Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae] Empty A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae]

Wed May 29, 2024 2:21 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - A Return to Form

There was much and more that had happened recently, some stuff that Shura actively took notice of and some that she actively ignored. Her status was something she took active notice of, it was the one thing within the Fourth that she never let out of her sight. Well aware was she of how she looked to those around her, especially here within her own Division. Shura had moped for quite some time, self-exiled within this barracks as if such a thing was meant to be a punishment.

It'd been too long since she had a proper fight, let alone even a spar of respectable note. She knew she had to grow past what had happened to her, to find something new to fight for that wasn't tied to another... a personal reason to fight. Her talks with Yuuto had given her some clarity for such a direction, yet she knew the level of training required was far beyond that of what the average Shinigami was capable of withstanding.

It was now, as she stared down from atop the roof of the barracks into the training grounds, that her answer had come to her. Two people existed within this division that could help her, two people with the tenacity, durability, and strength to truly push her and force her to get better. Rio was one of them, yet admittedly it'd been far too long since their last bout and honestly she wasn't entirely sure where Rio was at the moment.

Kanae, on the other hand, was both around and capable, and besides... there were some things that needed to be discussed anyway. Thankfully she wouldn't have to travel far to find Kanae, and upon hopping down from the roof it was but a short jaunt to Kanae's location within the grounds. "Nagoshi Taicho." While the words were casual, the demeanor with which Shura carried herself was anything but "Last we spoke you asked me something important... I gave you an answer that was met with naught but contempt at best and hatred at worse."

It was at this point that Shura's hand grasped the hilt of her Zanpakuto, and as she began to pull it from its sheathe she continued to speak "You once told me that I needed to start from the beginning, to relearn everything from the beginning..." It was at this point that her blade was fully drawn, now held at her side with the bladed-side of it pointed towards Kanae. "It is time I prove that I am worthy of not just where I stand, but that I am worthy and capable of far greater things than this."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:13 am; edited 4 times in total
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A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae]

Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:06 am
A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae] 4cP0idv


As she was already aware of every soul in and around her barracks, Captain Kanae knew Shura was, unfathomably, standing atop the nearby Division building. Did the Third Seat think herself a bird? What did the roof offer the ground could not, besides more expensive repairs should she damage it? Regretfully, Kanae mused, not every one of her subordinates could be as disciplined as Armina.

Without even acknowledging Shura's presence after she jumped down, or the things she said, Kanae kept her gaze set upon the training soldiers nearby. This was, after all, why she was out here. Not to listen to empty words from emptier people. But, Shura stepped too far; she drew her Zanpakuto, and for that would suffer the consequences of challenging her Captain.

Before Shura finished speaking, Kanae had turned and begun walking towards her, an aggression to her step that stood out of character for the usually-restrained, at least outwardly, woman. In a flash she was upon Shura, her Zanpakuto drawn in a blisteringly quick iaido slash meant to lop the woman's right arm from her body.

""Worthy"? What are you worthy of, Shura Kurata? What are you capable of? Crying like a newborn, running to other Captains?!" Giving the Third Seat no time to adjust or maneuver, Kanae quickly brought her right leg up in a staggering kick aimed at her stomach. "Do you believe being beaten down and left in the dirt by me will prove a single thing, Shura Kurata?!"

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae]

Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:09 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - A Return to Form

Shura was many things... But an idiot wasn't one of those things. She was well aware of her Captain's demeanor, and the moment Kanae turned and began moving forward, Shura had stopped speaking and her eyes narrowed. With a single step backwards her body flickered backwards with that tell-tail *woosh* only moments after Kanae had appeared in front of her.

However whilst she was fast, that did not mean she escaped unscathed. Sure, she had no interest in losing limbs... However blood stained both the ground where she had been, and dripped from her arm where she now stood... At least she kept her arm for now. However she kept her eyes honed on Kanae, listening to her whilst paying keen attention to how she moved.

However even if Shura wished to retort, she wasn't given the chance yet. With the kick she yet again did another Shunpo backwards, moving further inwards towards the training grounds. However even as Kanae spoke, Shura did not respond. Instead she took this chance to shunpo once more so that she was now about half way into the training area. It was only here that she responded.

"Aye, I did those things, on your orders. Was it not you that told me I needed to start from the beginning? Was it not you who told me to relearn all of the fundamentals and commit myself to my Kata and become worthy of not just my rank but of this division?" Shura ensured she did not speak with a condescending tone, but rather a neutral one. "I went to Yuuto to do exactly that, and relearn and commit myself is exactly what I have done. Just as you ordered."

Shura raised her Zanpakuto up to be diagonal in front of her chest before beginning to funnel her Reiatsu into it "It is time I stand tall." With that a loud roar erupted from her Zanpakuto as she swung it down to her side "You had a clear desire to teach me a lesson which I brazenly mocked, now however I wish to know that lesson. Nagoshi Taicho."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae]

Tue Jun 11, 2024 8:35 pm
A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae] 4cP0idv


Kanae scoffed, toxic disdain dripping from her like venom from a snake's fangs. Is this how Shura would excuse her actions? Or inaction? "You are the Third Seated Officer of the Fourth Division. I did not tell you to flee to a weaker, pathetic Division. Did you approach your Vice Captain? Your Fourth Seat? Anyone from this Division?! I tell you to learn fundamentals and you go to another Division?!"

Fury ushered Kanae forward in a whirlwind, gusts whipped up from the speed with which she blitzed Shura. The ground cracked and shattered in front of the Kurata woman as her Captain's foot slammed down. Kanae's now-empty fist flew through the air in a punch capable of turning boulders to dust, aimed directly for Shura's chin. She wasn't satisfied with a mere sucker punch, however; a flurry of vicious strikes would rain down upon her subordinate like a knuckle-laden hurricane.

The lesson Nagoshi Kanae was intent on teaching her subordinate was despair.

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae]

Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:01 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - Tenbatsu Duration - 3 Posts WORDS; - here MUSE; - A Return to Form

Tch... Yet again her Captain wished to jump to wild accusations and refuse to allow Shura time to respond, but of course... this was nothing new. This was normal here in the combat division. No sooner did that final word leave Kanae's lips than she was upon Shura, with a speed that, without Bankai, she knew she couldn't hope to match. The first hit that struck her caused her head to jerk to the side, and the second strike landed solid as well. However with the second strike, Shura's body turned into it, allowing her to just barely dodge the third strike.

Yet for the luck she exhibited, the flurry was fast and consistent. There were a number of strikes that Shura managed to dodge, either through rolling with the punches or a 'well-timed' Shunpo. However by the end of the flurry it was clear from the bruises and bits of blood that came from the side of her lips that she'd probably gotten hit by most of Kanae's assault. Shura's body stumbling backwards several paces before coming to a stop, her eyes staring now towards Kanae.

At first it didn't seem like Shura was going to do anything, until her Reiatsu erupted forth from her "flee... to another division?" Shura raised one leg before slamming it down in front of her, her brows furrowed with a look of clear anger


Her Zanpakuto underwent a swift and drastic change, a chain extending outwards from the bottom as its shape changed to that of a familiar, large axe connected via that chain to a similarly sized axe. "FLEE!? HOW DARE YOU!" She raised one arm to the side, her Reiatsu starting to swirl and condense itself around her blades "Aye I didn't go to anyone here, yet you have failed to grasp that very reasoning." Her muscles tensed "If you truly think Armina, Rio, OR ANYONE ELSE IN THIS DIVISION THAT ISN'T YOU IS CAPABLE OF TRAINING ME, BRING THEM FORTH KANAE NAGOSHI! AND I WILL PROVE TO YOU WHY NOBODY HERE IS WORTHY!"


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae] Empty Re: A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 5:29 pm
A Return to Form [Shura/Kanae] 4cP0idv


The sensation of fist upon chin and cheek was only momentarily satisfying to the Combat Squad Captain, who felt a stronger and stronger urge to simply murder this woman in cold blood. A moment later, as the latter released her Zanpakuto, Kanae's face contorted in disgust. She heard what Shura said, but brushed it all aside as an infant's cries for attention.

"Oh good, your Bankai again. The same one I already defeated. Was that not enough for you, Shura Kurata? Shall I assume this is your suicide attempt?" Unbothered by the sudden increase of Spiritual Pressure, which Kanae countered with her own as she drew upon Tosatsusha's power to replicate the Reiatsu of their Shikai, she continued speaking to her subordinate with vitriol "What do you know of their abilities, that you can so easily make declarations about them? I have fought Rio Shihoin, Armina Wilsaam, all of them. Let me be are inferior."

Tosatsusha reappeared in Kanae's hand as she stared down her furious opponent. She drew further upon the weapon's inner power, mimicking the release of Reiatsu that could only accompany a Shikai or Bankai, though this sword remained sealed. Spiritual Pressure expanded out from her, swiftly dwarfing Shura's own until it had completely wrapped around the Third Seat's. With precise control, Kanae both choked off Shura's Reiatsu, preventing any further expansion, while also acting as a shield for the rest of the squad who had begun sweating and suffering complications from the unexpected Bankai.

"You are out of chances, Shura Kurata."

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