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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:35 pm
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle cleared her throat and turned in time to see the look on Candice's face, and almost immediately, her own shock was forgotten as she smiled, clearly a little amused to see Candice's attempt at maintaining things. Alright well she felt a bit better. "Alright well, a heads up would have been .. nice...from either of you, ya know? Candice you can chill. " She shook her head and then smiled a bit wider at the pair. "Don't worry about your outfit Heff. Don't mind Candice, I think you look great."

She then glanced to Candice and smiled just a bit wider. "Not gonna lie, I wasn't sure who was gonna be showing up, but I guess it makes sense it'd be Ehefra. And you thought it'd be weird." She snorted toward the director herself, putting a hand on her hip. Ah, she made a mental note to congratulate them on that, but a bit later probably.

All the same, she made closed the door and gave Ehefra some room to go and greet Candice, a pause as she sat herself a bit off to the side and just smiled, taking a bit of a backseat as she .... pondered the situation a little. After all, she HAD figured that at some point, Candice would want them to meet. Of course, she and ehefra had run into eachother before. They'd run into eachother during tests at the hospital. That being where Giselle had pieced together just who Ehefra was, as it turned out Candice had visited her as well. At the time it had been a comfort, that there was someone to be there for Candice if she ate it. But well, she'd pulled through, and here they were. It almost felt a bit surreal.

She really hadn't expected to survive, in that moment, she'd found peace in the thought of someone looking after Candice. Well, she supposed now the both of them could look after Candice, heh.

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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:53 pm
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

"Oh, we're just gonna drop it that fast huh? And Hey, I would have let you know, but things have been kinda busy at the Vandenreich." She sighed anr rubbed at the back of her head before perking up and smiling a bit wider. "I'm... a little worried to see what you have for me to wear." She murmured, certainly Candice had seen her in a lot, but still, Candice was rich enough that Ehefra DID worry a bit that she'd get stuck in like...heels or something. Which, sure she knew how to wear them, but that definitely wasn't footwear for hanging out in a hotel.

All the same, she made her way over to Candice and leaned up, promptly planting a kiss on the woman's lips and flashing something of a wolfish smirk. "Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for, but hey, you' uh.... really went all out. BOTH of you actually.... Do you guys just like..always dress like this?" She ventured. After all, Giselle hadn't know she was coming, Sure Candice was Rich, but ...Giselle too? Was this just... a normal thing? Did people get dressed up if they didn't plan on going anywhere? She felt a little anxious and out of place now, despite Giselle's assurance.

"And in case you're a little confused. Me and Zelle met up in the hospital. Chatted while waiting on tests and stuff.I hung out with her a bit, uh...well you know...when I decided to sneak out of my room a few times. Wound up popping by and we'd chat. As best she could at least." She explained, then sticking her tongue out. "We pretended to be a couple to mess with one of the nurses." She pointed out before clearing her throat and folding her arms a bit.

"So uh... I take it by the outfits that this isn't like a .... 'hang out' kinda get together?" She ventured a bit awkwardly. Her outfit certainly spoke to the fact that she kinda had expected this to be a more casual thing. Like.... just the three of them, chatting, watching movies, maybe eating ice cream? Or whatever more girly girls did.
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:43 pm

Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Slowly but surely, the gears started turning again. There was an almost audible whir as Candice rebooted, processing everything that was going on around her in a sudden burst of clarity. See, they were just doing a bit. The reassurance had the desired effect, as her lungs had felt like they were about to burst if she didn't start hyperventilating and then suddenly things were calm.

"Hey, I didn't say she looked bad. I just... Well. We're on vacation so it's not like we were going to dress in our loungewear, that would have raised suspicion. But I couldn't exactly think of a way to convey that to Heff."

She started by trying to reassure Gigi, acting quite genuinely remorseful for her deception but also showing that she put a little effort into it. Then, just like that, Ehefra was on top of her and Candi was looping an arm around her waist to keep her nice and close. Her partner in crime was not going to get off so lightly for scaring her like that, as she kissed back with all that vigour she had previously thought lost.

"Mmm~ I missed you. Even if you were pulling the wool over my eyes the whole time too." She leant in, pressing her forehead against that of the other woman, "We really ain't the type to judge if you want to keep this look, I'm just glad you're here. And we're here. Together."

"As for the plan, I was just gonna wing it and see where we ended up, but now that we don't have to do some really cringe icebreakers I'll just say get comfy and we can worry about the details later. Okay? Either of ya want anything to drink, we should have like a fully stocked bar."

Electrifying Execution | END POST
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:15 am
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle put n a sly smirk and lightly prodded Ehefra on the cheek. "I know, Heff, I was just messing with you. And I'm sure Candice had something perfectly nice and andsome for you to put on. Isn't that right Candy?" She glanced over to the blonde who was in the midst of rebooting. That smile only widening as she seemed to enjoy the woman's flustering. Certainly Giselle enjoyed teasing the others far more out of the group.

All the same, she enjoyed the sight of Ehefra and Candice as they reunited, of course smiling a bit wider when she noticed Candice practically pouncing on Ehefra like a hungry wolf with that little kiss, drumming her fingers thoughtfully.

"Of course, it was a lot more fun messing with the staff. Plus pretending to be dating a cutie like Miss Kleinmund was also a pretty nice bonus. I can see why you two met the way that you did." She hummed, revealing that Giselle was at least familiar with that particular story. Or well.... the story from Ehefra's perspective.

"That said. A nice chill evening DOES sound pretty nice. Candice you wanna order us some room service? You probably know more about uh... fancy cuisine than us. I figure now's as good a time as any to try some stuff out. I feel like tonight's a 'try new things' kinda night." That smile widened as she made her way toward the living room, a path that brought her directly past Candice and Ehefra, earning Candice a firm kiss to the lips as she passed. Leaving Candice and Ehefra for a moment as she moved off.

Clearly she seemed to have a plan for the evening.
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:27 am
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

ehefra smiled just a little, that roguish little toothy grin playing across her lips as she moved in and noticed that Candice was a little off kilter. But unlike Giselle, she didn't quite revel in it. Instead, as soon as Candice closed in, she held the woman close. An d..uh... was VERY intensely kissed foe her troubles! She was caught a bit off guard, and almost staggered a bit as Candice really got in there. But she eased into it, but rather than getting handsy. She reached up and gently rested her hands on either side of Candice's face, pressing into that little kiss and practically serving as blinders for the woman. Just one moment, where Candice would have nothing but the kiss and that pretty face to focus on. And once they pulled back, Ehefra gave a lopsided little smile.

"Well since you went through the trouble....I kinda wanna see what you picked out for me." She pointed out, a warm, comforting little smile on her face as she did. That same warm smile she usually had when she was trying to comfort Candice.

Wait what? She blinked, a bit startled by Giselle's 'cutie' comment and then clearing her throat LOUDLY when they mentioned how she and Candice had met. Ah yea, remembering tht particular evening always got her a little flustered. Explaining it to Giselle had been a messy affair by itself. "R-right. Together. Ahem. And I didn't pull
ANY Woll, thank you very much. You never exactly asked me if I'd met Giselle before. Or whatever. We both worked at the Vandenreich after all."
She pointed out, before putting on a bit of a smug look. "And ON that note, I actually got a promotion recently. But we can go into all that later. Room service sounds nice. Uhhh..." She paused a bit when she watched Giselle walk by. It was MUCH more .....strange for Ehefra, to see someone else kissing Candice. What the fuck had she gotten herself into?

Nope. FOCUS Ehefra. She decided to not think about it , at least for now. But even so, she found herself...taking a step back, as if to give the pair of them some room, before slipping her hands into the pockets of her jacket. Waiting until Giselle was out of the room before looking back to Candice.

"You uh... okay?"
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Sun Jun 25, 2023 4:10 pm

Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candi did remember Gigi being very interested in how she met Ehefra back in the day when there had still been the idea that this was just a one-time fling, and she hadn't told her about the whole debacle on the flight back. That was before she had even told Giselle about her fear of planes in general, so that might not have gone down so well. Connecting those dots would surely only serve to strengthen her case, really, as how could Candice have possibly known that a girl working in a maid cafe was also a bigwig Vandenreich operative that worked alongside her?

"Hey you~" There was a moment where it seemed like Giselle might slip past the pair of them without even a light peck, so Candice was quick to exclaim and be rewarded with an intimate kiss of her own and one that she returned just as eagerly. This was working. Her hand snaked after Gigi as she snuck away from her, giving her lower back a playful scratch just to let her know that she was definitely being heard. "I'll order us up a nice spread, Z, don't you worry."

Then, once more, she was all up in Ehefra's personal space. Her jacket was nice and all, but they were in for the night now so it simply wouldn't do for her to keep it on, so her arms wrapped around the woman's collar as she made to slowly peel that outer layer off. There was definitely a little disparity in how she acted around Giselle compared to Ehefra, but they were different people too. So if she was a bit more motherly and demanding with Ehefra then that did not mean she would not enjoy being pampered by Giselle in turn.

"Oh, hey, well let's call this a little celebration then! Ya know I love to spoil you so you're in for a treat tonight, good food and good company. I was kinda worried about how you and Giselle were gonna get on, new people meeting etcetera etcetera, so I'm relieved that you guys are already on the level." Peeling off Ehefra, though only once that coat was in her hands, and sidled over to the counter to find the number for room service. "What's your favourite food? We can get anything ya want here, or just most things?"

Electrifying Execution | END POST
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:30 pm
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle was all too happy to be briefly snared by Candice, certainly noting how much Candice seemed to enjoy her position. Her and her two girlfriends. It was entertaining to say the lease, and some small part of her wondered how this would work with Candice in the long run. But for now, she headed off into the other room to let Ehefra and Candice have their little moment. And just like that, she found herself in the other room, smiling from ear to ear and tapping her fingers along the nearby coffee table.

Well, this was a pleasant surprise. Just what did Candice have in store? Well no, that wasn't even a question. She was fairly sure she knew EXACTLY what Candice likely had in mind. Not that that was an issue, for sure. Perhaps a bit of a logistical curiosity than anything else, it wasn't exactly like she uh...knew whatever it was that Candice had going on with Miss Kleinmund. She had a good guess, but honestly who knew.

A pause, looking over her shoulder, she got a few hints of what was being said in the other room, but she smiled and walked deeper into the suite itself, making her way to the livingroom area and humming as she considered. The question was, wether to plan anything. It really was a matter of how ...patient...Candice would turn out to be. But it wasn't like the woman couldn't be wrangled. And in fact, it might be a bit... FUN to build up the anticipation. ....Anticipation.

And just like that. Giselle's expression lit up with an idea. And she smiled just a bit wider, and PROMPTLY strode toward the bedroom. A lovely idea in mind.
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:40 pm
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra smiled and chuckled a bit as Candice oh so casually peeled her jacket off while they talked. It wasn't hard and soon enough, Ehefra was just in those short jorts and her tube top as Candice alleviated her of her jacket, now left to pause and enjoy the fact that there was a nice cool temperature in the place, it was getting kinda hot outside after all and she'd been about to take it off before she got here, but now she could enjoy airing out a little. Of course, Candice would also hear a little noise as Beeps poked her head out from Ehefra's jacket, giving off a little chime in greeting, but not really leaving her spot in the pocket.

"Mhmmm, still kinda surprised you didn't let her know I was coming. But I guess she seems chill enough not to sweat that stuff too much." She glanced in the direction Giselle had run off to and tilted her head, a bit of pink to her face. Sure they'd pretended. But uh. Them kinda...indirectly dating through Candice. Was ... odd. Were they indirectly dating? How did this work? She turned to glance at Candice and reached out, lightly looping an arm around the blonde's waist. God she'd look so good in black hair... To get her attention.

"I uh.... dunno. Pizza. Lasagna. Various pastas if I'm being honest. High carb stuff that is easy to make leftovers outta. I don't exactly have a lot of picky tendencies when it comes to food." She chuckled, releasing Candice and sitting nearby as they ordered food, taking a moment to kinda eye the suite a bit. Sure was fancy...
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:32 pm

Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candi did make a little mental note that Giselle was heading a little further into the suite than she had expected, but she certainly had no intention of darting off to stop her or anything. That just gave her and Ehefra a little more space, and she was certainly enjoying how accessible the woman was now that she was bereft of her jacket. Hanging it up on one of the pegs by the door, alongside several of her own jackets that ranged from plain denim to big and fluffy, an eyebrow cocked up as she caught sight of Beeps peeping out and patted the cube in a similar manner as one might a pet. Whispering a greeting that might still be heard but was still directed squarely into the coat.

"There you are, ya little perv. No peeping tonight."

As they got seated and she listened to Ehefra outlining her ideal culinary choices, Candi did have to chuckle politely to herself. She was Swiss, not Italian, but it was sweet that her partner was putting in the effort to seem endearing to her. Those kinda things were always cute, even if a little misplaced.

"I had been meaning to tell her right away but something kept coming up, then suddenly we're here and it's happening and you're at the door and there's no time left. Look, all that matters really is that we enjoy ourselves. I figured it would be a good way for all of us to just let our hair down for a night..." She paused, a hand reaching across to caress the side of Ehefra's cheek and slowly drag her gaze away from the room and back to her. "I know you've been going through a lot lately, and I'm not always here to take your mind off stuff."

Booping Heff on the nose, her errant hand then departed her cheek and headed down to land quite firmly on the woman's thigh. All her usual aggressive charm was quickly returning when they had a minute to themselves, even Candi was quick to note that, so it would be an interesting night for sure.

Picking up the phone, she punched in the numbers for the kitchen and waited for the clerk to answer, her eyes hardly leaving Ehefra's own as she squeezed the woman's inner leg playfully. A one-sided conversation soon began as she worked through the process of ordering their little feast, a couple of pizzas and a selection of bougie appetizers that would fit the bill for what both of her girls had asked for.

Electrifying Execution | END POST
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Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle]

Sun Jul 02, 2023 2:47 pm
Having Your Cake [Candice, Ehefra, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra was entirely unaware that she had, by coincidence, named italian foods. And indeed, if she had known that Candice had noticed such an interesting correlation and presumed it to be an appeal. She would have been equal parts enamored that she thought Ehefra knew that much about food. And also embarassed that Candice thought that she was that desperate to be liked by the woman.

None the less, she smiled, amused at Candice's excuse about teling Gisella and giving a soft little sigh as she pondered the situation, scratcing at the vack of her head and taking a moment to appreciate the idea that she was indirectly dating someone without them knowing. Or something like that. Were dates transitive? No, probably not, but well, her mind was going a little haywire trying to make sense of this anyway. "I feel like I let my hair down a little too often these days." She noted, the chuckle that escaped her lips was....tired. After all, as good as she felt now, she had for several months, been miserable. Been awful even. And on some level...she was still awful now. That she was sheltered from her own dead mother.... her depressed father, a litany of dead students, and her own shit personality, by the harbor that was Candice Catnipp's arms, almost made her want to cry. The razor thing edge, between this warm, lovely evening, and Ehefra somehow spiraling it into being about her and how miserable she was on the inside was uncomfortable.

But it was that gentle touch from Candice that made it seem further away than it was. And the slow shift of that hand to squeeze her thigh and send a little jolt through her was enough to make her stop thinking about such things. She smiled, and slipped her arms around Candice, hugging her firmly as she let out a slow, and shaky chuckle.

"Yea.... Thanks for putting all this together. IT means a lot to me. So uh...we should probably go see what Giselle is up to huh?" She ventured with a nervous little smile. Some part of her was a little anxious. But not enough to stop trusting Candice, AND Giselle for that matter. IF nothing else, the onyl person who stood to ruin the evening was herself. And thankfully, she had a leash on that particular participant. At least for now.
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