Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Tue May 21, 2024 4:17 pm

NOTES; - Sekai no Hametsu Uses - 1/2; Tenbatsu Duration: 1 Posts MUSE; - Dancing Mad

Mizu had not only put up a sturdy defense, but moved to counterattack shortly after. Shura's arm quickly wrapped the chain that linked the two axes together around her arm, yanking on the chain in an effort to pull it away from Mizu. However she wasn't quite quick enough, and admittedly... She wasn't entirely sure if she could've broken whatever was wrapped around her blade in time. Whether or not she could however was irrelevant, the threat before her loomed larger than before and her eyes darted around rapidly between each of the reflective walls.

Shura's heart was pounding as time seemed like it slowed, the space she had to dodge was getting smaller, her weapon was partially disabled, and she was rapidly running out of options for retaliation against Mizu... To be expected of a Vice Captain. There was little chance of escaping, and a nonexistent chance of escaping without some kind of injury, this much Shura knew without any doubt. So she stuck her other axe head into the ground as she brought both hands together.

"Hadō no Nanajyusan, Sōren Sōkatsui"

In her own final gambit, her aim was not to stave off the incoming attack.... But rather go for Mizu directly. As the blue torrent of energy roared forward towards Mizu, a cerulean-hued explosion erupted from its source and from it was sent a female form flying backwards before slamming into the wall of the barrier and falling to the ground. Shura however didn't stand back up, though not for a lack of trying. Her entire form was covered in scorch marks from the explosion, and though she attempted to stand, it was clear that her capability to do so was... severely hampered at best.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:50 pm
A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 4 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

It appeared Mizu's intuition was correct, this woman was capable of at least attempting high level Kidō. As the doubled spell Shura sent at her neared, she opted for the most straightforward answer she could, one she believed Shura herself had employed earlier in the battle.

All remaining crystals she was manipulating in her Bankai crumbled to pieces and fell to the ground, leaving Mizu alone in the air, seemingly an easy target for Shura's spell. Yet right when the Sōren Sōkatsui neared her, a translucent, ethereal wall appeared in its path, the blue flames able to do little more than roar against the bulwark as they smashed into it.

The Dankū, which Mizu had cast silently, withstood the high level Hadō. A moment or two after the blue flames dissipated, so too did the protective wall Mizu had employed. As she looked down at her struggling opponent, Mizu felt exhaustion seep into her bones. She considered her own weakness, and how even now after all this time she wasn't where she needed to be as a Vice Captain. At the very least she would finish this fight.

Upon raising her injured left arm, Mizu silently called forth a chain of glowing yellow energy, Sajō Sabaku, which swiftly fell upon and sought to wrap up Shura and end the battle once and for all.

Kanji Man
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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:07 pm

NOTES; - Sekai no Hametsu Uses - 1/2; Tenbatsu Duration: 1 Posts MUSE; - Dancing Mad

Shura hadn't seen exactly what happened, however her right arm, the only one still functioning at this point, had only just managed to get her torso lifted off the ground when she looked up to see Mizu. It'd be a lie to suggest Shura wasn't genuinely surprised that Mizu hadn't so much as a scratch from her final gambit, yet at the same time it wasn't entirely shocking this was the outcome.

When she saw Mizu's hand move, she pushed as hard as she could against the ground... yet it wasn't long before she fell back down to the ground, ensnared by the yellow-hued chains where she stayed. She was beyond exhausted truth be told, the only thing keeping her semi-conscious being the adrenaline coursing through her. However as she laid there the adrenaline began to fade, and as it both her consciousness and her Bankai, which now lay on the ground blown aside from the explosion.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Wed Jul 03, 2024 8:40 am
A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 4 JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

A quick Shunpo brought Mizu back to the ground just a short distance away from Shura. There, she sealed her Zanpakuto, nearly at the point where it would have forced itself sealed anyway, causing all the crystals to suddenly vanish as her weapon's blade reformed. After putting it back in its holder, she hunched over and kept herself standing only by putting hands on her knees. The golden chains wrapped around Shura vanished along with the crystals as she silently dispelled the Kidō.

Feeling blood continue to trickle down her arm, Mizu used what little Reiryoku she had remaining to apply some Kaidō to the wound. Then she tore a bit of her Shihakushō and painfully wrapped it around her arm, wincing as she did. As Mizu did all this, a couple bystander Second Squad members rushed forward and began healing Shura's wounds as well.

Having caught her breath, Mizu straightened back up before bowing at the waist to Shura's unconscious form. "Thank you for the fight, Shura-san. You fought well." Then, she turned and went to go seek some medical attention for herself too.

Mirja Eeola
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A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Thu Jul 04, 2024 5:54 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

A Deeper Perspective [Open] - Page 4 6EdIfMt

It was a good fight to watch, though as it ended and Hannah dropped the barrier around the two, she was conflicted. On one hand, she wanted to show off her immense skill with Kaido, but on the other the young people of 2nd would not learn if she just walked in and took over. So she bit her lip for a moment, and then stepped up to do the social thing.

"Do you require aid?" Hannah would ask the squad members, gesturing gently towards Mizu and Shura.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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