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[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Empty [Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina

Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:03 pm


The Arrancar Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Veralia Espina
» Titles: Emerald Inferno, Envy's Ember
» Age: 200
» Gender: Female
» Sexual Orientation: Undecided.
» Association: No one but herself at the moment.

Physical Appearance Image:

[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Bdquseq

» Physical Appearance Description: Veralia has long raven hair and blood-red eyes. She is 5'2 and weighs around 117 pounds, giving her a slim figure for her body type. For this reason, she is often seen in baggy or loose-fitting clothing, making her feel comfortable and at ease.

» Estigma: Her estigma can be seen at the top of her head as two small gold horns from her previous hollow mask.

» Hollow Hole: Spine
» Aspect of Death: Envy

I. Personality Traits

Veralia's Psyche

The woman's heart loathes and envies anyone who has more than her, whether it's relationships/love, academics, creativity, power, or anything else that has more than herself that she desires. Still, one cannot expect to live through this life, attacking everyone and anything that she envies.

With so much envy within herself, Veralia hides her heart better than in her early years as an angry, vicious hollow that was out for blood. And because of this masking, she can come off as polite, relaxed, nonchalant, and someone who can have a decent conversation without boiling down into a blinding rage.

Her psyche allows the hate and contempt she feels to fuel her efforts to push herself to train, learn, and push herself in the world, even if she recognizes the deep-seated envy that mars her soul. It seems to be a coping mechanism to deal with the weight of her heart and thoughts, but she isn't above more negative activities such as drinking or ingesting drugs if it helps her.

Deep down, there is almost a sense of guilt as not everyone deserves her scorn, so she tries to self-contain her rage. Since it seems, above all else, she just plain hates herself for being such a competitive, possessive, and envious being. This rift in herself makes it hard for her to feel an attachment to others, and Veralia feels in her heart of hearts that she pushes people away as a result of this self-hatred. It's something she wants to fix, but it may take time.

Thus, to her, these insecurities, vulnerabilities, and layers of turbulent thoughts must be made up for in some way or another. So, it's fuel to the fire to survive, thrive, and figure out what even to make her life anymore and if even seeking out other people can help mend the barren wasteland of her spirit. She refuses to live this life in vain.

Bonus info: Despite being a spirit of envy, Verallia doesn't consider herself a jealous person. While it is easy for her to desire things that another person has, she rarely feels threatened by a third party, potentially making her lose her position, situation, possessions, or relationships.

I. Character History

Hollow Life

Veralia does not recall much of her human life. It's a haze that feels like a drunken dream to her as she only remembers fragments of a woman who worked her entire life in pursuit of getting out of her lower-middle-class standing only to fail by being killed in some needless war. Never feeling enough as a person at the time of her demise, this sensation of deep resentment and envy bled into the creature of Veralia.

All Veralia recalls is waking up one day in Hueco Mundo as a slim, elongated, hollow figure. Her once-human features were now distorted, with her hollow mask taking on a sinister appearance, adorned with golden, curved horns that extended upwards, signifying her deep-rooted envy. Eyes devoid of any sense of warmth, they were instead filled with emerald and crimson fire that pierced through the darkness of hueco mundo.

Filled with contempt, hurt, confusion, and a desire to lash out at whatever soul deserved it. She wandered through the world; her early days as a hollow were spent killing the beautiful, those who had wealth, those who were creative, and any skill or attribute that she envied. Yet, even this wasn't enough. There was always someone leagues stronger, more influential, more skilled, and overall better than her in every way and beat her into place any time her primal self tried to assert some sense of dominance for her own gains.

Years went on this way as hueco mundo can be a place filled with conflict and the animalistic instinct to survive, but it did not bring her much pleasure. There was always this feeling that it wasn't enough and she needed more. The lack of intimacy, power, understanding, or even any aspect of her humanity blinded her to such a hellish sense of rage. So, she envied the strong at this time and just wanted power to assert her anger. Constant battles against other hollows almost served as a reprieve from the hell of confronting her corrupted soul.

Being beaten, broken, and standing back up again, the only instinct she had was to keep getting up and falling deeper into her rage. It was a world of monsters, and she wasn't any different, so she learned to rely on that contempt she had for everything. She wanted more; she felt she deserved more, and that sense of her own isolated thoughts on loop drove her always to come back. Despite the turbulence in her mind, Veralia used it as a burning will to claw her way from her weakness over time. There was no other way to exist as a hollow: it was kill or be killed.

With this understanding cemented in her soul, soon, losses turned to victories as she got used to her body, figured out how her powers worked, and got a feel for the world around her. Sinking deeper into her element of envy, this burning feeling guided her to devour prey after prey in this feral state of being. The closer she got to this fire that existed within her soul, the more potent her abilities and skills got as her mind started to grow and become further aware of its capabilities.

Her acidic touch could melt people straight to the bone with a burning flare, her ceroes were devoured in gem green flames that scorched the earth, and her powers of envy started to develop to protect her as she felt different than the mindless hordes of hollow around her in the wild. Many hollows were beastly, attacking without thought, but Veralia knew she needed to be different.

Veralia was learning from her encounters, recalling her near brushes with death and harsh defeats. Knowing that speed was important to combat and living to either get the first strike or escape death, she attached her instincts to seek speed and become like a panther that used absolute strength and speed to find prey, feed, and move to the next hunt.

As time went on, these battles were a means to seek reprieve from the spite of her soul, to find her way out of this mindless haze, and eventually rip her way toward ascension. It all came to a head one way when her mask started to burn as if her own flames dared to melt her spirit and body to ash. It was as if her entire being was screaming out to be freed from this hell, and it did not take her long to break that mask open and regress into a humanoid form as she lay in a circle of emerald fire with her Zanpakutō at her side.

Arrancar Life

Following her becoming an Arrancar, the entire body of Veralia burned with a restless, scorching sting. She had reached the status of becoming an Arrancar, but it seemed her power engulfed her entire being. Her chest always ached with deep pain, her mind buzzed with intense anger, and it was as if every breath she took was filled with fire. Veralia believed her own contempt, envy, and desire were tearing her apart from the inside out.

Yet, despite that, there was another voice in her head that saw potential within herself. That through the flames of her own corrupted soul, there lay a power to take what she envied as she did as a hollow and failed to do as a human. To sit with it, accept it, and allow that envy to guide her as a power took meditation, practice, and strength, but she saw the focus to go through that fire. In doing so, it was as if whispers from beyond were echoing into her mind as she continued to push herself through the endless sands of Hueco Mundo, fighting whoever to take her envy out through combat.

It didn't matter if she lost, won, or drew; every strike of her blade, hit of her fist, or release of her flame gave her more experience and an outlet to take the restlessness of endless envy out on the world around her. With her intellect having improved after making the jump from being hollow, she had the meditative techniques needed to steer her power in the way she wanted rather than the other way around.

As the years continued to spiral on, her body felt this burning pain numb and become background noise as it adjusted to this constant state of boiling envy. Veralia felt as if she had become a walking castle of endless fire, yet it still wasn't enough for her. She always saw people with more than herself. Looking at the Arrancar, who found greater strength, riches, followers, status, and even relationships or love, drew her blood to always boil. Would she ever be enough? Could she ever reach a point of being happy? It was hard to tell, but she knew she needed to keep developing herself in more than combat to find that out.

It is during these years she learned to mask her contempt, try to blend in more with society, engage with others, and start to gain a sense of control over herself. Arrancars and hollow valued strength, so it was terribly too hard to find creatures weaker than herself to begin forming a small tribe of a handful of followers around. She couldn't be a loner forever, so it was through this experience that she started to learn to engage better with others.

At first, she would begin to slaughter and kill those who tried to get one over on herself, pissed her off, or she believed to have wronged her (whether she was right or wrong), but that wasn't sustainable, and she knew she needed to quell her contempt further. And so, through her meditation, she learned to detach from that fury further to function better. All of that contempt could still exist in her soul, but if she were to get what she wanted, she needed to cultivate her emotional and social awareness further.

So, from her small tribe of followers, she started to learn to invest in others, socialize, provide guidance, and even form some sense of self-worth. Yet, even in these interactions, she could still feel envy. Seeing them in love with others, having more positive life experiences, and not having as much pain in their heart as she made the woman feel so disconnected still. It wasn't their fault, but she knew it had to do with herself and stopped taking it out on them.

Even after all this time, that envious hate still lay within her, but it could NOT be the only thing to exist in her thoughts and heart. It was like fuel meant to serve her to pursue a life better than the one she clawed and fought herself out of. She deeply desired power above all else in her early years, but now, where she stands, she needs something more, and she isn't sure how to attain that.

Hence, she stands in the present; She is looking for something, someone, or any sign to help with that. Veralia, as of now, exists as a woman, always wanting more, blind to even the strengths she does possess in her endless pursuit for the next thing to satisfy her and fill that endless fiery void within herself.

I. Natural Abilities & Skills

Natural Skills

Elemental Resistance And Weakness: Veralia's Zanpukato grants her high resistance to extreme heat and fire. However, his advantage inversely makes her notably susceptible to ice-based attacks and extreme cold.

High Pain Tolerance: Even if her body feels every cut from battle, Veralia's potent willpower and combat experience allow her to endure and push through injuries that might incapacitate and exhaust others.

Blazing Speed: Veralia considers her speed to be one of her greatest attributes, and that is why she prefers to keep her lightweight so she can jolt throughout the battlefield on a whim. She is capable of evading fast-moving projectiles, can make movements on a whim without much strain, and has high stamina to not tire her body out while performing feats of great speed and control. Below are some of the ways she has cultivated this skill into techniques.

  • Spiteful Boom: Veralia's pinpoint focus allows for supersonic strikes that result in stunning sonic booms, leaving opponents stunned in a state of disorientation. She can deliver at max four sonic strikes per post, but she typically only does one as the more limbs she uses, the longer the cooldown needs to be. So, if she uses one per post, she can have a one-post cooldown before being able to use it again.

  • Begruding Gale: Generating a gust of wind with her swift movements, she can use this force to deflect incoming projectiles or unbalance her enemies. This makes her speed a useful tool for both offense and defense. Generally, she limits usage to one or two wind cutter dashs per post.

  • Envious Gust: Her advanced ability to change direction mid-air and on the ground allows her to evade attacks even in close quarters. In some situations, this can lead to the opponent striking at the air due to her precise and rapid movements.

Endurance: The constant battles from her hollow and Arrancar years have built up her physical endurance to a great deal, even without her hierro. Adding in the strain of her powers, it's reasonable to assume she has a great deal of endurance. She can sustain prolonged periods of combat, physical strain, and considerable damage before succumbing to fatigue or injury.

Hand-To-Hand: Veralia has some discipline in her hand-to-hand movements. This means her hands and feet can be made into weapons themselves if she is ever in an unarmed situation. Her precision, control and general strength make them reliable ways to combat opponents and keep up. Furthermore, the speed and spiritual energy she possesses certainly give her an edge. These instincts have been hammered into her after consistent fighting she's found herself immersed in after becoming an Arrancar.

  • Resentful Riposte: By making use of her enhanced agility, Veralia can step out of an attack's path and swiftly counter, targeting areas like the neck or ribs that she's learned are more susceptible to damage.

  • Desirous Blitz: This is a forward-based attack. With her fists alone, she uses Desirous Blitz to overwhelm her opponent with a barrage of strikes, each one a manifestation of her insatiable desire to dominate as she combines her strength and speed in this dangerous combo technique.

  • Envy's Strike: There is a focused strike that Veralia can perform from any limb. Before using this technique, her limbs reflect an emerald green color in response to its activation. When ready to use this technique, she targets a specific point on her opponent's body, such as pressure points/joints/organs, and aims to disable or inflict maximum pain. She takes her physical strength, speed, and energy in order to produce these strikes.

  • Coveting Palms: Veralia moves forward at a high rate of speed, holds her palm, and attempts to cover the opponent's face or neck in it. Once she has gotten hold of it, she tries to use her own force, energy, and speed to slam the opponent either into the earth or nearby objects. The result is meant to cause disorientation to their head, disburse a great amount of force in their body to cause internal damage and overwhelm them with speed and strength.

    Fury Of Envy: Using her hands or feet, Veralia can punch or kick the air in order to release a destructive straight line of energy meant to destroy a half city block or so. This takes the collective strength, kinetic energy, and even her spiritual energy (if she wishes to layer it to make it more potent) and releases it in a destructive technique.

  • Envy's Embrace: In close-quarters combat, Veralia can make use of this grappling technique in order to grip the opponent's body and try to neutralize their movement. She tries to overwhelm them with her speed, transfers the kinetic energy into strength, and amplifies it with her energy as her arms will radiate a gem-green glow when this grappling technique is active.

Agile Mindset: Battle constantly changes like the weather around you. Keeping this thought in mind, Veralia prefers to be flexible when in dangerous situations. She knows how fiery her soul can be, and there is a sense of detachment that comes as through her experience, there will always be curveballs, unexpected truths, and moments where you have just plain to run away and suck up your pride. Getting too attached to an outcome of battle is a surefire way to meet death.

So, because of this, she is always measuring up the situation and thinking of whatever way she can tip the scales to have a favorable outcome. Whether it's through force, manipulation, using her environment, escaping, or whatever else have you. All that matters to her in combat is either meeting her objective or living to see another day if that objective cannot be met.

I. Arrancar Attributes

Aumentar: Veralia values strength above else, so she found herself willing to take the risk of losing her regeneration in pursuit of being a damning inferno of blazing strength to keep giving her the ability to take that which she envies.

Garganta Llameante (Flaming Garganta): Veralia has a unique method of traversing between the dimensions. When her Garganta is activated, a vortex of intense emerald flames appears and rips open the space between worlds. This can burn and melt other beings/objects if she isn't careful to take full control of it and is typically used for escape in combat.

Cero Inferno Envidioso (Envious Inferno Cero): Envious Inferno Cero is a devasting blast of emerald energy that Veralia can shoot out at opponents. It takes all the wrath associated with her deep-rooted envy and that anger and contempt that is attached to her soul. When unleashed on the area, it will burn intensely and begin to melt and vaporize objects and beings around it if nothing is done about it. This cero is not just a mere energy blast to Veralia, but a physical outburst and cry to the universe itself as a manifestation of her deep-seated envy and wrathful desire to burn away everything that stands in her path.

Bala Estrella Envidiosa (Envious Star Bullet): Much like her cero, her bala's are emerald in color and look almost like balls of fire. These are much weaker and are shot off like bullets at an opponent to overwhelm them with numbers rather than raw offense.

Sonido Rastro Envidioso (Envious Trail Sonido): The Envious Trail is a special soindo that taps into her intense envy and fiery nature. When she activates Envious Trail, Veralia can move at incredible speeds as she has instinctively attached herself to this concept of swift movement from her days as a hollow. But, the special part of this soindo is that she can leave emerald fire trails in its wake if she chooses. This makes it harder to follow her and can catch opponents off guard if she is quick enough. This makes The Envious Trail not just a movement technique but another expression of her internalized wrath that comes from her deep sense of envy and contempt.

The primary drawback with this, however, is that she needs to be aware of her surroundings when using it. The fiery trail can potentially cause excess collateral damage or potentially harm allies if she isn't careful. Additionally, if she runs out of energy, then this aspect of her soindo becomes nullified. And if she is under physical strain, the fiery aspect of her soindo can't be activated.

  • Envious Sever: Veralia can use Envious Sever to leverage her soindo's speed in order to make herself cut through objects and attack through the immense kinetic energy that is produced from her movements. She will glow a fiery gem green around her body and try to make herself into a weapon.

  • Covetous Propulsion: Veralia can take debris, rubble, and other small objects on the battlefield and use her rapid movement to turn them into destructive projectiles. By applying her rapid movements from soindo, she can hurl something like a rock in order to try and pierce through an opponent to turn the object into a bullet of sorts.

  • Inferno Gaze: With the assistance of Sonido, Veralia's reflexes become heightened to a remarkable level, granting her the ability to perceive and react to any dangers instantaneously. From this, she is readily given the opportunity to evade unwanted assaults while executing incredibly precise counter-attacks mid-combat.

  • Envy's Eruption: This is a special soindo technique where Veralia will rapidly move throughout the battlefield and gain a high amount of kinetic energy. Once enough has been gathered, she will create up to four after images which can self-destruct and cause explosions around her.

  • Covetous Waltz: Veralia's speed is potent enough to create a protective aura around herself that emits an emerald glow when this technique is active. This defensive technique enhances her speed and deflects minor attacks (projectiles/energy attacks/some physical attacks etc), turning her swift movements into a sanctuary against harm until she stops moving.

  • Covetous Echoes: Veralia leaves after images in her wake due to her exceptional speed. These afterimages can confuse opponents, making it difficult to discern her actual location. This is not just a passive effect; she actively controls the afterimages to create complex patterns of movement.

Hierro Ardiente (Ardent Iron): This is not considered a passive ability, and it can be considered a weakness as it's possible someone may attack her while her guard is down. However, in exchange for that, when Veralia identifies a threat or situation where she needs her Hierro, she can activate it on a whim.

Effectively, Hierro Ardiente manifests Veralia's fiery envy, infusing her Hierro with the intense heat of her emotions. Her skin has a subtle, fiery glow to it as the air around her body shimmers when it's activated. As the crux of this hierro serves as a thick layer of burning defense. If the opponent does not take the proper precautions when engaging in combat with Veralia, they can burn or melt different objects or body parts due to the extreme heat that radiates from her body.

This ability not only serves as a formidable defense but also turns Veralia's very being into a weapon. The heat she generates is a direct reflection of her envious wrath, making every close combat encounter a perilous situation for her enemies. In exchange for that, however, Veralia can overheat and risk pushing herself physically too far due to the immense strain that her body would be placed under if she isn't carefully regulating herself. Additionally, there is an environmental factor to consider if she alters the battlefield in unforeseen ways, so she isn't quick to use this hierro all the time because of that.

So, in combat, Veralia may turn this ability off and on to cool off and keep herself from burning out.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Deseo Ardiente (Burning Desire)

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Veralia's Zanpakutō is abnormal. Instead of it being a traditional sword, it is a blade of pure fire-forged from her energy. Typically, if not in combat, she can reduce the size of it to a small ember that is hidden in her baggy clothes. When the time comes for it to fight, she will summon her Zanpakutō, and it will form into an average-length katana. And, when her energy is diminished, it will revert back to a traditional blade.

Sealed Zanpakutō Power

Llamarada de Envidia (Flare of Envy): There is always an undercurrent of contempt, anger, and frustration that exists in Veralia's envious soul. Her Zanpakutō reflects that, and The Flare Of Envy is something that can be generated from the energy which comes from her Zanpakutō. Through her Zanpakutō, Veralia is capable of producing streaks of emerald or crimson fire from her blade. These can burn through attacks, living beings, and objects.

Additionally, if envy is present in the soul of a person she hits, then it is possible for the flames to become more potent and gain a 15% boost in attack power. The fire can feed on those negative aspects of a person, induce more damage, and potentially cause mental pain (this has to be at the players permission), which can be disorientating.

The mental disorientation (if the player accepts) manifests as a sense of overwhelming envy and confusion, making it difficult for the opponent to focus or think clearly. They might experience intrusive thoughts, questioning the worthiness of their abilities or possessions.

The mental aspect of itself, however, can be fought off if the opponent has a stronger will than Veralia. This disorientation only lasts for two posts and has a cooldown of three posts before it can be effective again.

Antorcha de Envidia (Torch of Envy): This is another sealed ability that pertains to the fury envy that lay within her soul. Effectively, Veralia can summon her energy to generate an aura of extreme heat that can melt and burn through objects. The range is roughly half a city block, but she typically contains around a 360 sphere that shapes around her body to either take the edge off of attacks, shield herself, or surprise opponents by attacking them with this extreme burst of heat.

Prolonged use of this ability (more than two post in a row) could lead to Veralia's overheating, potentially causing her physical strain or temporary incapacitation. The longer she sustains the aura, the more her energy reserves are depleted, and she risks experiencing symptoms of extreme fatigue and dizziness, which can make it harder to fight.

To lower these risks, Veralia turns the aura on and off, giving herself brief moments of recovery to prevent overstraining herself. This means if she uses it for one post? She'll need a one-post cooldown before it's safe to use. If she uses it two times in a row? Then she'll need a two-post cooldown before it can be used SAFELY again. So, she has learned not to overuse it and proceed with caution.

I. Resurrección

» Resurrección Release Phrase: "Erupt and roar, Deseo Ardiente"

» Resurrección Release Action: Veralia will center her Zanpakutō and visualize the thoughts of her burning envy and desire. Holding her blade to the ground, she offers it as a means of submission. To her, it is Veralia offering up her soul and acting as a connection to the core of her power. After saying her release phrase, everything else will kick into effect. This will begin her Resurrección.

» Resurrección Appearance: When Veralia releases her Resurrección, her appearance changes to reflect the themes of envy and desire. She gains a green, flame-like aura around her body, and her eyes glow with an intense light, which signifies its activation and release.

Resurrección Abilities:

Cadenas de Deseo (Chains of Desire): With Chains of Desire, Veralia can produce a dozen fiery chains that extend for half a city block in length. These chains are meant to constrict and wrap around the opponent, burning and constricting them in the process. If the opponent manages to make her feel envious of them, then the chain can have a boost of 10% in its attack power as it grows hotter and constricts more tightly around the opponent. This makes it a technique that is meant to induce damage and paralyze if it is not dodged, sealed, or destroyed.

Aura de Envidia (Aura of Envy): There is a deep desire within Veralia to take that which is not hers if she envies it. Considering this, she can send three emerald fire rods the size of baseball bats at an opponent or target(s). While it may explode and cause damage to the opponent and the area around them, the intent is to attach the particles of her energy to the opponent's body and try to drain them of power.

This attack is then used to drain some of the opponent's attack output by 5-10% and increase her attack output by 5-10%, depending on its effectiveness. As far as her body is concerned with absorption, these have a limit of reaching 25% per thread before her body cannot process anymore. And the absorption part of this technique, once it reaches 25%, cannot be used again for the thread. This means that if she drains the energy she stole, she cannot activate it again and try to keep herself forever in battle.

Additionally, she can only do this move once every three posts, and she cannot stack this with any other attack. Meaning she has to give it her focus during the time she activates this ability of her Zanpakutō. Additionally, it has to make a direct hit somewhere on their body, or the drainage ability will not work.

Nombre - Barrera de Envidia (Barrier of Envy): Barrier of Envy is powered by Veralia's own Zanpakutō and is shown by having a square emerald fire surround her and cover her. It extends to the size of a house and tries to block out attacks from entering it.

However, the special part of it is that it feeds off her own envy if she feels particularly envious of a person's ability in combat. This will increase its defensive potency by around 10% to make it harder to penetrate and overpower it as its capacity to absorb damage will improve. But, she cannot attack while within it. This is purely a defensive measure to ride out attacks, spells, etc.

Sombra Envidiosa (Envious Shadow): This is a powerful attack where she can launch a black flame at an opponent or object. If successful, it will cast a burning shadow that seeks out the possessions or abilities of others that Verallia wishes to covet. If this black flame makes direct contact, the affected person or object may temporarily lose its value or power, making it seem less desirable and diminishing its effectiveness.(I.E. if she grew envious of a person's raw physical strength, she could try to seal it temporarily and so on and so forth.)

The drawbacks of this power are intense, however. It can potentially be thrown back at her if she isn't careful and doesn't make a decisive hit with this attack. This can cause heavy damage and drain her of power/energy and make it harder to use her power in the fight. Additionally, it has a limited duration of effect. It will be in effect for two posts. Furthermore, she needs to be intent and visualize what it is she wants to covet, and that takes both focus and energy to perform.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills

» Durability: Adept
» Speed: Advanced
» Strength: Adept
» Martial Skill: Beginner

Will Skills

» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Adept

Arrancar Skills

» Cero: Adept
» Nucleo: Advanced
» Aumentar: Adept
» Sonido: Advanced

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample: N/A


Last edited by THEFROST on Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:48 am; edited 14 times in total

[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina

Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:28 pm
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[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina

Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:38 pm
[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina PmvLDlL

Finished and ready for review.

[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina

Fri Nov 03, 2023 11:29 am
Initial Check:

Second Check:

Third Check:



Last edited by Lillian on Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:20 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina

Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:38 am
Llamarada de Envidia (Flare of Envy): I put player permission for the mental effects and quantified how much of a potency boost the attack would get. (15%)

Antorcha de Envidia (Torch of Envy):
The 360-degree range was her body, but I edited some of the text anyway. I also stated prolonged use of two posts can cause issues to occur. I stated that if she uses it two posts in a row, then the cooldown has to be two cool posts in a row before it's safe to use it again.

Resurrección Abilities: Thanks for that! It was a subconscious thing I was doing when writing it. I wanted to keep it tied in with her theme and relate to it. So, I edited Chains of Desire's potency boost to work from Veralia's point of view and limited the attack potency boost to 10% if the opponent makes her envious of them.

Additionally, I removed the bit about her draining them of envy and working off the opponent's envy with Aura of Envy and made it more related to her coveting that which she desires.

And I reworked her Barrier of Envy to work on her own will/envy and boost it by 10%.

The only thing I didn't change was Envious Shadow since I didn't think it needed changes based on your feedback. However, if it needs to be corrected, I'm more than willing to adjust if need be.

[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina WVMWLOu
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Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:11 pm
I expanded on the skills. Let me know if these need fixing or removing.

Speed Skill


Soindo Skill


Martial Skill


[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina

Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:55 pm
Dropped Desirous Descent, Envious Quake and Coveting Rupture.
Moved Covetous Echoes to soindo and edited the rest you asked for.

[Spirit Class 5] Veralia Espina WVMWLOu
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