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[Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine Empty [Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine

Thu 28 Dec 2023, 5:04 pm
[Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine B49zcb6waay

I. Basic Information

» Name: Caliora Monslapine
» Alias: Cali
» Age: 1,741
» Gender: Female

» Association: None

» Appearance Written:

Cali's appearance is striking above all else. With shockingly pale hair and bright crimson eyes, she is one to stand out from a crowd even when she's in a calm and gentle state. This is only made more startling when her small stature of 4'10" is taken into account. But despite her diminutive size she isn't lacking in ferocity, such that it's rare not to see a fierce smile on her face when something catches her interest. Whether that's a sly smirk or a fierce grin, it's not often you'll find her without some look of amusement.

Beyond that, she's a shapely woman with a lax style, often preferring to wear comfortable clothing in most situations and while she is capable of wearing flashier outfits she usually only does so on occasion.

I. Personality

» Personality:

Even before she was blessed, Cali was an incredibly intense and aggressive woman when riled up. Cool and calm enough that many a young man were lured in and intrigued by this quiet little thing, only to be burned up in her passion once her interest was riled. Competition, Team Spirit, any sort of emotion that can sweep through people and give sway to their hearts and you'll find Cali quickly at the very forefront of it.

Because of this, she's always been a fan of celebrations and festivals, and goes out of her way to engage in such activities, and if one isn't taking place, she's liable to start up some form of group activity to get things going. This is in contrast to her other side. While she pushes herself into the limelight to be swept up with the crowds, she will always come down and stand in the ashes of her passions, and in those sparse moments in the wake of euphoria, she is reminded that every flame will die out eventually.

I. History

» History:

Born into the tail end of the Roman Empire just south of Rome itself near present day Latina. She was a passionate young woman and even her parents were surprised by her energy once she grew older. Having been very quiet as a child, when she was almost a teenager she partook in a Game Festival and immediately seemed to undergo a transformation. What were once things she watched from afar, thanks to the insistence of her father, once she took part, she was hooked.

From then on she became enamored with the celeb rations and prepared from them. Of note were her participation in the Horse Races. Such was her fervor that she snared the attention of most who came to know her. This only became much more apparent as she grew to be an adult. That was when she drew his attention. Deosend Lunade, a high ranking Roman Official visiting from the city. Taking part in the horse races himself, he soon took a liking to young Caliora and the two began to meet regularly.

It was soon after turning Twenty however that she discovered something new about the man. During the horse race, there was an accident and the man was sent straight through a fence. Frightened for his life, she pursued him in an effort to help, and spotted the man sporting a chunk of wood going clean through his chest, which was removed seemingly without issue. With a gesture, he prompted her silence and pretended to have barely been injured by fate;s blessing.

It would be later that Deo revealed the truth. He was not human, but a different creature altogether. AS if a God, the man had otherworldly powers. In later years, his kind would come to be known as Danava, but in the meantime, Caliora simply revered him as something akin to a demigod.

In exchange for her silence, he gave her two gifts. He recounted to her the tales of his life. His many lifetimes of existence. Eras of Peace, War, and everything in between. Stories which she eagerly took in with a fervent curiosity and intrigue. How one could live so long and experience so many things, it was something that put stars in her eyes and set her heart soaring. And thus, did he give her his second gift: A knife he named Glow, a piece of his power seemingly made from black glass. With this, he said, she would be able to better experience the world around her.

At first she was simply happy to be given such a gift, it wasn't until he left for Rome that she began to truly understand what was happening. Moving outward from her hometown, she began to explore the countryside. It was during this time that Rome's fall began, elsewhere in the empire upsurges of civil war was tearing it apart. At the time, it was a tumultuous era in which she saw the empire slowly eroding from it's former glory. But in the many years after the fact, it all felt like a dream.

With Glow at her side, she found that she was becoming more than human. She was stronger and faster than a normal human when she put the effort into it. Not only that but her injuries healed within a few days and she felt energy within her that she'd never felt before. And yet, even as she discretely attempted to take things into her own hands, to try and revitalize the Empire, it was like trying to hold sand in the palms of her hands. As the empire fractured and the pieces settled, she began to travel from place to place. Indulging in her newfound freedom.

Glow seemed to take away so many nuisances. The need to eat. The need to rest for more than a few hours every now and then rather than every single night. As the years turned to decades she found she didn't age like normal humans did. But she soon found that this was a two edged sword. When her supernatural abilities came to light, it wasn't long that she drew the wrong sort of attention. Not just those that would consider her a demon or a witch, but she soon discovered that those few individuals privy to the spiritual world would seek her out.

At times, these would become companions in an abnormally long life, other times they hunter her down seeking to kill her ot try and steal her abilities. She had never been a true Warrior, but among the many games she enjoyed, she was always good at wrestling. A distant thing, but something that served her well in these times. And that thought was what suddenly freed her from fear.

It was almost like a game. How far could she push herself without being hunted down? And when she WAS hunted down, could she manage to fight her way out and earn her freedom? And as she dipped into the second century of her existence, she made a decision. As the 'game' had slowly devolved into a sort of hunt. Rather than indulging herself in the simpler pleasures of life, she found herself dancing the edge of enjoyment and simply baiting out those that would want her harm, only to beat them into the ground.

She began to wonder. What was she doing with her life? What had started as her trying to live a full and wonderous life like the stories that Deosend would pass down to her, had slowly become something else. And so she decided to change. . Traveling from Europe toward the east, she decided to try and live simpler. She found herself settling down in Mongolia and attempted to settle down.

But that was not her fate. Even as she settled into a quiet, simple life, she found that nothing seemed to change. She did not weaken. She didn't start to age. If anything, her abilities seemed to develop even faster. As she pushed down and suppressed that vibrant energy which had once been her whole life, it festered, and in those moments where she lost her restraint, she discovered it had a wholly different effect on her. Her hair slowly bleached, her eyes shifted colors, and when her passion met it's heights, bright blue flames would wreath her body.

Was this a curse? A Blessing? What had she become? And even more than that, what was she trying to accomplish? Rather than a curse that seemed to ruin her attempt at a quiet life, it was as if this power were rescuing her. Even as thoughts of throwing Glow away occasionally came to mind, she found solace in the one piece of Deo she had left. Even when chaos broke out, and every shred of the quiet, reclusive little life she'd tried to garner went up in flames, she couldn't help but feel intense relief. That she had attempted to live a life completely incompatible to her hadn't even occurred to her until it was all burning down.

And it was then that she embraced her new life. While she learned how to hide the more unusual changes to her body, capable of giving herself normal hair and eye color, even managing to give some semblance of normalcy to her intense mannerisms. She still would drop it at the first opportunity. Festivals where her powers could be passed off as a trick or magic. Wars and disasters in which the chaos and loss of life could obscure any tales that budded from her deeds. She became a force of nature. Fighting. Celebrating. Living in a way that she relished most. And as her passion burned brighter and brighter, so too did her abilities.

But even with her newfound embrace, there was still some level of restraint necessary. She couldn't make a spectacle of herself, lest she cause some larger problem. She couldn't draw attention without a target being painted on her. And although she soon found ways of releasing that passion inside of her, she still longed for a time where she cold openly express such a thing.

That came with the Invasion of Ender, and the spiritual awakening of the planet. As the supernatural promptly took the front stage, Caliora and a surprising number of others like her rose up in such times. In the face of such overwhelming and alien destruction, her fellow man looked upon her not with fear or uncertainty, but with awe and gratitude. What would have once branded her a monster or a witch soon made her an Angel and a Hero.

And as the war with demons burned over the course of a hundred years, she fought with an intense and growing fervor. IT was perfect. So long as she could end this damn war, if they could break through this fog of conflict and strife, she could SMELL the promise of another golden age. Stories of Rome's legacy of peace even before she was born. Of an empire united. A notion budded in her mind of a world that would no longer need to fight. Though the world had finally come to accept her for what she was, she just needed to push that extra mile. To find that era of peace where she could not just BE who she was meant to BE, but enjoy this new freedom in her life.

Every slain demon was another step toward that golden life. Every arrancar torn to pieces was another obstacle removed from her perfect life. She found herself joining a number of armies. Some of them would persevere, some would wilt beneath their first encounter with the Demon threat. But through all of them she carved a burning path, meeting every battle with a smile and the flames which seemed to burn away any doubts for victory.
And when at long last the Demons were all but removed from the realm entirely, as World War Four burned away and the realms seemed to be shifted into a moment of peace, however temporary, Caliora found herself at long last with the freedom from conflict that she had so dearly desired.

It was over. At long last she could live the life of celebration and enjoyment she'd always dreamed of.

Of course it was not perfect. The Attack by Kurosaki was an unexpected complication, and those vestiges of fear from the demons seemed all too easy to rekindle as the threat of errant arrancar was sewn into the world once again. One that was validated when Vastime suddenly sunk into the earth and Hollows of untold strength spewed forth.

And yet, she did not despair. She had been fighting for so long, that she had grown to enjoy it. In it's very own way, battle was it's own fierce competition. Like the Races she had enjoyed when she was young, when she was a normal young woman. And she was reminded of those bygone stories from a man whose name she , ultimately, couldn't even remember anymore. He too had told of plenty of parties and celebrations, but also of wars and conflicts he had witnessed.

And so, when the shadow of conflict once more darkened her doorstep, she didn't feel dread, but excitement. In her moment of denial, she had secluded herself to madagascar, well within range of the hollows spewing from africa. And one particularly massive beast had found it's way to the shore of where she had attempted to settle. And that very same kraken was reduced to a burning lump, spewing steam in the harbor as she bled flames and found a smile on her face.

Perhaps the world would never again know true peace. But that didn't mean it couldn't be a party~

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Fiery Vitality -
Blessed by the Atma Vatou of a Danava with inhuman vitality, Caliora has seemingly endless reserves of stamina and rarely needs rest. While this initially just manifested as not needing to sleep and a halt to her aging, even with the incursion of demons she found that she could fight seemingly without rest for extensive periods of time.

In the Face of the Flames -
An extension of her incredible vitality, when she is facing an enemy which presents a clear and distinct advantage over her. Whether it be a significant difference in energy levels or some other ability or skill. When Caliora is pushed to her limits, so too does her vitality seem to burn its brightest. Up to once per thread, she can summon a burst of energy, rapidly healing all deep, vital injuries on her body over the span of a single post and causing a brief burst of energy, increasing her capabilities by 100% for three posts. This of course, does not heal superficial or wounds that are merely debilitating, and simply heals her to the point that she can continue fighting, but any non-lethal injuries will still debilitate and impede her. At the end of this Duration, however, Caliora will collapse, making this a last-resort.

Natural Born Brawler -
While she didn't come to know battle until later in her life, her competitive spirit did well in molding her into a fierce and adaptive fighter. This paired with her vitality and her ability to take big risks without worry of dying, has culminated into considerable skill and finesse when it comes to hand to hand combat. Whether that be ripping a hollows limbs off with her bare hands, to tussling with a skilled demon. Through the flames she's turned what was originally just a natural knack into a well honed talent.

Powerful Constitution -
In the older days, this had simply manifested in an ability to drink and eat in obscene amounts without issue. She'd always just chalked this up to having a strong stomach, this would later turn out to be true even with demons and hollows. While the energy and bodies of both Demons and Hollows would often be poison or corruptive to normal individuals, Caliora found herself more than capable of enuring such encroachments on her soul with relative ease, even to the point of being able to eat demons and hollows when she was in need of energy. The fires within her body seemingly able to not just use them as energy, but also overpower the negative effects that would normally come with taking in such substances.

Skilled Craftsman:

She didn't just spend every waking hour fighting for the last thousand plus years. In addition to her combat abilities, Cali has also learned to develop exceptional creative skill when it comes to creating things. Whether that is producing objects using her abilities or just with simple tools such as a chisel or a knife. From small intricate objects to large sculptures or structures, Cali is capable of not just producing products with aesthetic appeal, but with a rugged dependability that few mortals can manage. Objects she's sold or given away over her long life continue to be used to this day as heirlooms and hand-me-down weapons.

I. Fullbring Affinity

» Affinity Name: Glow: The Morning Star, blessed by Passion:

Granted a blessing from the Danava of Passion in the form of this weapon, Caliora is imbued with an eternal flame which fuels her natural energy beyond what would otherwise be possible. As this blessing evolved within her, she eventually made it her own, such that over time, this item came to be linked with her own innate Fullbring powers, and as a result her soul continued to develop and expand this ingrained new ability.

The core of this ability is in the flow of energy through her body burns naturally, such that when she is injured, or even when she grows too excited she produces bright blue flames. These can span from harmless pretty lights to incredible pyres which render the earth around her molten, all of which are fueled by her own Passion.

» Affinity Appearance: Glow takes the form of a knife made of black volcanic glass. Wrapped in leather at the handle, the blade itself is about 6 inches in length. The item is often hung around her neck like a pendant, spending it's time in her cleavage rather than at her side. Glow's at some points will crack, and pieces often will break off, transforming into Obsidian Glaives called Twilight Razors, though once combat is over, these pieces will return to Glow.

» Affinity Abilities:

Burning Starfire
The most basic application of her abilities. This allows Caliora to produce and manipulate her blue flames within her immediate area. Usually this is within a 10 meter radius and scales with her Fullbring Manifestation.

Twilight Razor
A weapon forged from her own spiritual energies infused into a piece of Glow's blade. Calior has the ability to summon this glaive-like weapon which glows like a smoldering blue ember. In addition to serving as a medium through which she can more easily expel and manipulate her flames. With Razor summoned, she can produce and manipulate her blue flames in a greater 20 meter radius, or a 10 meter radius remotely if Razor is not on her person.

>Reflection of Twilight
A technique developed from Razor's ability to produce and manipulate flames remotely. By channeling her flames through her sword she can produce a visage of herself made entirely of her own flames from her sword, even to the point of seeming to be a copy of herself. But this is just an illusion from the heat of the flames twisted by her spiritual energy and the clone has no weight behind it as it is simply a mass of condensed and manipulated flames, though it is no less a viable platform for launching attacks or misdirecting her opponents as these doubles can seemingly manipulate Razor, though this is in fact just Caliora manipulating the weapon herself.

Collapsing Sunset
Originally an ability used to temporarily grant her a limb when one of hers was cut off. Caliora learned that she could condense her flames into something akin to a solid, allowing her to patch herself with the flames. Though as the war with the demons went on, she learned she could flat out give herself new set of limbs and extremities made of her flames. However, this consumes much larger amounts of spirit energy to pull off as it involves much larger amounts of her special flames condensed into a set space to make them solid. The capabilities of these limbs scale off Fullbring Affinity when applied to supplementing her own body. While her natural energy has grown over the years to the point where replacing something like her limbs or patching her body is easy, creating large amounts of these physical condensed flames (More than 50 square meters of material) can cause notable drain on her reserves.

Forge of Starlight:
The heat coming from Caliora's flames at certain levels is capable of melting the ground beneath her feet. This process introduces such large amounts of her spiritual energy into the resulting mass that she's found that she can manipulate it, creating molten weapons of a more solid base with the same heat and intensity of her fire. Of course the intense heat of her flames always winds up turning the material to glass and so regardless of the material used, the resulting objects always seem to form blue-tinted volcanic glass.
Attacking with and manipulating this material scales off of Full Manifestation.

Corpus Caelum: The Body forged from Sky

Almost akin to a released state, Cali embeds glow into her body resulting in a spike in her energy, such that even when uninjured, her flames burst from her frame and consume her surroundings. While in this state, even her own kishi becomes over-saturated in her energy and results in it darkening and turning to blue-tinted glass. While in this form, small sparks of blue flame constantly break free of the surface resulting in bright shining patterns which make it seem as if the night sky were flowing over her body. This becomes most notable in her arms, legs, and her hair.

The abilities from this form scale off Fullbring Affinity

Acies (Edge | Localization: Cosmic Rend)

By concentrating her energy at the tips of her extremities be it her fingers or some other part of her body, Cali can leave dense lines of flame trailing through the air as she gestures. This flame is condensed into thin lines of crystal which can explode on command, unleashing explosive cutting bursts of heat and force outward, cleaving through her surroundings and leaving matching lines of blue glass in their wake.

Meteoron (Meteor | Localization: Falling Sky)

During the battle, large amounts of her flames are expelled naturally, which will collect up in the air or her general surroundings when it comes to enclosed spaces. This saturates the air with her energy and raises the temperature. However, she can choose to rapidly concentrate this energy into a set space in the air and turn it to chunks of her crystalized spirit energy. Most often this occurs in the air above wherever she is fighting, making this attack seem similar to her bringing down meteorites on her opponents. Depending on the amount of energy she expends these chunks of rock can reach up to ten meters in width.

Aedis (Sanctuary | Localization: Heaven on Earth)

This is an evolution of her Forged in Starlight ability. In her fused form, she is able to produce such quantities of the material and manipulate them with such finesse that she is capable of creating structures made from this blue obsidian. This particular avenue of the ability is not so much focused on combat as it is focused on her ability to create structures that look beautiful. These structures can be anywhere from dark and opaque like normal obsidian with a slight blue tint to more energized materials that glow and sparkle like her own body in her released form, allowing her not only to produce intricate structures but built-in lighting.

This ability is absolutely useless in proper combat as the fine manipulation and layering results in it producing virtually no heat outside of slightly warm surfaces. So much energy is put into making firm, stable foundation that it can at most be used to produce a sturdy barrier, but hardly in a timely fashion in a combat situation. Most times this ability is a flex in her control of her powers and the sheer amount of energy she can expend without exhausting herself. Given rest and preparation, Caliora can produce a structure which can qualify to be a mansion in an evening (one spanning 8000 square feet (2438 square meters)), this would be exhausting but not so much that she couldn't pretend it wasn't.


Filthy Rich: Thanks to her abilities to create her special spiritual glass, she made a fair amount of money in creating objects for others. However, since the world became more openly aware of spiritual beings, she's been contracted by a number of organizations for her works, resulting in her wealth reaching tremendous levels.

I. Skill Sheet

General Attributes
  • Strength: D
  • Speed: D
  • Durability: D
  • Soul: A

Will Skills
» Willpower: Advanced
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept

Fullbringer Skills
» Bringer Light: Beginner
» Fullbring Affinity: Elite
» Full Manifestation: Advanced
» Hollow Factor: Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Wed 14 Aug 2024, 12:49 am; edited 4 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine

Thu 16 May 2024, 12:44 am

It's grading time.


Initial Check:
Final Check:

Last edited by Gamma on Thu 16 May 2024, 1:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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[Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine

Thu 16 May 2024, 12:59 am
Face of the Flames-
Yes, Have addeed that in as that was the intended niche of this ability.

Collapsing Sunset
Has been adjusted to scale off Fullbring Affinity

Corpus Caelum:
Removed the formatting which implied this was like, a release.
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[Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Caliora Monslapine

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