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[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Empty [Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen

Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:29 pm
[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen F2fPWV4


Basic Information

○ Name: Hono Kaen
○ Other Names:
○ Age: 22
○ Birthday: May 24th
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Shinigami
○ Affiliation: Gotei United
○ Alignment:Chaotic Good

○ Marital Status: Not Married
○ Nationality: Japanese
○ Sexual Orientation: WOMAN!!!

○ Height: 5'4
○ Weight: 120 Lbs
○ Hair Colour: Pink
○ Eye Colour: Brown

[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen KMonAJ3

Psychological Analysis

The first thing that people will notice about Hono is her blunt way of speaking, without much of a filter. The second would be her stubbornness when facing a problem Hono will bravely throw herself at the issue, over and over, when she wants something she'll shoot for the stars to get it. The same can be said for her training, she loves training, as she puts it, "If everyone is ten times as strong, I need to train tens times as hard". Setting goals some people might see as impossible, but to Hono, she just needs to push harder to achieve them.

Pulling back that thick, rough exterior Hono is a motherly individual. As she has taken care of her siblings for so long, this extends to her friends, and people she cares about. Hono is typically a very simple person to get along with, as long as she doesn't find someone annoying, she latches onto them, quick to consider them a friend. Where she will spoil them with food and affection. Once she's your friend it's impossible to get rid of her, she's going to go out of her way to mother you.

Moving back to training, Hono wants to be a useful asset for the Gotei, as such she wants to improve her skills in any way she can, hopefully moving through the ranks. Combat is something Hono craves, a good fight gets her very excited. As for less violent activities, cooking is another passion of Hono, often cooking large amounts of food which she often boxes up and gives out to her friends and friendly. Always pushing what she can make.


The Gotei ran through her blood. Two very distinct parents who never thought they'd be married. First was Cosette, a woman with long reddish pink hair, from the Combat Divison. Typically known as a dumb brute, fitting perfectly with the stereotypes of the division. Cosette was a powerful Shinigami, however only impressive was her sheer physical strength and speed, when it came to Kido and Shunko she was useless. A street rat from the Rukongai who made it into the Gotei. Now, an important figure for Cosette was her best friend, Gaius, he was essentially a brother to her back when she was in the Roukongai. He wasn't a Shinigami, but instead a normal soul who was a swordmaster in his old life.

Now comes Avan, a Shinigami from the Gotei, a man with short black hair and yellow eyes. He was your average Shinigami, working for the Earth Division, skilled in Kido. So how did these two meet? Well while Avan was on Earth Patrol, Cosette was assigned as a tag-along to learn a bit more about other aspects of the Gotei. While most were worried about how they'd mesh. They grew incredibly close because of this.

Their relationship grew quickly, soon becoming almost inseparable. Cosette even transferred to the Earth Division to spend more time with him. This budding romance bloomed, and after many years they were wed. They acted very much like an old couple, arguing loving, and attached at the hip. Soon, it was time to extend their family. Eventually, Cosette would bear a child. This child is none other than Hono, with pink hair like her mother, and yellow eyes like her father.

They spent some parental leave with their newborn, but would soon return to their duties. While working Cosette would have Gaius and his wife Milla babysit, as they had found themselves nicely settled in the Tenth District of the Rukongai. However, when Hono was only a few months old, Cosette and Avan were killed by a horde of Hollow on a mission, they only expected a few of them, so they were quickly overwhelmed. Leaving the child in the care of Gaius and Milla, who would Hono would consider her parents.

As Hono grew up, she showed little interest in grieving for her birth parents, she hardly knew them. As far as she cared, Gaius and Milla were her parents. They acted much like a normal family. Gaius trained Hono in the blade and overall in combat, while Milla showed her the basics of cooking.

When Hono was around 8 years old, she would soon be a sister. Gaius and Milla brought in a lost soul from the Rukongai, a boy named Mizu. Only about 4 years older than Hono, the two grew close. Hono would become a stereotypical overprotective sister, clingy, but well-meaning. The third and final child would soon join the family. Farah, another infant who joined the family only months after Mizu. She was simply left at the doorstep one day.

As she grew up and watched the Gotei head out on missions and patrol around it really sparked her interest. She knew her birth parents were members, and it honestly sounded exciting. The opportunity to help the people of the Rukongai and become that cool older sister she wanted to be. This caused Hono to set her eyes on the Gotei when she was old enough. Continuing to train her swordsmanship with Gaius, while also helping take care of her two younger siblings.

Things were looking good for Hono, who eventually enrolled in Shin'ō Academy. It was a strange experience, she got put in a few bad situations and got herself a good few write-ups but did well in her subjects. General swordplay was of course one of her strong suits, though her other subjects were just average across the board, learning a solid balance of skills. Hono wasn't very social when it came to school, she made a couple of friends but focused on training. Until she finally graduated, where she joined up with the Gotei, ready to cement herself in the history books, wanting to leave a lasting impact.


○ Natural Cook: Growing up with her siblings Hono would take charge and cook them meals, this evolved into a passion, as even to this day Hono cooks, not for herself, often giving food to her friends and family.

○ Food Enhancement: While looking for recipes, and looking through the Soul Society library Hono learned how to infuse her cooking with her Reiatsu from some old books and journals. This energizes her food and enhances the taste. Of course, this drains Hono's energy should she put too much into the food.

○ Resolute: Hono is one of the most determined and stubborn people around. She will set goals that are light-years ahead of her and not care. In her mind, she WILL achieve it eventually. These goals are her driving force, be it getting stronger or becoming a better cook. However, a downside is she will set goals for small hobbies, wanting to be the best she can be in the topic. Seeing Hono yield is an almost impossibility, at least not until she is dead or unconscious. Often overhyping her abilities to appear stronger to herself, and others. Though when outmatched Hono wouldn't back down, throwing herself at the problem over, and over, and over, and over...

○ Swordfighting: Due to her father's training Hono picked up the basics of swordsmanship at a young, practicing with herself as a kid and well into her life as a member of the Gotei. Swordsmanship was the only course she overly excelled at in the Academy.

Racial Abilities

○ Kido: Only recently had Hono started taking her Kido seriously, she learned the basics in the Academy, eventually training her skills more when she entered the Gotei.

○ Hoho: When it comes to Shinigami skills, this is one area Hono studied harder than the others. Focusing on speed is her preferred method of fighting, as such Hono leans into flash steps to close the gap between her and her opponent.

○ Zanjutsu: This was Hono's most difficult skill for a while. While she was always skilled with her blade, she had the hardest time getting her Zanpakuto to awaken. Before finally managing to release her Shikai.

○ Hakuda: Hand-to-hand combat isn't something Hono seeks out, though she learned some basics from the academy. When it comes to an unarmed fight, she sticks to kicks.


○ Zanpakutô Name: Kazagumowari [風雲裂, Cloud Splitter].

○ Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance: Kazagumowari takes the appearance of a short Amazonian woman. Standing at roughly four and a half feet. Long white unkept hair and only very simple clothes covering her body. Large red-eyes A large mechanical-like claw on her right arm. Not a spirit of many words, only speaking should she find her master's strength acceptable. Taking from her master, Kazagumowari is stubborn and trains more than her, caring about her physical physique more than her general appearance.

○ Inner World: Kazagumowari's inner world takes the appearance of a vast hot desert, the sun always beaming down. Roaming the sands is Kazagumowai herself, who is unaffected by the intense heat of the sun, using these desserts as a training ground. Using the rocks, hills, and structures as a training ground. Though Kazagumowai is always drifting through the desert, the overall surroundings are always slightly different.

○ Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance:


○ Shikai Release Phrase: Break Through

○ Shikai Release Action: The Shikai is released by Hono dragging her blade against the ground, the blade then begins cracking and falling apart, forming into its released state.

○ Shikai Appearance: Kazagumowari shrinks down upon release, turning into a cleaver-like weapon. A wooden handle with no guard and a blade only 7 inches long. The weapon appears in horrible condition, the blade appears rusted, with chunks missing and looking poorly maintained and jagged edges. However, the weapon still cuts the same despite how it might look.

○ Shikai Ability: A short-ranged melee-type Zanpakuto which at a glance does nothing more than trade the length of its sealed form for more power and speed, allowing Hono to better cleave things right in two. That is the superficial aspect of her Zanpakuto, Hono's Shikai has more depth than being a simple slasher.

This Zanpakuto's true ability lies in the jagged edges of the blade. These edges will leave behind tiny fragments of the weapon inside of any target it manages to cut, one fragment per strike. Upon calling out the command "rend", Hono can trigger the ability of these fragments. Immediately after the command, the fragments burn up. Anyone who has these fragments inside of them will feel their whole body burn. Feeling as if they're being attacked from both the front and the back with equal force. The two cuts attempt to meet in the middle, greatly increasing the chance of splitting the target cleanly in two, bifurcating them. The attack grows stronger the more fragments present, increasing the power for each one, causing a more powerful cut, one fragment is roughly 50% of Hono's cutting force for each shard burned up, and the ability does have a ceiling, after about four shards it will reach it's peak efficiency. It doesn't matter where these fragments are, once burned up, the target will feel the slashes directed at the center of their mass, right down the middle of their body.

○ Shikai Weaknesses:
○ Slicing Required: Hono's Zanpakuto requires that she actually get the fragments embedded in a target in order for the Shikai ability to work. If she cannot physically break through a target's defences then she loses a lot of offensive power.

○Reach: Due to her Zanpakuto being a meat cleaver, Hono loses a lot of her initial sword length, her blade only being 7 inches long.

○Simple: A simple Zanpakuto that is not incredibly encompassing, it is the single-minded will to overcome every obstacle in front of her manifested. In exchange for utility, it makes up for it with potency.

○Indiscriminate: If by a twist of fate, the fragments end up inside of an ally, she cannot activate this ability without harming them as well as her enemies.


General Skills
  • Durability: D
  • Speed: C
  • Strength: D
  • Soul: D

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Last edited by Waffles on Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:54 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen

Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:00 pm
The Old App is here.

So Hono's app is almost 5 years old and is overdue for a facelift.

Her history has been expanded on and cleaned up just a bit, to a standard I am more happy with.

Her Zanpakuto ability is ever so slightly changed, the effect remains the same but the wording has been made a bit more specific to avoid confusion about how it works.

Her Racial Abilities have been updated as well to better reflect her current level with them.

The only new things would be her natural abilities which didn't exist before.
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[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen

Thu Jun 20, 2024 4:16 pm
[mod]Hello Waffles!

- Shikai fragmentation: Specify the amount of fragmentation per strike I.E Every shard increases the cutting power by 50% to a cap of 200%. In this example it is assumed each strike leaves one shard.[/mod]
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[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen

Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:55 pm
Added an upper limit and one shard per strike! Hope that's good
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[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen

Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:36 am
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[Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Hono Kaen

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