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Sun May 19, 2024 9:06 am
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

“Glad to hear”, Tento said with an enthusiastic smile growing on his face. If he was a betting man, he would have thought that Yuuki was maybe a little itty bitty happy about his choice of action. Watching Yuuji get into their stance, he was not sure what he was looking at. It felt similar to one of the forms of martial arts that he studied when he was alive but…different still.

“Alright then…”. Old gears began to crank again as they were dusted off. Tento's body lowered itself in a familiar stance out of practice. His legs were held apart, left foot placed in front of his toros, bent slightly and loose, while his right foot was placed backwards on a strong foundation like an anchor. A bit short of shoulder length apart, hips forward and slightly deep. A feeling of something off hand Tento adjusted his footing in a few seconds making the distance between them his shoulder length. He took a light breath as he let his muscles get comfortable. Steady, firm. His arms were raised, hands open but ready to flow into forms, embodying the pathed balance between defense and attack. His right hand held back to his core while his left moved as a barrier in between the space of himself and Yuuki

His gaze was fixed on Yuuki, eyes sharp with focus. Every muscle in his body was tensed, yet he exuded a sense of calmness, a warrior in meditation. Then suddenly, he striked! With a forward shuffle of his feet he approached, letting his left hand shoot out in a light knuckle facing strike to the chest before quickly following up with two flicker jabs to the head.

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Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:24 pm

Tentō was faster than Yuuki anticipated. They kind-of expected a waiting game when he didn't immediately go for a strike. But it wasn't much of a waiting game—at least compared to Fūsha-no-Kasei's training. Yuuki once stood ready to counter one of the old fart's strikes for two hours. Tentō was no Kasei, but he wasn't bad. There was definitely room for improvement.

Yuuki turned to avoid the first strike. It was close enough to force a different strategy when defending against the face jabs. Yuuki raised their outstretched arm to take the blows. The defense was barely fast enough, and Yuuki felt like there'd be bruising there later. A quick backstep put some distance between the two. Tentō had a few advantages on Yuuki, and they were beginning to realize them. The first was reach. The guy was tree-sized, and his limbs (ha, get it?) were far longer than Yuuki's own. The second was a well-toned body. The speed in which Tentō struck out was faster, and the strength behind his blows was greater. Physically, Tentō outclassed Yuuki. And worse yet, he wasn't too far behind them in Hakuda and general hand-to-hand skills.

"Hey, good work on not trying to goad me into striking first. Sometimes, you need to bait the first strike, but more importantly, you knew when to stop that tactic." Yuuki repeated the same stance as before. "But now, it's my turn." They dashed forward. The stance was a fake-out. It made one think Yuuki was going to strike with the hand. Instead, Yuuki's forward movement was interrupted by a forward cartwheel-like flip leading into a single-armed handstand. The acrobatic maneuver was followed with a series of kicks towards Tentō's upper body. And with the momentum fading, Yuuki propelled themselves upwards using their left hand which had remained tightly clenched against their body. This sent Yuuki behind Tentō, where they would resume the same stance—this time with a bit more of a smirk on their face.


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Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:38 pm
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

It was good to get back into just throwing hands. As much as Tento felt a strange connection to the blade, the old love of martial arts would always stay true to his heart. After the… Rio situation. Tento kept up doing hand to hand spars just, not as often. Annnnnd not with females…much. Now Yuuki was honestly an unknown one yet that helped him focus. As good looking as Yuuki looked, Tento could not tell if they were male or female by appearance. But when you had a wise fighter before you, a person like Tento had little reason to be distracted by the smaller pleasures of life.

As a symbol of a titan of physicality, Tento noted the advantages he had from their first clash. Yuuki was by all means faster than the average Shinigami. No one in the 4th was just an average Shinigami though. It took nothing away from Yuuki though, their work and dedication was easy to tell by their majestic combat style. THe body was one thing, the mind, and one skill was a whole other matter. Well, there was no point in trying to bait Yuuki out. Yuuki would not take the bait, and it would only let him play into their hands. It would be better in Tento's eyes if he applied pressure first given he was being the student in this case. If he was lucky at least. “Thanks, and good job bracing for impact. That's good reflexes and solid technique”, Tento said in compliment as he two fell back into his stance. With a shift of foot and movement from Yuuki their spar would continue. Tento’s eyes watched his form a bit too close in his approach, expecting his hands to be the leading force before finding a quick cartwheel flip that made Tento give a retreating back step expecting a kick to come.

Oh did a kick come. And another and another, a plenitude of kicks that landed at Tento’s upper back. The first landing at his upper body unguarded due to surprise before a quick defense of swinging arm guards came to swipe away Yuuki’s follow up kicks. With Yuuki’s propulsion into the air, Tento quickly shifted his weight to toss a back kick careening towards Yuuki before immediately spinning on his toes, sending a spinning back fist out to meet Yuuki’s landing. "Alright! Show me your spirit!!".

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Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:20 pm

Yuuki wasn't expecting the back kick. Their arms shot up as quick as a hummingbird to block. There'd definitely be bruising tomorrow, if not today. Yuuki didn't have time to react as a second strike sent them careening towards the ground. Yuuki rolled once then regained their footing. Blood trickled from a small cut on their face. "You're big, but you're not a horse." Yuuki resumed their stance.

Was their smile of frustration or of joy? Was this bloodlust? Was this hubris? At the moment, Yuuki didn't care. Spirit? Oh, you'd get their spirit alright. "Unless you're looking for someone to ride you, in which case..." Yuuki wiped the blood away and took in a deep breath. "Lemme break you for them first!" Yuuki decided... Well, that's not right. It's not like Yuuki had a great plan that revolved around breaking down each move and theorizing as to what Tentō would do next. Nah, it'd be instinct plain and simple.

Yuuki charged in using a series of high leaps, each one a different height in order to confuse Tentō;s defenses. With the last hop being relatively close to him, Yuuki ducked in and sprang up as close to Tentō as they could. High and and low jabs exploded from their small frame, each one releasing a rush of Reiryoku at the precise end of the strike. Each strike was a miniature concussion grenade that was designed to break objects stronger than the user. With each audible "pop," one might think that a high-caliber automatic rifle was being fired. Dodge, block, or get hit—Yuuki didn't care and neither did this technique. And this technique had a name:

仙客軫拳, 搠爆 八十一號:迅雷軹
Senkaku Shin Ken, Sakubaku Hachi-jū-ichi-gō: Jinraiki
Crane Chariot Fist, Erupting Thrust Number 81: Divergent Thunderclap


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Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:33 am
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Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

With a huff Tento moved, posed. Every muscle in his body coiled like a spring before with a sudden burst of energy, he slid forward launching into the air, his body twisting gracefully before reaching the apex of their short jump, his leg arched high above his head. With a fluid motion and precision in a split second time seemed to stand still as suspended in mid air Tento’s leg flung in a perfect crescent gleam slashing down with the force of a falling guillotine his heel crashing down into the earth. The impact was devastating, a thunderous crack echoing through the space as their heel missed by a hair with Yuuki’s shoulder as they rolled away. The sheer power of the kick sent shockwaves through the air. The ground beneath them shattered, a spiderweb of cracks radiating outwards from the point of contact. Chunks of earth and stone exploded into the air, the sheer power of the kick sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

Although he had missed, Tento stood forward. Their eyes locked onto Yuuki with a fierce determination. His kicking foot lifted up in a bent knee fashion from the ground as shreds of dirt and dust trickled down from his leg. Poised from and ready for more. Yuuki was doing quite well blocking Tento’s counters. But it was clear to him that he was having an effect on his comrade. They were weighing them down bit by bit but their spirit was not wavering. If anything it was being bolstered. The flame growing made an encouraging smile form on Tento’s lips, quite satisfied at Yuuki’s banter.

“Oh dang, Im not dependable yet?”, Tento said in a jokeful comment back to Yuuki’s words. They were staying quite calm even though they were beginning to bleed a little, not many people could do so in such a case. But that was the type of spirit that was required of a member of the 4th division! “[color=#33ccff]I do like a good ride but I am not actually looking for that today”, /color]Tento said letting his foot fall as he took a short breath. His foundation solidifying as he waited for Yuuki to move. At a certain point all that flash was pointless. It was stylish yes but it took time, and with each leap Yuuki took toward in their charge Tento meet their approach. Charging in a walk, joggin, and finally a run gaining speed with each leap Yuuki too before finally vanishing in a flash step to clash with Yuuki head on. If they were going to jump over him again they were going to quickly see it was not going to be such an easy endeavor.

However with the close proximity that they ended at, Tento quickly found that Yuuki had a different set of moves this time. The landing of their hop well within his inner range Yuuki lowered their weight to duck in before jumping right into Tento’s frame. With a few POP POP POP the first few blows landed squarely on his frame from a multitude of angles. The explosive energy released from their attacks that shook Tento’s body. Now he FELT that, and Tento go a wider grin on his lips. Meeting the brutal force with his own, Tento let loose a right jab that he was sure slipped by Yuuki’s head. But that was quite fine with him, he just kept going. Throwing out in a dance with Yuuki as they engaged in closed hand to hand combat, Tento’s arms coming up to block the intended paths of follow up strikes of Yuuki’s techniques while slipping out a number of palm strikes and chops. A lead chop from the left that was just a feint for his real attack, a swift strike with his middle thumb led out to be an indenter, his left following up with a swift chop aimed to the neck. A side fist followed like it was pulled by a string, blasting from Tento’s core to the side of shoulder. With a sudden burst of speed Tento would then step forward, extending his index and middle finger forward in a stab, his reiryoku overflowing at their focal point to burst out a shot of his spiritual energy of his own. It was not as refined as Yuuki’s attack, but Tento’s Tsukiyubi was nothing to snuff at either! It held the power of a concentrated bomb that if it managed to make contact with an opponent, it could send them flying for several meters.

Light in the Dark | End Post

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