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Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:10 am
All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

And there went the final of his cases for the day, a grieving young lady that had left his office with her woes heard and her spirits lifted just a bit. He had taken a moment to carefully go over his notes, not that he doubted his meticulous practices in taking every little note he could throughout his sessions with patients. A taxing and tiring job for many, but never for he, as he always left his office with briefcase in hand and a peaceful smile on his face. It was something many admired, even envied of him, but as long as he fed them the words they wished to hear of how he could ever manage to maintain himself under the weight of negative emotion he was subjected to, there was naught any disruption nor disturbance in his day, and they got the pointless words of advice that their simple minds could easily digest with contentment.

Such was the life of Dr. Emil Holsen.

As he was saying his farewells to the staff as he did so routinely, a petite blonde figure caught his attention. Ah, Hannah Chiza; by all respects an outsider, yet appearing to be rather interested and dedicated in her work here. They had crossed paths several times, but the first he had truly heard of her was in various reports and communications. It never hurt to keep the strange close by - how else would you keep an eye on them?

"Ah, Miss Chiza, I see our time has overlapped yet again," His voice was sweet and soft, an acceptable volume, a tone that glowed with familiarity and warmth, "Are you finishing with your duties for the day? It may be late, but would you humor me with a little chat over tea? I know an excellent place not too far a walk's away."

Ah, he'd have to tell Ella that he would be late coming home again. As good mannered as she was typically, unusual breaks of schedule triggered her ire. Hopefully her routes kept her busy, or at least was home with the cats long enough to temper her irritation.

The Doctor Is In | END
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] Empty Re: All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah]

Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:15 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

"Is it?" Hannah would ask, looking up at the sky like that would do anything given that it was a; indoors and b; she was blind. "Still looks bright out to me" she would continue, before shrugging softly.

"Still, some tea would certainly not go amiss, especially with such a lovely young man" She would hold out her hand, because while navigation was possible for her, it was always nice to be able to focus on something other than it.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:46 am
All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Appropriately, he'd give a gentle laugh to Hannah's rather useless assessment of the time, "Certainly, if the ceiling light row is your sun and the panels your sky," It was obviously meant as a lighthearted tease, something even mere acquaintances such as they engaged in, as long as he wasn't overly familiar. His face played a slight look of surprise when she offered her hand to him, clearly as an indication she wished to be guided. Of course, no gentleman would turn down a lady's offering hand, and as such a role he would take the hand, a small smile on his face as he held the fragile, tiny digits with remarkable care in his gloved hand. It was an interesting show of vulnerability to him as he gave a courteous nod of the head.

"Alright then, we'll be off," Leading her out of the hospital and onto the pale streets, he kept his steps relaxed and gradual, allowing Hannah plenty of leeway with her pace; as powerful as she was noted to be, she was blind at the end of the day, and it was only polite and correct to be ginger with his contact and speed.

"It certain feels like the apocalypse to some; a capital swallowed up by a hole infested with vicious hollows. How are you taking things?"

The Doctor Is In | END
Mirja Eeola
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All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] Empty Re: All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah]

Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:39 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

He was a lovely man. Gentle and elegant, demure and genteel all at once. She had not pried into the good Doctor's life, but he would make a good husband to anyone he wanted to be with. Though, he did make a comment that Hannah couldn't help but smile at.

"It's Tuesday" she would reply, walking alongside him at a soft pace. He seemed to be a soft man, so she would measure her own stride to keep to his, rather than her own.

"Maybe two hundred years ago, I might have been surprised or felt it some terrible event, but...With everything that's gone on these past ten years; three major assaults on China, everything that happened during World War Four, the attack on Minatumi, the whale thing near Karakura, the attacks of Stadt, the destruction of Las Vegas. The death of Mayor Auber, King Hayden, the head of the Shihoin can only be told about so many catastrophes before it becomes another day to them. Another 'that might as well happen' or 'yep, 2123 alright'"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Wed Jun 21, 2023 1:05 pm
All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

Shinigami were peculiar, long lived and detached from life as they were indeed gods of death by even their very namesake; a response befitting that frame was certainly within his expectations, especially for one such as Miss Chiza. It was the 'a day ending in y' kind of response that was anticipated, and he would respond thusly, "Well yes, it's been disaster after disaster. At some point you either grow used to them, the mind fixes on only the most recent of them, or you crack. Thankfully, I have seen to very few who have outright broke from the reoccurring terror. The common human mind can only withstand experiencing so much catastrophe unfiltered, you know?"

Saying a hello or two to a colleague on the street, his attention was brought back to the shorter woman, a light smile on his face, "One thing I tell others, is to think of it as if they are on a ship at sea. Typhoons are as natural as calm waters, and neither last forever. Strife is as temporary and fickle as peace."

He seemed lost in thought for a moment, before quickly looking back to her and softly noting, "Ah, don't worry about paying. It would be quite bad of me to ask you out and not treat you, yeah?"

Soon, the two would make it to his place of choice; a rather upscale coffeehouse he frequented, opening the door and leading Hannah inside in which he was greeted by name, and soon the two would have ordered and be sat down, comfortable at one of the tables. Though it was a busy evening, the atmosphere was maintained, quiet and calm as low level chatter happened around them.

"You know," He spoke with a musing tone, looking at his surroundings for a moment, "My daughter actually introduced me to this place. It's one of her favorite places to fetch something brewed. She's quite picky with her 'caffeine fixes', so I certainly trusted her judgement. Now i'm acquainted with just about the entire staff, they truly are skilled individuals."

With a lowering sigh, he'd add, "Perhaps she'll spare me if I bring her today's roast..."

The Doctor Is In | END
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] Empty Re: All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah]

Thu Jun 22, 2023 4:56 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

Hannah had done her breaking in the past, and so stayed silent as the man talked. He seemed like the super social man that was just longing for someone to unload his talk onto. Hannah was just happy for once to chill and not carry a conversation.

Though, eventually Hannah would find a moment to talk after they sat down and he spoke about his daughter's forgiveness. It implied he was doing something, instead of something else. She wasn't going to question priorities, and simply offer a different solution.

"If you want to surprise her, we could take a trip to Minatumi and get some Hydro-pressed coffee. They are pretty protective of it and it never gets out of the Harbour, commercially. But it is very good"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] Empty Re: All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah]

Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:14 am
All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

"Hmm," He took a moment to think just as their orders were brought to the table, giving kind thanks and a wave of the hand to the employee as he'd go on to answer Hannah, "Well yes i'm aware of the quality, it is good. I've had some while on business over at the Harbor, though unfortunately i'd have to decline. She abhors surprises and is quite picky about her coffee. She's excellently behaved and does well in school, but if something is out of beat with her day she does not take it kindly..."

A tone of increasingly awkward nervousness could be marked in the man's voice, an appropriate escalation of tone for someone experiencing some form of troubling yet minor affair, still smiling fondly with speaking about his child, "I certainly would rather take it safe and order her usual here before we leave, lest I risk another dousing of hot coffee from a frustrated tweenager..."

As if right on cue, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket just as he was picking up his milk tea, seamlessly removing it and looking at the screen, a picture of a dark, massive cat with a face one could call 'unamused', amber eyes staring back at him with the caption of "Moka is not pleased with you." So she was home. A soft chuckle left him as he sent a quick reply and tucked the phone back in,

"So what of you? Do you have anyone to come home to after this?"

The Doctor Is In | END
Mirja Eeola
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All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] Empty Re: All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah]

Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:43 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

"And yet you are making your time of getting back home out of beat with her day, to have a drink with a beautiful woman. So cruel of you, Doctor"

Hannah would give him a warm, playful smile to make sure he knew she was just messing around. Her own Green Tea would arrive, and she would take a gentle sip from it.

"But, no. I have nobody like that. My house is occasionally party to the Glimmer Gang, but I have nobody of my own"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] Empty Re: All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah]

Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:23 pm
All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] KU5cCqX

Emil "Holsen" Grey

A kindly smile was given through Hannah's soft chiding, a soft laugh leaving his pale lips as they parted to speak, "She is rather attached me, but all children should learn that mother or father won't always be within reach. I may have spoiled her a bit much with my presence; she's adopted you see, from a terrible living situation. I have done all I could to give her a comfortable home and plenty of love, though that youthful clinginess hasn't quite worn out yet."

He'd lift his cup of black coffee soon after the tea was finished, taking a sip and savoring the flavors; fruity with a hint of chocolate and spice. Only a madman with poor taste would put anything in coffee of this quality. The entity before him would confirm an assumption or two, unsurprising given what was known of her, though he was curious,

"Pardon me, but what is this 'Glimmer Gang', if you don't mind me asking?"

The Doctor Is In | END
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] Empty Re: All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah]

Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:30 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

All In A Day's Work [Emil/Hannah] 6EdIfMt

"Mmm" Hannah would make just a noise, and nothing else. After all, there was nothing she could say. Her eyes flicked downward, and her whole vibe changed to be a little more morose. She could not give any advise about youthful clinginess, hers was stopped rather forcefully and abruptly.

"Ohh, they, err.." she'd fling a few words out to give her some time, but they were cool words, without much emotion. "A group of children that hang around sometimes. I met them in Vastime. Before the whole, hole, thing"

Clearly not herself at all, given she made no reaction to such an open and obvious pun to be made. Just, holding her cup.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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