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[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty [Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong

Fri May 19, 2023 1:16 pm
[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong 7GsQQlF

Basic Information

○ Name: Helle Armstrong
○ Alias: Director Armstrong
○ Age: Actual 20s, Mentally better than you
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Pureblood Quincy

○ Affiliation: The Vandenreich

○ Alignment: Chaotic Good
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: German
○ Sexual Orientation: Complicated

○ Height: 177.8 cm/5.10 ft.
○ Weight: -
○ Hair Colour: Blonde
○ Eye Colour: Emerald

Psychological Analysis

>A Harsh Compassion: If anything, no one can deny Helle’s passion for the cause she strives for. The way she behemonthly continues forward despite the opposition to complete a goal is truly admirable. Though, it’s not only her goals that moves her. It is also the goals of her brethren. Through her own trials, she has gained an understanding towards others who walk a path just as she does. This does not mean she agrees with every step they take, but she understands how difficult it can be, and she is not one to keep her hand closed to those who outstretched theirs to her. In fact, she shows all respect when respect is due. Even her opponent’s unwavering desire moves her heart despite how she must cut them down. She is a person who is always there when needed, always ready to lend a hand, an ear, or even words of advice to all who request or require it. However, she is not one to hold her tongue in giving advice. She will reprimand out of love, she will scold because she cares, she will punish to teach a lesson. All of it is because she cares for those and wants all to succeed, but succeeding is a long and cruel task that requires lessons of all kinds, good and bad, for she had to learn herself through trial and error. Do not take her demeanor or roughness for cruelty because it is all for the betterment of those around.

>Gracefully Fierce: Probably what makes Helle the beauty and juggernaut of death on the battlefield, her fierce personality leaves a blazing trail behind her. Though, those who try to follow behind her coat tail, see a refined individual who has perfected her craft to the point that every movement she makes has a beauty about it. Helle aims to carry herself in a way that all can look up to. She desires to be more than just strong. She desires to be a star in the sky that shines brighter than any around it, that leads the way for those lost in the darkness. To do so, she must stand with such defined definition that none could ever look at her without remembering her face or her words. She shows little mercy to her foes, for that is what respect is. She holds her tongue back for no one because that is how they shall remember. She stands tall so that all must look up to her in ooh and ah. She is a person who wishes to lead by example.

>Headstrong: One can see that Helle believes in herself and her abilities, but some will learn that she may think herself a bit too highly for her own good. Her thoughts come out with little filter at times even if correct. Sometimes she may speak words that were better kept unspoken. Advice is taken, but her feelings are sure to rear their ugly heads at times when she feels the wrong decision has been made. She is the first to raise her voice. She is the first to enter the battlefield. She is the last to leave. Sometimes she moves disobeying orders believing her thoughts better at the time. Though, despite how unreasonable she can be at times, she does attempt to understand the way others see things and fight against her own stubborn nature, but half the time, she finds herself unable to bend.

>Overworking Guardian: Helle loves her fellow Quincy. That is without a doubt a fact. She loves her brethren so much that she would put her life on the line for them, and it’s not just for her fellow Quincy. Any who Helle comes to appreciate as a friend garther her protection and support. And, still, it does not stop there. People that have no reason for being in the path of danger, those who simply wish to live their life as normal as possible, humans who simply want to survive. Helle will do all she can to protect them all. Some may think her selflessness a weakness, but she finds her ability to move between those who wish to harm and those who need saving her strongest strength. Not all can stand against opposition, and the fact that she can do so with unwavering conviction makes her a truly strong person no matter the opinion.

>Brilliant Prodigy: Helle’s mental ability is surely one of her best qualities. Since she was very young, she had a knack for learning. Whether it be general skills like math, science, or history or Quincy skills, Helle showed a unique gift for understanding and applying her teachings. Even when she worked alone, her ability to teach herself new things and learn anything she desired was evident. With such a fierce drive for improvement, her brain was forced to grow at a rate faster than any child or young adult her age. She wasn’t just a prodigy because everything was naturally easier to her. She was a prodigy because she forced herself to learn, adapt, and grow. She never faltered on her studies even when training till her body broke. That is just the type of person is, and it shows with how she carries herself that she has an intelligence beyond the norm.

>Gentle: Helle, despite how imposing she may seem, is actually a rather gentle woman when the time calls for a caring hand instead of a strong hand. Though, a strong hand can do both at the same time which is what she aims to do. She may be harsh at times, but she also shows a soft side to those who get to know her. It expresses itself strangely though. Her tones come out demanding when she feels something is wrong, for she is already desiring the want to help whoever needs the attention. She will snatch from someone carrying too much if simply to lighten the burden in their arms. She will caress those who require it and smile to those when they need it. She can be just as caring as she is harsh when the time calls for it.


The Vandenreich

A Director of the Vandenreich, Helle's relationship with the City of Light's citizens is one of respect and authority. She has her friends and those she'd rather only know in a work capacity. However, most citizens find her presence comforting. Those she are notably concerned of are as follow: Ninsianna Kishar, Liltotto Lamperd, and Alastair Eisfluch.


First Ten Years of Helle:

Five Years Surviving:

The First Ghost:

Stepping Out And Living High:


The Vandenreich

Being a member of the Vandenreich, Helle is privy to the equipment it gives to its operatives. Since she is a Director, she even has access to information and technology that those underneath her aren't allowed to interact with. However, being as she leads the Sternritter, she is still unaware of many things that pertain to the more sensitive side of the Vandenreich.


Reishi Manipulation

Helle's ability to manipulate Reishi is what differs her from most other Quincy. Trained in ancient forms of meditation and how to connect to the world around her, Helle makes manipulating Reishi seem like child's play. Rough and crude in her application of it, her constructs and actions come off as barbaric and catastrophic by design. However, the very notion that she can mimic God in how she wields Reishi forsakes her terrifying understanding of it. This, though, scales off her Gebet skill.

» Visualization of Power: One has to be able to assess the flow of Reishi before they can meaningfully interact with it, it would be comparable to walking around blindly and expecting to succeed is a fool's errand. Sight is the most important tool for a Quincy and Helle is able to apply her Reishi manipulation for a myriad of sensory related effects which range from being able to analyze the potency, properties, and capabilities of various techniques. All spiritual beings' abilities form from Reishi, their bodies, their spells, and so on. Helle's ability to break down allows her keen eyes to break into the most concealed elements of a person to lay it bare for her to analyze.

» Transference of Power: Once visualized, the second step is to be able to move it. It is possible for Helle to control the movement of Reishi. She can very easily redirect it away from her which makes the act of hitting her extremely difficult as projectiles are forced to curve around her rather than continue their path to hit her. Overall, this deals with pure motion of Reishi without changing it. However, abilities that outmatch her Gebet skill bypass her ability to change their direction.

» Transformation of Power: The power to mold the Reishi. It is an important element in being a Quincy to not just absorb it to fuel their own power but to also then be able to change its shape. A core element in the process of creating a spirit weapon, shape it into spells, whereas one only needs to transfer the Reishi through their circulatory system for the sake of Blut. It is the transformation of Reishi that allows for Helle to impart unique properties onto her Blut though such as granting it unique advantages or characteristics.

Finesse of The Body

There is an impressive level of power that Helle showcases. Even as a living human her body is more tenacious than any other of her peers. For multiple years she was host to an ancient quincy that inhabited her body, reishi has been flowed through her cardiovascular system so much that it has bled into her physical body. Those that punch her can find it like trying to punch through the hardest steels, the amount of distance she can cross is superhuman by seizing a target before they can react, and she can crush them with enough force that they disappear in a red mist in the same action.

» Sword and Spear: What Helle is naturally capable of manipulating without the intrusion of forbidden knowledge, her tactile understanding of sword and spear is top notch. Practitioner of the blade, Helle is able of dueling most normal men with ease and can even perform acts beyond one's comprehension at a whim. Though, with that said, her ability to wield a spear is not to be trifled with. Powerful thrusts prove almost impossible to stop or interact with for the untrained whenever Helle dons such weapon, proving her terrifying without the need of any inward interference.

» Master At The Bow: Helle's proficiency with a Quincy Bow, despite its simplicity, is truly a displace of marksmanship. Since her ability to form a bow, she had trained religiously to perfect the craft and now has the skills of any master Quincy at her disposal. Her aim is always true and her targets are sure to feel her wrath with every shot.

Mindful Soul

Knowledge forever lost and forgotten reclaimed, Helle's mind is the key to unlocking the secrets of Quincy kind. She is a Savant, keeper of all Quincy lore. Soaked in the memories and past of her fallen kin, she has watched and experienced the past become the present. However, this knowledge is kept from her, basically severing the information from her brain by a power spell that transformed it into Reishi that is kept sealed away. She is able to tap into this information by focusing, but it is akin to browsing a library. She must know what she is looking for before being able to pry relevant information about said topic to the forefront of her mind. This requires her to stay in a mediative state, for one mishap can lead to her becoming braindead.

» Keeper of History: Helle at any point in time is able to use her deep connection with Reishi and Quincy history to recall past events or scenarios in a crystal clear manner. This ability is only useable when Helle has a clear understanding of what she wishes to see, for it derives from her self-conscious ability to focus and visualize. This means that she is not a walking library of endless knowledge, but a borrower of information when given enough context.

» Willing: Helle's will is nothing to scoff at. A woman who's been tortured, abused, and exhausted, Helle has shown a resilience that would crush any other spirit or soul with ease. Each time she's fallen, she's gotten back up. Every time death came for her, she defeated it with her own bravado. Ignorant to the end, nothing will stop Helle from achieving anything she desires, and anything that tries hard enough will be dealt with appropriately.



Easily able to switch between both versions of Blut at ease, Helle has no qualms on utilizing the technique at her leisure. Capable of manipulating large amounts of Reishi, Helle's blut is especially damning for those forced to experience it. Simply touching her allows her to extend her influence beyond herself and onto any who dare. This can be used in multiple ways: attacking a person's bloodstream directly, extending her Blut to another Quincy or person to defend them, etc.

» Cripple and Crumple: Extension of the Blut outside of one's body allows for some estrange application of it. By using Blut Arterie and extending it to an object, Helle is able to use the webs of Reishi to force an object to bend to her will, whether that is to force limbs to distort or walls to crumple and blow open.

» Held Fast: Through the usage of Blut Vene, Helle is also capable of forcing an object into a state of stasis. By using the defensive nature of Blut Vene, the stalwart Reishi webs remove the ability for an object or individual to enact any action by using that protective nature as a sort of casing or personal wall.

» Transformation of Power; Cataclysm: A supercharged form of Blut Arterie, this application of Blut uses both functions of it to increase the power of Helle's Blut Arterie for one post. This technique is done by taking the energy her Blut Vene had protected her from, absorbing portions of it as it comes in contact with her person and transforming it as she switches over to Blut Arterie. Through this, she can then send that energy back to her attacker through physical contact. The strength of this ability is dependent on the type of attack she had absorbed, only utilizing half of it.

» Transformation of Power; Pinpoint: An application of Blut to a finer detail. Blut being an ability that normally covers a wide area on a person's body, through the process of decreases its surface area, the amount of Reishi Helle is able to funnel through that spot increases. This creates a layering effect as more and more Reishi is forced into this one spot, doubling the power of Helle's blut in that one specific area. However, this are is as big as the pad of one's forefinger, making it only useable in specific scenarios where one specific area requires especial protection.

On the flip side, she can also fire this concentrated mass of Reishi out from that specific area, making it into a powerful micro laser. This is far deadlier than a normal Blut Arterie attack due to its concentration and reduced area of effect.

» Transformation of Power; Elemental: Spiritual attacks usually have an element assigned to them unless they are built off of raw energy alone. Helle's Blut has the ability to absorb that elemental residue along with the energy of that attack. By doing this, she then enhances her Blut with said element, allowing her to coat her Blut with it and add an extra buffer against that specific element. However, due to the nature of this, she can only utilize one elemental typing at a time and that residue lasts for one post unless she is continuously attacked by said same energy, allowing her to recycle said extra protection. She is unable to utilize Blut Arterie when utilizing an element to buff her Blut due to elemental energy being troublesome to repurpose for an attack.

» Transformation of Power; Cleanse: By using her Blut defensively, Helle can essentially order it to cleanse her system of unwanted toxins, even going as far as to use the Reishi in such a way to try and mitigate mental attacks that try to inflict her.

Around the World

Hirenkyaku is the ability that Quincy's utilize to move quickly. Helle, with a mastery over it, is capable of moving at high speeds by surfing on Reishi. She is advanced enough to leave behind clones of herself and skilled enough to perform actions at blinding speeds.

» God Speed Cast: Helle is capable of a lot, but when one is able to do a lot in quick succession before an opponent can blink is when a lot becomes almost insurmountable. With that said, Helle is able to perform multiple attacks while utilizing her high speed, casting a spell while also distracting one with constant arrow barrages or utilizing her blut and strong control over Reishi simultaneously. This is all due to her ability to move at high speeds without losing track of whatever she is focused on.

» Devoid: Helle has strong Reishi manipulative capabilities. One of them is the ability to basically delete a path behind her. Steigen is the usage of Reishi to enhance one's movements. By absorbing Reishi as she travels, Helle leaves a gap behind her with every movement. She must actively be moving with this ability in mind for it to work, and it does not stop other Quincy from simply pulling in more Reishi outside of the line deleted.

» Devoid; Parting the Sea: An offensive application of her ability to absorb Reishi as she moves, an active spell that utilizes her Gebet, by forcing the Reishi outside of her trail to collide together, Helle transforms her voided trail into a cavern that is filled and forcibly closed around an opponent.


General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Martial Skill: Elite

Quincy Skills
  • Blut (Blood): Elite
  • Gebet (Prayer): Elite
  • Kreuzen (Cross): Grandmaster
  • Steigen (Soar): Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Elite

Last edited by Siegharty on Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:34 pm; edited 9 times in total
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[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong

Sat May 20, 2023 11:07 pm
[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong 98UpHTB

Königreich [German for "Kingdom"]
Spirit Weapon Appearance
Altering the world to fit the perfect world for her brethren and the people of Earth, Helle's weapon had evolved beyond a simple construct of Reishi. A living God, her weapon becomes the one thing she aims to bring to the world: salvation. She brings forth a massive floating fortress, a kingdom crafted to resemble the Garden of Avalon in nature. Created through masterful use of Reishi, this kingdom's walls stand high, protecting everyone within and spelling demise for would be invaders.

» Castle, therefore Kingdom: Through her mastery of reishi it is possible to make use of the particles and her own vast reserves of spiritual power it is possible to generate a colossal-sized spirit weapon which is not simply a single armament but a literal floating fortress. Due to its scale it is rare for the entire spirit weapon to be materialized and to manifest the entire spirit weapon outside of a realm made of reishi would be a monumental undertaking on her part which is why only parts of it are ever expressed at a time. These specific elements of her spiritual weapon require preparation, six posts between each portions creation before the next portion can be materialized.

»» Königreich - Rook's Walls: By manifesting the walls of Königreich she gains a few immediate advantages. It is not only a huge advantage in terms of defensive capabilities but it establishes her domain. Through manifestation of the walls of her spirit weapon it allows for her to exert stronger influence inside of the castle. She can establish the walls up to a perimeter of her spirit class which are able to scale higher than many buildings and be durable enough to handle impressive attacks made against it. Due to establishing her domain it increases her spiritual reserves due to having a stronger dominion over the reishi in the environment.

»» Königreich - Pawn's Armoury: Having understanding of the myriad of tools that have been applied by the Quincy, Helle is able to create tools from the matter around her. Drawing in the environment to synthesise functioning Seele Schneider or any other generic tool which can aid in combat or spellcasting. These do not take up secondary spirit weapon slots and their attributes are fixed to the scope of their original designs. Naturally, these can be distrubuted to the many quincy that operate under her command so find tools at their disposal if she is aware of their needs to materialise them in their possession. They must be within the walls of Königreich to receive these boons though.

»» Königreich - Bishop's Chapel: By establishing the chapel, it greatly increases the application of Gebet spellcraft. Due to its external nature as opposed to the internal nature of the Shinigami's Kido by attuning the environment to suit Helle's needs she is able to increase the potency and reduce the amount of preparation required for Quincy rituals for herself, and those that partake who are under her leadership. In application, Quincy will find their Gebet skill altered to a stronger version of what they are currently capable of. However, they have a max usage of five spells before their Gebet efficiency falls back to normalcy, and they lose Helle's boon for ten posts.

»» Königreich - Knight's Turrets: The true scope of her spirit weapon is not something she needs to make use of very often but its potency is too valuable to be put aside. This is solved through Helle opting to create up to four floating satelittes around her which can be used to block attacks or fire their own with the full output of her primary spirit weapon. With enough set-up she is able to load the castle walls with these turrets but for the sake of being able to apply them practically it is also feasible that Helle manifest four floating turrets which she can operate as her spirit weapon without ever revealing the full scope of Königreich. These turrets usually take the form of large bowguns.

»» Königreich - King's Wisdom Library: Not so useful in combat but essential for the development of her peers. Recorded within her kreuzen is an immense amount of wisdom, lost and ancient, from the golden age of Quincy development. From a myriad of different spheres and tribes, many of their forgotten secrets that she uncovered in her journeys to pursue the secrets of the Quincy can be found in the library of her spirit weapon to be manifested as she needs.

»» Königreich - Kingly Sacrifice - Divine Punishment: The ultimate move of her spirit weapon is the act of turning the entire fortress into a weapon. Once per thread it is possible for her to convert the entirety of the material that makes up her spiritual weapon into one gigantic weapon which can devastate the landscape by turning the entire castle into a falling meteor. This attack has a potency as though she were using Quincy: Letzt Stil due to the sacrificial nature of it.



An evolution of the weapon that was known as Seraphiel. It's name is a reference of the weapon that is acknowledged as piercing the Son of God. Truly soaking Seraphiel with her soul, the weapon had been forever altered, achieving its true form and being renamed to fit its new purpose within Helle's very being. She has now become the spear that brings down divinity and coats itself with such.

»» Endlanze - Heilig Pfiel: Endlanze can be manifested with a simple gesture by Helle. She is not restricted to one either due to her application of Endlanze. While she is fully capable of wielding a spear in combat to overpower her opponents it is far more practical for Helle to generate them to be quite large in size and fire them as if they were missiles at her targets for maximum devastation.

»» Endlanze - Heilig Salve: Once per three posts, Helle is capable of generating ten of her missile-sized spears to launch them as a salvo which increases the potency of the attack by ten if aimed at a single target or allows her to pepper a wider area with destruction.


Armor obtained from the temple and created from the same material as Serathiel, it had also evolved to no longer be a physical object but one with Helle. Its materialization provides no boon to Helle outside of coating her body in powerful steel that protects her from hazardous environments and be enhanced by her Blut.


A cape emerges from Helle's back that begins to flow outwards from her person at startling speeds before forming an exact replica of the Aurora Borealis around her. This visage of the ethereal sky goes for miles, decorating the sky over her Spirit Weapon and making itself known to all. Her eyes take on a vibrant emerald glow as her hair starts floating from the pull of energy erupting from her as a small crown begins to hover above her head.

God's Majesty

»» Of The Round Table: This is Helle's primary ability, and it is the power to utilize Reiryoku and Reishi to create constructs of her actions. Through the act of creating clumps of Reishi around her, she can transform said clumps into extensions of her limbs, recreating a movement, whether this is her stepping which creates a large foot mimicking her or slapping away an opponent. Within her Spirit Weapon's domain, this ability's range is equal to its size. Outside of it, she is only capable of manipulating the space up to half a mile away from her.

»» Pawn's Visage: Life is but the accumulation of particles into a living creature, spiritual or natural. Anything with spiritual energy has a code, that at its core is nothing but modified Reishi. Any Quincy within Helle's Spirit Weapon is invariably a part of it. With that in mind, Helle knows them in their entirety, from their DNA to their fingerprint. This ability allows her to create a perfect copy of that individual out of raw Reishi. However, this Reishi lacks the finer details of that person, lacking any releases, but this is made-up by that copy being able to fight alongside Helle with matching skills to their inspiration. However, these clones cannot have skills above Helle's Gebet level. These clones are extremely fragile though and can only live for three posts and dies instantly to any attack. There can only be four recreation of pc players, uncapped for npcs.

»» Divine Majesty's Voice: With such a large mass of Reishi at her disposal, Helle is capable of using it to her advantage not for herself, but also for her allies. All within her Spiritual Weapon that are considered allies may share of this boon. By disabling any buffs she gain from being in her Vollstandig, Helle shares half of her percentage boost with everyone. However, she is also able to temporarily disable all functions of her Spiritual Weapon to grant individuals the full percentages of her Vollstandig for three posts, requiring her to wait six posts before she is able to reactivate her Spiritual Weapon. This cooldown does not start until after those three posts are over, and this ability can only be used once per thread.

»» Queen to B-Anywhere: Of course, being in her domain allows Helle to move around at supernatural speeds. This is not a technique that is useable in combat, and cannot be utilized if she is preoccupied fighting. However, when free, she is able to be anywhere in her kingdom with just a thought, utilizing her skill in Gebet to move faster than normal.

»» Edelzeit: At any stage she is able to twist the shaft of her lance to alter the form of her spirit weapon. The act of twisting the shaft loosens it and allows for Helle to draw it from the tip of her lance as though it were a sword and sheathe. This whole process is very similar to the removal of a leiden hant which both aesthetically and mechanically. By shedding the tip of her lance it becomes her sword where all the reishi surrounding her is dominated and brought in to allow for Helle to deliver a decisive finishing blow to the opposition.

This will absorb her entire spirit weapon, Königreich, to fuel the attack which does damage equivalent to a Letzt Stil due to the sheer amount of reishi she is able to condense into the single attack. While functionally the same as her Divine Punishment ability, this condenses the entire force of the attack into a single target attack rather than widespread devastation. This move is only available once per combat thread due to its large requirements.

"Turn my body, my soul, and my heart into God's messenger. By my hands lay down holy retribution upon mankind, and by my might pass down your verdict!

[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong W4hieX1
Königin der Lossprechung

» She that steps beyond the Veil: Life, Death, Eternity, and Oblivion: A power that is tapped into by filling her simple body with the multitude of Ghosts that have brought her this far. Her body transforms into something unrecognizable, a vessel capable of containing the vast power of millions. It becomes impossible to distinguish her from spirit of human as her very being becomes one with the world around her. Hair turned into galaxies, skin cloaked in raw power, and eyes that are not her own by everyone's: Helle transforms into the matriarch of Quincy, the cornerstone of creation.

However, in this form, instead of the three posts that all Quincy are given, Helle may take only one action. This one action is strong enough to warp reality at a whim though, leaving Helle incapable of doing anything else for the rest of that thread and makes her incapable of participating in any fight threads until completing ten threads between it and her next fight.

The next regulation to this ability is that Helle must have her Königreich fully materialized and also be in her Vollstandig for a total of three posts.

»» Life: This ability is simple, by concentrating all her power on a single person, Helle is capable of reversing that person's death. Through utilizing her vast reserves of Reishi, she practically rips that person free from the Soul Cycle restoring their entire being. However, that person must have died in that same thread and cannot be restored if a suitable amount of time has already passed.

»» Death: Focusing her entire being on one target, Helle reaches up, pulling a single arrow dipped in the essence of her entirety. By targeting that one single person, Helle releases that arrow, bestowing complete and total destruction on that being. This attack seemingly bypasses all proactive and retroactive actions, unless attempting to attack a target of equal power to Helle, deleting everything between it and its target in one swift action that seems nigh instant.

»» Eternity: A restoration of the environment, by enriching the world with her power, Helle restores all destroyed environments, reconstructing any building, land mass, deleting and toxins or hazardous chemicals. Essentially, she is able to reset any damage on an area as long as she can imagine how it was before it was altered.

»» Oblivion: Creating a dead zone, Helle simply absorbs all Reishi in an area like a blackhole, sucking all attacks, effects, or defenses towards herself, creating a dead zone. For the remainder of that thread, no Reishi exists.

Last edited by Siegharty on Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:25 am; edited 5 times in total
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[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong

Sat May 20, 2023 11:08 pm
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong

Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:23 pm
Reishi Manipulation

What does this scale off of? Pure SC, Gebet?

Transference of Power

How would this be bypassed? I assume it's functionally akin to the hierro mechanically? The transferrence of heat energy seems almost unrelated and I'd say to cut that part.

Mindful Soul

I'd mostly like clarification on this, is it saying Helle's mind is already within this reishi hivemind nexus, or that this would happen if she pushed this too far?

Elden Life Craft

This has a bracketed section to fill in with a link that you never filled in. Regardless, I'm not really sure what this means to convey. If the previous section on Reishi Manipulation is intended to be an extension of her Gebet, I would try and move that here, otherwise this doesn't convey much.

Königreich - Bishop's Chapel

Skill rank increases aren't approvable. Change this to a strength increase to their next five spells, rather than an explicit skill rank improvement.

Pawn's Visage

Upper limit of these clones' skills should be her Gebet skill level, since this is a Vollstandig.[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong

Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:49 pm
Transformation of Power

This ability mentions the capacity to give unique properties and advantages to her Blut, but no examples are given, could you clarify this with one?

Sword and Spear

"Thrusts at the speed of light prove almost impossible to stop or interact with whenever Helle dons such weapon, proving her terrifying without the need of any inward interference."

Is this literally meant to be light speed, or is it just illustrative? The current description is unclear of which.

Pawn's Visage

Add a cap of 4 constructs for player characters, non-players are fine without one.


While I am gathering this is meant to be a single-use attack, the description doesn't explicitly say such, so just add that detail in.


I'm going to just ask you to either add more unique qualities or abilities to her Steigen, or just drop it to Adept. While it does describe basic benchmark elements, that's kind of all there is to it.
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[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong

Sat Nov 18, 2023 7:32 am
[adm]First approval.

Hazard Ranks
Power: S
Influence: B
Resources: B

Comments/Notes: GM Kreuzen is allowed, factoring in the character's prior Master, usage of an OTY, and purpose on site.

Spirit Class: 2
Hazard Rating: A[/adm]
Veteran Member
Joined : 2017-03-31
Posts : 3524
Age : 23
Location : Wandering The Wastes

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong

Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:05 am
[mod]Second Approval, good to go![/mod]
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[Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Helle Armstrong

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