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Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:50 pm
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


Natasha noted her friend gravitating towards a hug, reorienting herself to allow the woman a moment to express herself. It was undoubtedly true that she was rarely the type to express herself, to speak at length so deeply on any subject was foreign territory for her. Or rather, it had been. Between several missions, several interactions with Liltotto, and everything else, she had recognized how bothersome it was to keep things held in, how unhealthy it was to let things simmer, festering until they reached a boiling point. And she had no intention of doing that anymore, resolving to wash away the guilt that haunted both of their spirits. Sighing softly, she toyed with her cap before offering her own set of heartfelt words.

"I'm... sorry for distancing myself the way I did. No matter how ya feel about yourself, not once did ya' ever prove to be bad company. Sure, I recognize that there was a bit of manipulation on your part, but rest assured... I had never judged ya' for it. After all, I also kinda... selfishly embraced it after a while. Like a bear with a pot of honey in his hand who had not a damn sense of control in the world, I... grew attached to the way you made me feel. Even beyond the intimacy, there were times where you reminded me I still meant somethin'. When I threw all my trauma on you at once, you were one of the select few in this city that made me feel..." She trailed off for a moment as she slowly placed a hand on her cap, turning her head away to express how she felt. Expressing oneself was a difficult venture, but she was here now, and she had to finish this train of thought, lest it bother her later down the road.

"Happy. I was a fuckin' mess that night, hardly worth the time of day. And yet, ya persisted, no matter how much I tried pushin' you away. Hell, you even revealed one of your own secrets that night. Regardless of how this started, that really meant the world to me. And that's why I felt bad when I failed to keep in contact, when I distanced myself. I let you down when ya could have benefitted from my support the most, when you could have used a shoulder to lean on. I didn't stick my neck out for ya' like you did me, and that always haunted my conscience. I detached, like I always have for the past few years, because of my past. But... I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to push everyone away anymore, especially you. Friend like you? C'mon... give yourself some credit for once, sugar..."

Ehefera wouldn't need to close the distance this time. Natasha swept in to wind the woman into her own embrace, tears flowing freely. What was in the past would remain in the past. None of it mattered any longer. This felt more genuine. There was no confusion here, no blurred lines. She wanted to be her friend, and Natasha reciprocated that feeling as well, more so than ever before.

"Sorry for leaving ya behind. No matter what I've done, you still remain good-intentioned at heart. You accepted me back then, and somehow, you still accept me now. Of course I want a friend like you. And I sure as hell hope you want a friend like me, too, heff. One that has no intention of runnin' scared when the goin' gets tough."

Like that, she finally did away with the rest of the guilt in her spirit. Ehefera had blamed herself for her part in all of this, Natasha wanted to answer for her own. It was the first step towards moving past her own demons as well.

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Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]

Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:12 am
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

She ......had to admit she was a little startled when Natasha suddenly started laying ...EVERYTHING out. It wasn't just a lot, it was..... well it was a lot she really didn't expect to hear from the woman. More and more, she felt.... a little pause. Thinking back, as poor as her intentions had been, she seemed to have ...well no... she'd INTENDED to be an integral part of this woman's life. She wanted to lift her up, to be the pillar she could stand on. And admittedly it had been done with poor intentions. And yet nobody else had managed this. For all of Ehefra's bad intentions, she'd put herself in a position to be Natasha's life raft. That as the woman drowned in her feelings, she could feel like she could reach out to Ehefra.

And it'd worked. But now that she'd relinquished such intentions of manipulating the woman. It didn't feel like she expected. She expected to feel dirty, but she couldn't help the smile on her face as Natasha recounted their interactions. "Nat...." She closed her eyes, and then met the woman halfway as they pulled eachother into a sudden embrace. The sudden warmth that she'd grown familiar with caused her to let out a sigh, holding the slightly taller woman close and leaning up to gently rest her cheek against Nat's.

"Of course I want you around. I ... admit, it may be a bit of an ..uh..adjustment." Yea, she was kinda uh... resisting a few urges at the moment. To just go in there and kiss the other woman. But she was pushing those back down. It was going to be awkward. Previously she had ... more or less used Natasha as a vent for her frustrations, not to mention as a distraction from her usual woes. A lot of kneejerk reactions had her blatantly aware of the rather lovely woman within her grasp. Yea, she was still attracted to Natasha, but she respected her now. And that meant NOT treating her like a piece of meat.

"SO uh.... you brought food so we should probably get a bit to eat, yea? We got a lot of catching up to do!" She chuckled.
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Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]

Fri Jul 07, 2023 6:35 pm
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


Holding her like this felt nostalgic. A familiar source of comfort she once thought elusive now, experienced once again for the first time in months. As Ehefera's cheek rested against her own, she pressed her face forward against her own, tightening the embrace for a few moments longer. A myriad of emotions suffused her spirits, yet the only describable term she could ascribe to this one was cathartic release, a release from all the turmoil of the past, as though it never was.

Eventually, of course, she recognized they would have to pull away, humorously reflecting on how an embrace of this nature would have been followed up by affections of a more intimate degree. Of course, likewise discernment taught her that such actions would only complicate what they were trying to build now, nor had that been her intent when she entered her house.

It would be interesting to see how everything played out from hereon out, but for now, Natasha parted with a resounding squeeze around the woman's frame, pulling away to ruffle her hair, softly chortling at her comment on her adjustment period in the future. To some extent, the feeling was mutual. Ehefera had been the only woman with whom she crossed as many lines as she did, after all. That would have to be addressed to avoid complications in the future. She would be a fool not to recognize that. Old habits would hold no sway moving forward. Genuine honesty. That would be the approach moving forward. Pinching her cheek with a playful smile, Natasha motioned toward the door.

"No kiddin'. Among solidifying our friendship, I reckon it'd be rather imperative we hash out how we want to approach things with one another, but for now, all this emotional release has got me starvin'. Wonder if the pizza man caught us havin' a moment," she humored, poking her head out to await their imminent arrival. As a show of good faith, she paid for the pizza, closing the door as she headed to the nearby table.

"First's thing's first, how have ya been, sweetheart? I mentioned it earlier, but I heard you've been makin' strides on the technology front lately. Good to see your puttin' the brain of yours to great use."

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Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]

Sat Jul 08, 2023 1:19 am
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

Ehefra almost jolted when she realised the pizza had arrived, giving soft chuckle and rubbing the back of her neck as she was jarred out of the moment, and probably for the better. Once it was paid for and they headed back inside, Ehefra focused on getting stuff set up. Letting Natasha get out her own grub she'd brought while she set things up for the pizza. Laying things out and even getting plates and shit. Something she honestly usually didn't do but well, with Natasha over she felt the urge to be extra hospitable.

Though that question did catch her a bit by surprise.

"Do.... do you uh.... well I mean...." She paused, thinking about what exactly she wanted for this to be. That certainly was a loaded question. But thankfully as Natasha went on to change the subject she gave a slight chuckle. "Yyyea, I've been collecting a lot of battle data. Since I became Administrator of the Steingruft, I've been keeping myself busy. Mostly trying to collect data. Of course uh... a bit hard not being a PART of the battles. But well. Hopefully I'm looking to remedy that." She noted softly at that.
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Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]

Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:33 am
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


Natasha was able to properly set her side of the spread out with relative ease. She was commonly use to serving food to her own peers whenever they visited. It was a simple practice she excelled in rather well, all things considered. As expected, it was a basket of fried chicken and french fries, with a desert or two she prepared set off to the side. Unhealthy as always, to be sure, but that never crossed her mind before, nor would ever. Her body was proof that none of this was particularly hindering her anyway, outside of filling out noticeable sections of her slightly tall frame. Relaxing into the chair after pouring a lidded pitcher of sweet tea she had packed along with the the rest of the food into two cups, Natasha assumed the role of listener as Ehefera began to speak.

"Is that so? I can't imagine that's been easy for ya'. As one whose quite familiar with yer' adrenalin-fueled battle rush, I always did take ya' as a fight first kinda' gal even with your position in the research division. Funnily enough, I got a lil' taste of it in live-action with Edelo. We toyed around with it a bit, hunted down some hollow lizards, and faced off against one another afterward. If yer itchin' to get into some action, I reckon it wouldn't hurt to engage in some trainin' with one another. I've gotten mighty strong since the last time we met!"

Flexing her arms playfully with a hearty chuckle, Natasha grinned. Clearly serious about the possibility of one day throwing down against Ehefera again.

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Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]

Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:41 pm
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

Ehefra smiled a bit as she made note of the food Natasha had brought along, making herself a plate as she sat herself at the diningroom table, not where she usually ate, but well she had company.

"It's mostly tedium. A lot of analysis and such. Honestly there isn't much I've been able to do other than general shape, and some simple behavioral coding. The bigger challenge is making something that would challenge someone a bit stronger other than just numbers." A light shrug as she folded her legs. "It's not like it's a lot of brainpower that goes into this stuff. We aren't trying to invent the wheel that will suddenly make the Vandenreich top dog. Especially since there's a chance that shit might just get stolen and copied anyway. At present, most of our work has been logistics and working on analyzing data."'

She paused and whistled softly, Beeps, promptly floated into the other room before returning with a little bracelet, which Ehefra kindly retreived from the little bot and then set down on the table. "Thus far I've been working on these bad boys. A simple accessory encoded with my spirit scripts. Scans the wearer and anything within a short distance to provide battle data as well as intel on enemies they're facing. I kinda only have a few. But I'm going to be speaking with a couple of the other Divisions about potentially making it standard equipment, at least for some of our units. I'm also thinking of making a more....interactive version that can give information feeds to whomever is wearing them. And of course there will be companion programs that ..for example, will let a Squad Leader know where their people are, and if they are fighting something, and WHAT theyre fighting if they are. That kind of information may seem simple. But it can make us much more effective as a group. We may not have a lot of uh... super strong individuals. But with stuff likee this, we can coordinate to make up for that."
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Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]

Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:27 pm
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


Preparing her own plate, a mixture of the pizza Ehefera ordered and the food she prepared herself, Natasha devoted most of her attention towards listening to Ehefera. Crossing her legs, Natasha listened to Ehefera with measured interest, watching with the woman curious eyes as she went to find one of her inventions around the house, returning with a small bracelet in hand. Tilting her head, Natasha nibbled on a slice of pizza as she listened to the woman explain the mechanics behind her intentions regarding the technology moving forward.

Namely, the small bracelet in her hand. The exposition was digestible enough to follow every word with little issue. She was no expert on the technological side of things, to be certain, but the explanation of her intent was intriguing. Battlefield communication, eh? Companion programs? Natasha's eyes displayed awe, clearly impressed by the concept.

In theory, it was a great idea to apply across each division. As she said, they weren't boasting much in the way of superior warriors at the top. Natasha had been aiming to fix that through repeated training, and she certainly boasted more power than she possessed since she first arrived here, but one person couldn't right the whole ship. The strength in coordinated numbers made a lot of sense based on the way they were built now.

"That's mighty impressive, heff. Can't say I expected anythin' less of ya, honestly. Strength in numbers to make up for our lack of strength at the top... I like it. Naturally, as a coordinator, I reckon ya have my approval at least. I'm predictin' the proper and official channels - namely, the Grandmaster and the Directors across each division - will likely find the idea pretty suitable, too."


Last edited by Iori on Thu Jul 13, 2023 10:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]

Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:49 pm
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

Ehefra smiled a bit at that and waved a hand. "That just relies on people being willing to use it. I actually have someone running around with a prototype and they were pretty jumpy, thinkking it had like, surveilance equiptment in it or something." She sighed and shook her head, shrugging her shoulders just a bit as she took a bite of chicken. Enjoying the food and pausing to look at Natasha again, smiling a bit as she .... appreciated the woman's words.

"Has anyone ever told you how ...awesome it is how supportive you are? I mean. I dunno. I kinda don't feel like I can do any wrong around you..." She noted softly, rubbing at the back of her neck and even blushing a little as a sigh escaped her. "It's.... nice. I like sharing stuff with you, and I kinda feel like even if I have stuff you disagree with, hearing it in a southern accent kinda takes the edge off stuff." A sly smirk flashed across her face as she made that comment, leaning back just a little and taking another bite of her food. "And before you go and start trying to pay me back with my own praise. Yes I'm aware, I'm awesome and smart, and sexy, and super strong. Just take the compliment Nat."' She interjected. She knew the woman well enough to know that a compliment usually meant getting one back. And for once she wanted to just....compliment the woman without that feedback loop. She didn't want them sitting there praising eachother all evening.
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Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]

Thu Jul 13, 2023 10:38 pm
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


Maintaining a firm bite and chew routine with her slice of pizza, Natasha's eyes blinked softly at the woman telling her to simply receive the praise. Well, she supposed when she put it that way, there wasn't much to contest. Ehefera knew her well. She was precisely the type of woman to go shooting compliments back in return, going so far as to discredit herself. Honestly, receiving such genuine praise... felt nice. It had let her know that all her efforts with these people had not been in vain. Leaning forward in her chair, she smoothly finished her first slice of pizza before picking up another and pointing it at her with a playful grin.

"Oh, lookit ya stealin' the words right out of my mouth. Someone's developed a lil' bit of confidence in my absence. I like it. Fine, I'll accept your praise without givin' it back, sweetheart. Not like ya didn't flatter me into bein' speechless just now, anywho. I must admit, feels pretty' nice bein' acknowledged like that. Glad I still have that effect on ya' after so long."

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Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]

Thu Jul 13, 2023 11:14 pm
Where Does The Good Times Go[Ehefera, Natasha]  - Page 2 HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

Ehefra smiled, a bit of smugness to her voice as Natasha conceded to the praise. "Well yea, a lot has happened. I may have a lot of stuff I've had to work through but....well I'd certainly like to hope it's made me stronger." She sighed, closing her eyes and taking a bite of pizza as she sat back in her seat, folding her legs and looking off to the side. "Oh pleaase, I've done way worse to you than just send a few compliments your way." She noted, drumming her fingers a bit and rubbing at her neck.

"So what have YOU been up to? We've already went over my kinda.....advances and stuff. Anything new with you? you were promoted a fair bit before we kinda fell out. How have you been adjusting to uh... the new position? Any new.....stuff going on in your life?" She ventured with a tilt of her head. After all, she would be a little stupid to presume Natasha had been just fucking around ever since. Especially with all the stuff going on with the city, and then later in africa.
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