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[Arc] Kasmos the Masked One Left_bar_bleue0/0[Arc] Kasmos the Masked One Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Arc] Kasmos the Masked One Empty [Arc] Kasmos the Masked One

Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:34 am
[Arc] Kasmos the Masked One 29olDNA

Basic Information

○› Name: Kasmos the Masked One_____
○ Alias: The Thousand Faced
○ Age: ???
○ Gender: All and None.
○ Race: Hollow (Gillian)

○ Affiliation:
Warlord of Alhireth.
Thrall of Asher the Empty Hearted.

○ Alignment: Neutral Evil.
○ Marital Status: Unending.
○ Nationality: Alhireth.
○ Sexual Orientation: No.

[Arc] Kasmos the Masked One NvWhXGg

Psychological Analysis
Kasmos is not a creature that can simply be analysed. They are a swarm of nightmares, wrapped in a cage of flesh and bone for the sake of convenience. There is, at their core, a singular monster that rules over the horde and guides its actions but even they are nothing more than a single port in this maelstrom of madness. They make every mask to hide away the dark truth that keeps them subservient to one who wields the power to tame them, that gnawing fear that they are going to end up alone even though they are surrounded by a deafening cacophony of noise. To that end, at least, they are revealed to be malicious and greedy, craving every new meal for the masks that it will bring and the voices that will be added to their choir.


Born to the realm of Alhireth, there was no name to the creature that was Kasmos for many centuries. A solitary creature, trapped in isolation both by itself and its home, it wandered the land in an unending hunt for purpose.

Weak and fearful, as most are when they are alone, they avoided others for most of their pitiful existence. Flight came well before fight, and only when backed into a corner did they ever attempt to defend themselves. Yet, despite this miserable beginning, Kasmos was not without power. Those that they defeated were consumed, their very beings becoming one with the monster and forming the first masks that shielded their true self from the rest of this cruel world.

After adding countless thousands of souls to their collection, Kasmos was nigh unrecognisable from the creature that had first been given the will the wander. What had once been a desire to explore and grow had become a ravenous hunger, an all consuming need to devour each and every creature they came across until naught else remained but them. Such was the nature of many of the great beasts of Alhireth - the strong ruled over the weak. Some came to follow Kasmos, servants that had value separate to the horde and provided sustenance along with servitude, and in time they became known as a great warlord.

When the Empty-Hearted rose to prominence, bringing with them a new age of conquest, Kasmos was amongst the many that fell victim to his dominance. The great battle cost the Masked One many hundreds of masks, destroyed so utterly by Asher’s rampaging power, but they were spared from an utter end so that they might be pressed into service as one of his many thralls. It was miserable to be defeated, to lose that which they had worked so tirelessly to gain, but survival was better than extinction.

Under Asher’s command, the beasts of Alhireth invaded yet another realm. This one was filled with soft, fleshy creatures that proved the perfect things to add to Kasmos’ menagerie of madness. They were easy to consume, and the bounty was rich, but eventually those with power would come to stop them.


A Body of Lies: Something quickly made apparent to those that engage them in combat, Kasmos' body is simply a vessel for their being rather than the summation of it. This body possesses no vital organs or particular limitations therein that a 'normal' one might have. Slicing him open in fact only serves to reveal this emptiness. No amount of damage to this body will phase them in any particular manner, and will rapidly regenerate to the extent that one might fear them invulnerable, and this is certainly close to the truth. It is only damage to the mask that they are currently wearing that does not heal at such an alarming rate. One price that has to be paid for this power is that it limits the amount of energy Kasmos can use, to the extent that the amplification of his power provided by Evolution Stage is only half of what it should be.

Cero Enjambre: Given that they possess no true limbs, there is no true mouth from which a Hollow might traditionally fire a Cero. Instead, Kasmos can use any opening in their body to launch a Cero from, whether it is natural or made by injuries sustained in combat. In particular, they can choose to expel multiple simultaneous Cero from different locations at once, though this takes a few moments to build up during which time purple energy gathers at all such firing points before being emitted as a swarm of lasers that shoot outwards from Kasmos in several directions at once.

A Thousand Faces and One: There is, quite simply, no end to Kasmos' burning desire to turn anyone and anything that crosses their path into another mask for their collection. It is their greatest motivating element, and it is their primary ability. By making physical contact with another being, they can tear away the tiniest portion of their soul and create their mask. This process takes a post to complete and imposes no tangible negative effects upon the victim, but once Kasmos has someone's mask then he can choose to summon it to him and wear it. Wearing one of these masks will then allow Kasmos to assume something close to their physical appearance, though it is clearly a warped and twisted version of it.

The danger to this ability, beyond providing Kasmos with a frightening visage, is what happens after a being whose mask has been claimed expires. Where a soul might normally fall into the cycle, it is instead claimed by the horde of Kasmos and becomes but another mask in their collection. Trapped until either Kasmos expires or their specific mask is entirely destroyed.

Hollow Nucleus

The form that Kasmos usually wears is in truth only a fragment of their actual self. Though they are able to switch names and faces with any of the thousand souls and more, it is only when their mask is broken that this true power is realised. Whether by their own hand or another's, there is an explosion of energy around them as Kasmos expands and takes on this new form. Transformed now into a gigantic mass of masks that layer over and over each other into a vast serpentine monster much more comparable in size to many of the other monsters that dwell within Alhireth, Kasmos' true nature is revealed as a creature of destruction and hunger.

[Arc] Kasmos the Masked One Q7esMJq

○ Power Overwhelming: Kasmos' physical stats are altered quite drastically, some speed being sacrificed in favour of vastly improved strength and durability, as indicated by those in parentheses on their skill sheet. Additionally, they are now capable of using the full boost in power granted by their Evolution Stage and are no longer confined to only half of it.

○ Faceless: Kasmos can perceive through any of the countless masks that make up their body, though not through all of them at the same time. They still possess a keen sense of perception, heightened to an impressive degree if given the time to take stock and assess their surroundings, making stealth a challenge that only the most gifted will be able to accomplish. In addition, though Kasmos is not capable of redirecting a Cero as many masters of the craft can, they can choose to release one from any mask of their choosing and even several dozen at once to create powerful blasts capable of wrecking anything in the nearby area akin to a broadside volley of a battleship.

○ One Mask to Rule Them All: Never upon the surface, buried deep within this monstrous being, Kasmos' true mask hides itself away from sight. Unlike all the other masks, which are both durable and regenerative to an inordinate degree, this mask is as fragile as the weakest of Hollows. It is shielded and protected by every tool at Kasmos' disposal, and no harm will easily befall it, but if this mask is destroyed then the others will all crumble to dust and be destroyed in turn. This will cause a cataclysmic chain reaction that will destroy his being utterly and finally.


General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner (Advanced)
  • General Speed: Advanced (Adept)
  • Strength: Adept (Elite)
  • Martial Skill: Adept

Racial Skill Sheet
  • Evolution Stage: Advanced
  • Hollow Power: Adept
  • Mask Protection: Master
  • Cero: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Untrained
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

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