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Getting To Know Your Co-Workers [Joshua/Lerna] Empty Getting To Know Your Co-Workers [Joshua/Lerna]

Wed Sep 27, 2023 11:48 pm

It seemed the Seireitei was being blessed with a rather pleasant run of perfect afternoons. Warm, bright, and relatively peaceful, it was a stark contrast to the chaos that was taking place in other places in the realms. Many Shinigami had their heads down and were pursuing their duties, other work, recovering, or otherwise worrying away what was this glorious afternoon. Fear not dear reader, for there was one man gallantly making use of this idyllic afternoon in the proper way. Joshua Jehana was snoozing in perfect peace in the sun.

A dozen feet off the ground.

It was one of the many excellent spots Joshua had found in his meanderings about the Division grounds even back before they had properly belonged to the Seventh Division. A small piece of roof behind an inclined sloped roof, likely a result of the surrounding architecture not allowing the more traditional sloped roof to continue and so a flat plane had to be used. This was perfect; it got a good dose of afternoon sun while being partially boxed in to keep out prying eyes. This meant that, as Joshua was so helpfully demonstrating, if one were to lay down they were out of sight of anyone who might have been moving through the walkways below.

For his part, Joshua had not been here long; a half hour tops. He was between assignments, fresh from his own training and not needed for anything else in particular. He expected this would not last much longer though; the situation in Africa was escalating, and soon either he’d be deployed to help cover some other location, or possibly thanks to his new rank into the thick of it. So, in the meantime, he best get to work appreciating this excellent napping weather. He lay reclined on the roof, his hat covering his face and the steady rhythmic breathing signaling to the world his current course of action. His Zanpakutou lay within arms reach; she was not very happy with him.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~
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Thu Sep 28, 2023 4:53 pm
Getting To Know Your Co-Workers [Joshua/Lerna] HEADER_EFPoF0NUUAEq42w

Stillness had never suited Lerna. From her days as a shinigami, to the memories she had of a life before then scrounging in the world of the living, and even further back to her memories of what she had been before she'd been in this form. As far back as she could remember, she never was one to simply settle in one place and do nothing for too long. And so despite her poor run in with her own zanpaku'to spirit, she had decided not to simply sit around while she was recovering. Of course she was delegated to light duty, but she still had every intention of keeping herself as active as she was allowed. And so the blonde walked through the division barracks, trying to ignore what was going on in the training areas as well as trying to keep out of her head what was going on down on earth. For all intents and purposes, she looked to be the picture of health.

After all, her Gigai had been repaied easily enough. It was her root network that had suffered the most damage from her Zanpaku'to spirit. But if nothing else, it made it easy to occlude the details of her injury to her peers. Sure, her superiors were aware, but she at least wouldn't have everyone else fussing over her.

As it were, she was entirely unaware that she had paused directly beneath the sleeping shinigami, and she sighed as she came to a stop, wincing as she took a moment to rest, taking a moment to adjust her roots inside of her gigai, delegating the damaged ones to parts of the body that she didn't need to use as much.

She could only hope it wouldn't be much longer before she was back to her 100%.
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Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:57 am

Now, the only problem with being asleep as far as Joshua had once considered was that it was easier to people to sneak up on you, easier to catch you unawares and fill you full of holes. Since becoming a Shinigami however, and recently especially, he had found a new problem to be concerned about while asleep. It was easier for certain things to speak their mind. His peaceful nap slowly shifted as a dream came upon him; he was familiar with it already. It had been coming and going for the last few years. A dream of a massive snow covered forest that he was familiar with. It was uncharacteristically quiet though, the wind a bare breeze and the song just the quietest thing beyond. Behind and above all of that though, there was a tension in the clearing he’d find himself in. The sense that something was drawing close, like the tension in the air before a storm. She made no appearance here in these dreams, and Joshua was pretty sure he knew why; all that was in the clearing was the mounting sense of tension and dread.

Joshua opened his eyes, moving his hat back to see the sunlight. He hadn’t been out very long at all. Some of the cheer that usually populated his features had drained; he wasn’t slow in the mental department. He had a good feeling on what his Zanpakutou spirit was trying to tell him, what she was mad about. He didn’t know what to do to fix it though, other than the obvious. Which he was less interested in. He sat up, giving a glance down to his blade.

“You just gotta make things difficult don’t y-shit!” he started to say, reaching up to grab the sloped roof so he could use it to help himself up. As he did however the tile he’d grabbed slipped from his grasp, apparently loosened at some point. As his eyes came over the edge to track the tile, he saw someone below.

Joshua vaulted himself forward, reaching out to grasp for the tile before it could hit the person or the ground below. He managed it, and even managed to keep himself from landing face first on the ground by hooking a foot on the lip of the roof above. This did, however, leave him hanging just a foot or so above a pretty blonde woman that Joshua recognized after a moment. In his right hand he held the offending roof tile, in his left he kept his hat from following gravity and falling off his head. He gave Lerna a smile.

“Afternoon Fourth Seat Lerna. Sorry fer uh...droppin’ in, as it were.”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~
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Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:00 pm
Getting To Know Your Co-Workers [Joshua/Lerna] HEADER_EFPoF0NUUAEq42w

The voice gave her a heads up before anything else.

That soft murmur to himself drew Lerna's attention and she was glancing up a fair moment before the man had actually begun to slip. Watching as that tile peeled from the roof and almost came down directly onto her head, barely snared by the young man's and as he himself almost fell completely to the ground were it not for the snag of his foot on the roof.

Her brows raised ever so slightly and she gave the young man a placid stare as he addressed her by her Rank.

She'd have to get used to that.

"Sup Josh. Having a fun time I see." She chimed. Frankly, it was still a bit strange. Having been unseated right up until very recently she was still getting used to the formality thing. "Having yourself a little chill time?" She ventured, reaching up and collecting the tile from the man's grasp so that he could right himself. She'd met the man a few times before, kinda easy to spot him after all with that funky hat of his and his sociable attitude. She didn't mind the guy certainly. "Any particular reason yer up there? Or just practicing your roosting?" She ventured, and if he didn't go righting himself, she'd simply reach up, pluck him from the roof and set him down with that impressive strength of hers.
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Thu Oct 05, 2023 5:10 pm

”Don’t you-” started a voice in Joshua’s head; too late.
“Oh ya know, just hangin’ out,” Joshua answered before he’d even heard the voice, responding to Lerna’s first question; he was pretty sure he heard an exasperated sigh in his head, which he supposed made them even. Lerna was kind enough to reach out and take the tile away from him, freeing up one of his hands. Lerna followed that up by asking just what exactly he was doing up there in the first place, which he supposed was inevitable.
“Fair question, one second,” he said as he reach out with his free hand and pushed off the wall with it, swinging himself out from the wall and giving himself enough space to right himself and land with more grace than the alternative. He took a moment to smooth out his clothes and get his hat more properly sat upon his head.

“Now, truth be told I was using a quiet place up there to recuperate from some training and generally appreciate the idyllic weather we’re having today. Least until I get my next round of orders; with all the excitement down in the World of the Living I’m expecting to get shipped back out sooner or later,” he confided.
“How about you Lerna; what brings you out to this corner of the grounds today? Usually I can hear you coming three walkways over, but you managed ta sneak up on me today.” he question, his tone having shifted to much more casual from his polite greeting. Some of that was just Joshua’s natural inclination, but Lerna had also opted for a much more casual addressing in her greeting so he figured it was fine.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~
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