Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Cat
The Cat
Experienced Member
Joined : 2014-06-28
Posts : 570

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9] Aidan  Left_bar_bleue24000/10000[Spirit Class 9] Aidan  Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

[Spirit Class 9] Aidan  Empty [Spirit Class 9] Aidan

Wed May 17, 2023 1:53 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Aidan
» Age: 22
» Gender: Boi

» Association: Jack shit

» Appearance Written: Aidan is a fairly unimpressive boy standing at about 6' flat. His figure is toned at best but not particularly muscular, his skin fair for a white boy, his brunette hair is almost always messy even when he brushes it, and his eyes are a simple hazel.

His most common outfit is a random t-shirt, a white button up overshirt, long pants, and sneakers or sometimes timbs depending on his workload for that day.

» Appearance Image:
[Spirit Class 9] Aidan  6GAVOok

I. Personality

» Personality: Aidan is a kind, sympathetic individual who actually prefers working and helping others. Both of those things make him feel like he has purpose in life. Anything else he does is simply for living, and that doesn't make him feel particularly good or bad. Waking up and going through his daily routine is dull but it gives him purpose. Doing nothing makes him feel worthless, and extended periods of time without doing anything makes him anxious. There is nothing worse than feeling like he's just wasting his life away doing nothing, and he's very self conscious about that given that he could die at any given second. The anxiety he feels from lazing around and doing nothing makes him even more self-conscious of that fact.

He likes animals, mostly dogs, and he enjoys beef based foods the most. As a red blooded american, hamburgers are his favorite food, though other foods made with other meats do well. Fruits and veggies are fine and he'll add them for flavor or to at least get his daily nutrition since he's at least moderately healthy as a person, but he absolutely cannot stand avocados. Even he doesn't know what it is, but they make him nauseous at least, and want to throw up at best. Even the smell of avocados makes his stomach upset, and he can taste even the slightest hint of avocados in any food he tastes as if it's some kind of superpower. He fucking hates it.

Living alone means he has to cook for himself and at some point in high school he got tired of eating instant ramen and the same cheap bento boxes, so he learned how to cook. And then he took it further, and further, and now he's genuinely able to cook real food from scratch, sometimes without following recipes. While he's no five star chef, he can cook, and even learned how to grill from his father one time while he was kindly visiting home in the middle of his work.

Aidan takes care of his dog and his neighbors and his friends more than anything else. In fact, he takes care of pretty much anything more than he takes care of himself, and he is decently healthy as a person. Doing runs for cardio and at least putting some fruits and veggies in his meals, getting sunlight, and making sure he gets appropriate sleep. Yet still he puts others before himself out of both kindness, and the somewhat selfish feeling of satisfaction he gets from helping others. It is what gives him life the most, even if it's the most unhealthy thing he does despite his other efforts.

» Likes:
  • Beef
  • Relaxing
  • His pet dog
  • Helping others

» Dislikes:
  • Selfish people
  • Bullies
  • Avocados
  • Dishonesty

I. History

» History: Aidan is an american who came to Karakura as an exchange student and ended up with permanent residency once his parents got long term jobs in Japan. He lives by himself, only has to care about himself and his dog, has a part time job at a ramen shop that he helps out with every day except monday, and sometimes helps his elderly neighbors whenever they need something. He really does not do much if anything else. His life growing up has been particularly uninteresting, watching as the world unfolds around him while he simply lives a normal life. He also takes classes part time at a local university but is not enrolled full time due to monetary limitations. Other than that, there are only a few notable events worth mentioning in his life.

His mother and father work a lot but don't tell him much about their work life, and they only seem to come home every month or so for a day or two before going back to wherever they work.

One time when he was young he was hit by a car while trying to save a dog and simply got back up. The dog was saved and Aidan at most had a few bruises and no broken bones. This and the numerous sports injuries he regularly takes, a few tumbles down a few too many stairs, and a few other things that he just brushes off has led his friends to give him the nickname of 'Invincible Idiot'.

He also used to regularly come in fairly high, but not the highest, in his school's kendo tournaments/exhibitions. Swordplay interests him, but kendo specifically does not. It's been a few years since he participated in it but he still remembers some fundamentals fairly well, though he's rusty at best.

Outside of that, there is literally nothing else of note about him.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities: Aidan's durability is above average for a normal human being. Not one who is particularly spiritually gifted or anything like that. Just, above average for a fairly normal guy his age. He used to do kendo after school but has been gradauted for a few years. He only remembers the fundamentals fairly well like he does because he was active in his kendo classes from the earliest point it was available, all the way through graduation.

His stamina is above average because he goes for runs once every other day and is on his feet a lot, but he's still only a normal guy. He's spiritually aware, but has no powers as of right now.

I. High-Spec Powers

» Powers: None at all.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: A wooden training katana that he used for kendo that is sitting in a closet collecting dust. There's nothing else.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: Adept
» Speed: Beginner
» Strength: Beginner
» Martial Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Beginner

Human Skills
» Power Control: Untrained
» Physical Augmentation: Untrained
» Spiritual Adaptation: Untrained
» Mediumship: Untrained

God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7268
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9] Aidan  Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 9] Aidan  Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 9] Aidan  Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Aidan

Fri May 19, 2023 11:01 am
Hazard Ranks
Power: F
Influence: F
Resources: F

Comments/Notes: Another summer is upon us.
Spirit Class: 9
Hazard Rating: F

Application Approved
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