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Wed May 29, 2024 7:23 am
Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 K7Doo1d


“That sounds like a plan to me.” Meninas answered with a smile, her Scottish accent as strong as ever. “I was trained from an early age but these guys and girls know some pretty fancy stuff that I didn’t think of. That being said, I think I’d beat most of them when it came to weight lifting though. I don’t see many Sternritter who are quite as…err, well toned as me.” A chuckle escaped her lips at that point, for once giving herself a little credit. She’d have to take a look around the gym one day and see if she could find a partner to have a grapple session with.

“Yeah, he’s pretty hard to miss, the guy talks a load of nonsense and hides behind his spells.” The Sternritter said with a slight sigh. “Pretty weak jaw though. I almost knocked it off with my first successful punch on him. I guess he’s one of those magic types or something. Not what I’m best at myself but I can cast a few spells.” She wouldn’t forget him in a hurry and if Meninas saw him again then there’d be trouble.

Noticing the strain in Nanaly’s voice, she’d ask. “You OK? If you need a break, just tell me.”


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Wed May 29, 2024 7:08 pm
Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 Ugwe70J
"Nanaly Fischer" | The Smiling Witch

Hearing that thicker Scottish accident caused another deep laugh from the German girl. "How many Quincy do you know that summon a broom to fly~" With a tease, Nanaly would move forward again. "So muscles are your strength. So you should make em even bigger so you can just punch the problem~"

Glad to hear Meni knocked his jaw out of place. Nanaly would nod again. "I'll make sure to shoot 'em with my broom from high up~ His spells won't hit me!" Regardless, Nanaly would listen to Meninas' warning, she would call her friend for assistance with the masked man.

Nanaly nodded, she wanted to take a break but they had come so far and she wanted to push herself just a little bit more. Trying to change the conversation a little bit. "I think my brother is gonna visit me here in a few days! He wants to see what the Vandenrich is all about!" Her brother's visit was something she was very excited to see, always good to see him.

Fake it till you make it | END POST
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Thu May 30, 2024 11:38 am
Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 K7Doo1d


The Sternritter had to laugh as Nanaly spoke about her own unique powers and Meninas could hardly argue with the idea that her own strengths mostly involved blunt force trauma. While she did wish to get better with her other powers, she’d kind of already figured out that her style was meant to be up close and personal. Why become more technical when she could just punch her opponent in the face and win a fight that way? Perhaps she’d save the tactics for Ehefra and those with more of a scientific mind.

She quipped when Nanaly mentioned her broom. “Make sure you learn a few acrobatic tricks then for when it comes to combat. I expect you to move like a fighter pilot in an aircraft.” Having experienced it herself, Meninas would be the first to admit that flying around on a broom wasn’t the Sternritters favourite mode of travel, much preferring her Steigen to get her around. That being said, she appreciated the skill that Nanaly had with her unique form of transport.

Her smile would grow when her friend mentioned her brother, remembering him from the first time that she and Nanaly had spoken. “That’s great. How’d he take the news when you told him about joining the organisation? I remember you saying that you weren’t quite sure if he’d take it well or not. Guess it went OK?”


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Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas)

Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:38 am
Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 M2TNR7B
"Nanaly Fischer" | The Smiling Witch

Beating... beating a lot. Regardless Nanaly needed to ignore it. They were almost at the checkpoint! They hadn't been running for long, but Nanaly could see the bench getting closer in the distance! A perfect place to sit and take a breather!

Nanaly would weakly chuckle at Meni's joke. Enjoying the joke, but winded from their only short-distance run. "Next time I'll show you a flip~" The thought of it distracted her from her heart working overtime. That was the best course, ignore it, and get to that bench.

"He took it well! I can't wait to see him. He'll probably bring me lots of candy... it's embarrassing but, he knows just how to sucker me in..." She spoke, her gaze locked forward, her breathing growing heavier and heavier.


"Almost... the-"

Meni would soon hear a thud as Nanaly came crashing down. Collapsing to the ground, seems her little friend had over-exerted itself. Clutching her chest as she began breathing heavily. On her knees as she shut her eyes tightly.

Fake it till you make it | END POST
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Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:08 am
Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 K7Doo1d


The second she heard Nanaly fall, Meninas would come to a halt and be by her friend's side, moving far more quickly than she’d probably ever had in her life. There was always a chance that something like this could have happened but the Sternriiter had hoped that it wouldn’t come to pass. She was annoyed with herself for not having kept a closer eye on her fellow Quincy and the frustration that the warrior was already carrying grew a bit. Everything seemed to be going wrong just lately and she was always just left to awkwardly blunder through it all.

Gently, she’d take Nanaly into her arms, doing her best to support her friend, her limbs looking enormous compared to Nanaly’s fragile frame. Meninas would tenderly take one of the woman’s hands in hers and hold it, in the hopes of maybe helping Nanaly get through what was obviously a horrible experience. It was all she could do and when she spoke, there was just a touch more emotion in her normally rather stoic tone. “It’s OK. You’ll be just fine in a minute. Did you bring any medicine with you?” She felt sick to her stomach about it all and the words that Meninas was shouting at herself in her mind were ones that no one would want to hear.


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Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:05 am
Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 M2TNR7B
"Nanaly Fischer" | The Smiling Witch

Nanaly should have listened to her body, it was telling her to stop and here she was pushing herself to a heart attack. Hopefully, Meni didn't feel reasonable for this, all the blame should go to Nanaly. However the sickly woman was calm, this wasn't the first time this had happened, far from it. Regardless she knew to breathe through her nose and out her mouth. Meni was here, she kept reassuring herself things would be okay as she clenched her chest. The pain was quite bad.

However, she felt reassured as Meni took her in her arms, she knew things were going to be okay. She weakly looked at Meni, pain in her face as she wiggled around, regardless of that, she kept a smile on her face, a very faint one. "N-No... Hospital..."

She took a few more breaths in and out. She knew she was in good hands, regardless of the pain spreading through her body. Hopefully, Meni could swiftly escot Nanaly to the hospital.

Fake it till you make it | END POST
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Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:02 am
Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 6nuQdpC


Nodding her head, Meninas would easily lift Nanaly, taking the delicate woman into her arms, holding her with a gentleness that belied her great strength. It was as if the pink haired Sternritter thought that her friend would break if she held her any tighter and at the moment, Meninas couldn’t help but think that might be possible. She still fought with the growing sense of loathing that was growing within her, becoming more annoyed by her own stupidity. Why’d she even suggest this in the first place when Nanaly wasn’t ready? Urgh, she hated herself.

Channelling her powers, Meninas would quickly take to the sky, her surfboard technique well and truly being put to the test as she headed for the city, moving at a speed that she’d never been able to reach before. She had to make up for her mistake and the Scot knew that the only way she could do that was by wasting no time, before Nanaly’s condition worsened. For those watching below, it would be as if a rocket was travelling through the sky but for Meninas, she still wasn’t moving fast enough.


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Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas)

Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:02 am
Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 M2TNR7B
"Nanaly Fischer" | The Smiling Witch

A smile... how could Nanaly smile in a time like this? That showed no matter what, she kept that smile on her face. She was letting Meni carry her along, she knew she was in good hands. As she clutched onto her chest she could hear the wind swooshing past her as Meni rocketed forward. That being said Nanaly was more focused on calming herself down and breathing. Meni would see and hear Nanaly's deep breathing.

That being said, Nanaly could feel her heart fighting back, it felt like it could explode... despite the fear filling her head, as she weakly opened her eyes, the sight of Meni holding her would bring those fears back down. She was gonna be okay. She knew it.

Fake it till you make it | END POST
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Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas)

Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:50 am
Keep On Running (Nanaly, Meninas) - Page 2 6nuQdpC


The hospital staff certainly got quite a shock, as Meninas was so concerned about getting Nanaly there that she actually flew through the front doors, before finally coming to a stop before the reception desk. Cradling her friend close, she would swiftly explain the situation to the nurse, her usual awkwardness seemingly evaporating when push truly came to shove. She spoke powerfully and with a no nonsense tone that gave her a rather more commanding aura. Meninas was unwilling to put up with anything when her friend's life was at stake, which was shining through rather strongly now.

In what seemed to be no time at all, a gurney would be brought out and only then did the Sternritter finally let go of Nanaly, laying her gently upon it. Even then, Meninas kept a hold of her hand for as long as possible, as if she was trying to transfer her own strength to her friend. She didn’t want to let go but sadly, she eventually relented, allowing the doctors to wheel away her friend, leaving the Sternritter behind.

For a few moments, she just stood there, as though she was little more than a statue, eyes still focused on the corridor where Nanaly had been wheeled down.

Finally, she would simply take a seat and wait, prepared to stay there for as long as she needed to, unwilling to move until she knew that her friend was alright again.


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