Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Sparring time! (Rangiku/Noharu)  - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Sparring time! (Rangiku/Noharu)  - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sparring time! (Rangiku/Noharu)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring time! (Rangiku/Noharu)

Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:43 am
Rangiku taking a risky move similar to Noharu, bur still using her strength to her advantage would drop haineko with a clank as she would quickly shoot forward covering the blondes mouth with her hand as she would smirk.

"Cmon, you're really doing everything in your power not to take me seriously huh?"

She would ask tauntingly. If she could get the blonde to release then in her mind it could he a win. Being completely honest it was hurting her pride a bit that Noharu still hadn't done it. She wasn't sure if this was a pride thing, or if Noharu really just thinks she doesn't need it to fight Rangiku. Rangiku knows that the woman has bankai, and that she gets outclassed by the blonde in that way, but she's having a hard time with the fact Noharu hasn't even used shikai.
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Sparring time! (Rangiku/Noharu)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring time! (Rangiku/Noharu)

Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:54 am
Sparring time! (Rangiku/Noharu)  - Page 3 D7ogckz9o6y

Alright now this was getting a bit embarassing. She’d been hoping to just free herself or at least get Rangiku to release her peg and dodge or stop her. But nope!

Instead, an alarmed look crossed her face as Rangiku rolled, cranking Noharu’s leg as she pinned Noharu beneath her and clanped their hand over her mouth! Now not only was she pinned beneath the lieutenant, but her leg being rotated with the turn meant that she was practically folded like a chair!

Much less comfortable than previous daydreaming would have led her to believe. The clamp of that hand on her mputh definitely broadcasting how pissed Rangiku was if her expression already wasnt. Fuck!

”Never thought you’d be folding me like this when you’re sober.” A playful smirk chimed in from behind Rangiku.

Suddenly, Rangiku would not find herself holding down a squirming blonde. But rather, just Noharu’s Hakama. Which promptly dissolved into bright red strings that no doubt would instantly alarm Rangiku. As that red string, already tangled in her grasp, would promptly wrap around her body and lock in place, that razor-sharp string threatening to slice Rangiku’s outfit if she struggled.

Noharu, meanwhile, having used Utsusemi to slip out of Rangiku’s grasp. Though not without cost. Bruising showed along her mouth and along her ankle. The cost of wrenching herself from the woman’s grasp at high speed in such an awkward position. ”Tch. You really are tough to fight. I had this whole plan to trap you with my shikai by making you drop your guard and hold me down. Didn’t expect you to have me all folded ta fuck. But hey. You got my shikai out.” she smirked, now reduced to her hakama and the bike shorts she wore under her hakama.

Her zanpakuto eating her clothes meant she always wore layers. Awful in summer. All the same she slowly curled her fingers and caused those sharp threads to tighten around Rangiku’s body, resting her injured foot on the hilt of Haineko. Now in her Shikai, those powerful threads would be plenty to hold the woman in place.

”I concede.” She promptly called out to the no-doubt eagerly watching crowd. Promptly those red threads would vanish and reform into the blade at her hip. She removed her sandal from Haineko and scooted it over to Rangiku, hissing slightly as she did. ”Forgot how friggin strong you are. Had to practically twost my ankle to get it outta yer grip on the fly. And well. I just got outta second division and Id rather not go back so soon. So I’m givin this win to you Lieutenant.” She informed the woman, offering Rangiku a fond smile and reaching down to offer the woman her hand to help them up. A display of sportmanship and fondness to her friend. Which no doubt Rangiku would know all too well.

After all. If it was anyone else she’d have just shredded Rangiku’s entire outfit before conceding.

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Sparring time! (Rangiku/Noharu)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring time! (Rangiku/Noharu)

Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:37 am
Rangiku would laugh gently at the joke the woman made, but she was still a bit annoyed. As she would feel her disappear from her she would fall forward before being caught up in the woman's shikai. Before she would about to swing her blade to have haineko attempt to cut through the fabric she would concede as she would look at her annoyed. As she would accept the help up she'd call her ash back to her blade as she would resheath it before talking.

"Yeah, you're strong to but for some reason you decided to be disrespectful. Not really sure what that was about, but can't do anything about it now. It was a good spar though, it felt like i had to prove you wrong. Sorry about the bruises and the burns."

She'd say as she looked at the blonde. She did genuinely feel bad about those injuries, but it is what it is. Maybe she should have taken it easier on her since she wasn't in release, but she was too caught up in her ego as she would look down. Looking a little sad.
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