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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:07 pm

Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Oh yeah?~ You sure look like a girl that's really let herself go."

Candice squeezed that thigh again, seeming to revel in poking fun at Ehefra though her intention was far from insulting her. The woman had been through a lot, and she only knew what she'd been told by her (and a little more that she had read about online), so she figured that the best way for her to act was to try to make her feel as comfortable as she could. That was what a good partner would do. Which was one of the secret, underlying, reasons that they were here tonight. Candi would never admit that this was anything other than selfish desire, but sharing the presence of someone that even she found comforting was an incredibly subtle display of care that the Heiress would fervently deny if called out on.

"We should go catch up with Z, we really should, but I can't just let you get away with saying that like it's no big deal. I could get real used to you singing my praises~"

Leaning all the way in, she pressed herself up against Ehefra until their noses were brushing against each other. Hanging there for a moment, green eyes and blonde hair all up in Ehefra’s face, she just stared deep into the other woman’s soul. She was a creature of passion, like a newly lit fire finally catching the wind, and this was her fuel.

“Keep on doing that tonight, ‘kay?”

Candi was picking up more slang from Giselle every day, her vocabulary a little looser still when she found herself in such company, but all that was hardly important as she pushed just a little further forward once more. Lips now locking in place, she cupped Ehefra’s face in one hand as she kissed her partner forcefully.

Electrifying Execution | END POST
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:00 am
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

"Yea..." Ehefra's voice faltered slightly as she caught herself in what Candice had said. Looking down to the floor as her mind wandered. "I guess I really have ...haven't I?" She admitted, her voice soft and not quite as sure as it had been a moment before. Her mind circling around to parse that sentence just one more time. She really HAD been letting things g hadn't she? BEtween everything that had happened, she hardly felt like the same woman she'd been several months ago.

How much...HAD happened?

IT wasn't that long ago she had been promoted to an Administrative position. Just before that, she'd been struggling with a lot. Her injury and lingering anxieties following the fight in Miami. Having happened concurrently with the attack on the City. Just by....some guy. Her participation in the tournament had been a little after that. BEfore that she had been running ops, essentially just building a normal life as a Vandenreich member.
Hell she'd even had a taste of running tactical in the Anaconda operation.
And before all that. She'd been working on helping Ira.


The name caused her to pause as she felt her hands gently clench into fists. And even with Candice sitting directly beside her. As she found herself staring into the eyes of the blonde woman that had become such a big part of her life. Her memory reached back. And for just one moment, something that had come to mind not that long ago came right back in.

"You'll make a real good wife to some lucky soul one day, ya know that?"

And the thought of where she was, kicked her straight in the gut. She let her gaze shift, and for a moment, she looked away from Candice. And she thought about what she was doing here. What WAS she doing here? Looking back to Candice, she knew pretty well what it seemed Candice was doing here. Giselle seemed to just be along for the ride. She herself had honestly been psyched to see Giselle again, spend some time with the gals, maybe learn more about the two. But that didn't seem to be what was on Candice's mind, and she reached up without thinking.

A soft press on Candice's shoulder, to halt her advance.

"Right, uhm. Maybe I'll save that for when we're alone." She offered with a sheepish chuckle, attempting to sit back upright as she did so.
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:04 am
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle raised her brows slightly at the scene she walked in on, having been taking the time to get a few things set up, she paused when she opened the door and spotted the tail end of the interaction between Ehefra and Candice. A brief split second as she took in the details of the situation, before a big smile flashed across her features and she walked over to the pair.

"Dang girls, everyone just got here and you're already chompin at the bit eh? What's the sitch on the food?" She ventured, promptly strolling over and tossing a bag onto the bed, a soft clatter sounding from within Something plastic on the inside? Another bag was held off to the side. Aaaaadmittedly, she'd planned on bringing both in, but having read the vibe of what she walked in on, sheeeeeee decided maybe the other bag she'd just put back in the closet for now.

"That reminds me, we eating in the diningroom or just chowing on the couch this evening Candy?"
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:41 pm

Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Aaaand suddenly everything was back up in the air. Candi liked to think she was exceptional at reading people and understanding what made them tick, but the truth was anything but. She just spoke unabashedly from the heart and usually that was enough. Suddenly Ehefra was getting all distant and gloomy, pushing her away too. That sudden rejection stung, and a thick layer of tension hung in the air as Giselle returned to the scene. It was quite painfully clear to see what had transpired, after all, and Candi certainly made no effort to save face as she allowed herself to be held back whilst Ehefra made her escape.

Verdant eyes narrowed, not yet leaving her skittish friend, as she let a soft sigh of acceptance escape her lips. Candice Catnipp didn't like to take no for an answer at the best of times, so perhaps they were all fortunate that this was one of those few moments when she was at least trying to give the impression that she cared what other people thought.

"The food is all ordered and in the kitchen Z, I just wanted to make sure Ehefra was completely comfortable." She called back over her shoulder to Giselle, moving to stand but not before passing right by Ehefra's ear so that she could offer a hushed response of her own. "Ya feeling lucky right now?" Her lips curled into a minxish grin as she hovered there for a few seconds more before rounding on Gigi.

She knew most of what they had packed, this was her holiday just as much as it was Giselle's after all, so she allowed an eyebrow of her own to raise in amusement at all the goings on. It certainly seemed that she was not the only one who was getting in the mood, perhaps that was why they bounced off each other so well. Planting herself confidently before the other woman, hands on her hips, Candi considered the options for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.

"Dining table feels a little too formal, let's just crash."

Electrifying Execution | END POST
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:08 pm
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra definitely recognized the look on Candice's face and felt a little tension up her spine, and not the kind she was used to. A hint of ....anxiousness at seeing that look on the woman's face. And Ehefra furrowed her brows just a little as she turned away and felt that tension start to build up. Those doubts bubbling up as she felt .... a bit of panic welling up inside of her. She took a moment, trying to calm herself just a little. She just needed to chill out. Right?

But that little murmur frm Candice cut through that, and Ehefra promptly turned and mussed her hair a little bit. "I ...I need ...bathroom." She managed to stammer out, before promptly striding her way toward the other end of the room. Promptly moving into another section of the suite as she looked for a bathroom. She was thinking too much. WAY too much. Shit was going through her head. Things she didn't WANT to be thinking about. And that only stung all the more. Why couldn't she just enjoy this? Why couldn't she be fucking NORMAL? And when she finally found the bathroom, she closed the door harder than she intended, and once she was inside she let out a sharp sigh as she covered her face. Her lips thinned as she .... tried to relax. Tried to get these damn... pesky...THOUGHTS out of her fucking head. Her mind flashing back to the look on Candice's face.

Fuck... she was fucking everything up.
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 8:51 am
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle raised her brows just a little as she watched the exchange. From the sudden look on Candice's face at being refused, to the sudden spike in tension from Ehefra. All culminating into a sudden departure from the Quincy, promptly striding into the other room and leaving Giselle and Candice in the main area. A little humm escaping from Giselle as she made her way over to Candice. Yea, no way the woman wasn't gonna be either hurt, or angry. Potentially both. And so before Candice went charging after Ehefra, Giselle gently looped an arm around the woman's waist. To at least try to get her A, to stay where she was, and B, to try and soothe a bit of the tension that no doubt would be powering through the woman.

"I think this may be a little much for her. If you don't mind me asking. How long have you and her been a uh... thing?" She ventured. Sure, she knew some details about their little foray. But Giselle was very much in the dark about the details. Mainly how long they had known one another before getting all involved, as well as how much time they spent with eachother was .... well. Not all up on one another. After all, while she knew Ehefra a little, she didn't know jack shit about what the girl was like in private, or really just in social settings. She wasn't exactly invited out to girls nights in the vandenreich. Presumably, Candice knew a lot more abut Ehefra than she did. So she figured now was as good a time as any to pry a little and see if she could help with uh...whatever was going on here.
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:48 pm

Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Standing there before Giselle, her smile initially holding, as Ehefra stumbled out of the room with a few mumbled words, Candi could not help but feel like this was all going terribly. She had put a lot of effort into this, pulled strings and made plans, but suddenly it seemed that neither of her girls were exactly in the mood. That was a rare thing, given her experience, so she ran through the variables and there was only one constant that made sense. Her.

Giselle locked onto her, likely expecting an outburst from the blonde that certainly wasn’t out of the ordinary, but Candi just stood there and seethed inwardly. How could they do this to her? Were they conspiring together just to get her out of the way? Why had neither of them mentioned that they knew the other before now? It all just didn’t sit right with her. Those doubts, legitimate or otherwise bubbled up slowly as her partner’s words slowly sank in. She was blaming her too, after everything she had done. There truly was no justice in this world for an honest woman. It was fortunate that she was neither honest or looking for justice, as she forced down all those insecurities and bottled them up alongside everything else in the powder keg that was her heart.

A thing? Pssh. That makes it sound so formal, Z. I’ll give her a few minutes to cool off and then see what’s up. Maybe it was my fault for wanting to get this out of the way.”

It was a tough pill to swallow, the idea that she was at fault, and not one that Candice took any satisfaction from. But the gears were turning in the brain hiding behind those sparkling eyes, and this was what she needed to do to move forwards. Screaming and shouting was only going to end up with at least one of them going home hurt, and she couldn’t make sure that it wasn’t going to be her.

“She’s not a stranger, if that’s what you’re asking. She’s just got a serious lack of self esteem and really needed a pick-up, so I wanted her to meet my picker-upper. If I’d known you two already knew each other this might have gone a little better, rather than having me come out swinging.”

Electrifying Execution | END POST
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:59 am
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle paused and raised her brows ever so slightly as Candice's bristled words came out. "Is it .....informal?" She ventured with a tilt of her head, a bit perplexed y the way Candice had worded that. "Not really what I meant Candy. Something's bothering her, and I was just curious if you knew what it was. This isn't exactly a uh.... typical kinda situation. I've had a lot of time in my life to run into situations like this. But I don't exactly feel like the girl's had much experience trying to juggle a whole ass extra person in her relationship. She might just be getting overwhelmed. Being hit on just by YOU can be pretty intense ya know~ Can ya blame her for getting nervous when anything's added to that?" She offered with a soft chuckle, baking a compliment into her reasoning as she gently released Candice and moved to take a seat on the nearest couch, sighing as she folded her legs.

"Either way, it's not a big deal, C. Like you said, she needs a little time to calm down. Maybe more than a little time. But eventually, we can talk this out. Neither of us has to go anywhere anytime soon. We give her a bit, and then you go ahead and see about talking to her. I uh.... admit I'm probably not the best at comforting people." She chuckled sheepishly.
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:45 am

Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Overwhelming, is that what you think I am? Sure, I don't pull many punches, but it's not like this was a surprise for her. We talked about it a bunch and she had plenty of time to tell me that this might not be the best idea or voice any concerns. I'm hardly unreasonable. It's you that should probably be affected by all this but you've barely batted an eyelid!"

Giselle retreated to the sofa, and Candi did follow but she did not sit and instead loomed over her somewhat ominously. She was doing what she did best, scanning for any sign of weakness so that she could pick all of this apart, but that was not a delicate process and her lips ran far faster than her brain. That fuse inside her was a-lighting.

"So, why is that? Is it me? Or are you just treating this like one of your plethora of past loves from the years gone by? I wanted to make this something really special and if I'm not doing that right then I'd rather just know now before I fuck it up any more."

They bounced off each other well usually, Giselle's laid-back sarcasm meshing quite easily with her razor-sharp intensity, but right now it could hardly be any more irritating. How could she just sit there and laugh whilst all this was going on? Had she really been in this situation before? Even if you'd lived as long as she apparently had, it was hard to believe that this was something that could be handled with such a laissez-faire attitude.

Electrifying Execution | END POST
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Mon Sep 04, 2023 6:42 pm
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 3 PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

"Talking about something and doing it aren't the same thing, C." She stated simply enough, and as Candice attempted to hover, Giselle promptly stood right up and pulled the woman into her arms, gently drawing the woman to her frame and applying gentle pressure, hoping to instill some sense of security in the woman as they wigged out over all this, hands seeking out Candice's to interlock their fingers.

"It's not a big deal because no matter what happens, you still have me. Maybe it'll be fine. Maybe she just needs to chill a little. Or maybe something's wrong, and something's bothering her. Even if the worst happens Candy, I'm still gonna be here to help you. I trust you. And sure, I've had my share of experiences. But let me let you in on a little secret C: I could have had a million different partners and loves, and I still wouldn't know everything. I sure as hell haven't been in this exact situation before. Some shades of familiarity, sure. But people aren't really as predictable as you think. But no matter how bad stuff goes, it's not the end of the world. You Know that Ehefra is like...Twenty... right? Which means that even I have no idea what's going on in her head. But there's no use worrying about it. We give her some time to cool off, and we see what happens." She stated simply enough.

"Now come on. Take a seat, take a breath, and relax. We'll check up on Huffy in a couple minutes. Or if you want, I'll let you girls talk it out."
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