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Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:46 pm
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Figuring out who you were as a person was the first step to creating a healthy relationship. You can't know someone else without knowing yourself first. And definitely shouldn't try loving someone if you didn't know what that love meant for you. But it was strange how things worked out. Your partner should be your best friend, or at least someone you could trust beyond measure.

What did she know of that she wondered? If she was just dipping her toes into the dating scene there was a bit she would not know and had to look out for. For example. Guys likes Tento. Such a…speaker of the flesh. Not everyone who was like him was communicative about what they wanted out of a situation and was real between their dynamic. People could play with emotions and use people. He hoped she was aware of this and would be careful. But as if she was thinking of something else, she whispered a few words that gave a bit of interest. Something about a good idea a s she can do it. Wll if she was up for being a goofball then that was great! But maybe that was not it given her panicked reaction.

Letting her wave off past, well besides giving her a bemused smirk. He let it pass, he could spot a needed favor from a mile away and there was no real need to press it. The giggle was payment enough. A novel lover and an open book. There was a bit of a charm there about her. But ohhh why did she have to hide that second blush at the floor. The dirt did not deserve to be blessed by such a sight.

“Awww come on now”, Tento said with a laugh as Hana covered her face. A hand coming up to gently cup her hand and lift her hand up slightly. Ever so lightly brushing a stand of hair out of her face to see her blush and bright eyes. “You making it hard to decide if I enjoy the blush or your adorable reaction, Hana”.

But he quickly let go. It was a bit too much to touch her even if they were quite friendly right now. Be began to mouth a sorry before letting it slip away. Using the changing topic as a diversion. He had to be a bit more careful with how he was acting.

Well that is a big leap. I know how important that is. My zanpakuto did not talk yo me for years before they finally decided to”.

…you big flirt.

Tento internally gave a look before ignoring them. For now. He was not innocent entirely after all in regards to that accusation. At the next sight he fought. Nope nope. He is not gonna fall for this cute attack. Not this one. But he would laugh. Letting himself lean against the tree holding his sides. “Yep, that sounds like mine too. They are stubborn as much as they are supportive. I bet she cares a lot about you Hana. She'll open up to you, the stubborn woman” .

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 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:28 pm
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana’s blush deepened when he pulled her hand up to see her face. She leaned away further, looking away from him, not giving him a chance to stop touching her on his own. Her heart was racing and she didn’t know why, especially since she was so confused. Hana was not sure how she felt about being touched by anyone. The fact is, it was rare to come into contact with anyone that wasn’t another girl, and in those cases, Hana always saw that person as a friend, like Hono and Hiroe.

Moving on, Hana definitely preferred the zanpakuto talk. She couldn’t take anymore of the blushing. “Really? You think so?” Hana said, taking her zanpakuto in hand. If it cared for her, why wasn’t it honest about its name? Maybe Hana really wasn’t ready. “I hope so…” she sighed, her head lowered. “When she opens up, I’ll become stronger and better able to protect myself… Maybe I’ll even… I don’t know.”

Hana’s jovial demeanor faded as her mind wandered. A moment later, after realizing she negatively shifted the mood, Hana forced herself to cheer up and smiled again. “Sorry. Was there something else you wanted to talk about?”

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Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:18 pm
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

“Ah, yes. Yes I really do”. Tento said letting a soft cough come from his lips as he nodded his head. “I won’t act like I know your zanpatuko. That is your soul after all. But, I think they are like any person with good intentions. They are stubborn because they have pride and are sure of how they want to do something. The bigger the significance to them, but more of a bull they are”. Tento said, taking a glance down at his own zanpatuko.

He looked up at her next words. The hope of word came more of a tonewhispering distrust and uncertainty. A tone he heard in his own head over many many years. While his friends seemed to get physical changes to their asauchi over the first years of study at Shino. Tento had a naked blade. No feeling of life, no voice. Not even a gleam in the metal. With some acquiring shikai before or soon after graduation, Tento had a year before it even began to show an imprint and attachment to him. It was haunting far more than it was frustrating. Constantly he wondered if something was wrong with him, if he was a ‘defect’ shinigami. “You will. They will”, Tento said in a bit of alteration in his word choice. Hoping to give a focus on the spirit in this equation. It was a partnership at this stage, and the sword had to be ready for its master. Made for its master.

Tento gave a soft ‘hmm’, at Hana’s words. Hoping to become stronger and better. It was admirable and very different from how she was speaking the last time. He could not help but reach down and gently rub the top of her head as she gazed down. “Yep yep. I do in fact!”. Tento said in a soft chuckle.

“Look at that. You changed quite a bit indeed. The last time we met you was all but ready to quit the gotei. That’s the type of spirit I like to see!”. With a huff Tento stuck out his chest and flexed a bit of his muscles. His spiritual energy quaking softly as the wind seemed to shift around him. “That settles it. I shall help you Hana. No butts!”. Tento said pointing a finger out at her after moving his hand from her head quite energetically. “The cost? Ig you choose to accept it. Is a chance to show you a good date, if you can handle blushing more that is young lady. That, or a free meal because I am actually starting to get hungry”.

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 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:36 pm
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

“Help me with what?” Hana asked, tilting her head.

Hana was surprised. She blinked, trying to process what she considered a smooth way of asking her out. The part that surprised her the most was that it happened. She had never been asked out without Hiroe being sort of pushy about it…

“Wait,” Hana shook her head, as if to shake the confusion out. “Did you just ask me out on a date? Wh-Why me? A-And now? I have no time to prepare!” Hana’s face was blood red, and she was wearing her shihakusho, carrying her zanpakuto, and her hair hadn’t been washed. Even her make up wasn’t nice! “I… I… I…” Hana looked down at herself. “I guess a free meal is okay?” This… was still a date, wasn’t it?

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Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:03 pm
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

“Well with a couple things maybe if you were up for it”, Tento would start with raising his left hand up. His fingers balled up into a knuckle. When His next words left his mouth he would raise his index finger. “We would work on training your sword skill; being comfortable with it in your handle. Feeling one with its attack angles as well as the flow. your flow to be more specific. Or something else I suppose, work up a slight sweat together”. Tento would then let the second finger raise up, his middle finger. “Then, I would be willing to be an aid in any tough mission you have. Just give a call and if I am free or can arrange stuff I will show up. However, that may cause you a meal or a blush on your face”. Tento said, waving his hand making the fingers disappear. Honestly having a bit of joy of teasing this fair maiden and the thought of more blushes.

For what it was worth. It looked like things were going well and he was going to get more of that today. She had a doe caught in approaching headlights. “Maybe”, Tento said watching Hana shake her head. Be it confusion, shock, or disapproval he did do so.

“Why not”, Tento said sitting up in a bit of honesty. “You are cute, and from what I have seen you are sweet. Now, I would like to take you out in a date. Have some fun and spend some more time. Heck you can even use it as a way to feel out what you like in a man a little ”, Tento ended with a shrug. “I guess it doooesnt have to be now. But why not eh?”.

He did let a mischievous mixed innocent smirk cross his lips. “Just let me get a chance to see that cute blush some more. By teasing or making your heart flutter either is fine with me. And after, if you wish I won't bother you again about a date. Although I may be goofy around you still when appropriate”. Tento said giving a bit of honesty.

And besides, the spontaneous moments we let ourselves have can be the greatest”, Tento said standing up on his feet. Bending down to offer Hana his hand. “That is, if you're not afraid on taking a gentlemanly date with me due to my reputation. Although, I promise to not to try anything uninvited”.

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 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:55 pm
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana was absolutely red. The amount of honesty and implications and confusion and embarrassment and shock… She couldn’t handle everything this man was throwing at her. She really was a deer in headlights as she tried to register everything. It was happening way too fast, and the more he talked, the redder she became and the more her heart raced. In short, the girl was overwhelmed.

“I.. I… Uh…” She just stuttered, reaching up to take his hand. Once she was helped to her feet, Hana put her hands on her face and turned her back to him. “This is… very sudden, but… I guess we can go out. I look horrible though,” Hana said, looked down at her shihakusho. She would never have expected to be asked out in this. “If we do not go anywhere too… well, public? We can do it now. Otherwise, it would be smarter to set an actual day and time, so… I can prepare.” Hana looked back over her shoulder at Tento, her hands now nervously twisting her hair.

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Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:23 am
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Tento was enjoying himself, and a bit too much. A quiet opportunity after working hard and handling paperwork duties amongst other things. Grew from a small talk chat, to slight discovery about personal development. The blushing flower before his eyes was indeed a beauty and he found his words leaving his lips faster than he realized what he was wishing. He could only hope he was not pushing her in an overwhelming turn of development.

He slowed down his speech, letting his words come as a gentle pace similar to the soft pitter patter of light rain drops. At first there was a question of if Hana was going to welcome this advance, but when she decided to take his hand, Tento took that as a gesture of acceptance. Once she was on her feet though she quickly hid her face once again while turning her back in a sheepish shy movement that made the tall man chuckle.

He had to admit, this was all a bit sudden. Unfortunately for her, that was how he was sometimes when it came to ladies. Sometimes it was a spontaneous flirtation, others it was a slow build up over time. “Oh now why are you saying that?”, Tento started. “You look wonderful with what you have right now. A casual look has its own beauty and you are quite cute. A date, does not have to command a fancy dolled up look after all”, Tento said tilting his head as he looked at Hana’s back. She had quite harsh standards on herself it seemed.

“Now you don't have to go out now or at all if you don't wish to. And I guess, it is not really a pleasant sounding thing to my ears. However, if you do want to go. I know a few good spots to go for a walk. I wouldn't say its public but I would not say its private either”. Tento gave a pause before continuing. “Preferences, I would prefer we go out now. Buuuut, if you want to do your hair and get a dress for little ol’ me, I am a lady pleaser”. Tento raised a hand to his chin before giving a playful pretend thought. "It must be a lot of work to make yourself look cuter than you are now though".

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 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:31 pm
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

‘Is he crazy? I am in a outfit! I should change and do my hair… and put on some perfume.’ Hana thought, running through a list of things she would normally do to prepare for a night out with a man. Hana listened to the man, her face staying red the entire time. He either had very low standards or none at all! Hana looked down at her clothing and saw a dirty, smelly outfit. What exactly was he seeing when he looked at her? This was so strange to her... “I… Well, okay… We can go now then.”

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Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:15 pm
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

As Tento gave a look over Hana he really did not know what it was all about. Her teeth were clear, and her breath refreshing. Her hair may have been a little undone from work and the passing of the day so far. But it was not like she just rolled out of bed or that it was all over the place. It felt natural. She had a beauty that also got its hands dirty working. She was not a doll in appearance. He had standards, real standards. He cared about a lady taking care of herself, finding her appearance that worked out for her; proportions worked out a lot better than just having size. He cared about them being realistic and healthy in her spirit, mind, and body. Now there was nothing bad about getting dressed up once and awhile though, or on special occasions. A spontaneous date was not something he would neatly fit in that though~.

Alright then”, Tento gave a thought of reaching out for her hand as she was turned away. Giving a soft squeeze and see more of her cute shyness but, she deserved a break from his teasing flirtation. For now. “Let's go have fun and relax then~”. Tento said giving a step forward to stand next to her giving a soft sing song tone to show how upbeat he was getting.

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 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:27 pm
 Reasons Why First Dates Are Actually the Best Medicine: A Dose of Laughter and Adventure! [Tento | Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana much preferred the idea of a casual walk or maybe heading to-… That was a perfect idea! With a big smile, Hana nodded and pointed toward what would seem like a random direction. “Have you ever experienced a smoothie?” It was a weird question, yes, but they were a new and wonderful experience that Hana found herself repeating any time she could. Smoothies were now her favorite thing, so when she got a chance to get one, she did and she was excited to show others if they hadn’t had them before. “I know a place that sells them!”

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