least not with power.."

A slight smirk grew on her face, "What I plan to do, is take their little 'balancer' title, and give others the means to manage the cycle, manage themselves, beyond the Gotei. It's crushing, isn't it? To have those lugheads up top, unopposed, when they do the bare minimum. They don't care, you feel me? All it is to them is maintaining a spreadsheet, and nothing more; keep x amount of souls in this world even with the other world, on and on, no consideration for the peons. And whenever these 'unwashed masses' managed to get power to maintain themselves, poof! Gone, those little lives didn't matter, riiight? I hate that, frankly - to be ruled by "gods" that can never be held accountable, never pinned down, and i'm certain anybody who knows 'their place' here also is."

She gave Safira a knowing look, as if she should know plenty well that sensation, that resentment, "If the means to corral mindless hollows, to cleanse those souls, to shuffle Pluses along to the next world, was a little more.. Even? It'd take that leverage over us all right out of their hands, they couldn't say 'But you need us! The cycle!' Damn their shitty, hypocritical iron fist..."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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